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/lit/ - Literature

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14582995 No.14582995 [Reply] [Original]

What books are considered "onions"?

>> No.14582999

any book by modern atheist material-lets

>> No.14583005

Spell it out. S o y

>> No.14583021

Ready Player One
Hitchhiker's Guide
Terry Pratchet
Kurt Vonnegut
Alain de Botton
John Green
Any John Green YA derivative (there are a million)

>> No.14583029

any fantasy book

>> No.14583047

your favourite books

>> No.14583054
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Pic rel

>> No.14583059

I can never imagine a "s o y" person reading No Longer Human.

>> No.14583060


>> No.14583063

Fuck you I liked The Corrections

>> No.14583064

Trust me, they do.

>> No.14583065
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>> No.14583069

In terms of nonfiction, anything that mentions feminism or postcolonialism.

>> No.14583076

and secular humanism and New Atheism.

>> No.14583081

How is Murakami Soi?

>> No.14583086

Also Alain de Botton or any self help type ""philosopher""

>> No.14583090

He's literally the King of Söy. Peak soÿhood literature.

>> No.14583093

This will piss off a lot of onions boys but it's 100% accurate.

>> No.14583113

What happened to him

>> No.14583118

i tough only the Martian movie was söy, people say the book is quite good and less dull

>> No.14583299

Consider the Lobster
12 Rules for Life

>> No.14583327

None of this qualifies as söy, except perhaps 12 rules.

>> No.14583353

Das Kapital.

>> No.14583358

Where's The Hitchhiker's Guide?

>> No.14583371

12 rules is cornboy, not basedboy

>> No.14583377

Woooooowww so you finna play me like that

>> No.14583400

nobody reads that anymore.

>> No.14583477

The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

>> No.14583552

No. Those are pure, undiluted sõy. 12R excepted.
Absolutely correct.

>> No.14583726

capitalist realism

>> No.14583731

All of them. Only preliterate oral traditions are acceptable.

>> No.14583829
File: 362 KB, 913x1763, 1577061114952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible
Religious books in general

>> No.14583838

How's Dubliners söy? Söyboys don't read shit made before the 90s. Same with movies.

>> No.14583857

Where I'm from it's mostly the women who are actively religious, and the men do believe in God but aren't as active. I think it's the same anywhere.

>> No.14583919

dublin is pretty söy desu
lots of plastic paddy söybois love dublin

>> No.14583961

Onions absolutely read classics. They often discuss "reading The Classics." Honestly, /lit/ is pretty onions on the whole.

>> No.14583963

I love the try guys :')

>> No.14584051

Those cringe self help books with an f bomb in the title.

>> No.14584054

the bible

>> No.14584094

science fiction

>> No.14584112

Periodic reminder that there are seething buttblasted onionsfags from reddit itt trying to undermine the force of the meme e.g. >>14583961 >>14584054 >>14583829

>> No.14584658

it's over anon let it go

>> No.14584669

> trying to undermine the force of the meme
Stirlitz, you failed here.

>> No.14584680

Never read any of these but I'd like to give The Handmaid's Tale a try
it depends on the country you live in I guess. Although I guess Harry Potter is international soï material

>> No.14584683


>> No.14584704

Infinite jest

>> No.14584827

Alan Watts

>> No.14585262

Awful post

>> No.14585278

Something pop-science related. Onions wuvs da science despite never really being all that knowledgeable about the subject in general.

>> No.14585333

Lmaoing irl at this wordfilter.

>> No.14585436

onision three books are a good starting point

>> No.14585512

Vonnegut isn't that bad desu

>> No.14585520

also what is s.o.y about P.G. Wodehouse

>> No.14585523

Anything by Murakami is pure oñions.

>> No.14585530

Tried 19Q4 and gave up. Unsurprisingly it was a mainstream success

>> No.14585538
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Onion boys have never heard of PG

>> No.14585539


>Never let me go

Oh you bet I'm triggered

>> No.14585543

there's another Wodehouse?

>> No.14585553

söyboys love that quirky british «humor»

>> No.14585564

really ?

>> No.14585593
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Which Wodehouse do you speak of?

>> No.14585606

P.G. Wodehouse
You say soiboys have never heard of PG Wodehouse yet it;s on that "soibooks" list and I don;t see what's inherently soi in PG Wodehouse

>> No.14585615

there aren't anything onions related to PG. Whoever made it (like those obsessed with fickle titles such as it is) are directing their own resentment elsewhere

>> No.14585635


>> No.14585641

care to elaborate?

>> No.14585654


>> No.14585671

Everything by Fernando Pessoa, Arthur Schopenhauer and Thomas Pynchon

>> No.14585914

The only way No Longer Human qualifies is if you compare it directly to American Psycho. Not soi

>> No.14585921

All three are great. Söyboys don't have such a good taste.

>> No.14585929

Most of the garbage promoted by critics and academics written by non-whites and non-males

>> No.14585936

See >>14585553

>> No.14585963

This proves Julius Evola right. Christianity is a lunar feminine religion.

>> No.14585989

>Chriatianity is the only religion

>> No.14585995

based post, as evidenced by the s(o)yboys you managed to trigger

>> No.14585998

Anything by Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.14585999

Or Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.14586044

Name me another religion that has original sin and guilt as a core part of their theology.

>> No.14586058

Explain the onions-ness of murakami to me please, /lit/ scholars. I bought his norwegian wood thinking it's good and now I need to decide if I am going to burn it.

>> No.14586072

What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.14586097
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>Fuck you I liked The Corrections
>Woooooowww so you finna play me like that
>Oh you bet I'm triggered

I can taste the søy from here

>> No.14587243
File: 80 KB, 696x464, 2012GreatGatsby02PR240512-1-1-696x464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Gatsby Jewish?

>> No.14587413

I remember loving American Gods when I was 13, why do you think it is onions?

>> No.14587777
File: 106 KB, 800x750, c61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the blurb for House of Leaves:

>Years ago, when House of Leaves was first being passed around, it was nothing more than a badly bundled heap of paper, parts of which would occasionally surface on the Internet. No one could have anticipated the small but devoted following this terrifying story would soon command. Starting with an odd assortment of marginalized youth—musicians, tattoo artists, programmers, strippers, environmentalists, and adrenaline junkies—the book eventually made its way into the hands of older generations, who not only found themselves in those strangely arranged pages but also discovered a way back into the lives of their estranged children.

>> No.14587824

>Soi is filtered on lot
What the fuck is up with the mods on this site? Soi is bad yet retarded words like coomer and incel aren't filtered?

>> No.14587840

I still don't understand why c u m brain got filtered within 24 hours yet coomer has been running rampant for months now

>> No.14587889

what is cumbrain filtered to?

>> No.14587893


>> No.14587981

>Infinite Jest
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Finnegans Wake
>Moby Dick
>Atlas Shrugged
>Les Miserables
Basically any extremely long and/or complex novel that pseuds can force themselves through to pretend like they're smart and understood one of the "pleb filters"

>> No.14587996

Douglas Adams
Neil Gaiman
Any fantasy (that isn’t technically sci fi) written after Tolkien
YA fiction particularly Harry Potter and the hunger games
Cringe, you’re probably just too working class to enjoy it

>> No.14588004

All those books are boring and they're hardly intellectual. I don't think fiction is the place to go if you want to become big brained.

>> No.14588009

>All those books are boring and they're hardly intellectual.
That's the point

>> No.14588039

Les Miserables is anything but onions, it's extremely manly
As far as French classics go Proust is onions as fuck though

Also there is nothing wrong with reading classics

if you want to be "big brained" you might as well stop reading books and go do equations all day like an autist, if you are interested in being well read then literature is essential
even if you have no soul and you are 100% utilitarian, classics of fiction still give you 1) historical and cultural understanding and 2) something to talk about when you are with rich people

>> No.14588137

>mfw all the required reading for my English class are there

>> No.14588775
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>> No.14589141

None of those is söy.

>> No.14589196

Is this bait?

>> No.14589622

holy shit, thats the dopest frog i've ever seen!

>> No.14589675

Relying on a mongolian imageboard to tell you what to think about a book, in addition to having such an abject aversion to anything labeled s o y is entirely and irrefutably s o y behavior

>> No.14589725

pick one

>> No.14589741

fucking BASED

>> No.14590007

Zadie Smith is queen of s o y

>> No.14591019

I just finished Norwegian Wood. It just seems like a Hesse novel but the writing is more repetitive and lower quality (maybe due to the translator) and without the spirituality.

>> No.14591030

Why are you complaining when it makes no difference? You're just going to replace one letter and nothing will change.

>> No.14591093

giga onions, just as Freedom.

>> No.14591148


>> No.14591156

I was wondering that myself, and >>14583090
doesn't explain shit.

>> No.14591164
File: 34 KB, 400x300, Keep_Typing_Desu_Japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a fag, and your shit's all retarded. I kind of liked the book, but never really thought about it after I put it away. I don't see what it has to do with growing a scraggly beard, putting on horn rimmed glasses and taking selfies with mouth agape.

>> No.14591170

Then they don't know that "reading classics" means studying Greek and Latin.

>> No.14591172

>this thread is still up

>> No.14591173

Don't bother with Handmaid's Tale. It's laughably implausible. I detest fundamentalist Christianity, but the scenario Atwood describes just isn't possible.

>> No.14591175

What the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.14591262

His book about architecture is actually pretty interesting though

>> No.14591305

yes he is

>> No.14591322

I'd add Topeka School too.