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14582492 No.14582492 [Reply] [Original]

>"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven."

When did you realize that Lucifer was unironically correct when he said this?

>> No.14582495

Lucifer never said this.

>> No.14582507

When I was reading the deviantart page desu.

>> No.14582521

“No winning words about death to me, shining Odysseus!
By god, I’d rather slave on earth for another man—
some dirt-poor tenant farmer who scrapes to keep alive—
than rule down here over all the breathless dead.”

>> No.14582561

Obviously if you have the choice of living on earth, neither a servant or ruler, then that is the best option by far.
But servitude is its own hell. So if you have a choice between being in hell, but being a servant, or being in hell but being a ruler, it's obvious what the correct choice is.

>> No.14582609


This is why you’re going to hell anon

>> No.14582639

imagine unironically liking that gay fag lmao

>> No.14582660

If going to heaven means I have to praise and serve god for all eternity, then i'm glad i'm going to hell.
Imagine unironically thinking that giving up your free-will and right to be in charge of your own self just so you can get a pat on the head by some deity is the right move.

>> No.14582663

Absolutely based.

>> No.14582667

Goes to show he doesn't fucking understand shit about the kingdom. "So the last shall be first, and the first last" doesn't mean the hierarchy gets inverted. It means there is no fucking hierarchy.

>> No.14582715

it's Satan's way of coping. He has lost immortal happiness that is only found in Heaven. Now, he is forever in the dark, forever without joy and glory.

>> No.14582736
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“Thus, a good man, though a slave, is free; but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave. For he serves, not one man alone, but what is worse, as many masters as he has vices.”

>> No.14582744


>Being this self-absorbed

If the ultimate good revealed itself to you, you would not worship it merely out of stubbornness? How childish is that?

t. Atheist by the way

>> No.14582754

>right to be in charge of your own self
All rights are created by your creator, God. It's foolish to say an absolute good can stand in contrast to your rights.

>> No.14582756
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>> No.14582770

I don't worship those in the world who are better people than me, why would I worship something that is infinitely better than me?
Would an ultimate good require or expect worship? I feel like that would be counter-intuitive.

>> No.14582782


>I don't worship those in the world who are better people than me

Really? You've never met anyone you admire so much that you would follow them? If true I feel even more sorry for you than I already did.

>> No.14582790

>Would an ultimate good require or expect worship?
because an ultimate good would want whats best for you and that would mean worshiping the ultimate good lest you fail to do so and not become perfectly good yourself.

>> No.14582792

"We are punished by our sins, not for them." - Elbert Hubbard
Depends if you're a hedonist or not I suppose. For some, vices are the only thing worth anything in the world. For them, time wasted having fun, or doing things for yourself over others isn't time wasted at all.

>> No.14582808

>"We are punished by our sins, not for them."
hmmm, so all those plagues in the OT were somehow a direct material result of people cooming in the wrong woman? sounds like heresy to me.

>> No.14582817

Following someone and worshipping (or even serving) them are two different concepts. I would follow and believe in someone who seemed to be doing the best for others, and if they required help I would attempt to help them in turn. But worshipping is a step too far, and the idea that if I don't serve at their beck and call for fear of being shunned and cast out of their entourage is something i would be wary of.
How does worship create goodness in oneself? Emulation, not worship, would be the key.

>> No.14582824

>Emulation, not worship, would be the key.
God is the perfect complete good, so we have to follow every single perfect command and emulate Him in every conceivable way, unless its a role that belongs only to Him, like judgement or vengeance. what is that but worship?

>> No.14582853

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”

To Lucifer hell is heaven and heaven is hell. The stifling, arrogant , unjustified dictatorship of God can only be countered by a revolutionary and itself godlike act of rebellion, which Lucifer, in his meteoric and accursed beauty, asserts with profound strength and courage. God's changeless, suffocating heaven, with its unblinking lights and characterless cleanliness, affronts the creative, prideful, free spirit Lucifer is made to seem enticing and alluring instead of repugnant and vile for good reason. He poses a convincing case.

>> No.14582888

I would classify worship as expressing love, faith and adoration for something or someone, to the extent that one follows them blindly.
Emulation still requires critical thinking about if you truly believe the entity's actions are a true good or not. How would I know if god is a perfect good or not? Why should I trust that he is?
If I am dissatisfied, or Lucifer is dissatisfied with the things that are occurring, or the manner in which they are occurring, upon the instructions and word on such a deity, can it truly be classified as pure good, as it is obviously not perfectly good for us.

>> No.14582897
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>if it snot a guarantee, then why would i bother doing it?

>> No.14582911

How did we go from him to... idk, whatever the fuck happened after

>> No.14582916

Book 1 Satan is based. I feel truly sorry for all the christcucks in this thread who would rather kiss the feet of an unappointed dictator than face the punishment for having an ounce of self-respect.
This better be bait. I refuse to believe that there are people actively posting on this board who haven't read Milton.

>> No.14582927

why would anyone read that heretic's bullshit? fuck protestants and fuck anglos.

>> No.14582941
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In Christian theology, God's rule is just because he is good therefore that makes his sole rule ok. Satan falling from grace was due to his hubris, believing he could overcome Him. Satan is only attractive to midwits who can't see that the prince of darkness would also have a silver tongue.

>> No.14582955

Jesus in Paradise Regained is way more based.
>Satan: says a bunch of tryhard shit
>Jesus: "No."

>> No.14582961

You do understand that the essential point of Milton's Satan is that he lies to and deludes himself, right?

>> No.14583152

>hmmmm yes you’re pretty good but if you want to be PERFECTLY good you have to suck my dick every now and again. yeah sorry bro that’s the rules, I didn’t invent them (oh wait yah I did lol)

>> No.14583157
File: 56 KB, 300x438, auggyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repent your homosexual desires and return to the one true Lord.

>> No.14583159

paradise regained is unironic trash and you’d have to be a seriously deluded christcuck to enjoy it

>> No.14583170

The last things beyond this life - heaven, hell, judgment, death - are not within the same metaphysical categories that our present existence operates under. Heaven isn't just life on earth, but you get a lot of cool pleasures. Hell isn't just life on earth but you are in some pain. Both states imply a different degree of metaphysical unity with the One that cannot be articulated in positive predicates and thus need religious symbols to explain. If you believe that quote, you don't understand the nature of what heaven or hell even is. Heaven is infinitely better than hell if you believe in Christian soteriology and if you don't believe in it, then I don't know why you are even having this discussion in the first place.

>> No.14583415

All Christian art of worth has been produced by Protestants but please, continue sucking demiurge dick.
Pride is only hated by the weak. One is toothless and impotent so he makes a virtue out of meekness. What's attractive to "midwits" is a theology that appeals to the immense hatred of life felt by slaves.
Interesting. So is anything less than pure joy possible in heaven (and vice versa for hell)?

>> No.14583549

What a completely original take >>14583415
Biggest plen on this board. Congrats

>> No.14583572

>"All Christian art of worth has been produced by Protestants but please, continue sucking demiurge dick."


>> No.14583595

Protestants are literal gnostics now. They do not even hide it.

>> No.14583634

I'm agnostic, I just think that the gnostic interpretation of the Old Testament is cool.

>> No.14583639

>I'm agnostic
So radical protestant then.

>> No.14583887
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>When did you realize that Lucifer was unironically correct when he said this?

You'd get along nicely with those lonely middle-aged women who spend all day running the dusty "boutiques" they bought with their alimony payments.

>> No.14584540

how narcissistic do you have to be to put that on a sign and walk around with it?

>> No.14584557

Dumbest reasoning i have ever seen.

>> No.14584643

does anything annoy you more than when normies say
>if the devil is really evil why does he punish bad epople

>> No.14584853

Slave morality cope

>> No.14584867

yeah it’s original and also true. book is cringe as fuck

>> No.14584971
File: 71 KB, 551x756, Breker - Sadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But servitude is its own hell.
Not necessarily.

Read The Wanderer.

"So I,
often wretched and sorrowful,
bereft of my homeland,
far from noble kinsmen,
have had to bind in fetters
my inmost thoughts,
Since long years ago
I hid my lord
in the darkness of the earth,
and I, wretched, from there
travelled most sorrowfully
over the frozen waves,
sought, sad at the lack of a hall,
a giver of treasure,
where I, far or near,
might find
one in the meadhall who
knew my people,
or wished to console
the friendless one, me,
entertain (me) with delights.
He who has tried it knows
how cruel is
sorrow as a companion
to the one who has few
beloved friends:
the path of exile (wræclast) holds him,
not at all twisted gold,
a frozen spirit,
not the bounty of the earth.
He remembers hall-warriors
and the giving of treasure
How in youth his lord (gold-friend)
accustomed him
to the feasting.
All the joy has died!"


>> No.14585033
File: 96 KB, 581x800, Christ - Rubens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't heard of compassion
Compassion for the meek necessitates the-stronger.

And do you think pride for faggotry is also good? Do you think pride which drives a man to illusion himself as something he is not to also be good? Because it's "pride". Every now and then retarded teenagers with the most simple and weak developments and understanding of ideas appear, like you, and every time they get assblasted. You don't know what life is, you base this stinking pile of "philosophy" of yours on nothing other than your own pubescent egocentric emotions. When you grow up, your understanding and focus will shift further onto the objective in order to create equilibrium between it and you, the subject. A more developed subjectivity.


>> No.14585053

Lucifer doesn’t reign in Hell though. He is enslaved in torment for all eternity. In his hubris, he believed he could rule Heaven, Earth, and Hell, but that honor only belongs to God. Whether you’re reading the Bible, Dante, or other works of Milton, you will find Satan does not reign anywhere but the souls of sinners

>> No.14585171

>Pride is only hated by the weak.

Pride isn't the sin, the word you're looking for is hubris.

>> No.14585189

Unironically, when I was an edgy teen.

>> No.14585192

why would i read angloshit? he stole that line from plutarch's parallel lives anyway

>> No.14586987

Hell is a fiery bottomless pit made to torment the devil and his demons along with anyone not written in the book of life for all eternity in the presence of the Lamb and his angels. Satan was a liar as usual if he ever said that.

>> No.14587021

Too much responsibility, I just want to serve sexy angels and lick their feet.

>> No.14587111

Tell me, what had god actually done wrong to provoke lucy? What was his misstep? Where was this great tyranny he spoke so much of?

>> No.14587131

He ordered him to rebel and Lucy was a good boy and obeyed.

>> No.14587144

It’s the duality of being necessary as part of the temporal realm. Creation is destruction. Love is fury. If someone hits you, you hit them back.

>> No.14587681

Would you rather be top dog in your social circle of losers, or hang out on private yachts and get chicks with millionaires even if you're not the top guy in the group?

>> No.14587694

Sonjaksta Time will kill you someday
Let's talk at the time

>> No.14587720

I like the Islamic version better. It presents a dilemma. Allah orders Iblis not to worship anything but him. Then Allah creates Adam and orders Iblis to worship him. Iblis, thinking that this is a test, refuses and is trust into hell. According to some antinomian and heretical forms of Shiah Islam, Iblis didn’t sin, is actually the most loyal servant of Allah and will be redeemed in the end.

>> No.14587798

Nice happy ending

>> No.14588221
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You boys read this?

>> No.14588339

>better to live in a pit of fire than obey Daddy
Imagine being OP

>> No.14588419

It's really funny seeing you admonish people for having not read Paradise lost despite you clearly missing the point.

>> No.14588502

Gee, where else have I seen authors lift stuff from other sources before? Donkey brained take

>> No.14588509

>Doctorate in gender studies

>> No.14588754

>Just because there is a slight chance something might work out for me, therefore means that the most logical course of action is to do that thing.
Bet you're the type of retard to enter the lottery over and over and think you're going to win someday.

>> No.14588766

Whether Lucifer is correct, or even believes himself what he is saying when he says it or not is besides the point. The sentiment itself still stands as a true statement, even if Lucifer himself doesn't believe it in the end and it never comes to be.

>> No.14588770

>youre a slave
>no youre a slave

>> No.14588772

If I have to lick the feet of the millionaires and be at their beck and call like a puppy dog, doing whatever they say, then obviously i'm going to choose the former. It's called self-respect, and if you don't have it, you obviously need to go kill yourself.

>> No.14588779


>> No.14588877

Reigning in Hell is intentionally rooting for the losing team.

>> No.14588897

It was John Milton.

>> No.14588927

1. Lucifer/Prometheus never said that, rather, Satan was represented as saying that; John Milton conflated Satan with Lucifer/Prometheus, and Ialdabaoth with God.

2. Satan ignores what it means to serve God, because it knows that it does not deserve to reign in Heaven.

>> No.14588951

Free yourself from mankind, and know that the one who controls us all is far beyond the flesh.

>> No.14588960

Only one can rule in hell and it isnt you.