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14586007 No.14586007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has he ever admitted he was dead wrong about Venezuela?

>> No.14586017

He is truly repugnant. Fuck him and his grotesque slavish morality.

>> No.14586023

no, just as he has never admitted being wrong about literally everything he said

>> No.14586027

there is nothing more cringe than anarchism

>> No.14586028

Holy fuck. I had no idea he said this.
How can someone so intelligent keep getting it so wrong?

>> No.14586031

Somehow in our world this tenured professor at MIT that bitches and moans like a bureaucratic Jew that people don't listen to his pathetic morality is considered a rebel. The unabomber was spot on about him and the rest of these retard leftists.

>> No.14586039

You clearly are a statist pig, fuck you. That being said, do not mistake Chomsky's tricks for anarchism. He is one of those who is most complicit in the system in the over bureaucratization of America.

>> No.14586239

I think he let his feelings get in the way of reality.

>> No.14586430

He has never admitted being wrong about anything

>> No.14586473

Because the US siege campaign against Venezuela started in 2014, but the quote is from 2009?

>> No.14586642


>> No.14586936


The only real threat always came from the red scum within (and their accomplices).

>> No.14587034

If Communism is so great then why can't you survive without the assistance of Capitalist countries?

>> No.14587044

He wasn't wrong. Hugo Chávez was based.

>> No.14587045

Chavez was godtier, look at like education/poverty development under his tenure.

>> No.14587064

Chavez was an idiot and his successor is just as incompetent.


>> No.14587069
File: 7 KB, 232x217, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how libertarian/anarchist fags have turned "wanting to have a government" into a pejorative with the word "statist". Thank god you dumbass retards never win any elections.

>> No.14587084

Keep dreaming, capital-cuck.

>> No.14587088

Enjoy your zebra-burger, Nicholas.

>> No.14587089

This guy literally defended the Khmer Rouge. Pol pot would send him to the killing fields in a nanosecond for being an intellectual who wears glasses

>> No.14587109

Nicolás Maduro is a simple kleptocrat, not a leftist in any sense. Chomsky never praised Maduro.

>> No.14587127
File: 36 KB, 307x409, polpot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pol pot was an intellectual who wore glasses, you imperialist fuckstain.

>> No.14587175


Because capitalist countries are constantly attacking you. Orange Man already tried to start a coup in V.

>> No.14587214

>Proposing autarky in 21st century
Brainlet opinion. Besides Venezula is not about even about socialism/capitalism as much as it is about nationalism/imperialism. I mean larping as socialist, while in designated mutt imperial sphere and having the largest oil reserves int he world...it's a miracle they are still standing strong.

>> No.14587261

Venezuela was going well until the good ol' US imposed sanctions on it to sabotage it - the US can never stand to see a socialist society flourishing, because it contradicts their philosophy that bloodthirsty capitalism is the only good system.

>> No.14587269

Do libtards ever get sick of just being wrong about everything for decades on end?

>> No.14587270

Has he ever admitted to being retroactively refuted by Parmenides?

>> No.14587271

because those countries are capitalist
>ML cucks will deny this

>> No.14587298 [DELETED] 

Or perhaps Chaves was a madman for even attempting socialism in Obama's neighborhood? You can't expect US just to stand by while you defy their imperial interests.

>> No.14587308

Or perhaps Chaves was a madman for even attempting socialism in Obama's neighborhood? You can't expect US just to stand by while you defy their imperial interests.

>> No.14587311


>> No.14587344
File: 62 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay /pol/boy

>> No.14587357
File: 559 KB, 1080x1077, ted kaczynski home depot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14587378



>> No.14587402

>links to blatant libshit propaganda

>> No.14587407

The unabomber was a leftist himself.

>> No.14587412

Even the BBC understands that Pol Pot was trash.

>> No.14587422

if he was intelligent, he would keep himself silent.
you just lied, dude

>> No.14587424

Isn't he an anarchist? Why the hell would he like venezuela.

>> No.14587435

does that mean i can be a bus driver turned drug smuggler and pherst worlder pansies will suck my dick

>> No.14587438

he devoted an entire portion of ISAIF to a critical evaluation of leftist psychology

>> No.14587456

Chavez/Maduro were widely loved by the leftist establishment in the US and Europe just 5 or 6 years ago. Amazing how well they've memory-holed it.

>> No.14587464

Which is rather ironic coming from a deranged leftist.

>> No.14587469

He actively denied the Cambodian genocide by the Khmer Rouge when it was going on, don't expect this elder soiboy to ever admit he was wrong. He probably just makes cope excuses like >>14586473

>> No.14587476

Venezuela is an anarchist state now. It's more puzzling that he doesn't praise Somalia kek

>> No.14587478

Of course they publish such lies -- they are a bastion of liberalism.

>> No.14587482
File: 32 KB, 331x499, 27FAC61F-E5B0-43E7-A302-250667ADD1A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will OP admit he was wrong about Venezuela?

>> No.14587494

>elder soiboy
So says a pantywaist who gets squeamish when he hears about the tactics of the Khmer Rouge.

>> No.14587516
File: 89 KB, 700x1058, 3DB35AD6-EE7E-47B2-B3F4-D84C2B240723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s clarified this and we’ve debunked this countless times. Your stupid liberal talking point is dead

>> No.14587522

Real effective tactic, killing off half your country, that. Really helps build the ol' communism when you've murdered all the proletariat and your communist neighbor has to intervene to depose you.

>> No.14587533

Then post said clarification, shitmoth. From the mouth of the armchair revolutionary himself, how did he explain his little snafu away?

>> No.14587551

Dubs confirm Noam "Anar-jism" Chomsky is an addlepated chickenshit.

>> No.14587554

He wasn't dead wrong. Like >>14587045 says, it was a great example of what can happen when a government acts in the interests of the people. But Chavez was not God-tier. He should have diversified the country's economy. Because he didn't, the country could not withstand US bullying, and is now in bad shape.

>> No.14587556

Because the USA forced them to kick out their investors and make terrible economic decisions that any Econ undergrad would tell you is bad

>> No.14587581

Stop swallowing liberal propaganda, toolbox.

>> No.14587587

For SA? God tier,

Morales is like A tier and
Lula is shit tier.

>> No.14587588

Provide a refutation that isn't limp writsted namecalling, mainsteam academic ass mongler.

>> No.14587589

>we’ve debunked this countless times
Seriously. I remember debunking this shit on fucking USENET.

>> No.14587596

Why you bullying Lula? He did great things for the working class.

>> No.14587597

What did the unabomber say?

>> No.14587608

Then post the refutation that everyone seems to know but no one has yet posted, you inbred post-marxist cock merchant.

>> No.14587629

Chomsky was criticizing the media and the US involvement in the region.
The US supported them as allies against the Vietnamese
Kissinger: "You should also tell the Cambodians that we will be friends with them. They are murderous thugs, but we won't let that stand in our way. We are prepared to improve relations with them."

Here looks like there’s an explanation for you
Whenever I see it debunked I see the accuser shrink away. I have to wonder why they never concede the point.