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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 992 KB, 1420x1946, redditmoment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14583180 No.14583180 [Reply] [Original]

What's the case with pop science books and reddit tier works like these?

I admit I've bought some in the past but they've always been disappointing to read. Where are all the good books? I swear any bookstore I go to only has these.

>> No.14583189

Can we please stop calling shit "Midwit"? It reminds me of my childhood bullies and I don't come to 4chan to remember them...

>> No.14583238

they are very old books now but i remember loving anything by stephen jay gould

the library of ice by nancy campbell and underland by robert macfarland are two recent good science books

>> No.14583240

Do you think "faceberg" knows anything about complex mathematics?

>> No.14583257

Quantum mechanics and relativity are fucking complex, but their impact on the way we perceive life and the universe are huge. People generally want to know about that (and other complex phenomenon) without having to understand the math. Just like any other book, some are well written, since are shit

>> No.14583534

>but their impact on the way we perceive life and the universe are huge
This is basically not true unless you're a physicist. Normies don't care and don't want to care

>> No.14583600

4chan(nel) is a hurtbox, not a hugbox. Reddit seems more to your liking.

>> No.14583659



>> No.14583670

>using Twitter
Biggest sign of a midwit. I repent making the midwit meme because it has been appropriated by midwits.

>> No.14583676

I mean, the twitter retard is kinda right and you are kinda right, but at the same time you're missing a big point. Most people are absolutely devoid of intelligence so if a small portion of them gather the brain cells to want to learn more it's good to have low effort material for them to read to try to understand a little. We should be encouraging this shit even if it isn't for us. This is how society gets slightly better.

>> No.14583678

You use twitter you massive faggot

>> No.14583685

I've never used Twitter.

>> No.14583686

People want to know about modern research/advances science. Science has progressed to a point where your average interested person isn’t going to be able consume the complexity of modern research in a single book. These books bring the research down to a popular level of reading. They’re important, they generate public interest which leads to funding. It makes people feel like academia is less of an ivory tower.

>> No.14583693

people want to seem smart, to others or themselves, without actually going out of thrir intellectual comfort zone or tensing their brain. and i tell you, illusions sell the best.

im not much into non-fiction, bit Shallows by Nicolas Carr was great. i was familisr with some of the neurological facts and research mentioned, but the historical accounts were completely new info and it's very well-composed

>> No.14583699

> /threading your own reply
you really need to go back, midwit.

>> No.14583717

It should have been obvious that it would be

>> No.14583725 [DELETED] 

Anyone notice that these frogwitter types (e.g. faceberg, logo daedulus, etc) think of books -- and everything else they consume -- in terms of some ongoing status warfare? They literally wake up, log on, then go to work tweeting like some sort of accountant who does status bookkeeping of what is low status or high status or not. It's an ugly way to live for a group of people who think of themselves as concerned with beauty and style.

>> No.14583786

>Quantum mechanics and relativity are fucking complex

>> No.14583828

the prominence of pop-science books which are literally the topic of this thread disproves you.

>> No.14584013
File: 175 KB, 760x596, malcolm gladwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know this is /lit/ heresy and for good reason but I actually enjoyed stuff like Stephen Jay Gould, Steven Pinker and Carl Sagan. Their enthusiasm was infectious and got me reading other stuff that was a better treatment of the subject, though maybe not as hypey.

>They’re important, they generate public interest which leads to funding. It makes people feel like academia is less of an ivory tower.
These sentences are mutually exclusive. If people felt like academia was less of an ivory tower, they would start doing research themselves without paying scientists for their "expert" insight.

>people want to seem smart, to others or themselves, without actually going out of thrir intellectual comfort zone or tensing their brain. and i tell you, illusions sell the best.
You're referring to pop science, but this actually applies better to the rat's nest of jargon and abstract notation in professional sciencedo you really need to say "neonate" instead of "newborn"? LOL.

>> No.14584813

Mathematically, yes. Conceptually, not really

>> No.14584822

>stephen jay gould
lmao nigger are you a retard?

>> No.14584835


Anyone who posts screenshots of social networks on 4chan is automatically a sage for me.

>> No.14584844

No it doesn’t. There’s nothing to learn from those books, people put them on their coffee tables to seem clever

>> No.14584871

Quit being a jackass. There are people that read this so it can explain in more layman's terms incredibly complex scientific thought. Dont brush the entire consumer base for these books as psueds like you.

>> No.14584885

>there are people that read this so they can pretend to understand ideas without going through the work required to actually understand them
I know; that’s what I said

>> No.14585036

>I need to get a PhD in mathematics or physics before I can have even a shred of general knowledge about current scientific research
I know you said it, that's why you're a retard

>> No.14585047
File: 221 KB, 1524x2339, 7554CF0E-28A6-4F4A-B5EF-068331B0E219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently picked up pic related, did I fall for the midwit meme?

>> No.14585049
File: 243 KB, 680x709, 911D37A8-1F3F-4799-A2A5-37D04335E29E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to study something before I can claim to have knowledge about it

>> No.14585064
File: 27 KB, 316x500, pseud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is how society gets slightly better
Worse. Pop science creates soulless pseuds
pic related

>> No.14586150

See >>14585064

The explosion of "le smart reddit sciencephiles" that I have seen around in the past couple of years is really fucking demoralizing. I am a big believer in the idea that people should have nothing before they have somthing half good. The half good thing makes them believe they are done and they become complacent and rest on their laurels. A basedjak in the wild is dangerous because he believes he knows a lot and yet he knows only a little.

It is always the half educated man that is the most dangerous. Remember, that wise men and shepherds both knelt in Belthehem. - Robert Benson Hughes

>> No.14586171

Why are you faggots so concerned with appearing intelligent. Just. Read. Who cares what morons on the subway think. Pick up a book and turn the pages. Christ.

>> No.14586207
File: 209 KB, 1200x1491, pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a little learning is a dangerous thing

>> No.14586283

There is nothing wrong with people trying to understand the natural sciences without having to study years of technical knowledge. Fuck off. You're just another medicore trying to feel superior to offset your lack of any real accomplishments

>> No.14586296

>It reminds me of my childhood bullies and I don't come to 4chan to remember them...
Thats exactly what I come to 4chan for so you fucking midwit can gtfo

>> No.14586306

Real talk nigga

>> No.14586320

stop being a faggot RIGHT THE FUCK NOW

>> No.14586600

Anybody who uses the term midwit has automatically made a logical fallacy, and the most basic one as well. It's almost always used by people who need to make themselves feel as if they're above somebody else.
Plus, there's nothing inherently wrong about being a midwit other than the stereotype that they are pretentious; this typically isn't true in the real world and if you get an actual career you'll realize it awfully quick.

>> No.14586731

>logical fallacy
>cope & projection
This is either brilliant satire or peak midwittery

>> No.14586805

Projection obviously doesn't mean what you think it does.

>> No.14586840

give it up midwitbro, go back to the other reddit tab

>> No.14586912

So does this mean that every book with a quote or a reference to the New York Times on the cover is automatically shit? Because basically every book in my library has it I don't even buy based on shit like that.

Some examples
>Behave by Robert M. Sapolsky
>How to not be wrong the power of mathematical thinking by Jordan ellenberg
>The Gene by Siddhartha Mukherjee
>Don fucking Quixote

Granted most of these were impulse buys and gifts, it's creepy how many books have that

>> No.14587056


Can we have, then, some solid recommendations in regard to math, physics and neuroscience or science-related material in general? I'm asking due to the lack of suggestions of this topics in the /lit/ wiki.

>> No.14588171


>> No.14588206

For neuroscience I'd recommend 'Principles of Neural Science' by Kandel and his buddies.

>> No.14588239


no idea, but that looks like some business secrets of the pharaohs shit

>> No.14588994

No, you're wrong. It's nigh impossible for someone who is a scholar on a subject to convey concepts to people who are dumb or uneducated without oversimplifying them. Then, you have these dumbed down ideas get published in these pop-x books that are then spread second and third-hand by midwit normies who won't shut up about their latest flavor-of-the-month book you just HAVE to read to the point where our reality are further shaped by incomplete, inaccurate, or outright bullshit information, which is pretty fucking terrifying.

>> No.14589005

>well written QM books with no math


>> No.14589351

How much math would be necessary for a well written QM book? Are the base equations and theoretical ideas enough? Do they need to go into rigorous doctorate level detail?

>> No.14589553

Great take, I'm using that. Not always true though--a lot of boards here are full of cowardly nerds circlejerking each other into safe spaces with reaction image mockery and saying "Is this bait?" to anything they disagree with.

I wish there was a way to filter for people that wanted a critical, independent environment. The 4chan method of scaring off normies with racism and whatnot doesn't work on normies that are also degenerates.

>> No.14589641

Best case this book is a stepping stone that will be forgone from the reader's mind after consuming better sources of information.

Worst case, someone reads this and believes themselves to be an expert in all of history, thus discontinuing their education and living henceforth completely misguided.

In every case, those without humility will always live misguided and wreak havoc on the world no matter what book they happen to pick up. Good education will always come to those who desire a good education (so long as we've got libraries and internet).

If reading promotes more reading, then let people read books.

>> No.14589653


>> No.14589680

>I've never used Twitter.
Bullshit. Everyone has twitter now.