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14580192 No.14580192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any other learned NEETs around here who spend the day mostly reading, listening to classical music, etc.? Not all NEETs are into video games/anime/TV shows, you know.

>> No.14580201

God I wish I was a neet

>> No.14580218

I've been out of the workforce for 6 years, only working 3 months of my life and was fired for being too slow. Now Dad is making me go to his work TOMORROW for some job he (whos like a handyman who can do everything) claims is hard and someone just quit. I'm going to embarrass myself and probably kill myself from the soul crippling depression that comes from losing 10 hours of my day+ to working. I bet i'll even be sore.

>> No.14580234
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Me right now. I literally just ate some tendies/fries for lunch, gonna go read Crime and Punishment after I shit post a bit more. I don't necessarily enjoy being a neet; it just happens to be the situation I find myself in while I'm looking for work. If I found a job I would be happy. I want to work and earn money. That being said, I'm not going to cry over getting to spend my days listening to music, reading hella books, and occasionally watching some kino. I'm reveling in my opportunity to do nothing except that which I desire to do.

>> No.14580240
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What are you waiting for?

>> No.14580241

You'll adjust to his wage slavery and insistence upon "honest work." Daddy teaches son to be a cuck.

>> No.14580251

i'm getting free disability money every month but i'm also dying slowly of heart disease

>> No.14580254

I never do it and just shitpost online, even doing community college i procrastinate the work and just shitpost all day.

>> No.14580260

"Student" here, but honestly feel like a neet. I read, write, and occasionally watch movies.

>> No.14580266

If you're gonna live that lifestyle why not write?

>> No.14580272

Medicaid pays 100% for heart transplants. You can have your doctor get you on a waiting list if he deems it urgent which will be a few years. Once you're the designatory, it's yours, even if you improve and don't need it, so you can just keep it waiting.

>> No.14580276

>i'm basically a NEET even though I'm not getting free money, free health care, and free food stamps
cringe and cope

>> No.14580280

redpill me on tendies. will they ease my depression

>> No.14580283

thanks for the information.

>> No.14580293

How do I get into classical music?

>> No.14580301

you don't, classical music is for pseuds

>> No.14580304

It's the only music that seems fitting for when reading, most others seem too distracting

>> No.14580307

when i was a neet i was too depressed to be able to concentrate

now that i turned my life around, i don't have the time to read

>> No.14580316

I've always found metal to be great for reading.

>> No.14580319
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I listen to industrial and dark ambient when I read. It goes well with it desu

>> No.14580322

I wasn't able to adjust in my first job.I wanted to kill myself and everyone there every day, and they had half day fridays. A friend of mine worked their after and said it was an easy job. I have trouble going on autopilot, i'm fully conscious even when driving, like I can't catche all the information needed to back out of the driveway, everything from putting the seat belt on to the pressure I put on the pedal is a fully conscious action.

>> No.14580323

For me, tendies are the optimal way to enjoy chicken. They are:
>breaded and fried, so they are delicious
>longer and thicker than nuggies, so they can satiate an adult man
>thin enough to dip into sauce
>are usually served with fries and a drink, so you get a well balanced meal
Sitting at my computer chair with some TV queued up and some tendies, sauce, and fries on my table makes me euphoric. I tendies more than cigarettes, more than booze, more than fucking.

>> No.14580328

funny how you mention metal, Bolaño listened to it while writing

>> No.14580331

If work fixes your "depression" it's because you are of the natural slave caste and find having autonomy over your time a crippling responsibility.

>> No.14580338

No I wish I could go back to neetdom though. Get me out of this cagie. Looking to go part time as a compromise.

>> No.14580355

This, working just increased my depression tenfold

>> No.14580363

Anything over 24 hours a week is absolutely inhumane

I wish I lived in some commie block where my basic needs were met,I've heard they didn't actually have to work very much. I lived on 6k for 8 years mainly spending it on restaurants with friends once every 2 months or so and the occasional novelty or repair. (granted I probably got an additional 600$ or so a year in gifts and tax returns)

>> No.14580368

They'll make it worse. Chicken is factory farm meat, and even if it was organic, it is is one of the most inflammatory proteins out there on account that the ratio of long-chain omega-6 (inflammatory) to omega-3 fatty acids (anti-inflammatory) is very high. Unless you're eating offal like liver, there is not a good nutritional reason to eat chicken over beef and pork. The only argument for chicken is it's cheap cost.

In terms of best protein sources:

Fatty fish >>>>> Most offal (independent of species but if ranked presumably would follow the course of all this)>>> Beef > Pork >>>>>>>>>>>>>> chicken and shit-tier non-fatty fish

>> No.14580372

>look at how cultured i am

>> No.14580374

You fucks need to learn a trade or skill and get actual jobs you care about. If your not doing something you don't hate, then yea it's going to suck

>> No.14580392

Classical is the most distracting music. What separates classical from the rest was it was created for the purpose of being performed, it demands attention.

>> No.14580400

I need to learn some personal trade I can do in a few hours to barely make a living. I think I really am suited for living in squalor in some cabin in the woods. I found one guy who is a cement/brick maker or something which seems like a decent idea. Alternatively I think I could probably tolerate working seasonally long hours in something like the fishing industry and then going on unemployment the rest of the year. The only hard part is that is would be hard to find a mate and start a family, but i've pretty much lost hope of that anyway.

>> No.14580417

where did i say that?

work didn't fix my depression, but i have to work to keep a roof over my head and food in my stomach now that i am out of my parent's house

>> No.14580426

>cheap cost
Literally what? More expensive than pork or beef where I live

>> No.14580443

Find low overhead jobs that you can just read while at work, neet is obviously better but low stress jobs are out there if youre not that passionate about working

>> No.14580447

There is no possible job I could care about. I don't like doing stuff I enjoy 40+ hours a week. Let alone working for someone else. A job is just a means to an end, I'm not falling for that 'dream job' shit. Of course this doesn't mean some jobs being more tolerable than others. Selling yourself isn't some kind of dream though

>> No.14580450

I find chicken breasts for 50 cents a pound.

>> No.14580455

The issue with fake jobs with lots of downtime is having to "look busy" is demeaning and stressful, time also passes more slowly. Being forced to spend your time somewhere you don't want to be is one of the most inhumane aspects of work culture. Regardless of what you are doing, you don't want to have to do it there.

>> No.14580467

I really like Mahler and Dvorak but you can always start with the super names like Mozart and Beethoven. If you are using YouTube it is a good way to just go down the rabbit hole of classical through the related videos. Don't listen to that other anon you don't have to be a pseud to enjoy it good luck I hope you find some music you enjoy!

>> No.14580468

You never know what you can like though. Yea I sound like a cliche faggot normie, but when i decided to be done with retail and get a skill I picked CNA since it went with my life experiences and I hated it. However I had never even heard of phlebotomy before and always hates needles. For some reason I decided to take the class and realized not only dis I actually enjoy this, I was surprisingly good at it and it made me feel good about myself. And now I get to hang out in a lab between patients and read anything I want and get paid for it. You would be surprised how many jobs and skills are out there. It's worth looking and asking others. Even looking up trade schools around you

>> No.14580471

Take your meds but unironically.

>> No.14580474

NEET artist here. I spend 5 hours a day drawing while listening to classical music. Another 1-2 hours goes in guitar practice, a couple of hours on reading, and the rest of my time hanging out with friends and family. If you anons are planning on going the productive-NEET route understand that learning self discipline is absolutely vital

>> No.14580494

for sure. I hate also vidya, haven't been playing anything for years. however, I really enjoy reading, listening to classical music or minimal techno, and watching good kinos. been doing that for the past year basically.

can't really complain, I could do this for the rest of my life honestly. too bad my neetbux are ending soon so I'll probably have to start wagecucking again

>> No.14580502
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How have you managed to live as a NEET and still keep a living space, snacks, ect?

>> No.14580518

SSDI + Public Housing + SNAP (in that order).

>> No.14580531

I live in a 3rd world country, so what little 1st world money I get from my family goes a long way. Don’t need to go out shopping (everything gets delivered to the door), and a maid/cook is pretty cheap

>> No.14580535

I quit my job of 8 years in Dec, been neet for a month. It's pretty fucking based but sometimes feel a bit weird / guilty. Guess I've still got my wage slave programming atm.

>> No.14580537


>> No.14580541

Fear of homelessness and starvation aside, why would anyone care about a job?

>> No.14580543

Those are stressful only if you have managers that also take their job that serious, but youre not wrong.

>> No.14580547

i'm a neet (not by choice) and i fucking hate it so much. i have all this time to work on my passions but no motivations. thankfully i'll only be a neet for 2 more years. just have to make sure i don't kill myself till then

>> No.14580561

It's stressful if you are forced to stay put in one place and the downtime makes you more painfully aware of it.

>> No.14580564

>being a parasite off your family instead of society.

>> No.14580570

Elaborate. This makes little sense without more context.

>> No.14580578

Jobs signal social capital. Regardless of if you like it or not it's always be a large part of your identity, (and constantly seeking emancipation from such predetermined identities is what causes libertine trannyism) to the point it was often what became your last name.

>> No.14580593

blow me

>> No.14580595

I’m living with some older relatives - if I weren’t here the cost would be way here

>> No.14580599

It's not this easy though. Claiming/staying on benefits can become a full time job. I guess this is dependent on your country but if they crack down they will do everything they can to get you off benefits.

>> No.14580600

way higher*

>> No.14580605

Identifying with your job doesn't work under capitalism when most people end up doing disparate random jobs they can get and you can be let go with a moments notice.

>> No.14580620

> he knows it's the truth and is just making excuses to not be an adult and just be shut in consumer, who think they will teach themselves stuff but won't do shit

>> No.14580625

liking your job is fucking gay dude

>> No.14580628

yep. this is one of the reasons i went back to work. my country will force you to do some sort of education or training so i thought i might as well do something of my own choosing

>> No.14580630
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wagie cope. sitting inside doing nothing is preferable to wagecuckery. Woah you sit in a different building 8 hours a day and make money for someone else, and then probably go home and consume mindlessly like you're complaining about to cope for the next workday.

>> No.14580636

And what did you do today?

>> No.14580638

>Identifying with your job doesn't work under capitalism

It doesn't matter if you identify with it or not. It's a part of your identity regardless. It's a crucial part of your social capital for how others understand you.

>an be let go with a moments notice.
The company usually isn't what matters so much as your specialization. Being a programmer at apple has prestige in some circles but it's being a programmer that people identify you as. Even "factory worker" is a known identity.

>> No.14580640
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went to work like a dumb wagie, just come back actually, but at least i don't have to lie to myself to make myself feel better

>> No.14580653

Whatever he wanted. The slave caste can't comprehend the existential value having this freedom of time and autonomy has, even if it amounts to being bedridden and browsing the internet most of the time. What you are doing is secondary to be forced to do it, or being forced to be in a particular place.

>> No.14580667

>you're only a real adult if you get in the cagie
you have the same conception of maturity that manchildren and literal children have. you are not mature just because you did something nearly everyone does that is essentially nothing more then going along with what comes at you. not that neetdom is inherently any better, but you're just really retarded.

>> No.14580682

Not in America.

>> No.14580684

Guess I'd rather see libertine trannies instead of sad schmucks who bind their identities to the way they pay the bills.

>> No.14580692

That is to say, it is very easy to collect disability in America.

>> No.14580700

What if my job entails doing stuff most people can't or won't do and it's helping others?

>> No.14580714

None of the things you listed are inherently valuable. What exactly is your point?

>> No.14580730

>people can't or won't do
probably unnecessary then
>helping others
probably a form of "help" detrimental to society as most artificial kindness is

>> No.14580733

More cope. But if you enjoy your job or get value from it, whatever. But why do you people always try and shit on NEETs who simply don't have the same views? It's why it always comes across as cope.

>> No.14580740

Is a NEET more respectable than the doctor who takes care of him, or the people transporting the gasoline to the gas stops so they can fill their car up?
I just work in a morgue and dress the bodies up and clean them but I enjoy my work and the pride of making someone's love one look decent when they were a THOT and died in a brutal accident. Are my ideals the same level as NEETS just because I spend my hours at work all day? Is a NEET a better person for society than me?
That question isn't trying to inflate my ego, I just didn't know how to word it better

>> No.14580741

This is truly the life.
That’s what nobles did.
That’s what I work for (in the hope of one day afford doing it).

>> No.14580751

NEETs and doctors are on the same team. Imagine them shaking hands in the infamous anti-midwit meme.

>> No.14580768

yes, unironically. doctors are almost entirely awful people.

>> No.14580782

If you are leaching off the system, or trading crypto, or even committing outright fraud to support your Neet life, then great- more power to you. But if you shit on people who have to work, then you are a piece of shit and probably just trying to cope with your sorry existence; especially if you are leeching off your family. Neets who shit on "wagies" and waste away their days posting on 4channel, all the while living on their parents'/family's dime are the lowest of the low. Some of us have no choice but to work to support ourselves; do you honestly think we enjoy working 40hrs a week to line anothet man's pockets?

>> No.14580787

Then what should we use instead? Who would you go too if you injure yourself. Genuine question. What would be the substitute

>> No.14580789
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>tfw missed out on crypto

>> No.14580791

You're right. Give this man a round of applause.

>> No.14580797

Depends. Surgeons ect are obviously needed, but most doctors aka GPs provide a service that is literally just google it tier (this is what most of them basically do)

>> No.14580811

I mean 4chan and memes aside this is the reality of modern life. And they know jt. I'm sure it's half shitposting and half actuall NEETS trying to cope. The reality is that they are dengerate leaches. Literally nothing is gained by having them alive. And I'm sure they bitch that they don't get an partners and come up with their " oh you work for a new haha" meme. We all do faggot, you don't think getting your gibs from Jewish overlords is any better. " well I get to sit at home and get their money while you work " and ruin the live of decent other people and any chance of getting a better group of people to resist an actually change something about life.
But I'm sure they will fall back on their nihilism meme exscuse and that nothing they do matters in the grand scheme and that thought will let them sleep at mid morning till 5 pm.

>> No.14580830

I said more power to you. I wish I had bought up link or held some silk-road era bitcoin before they mooned, but I didn't. I have nothing wrong with Neets but if you're a literal man-child who can't function and basically holds his family emotionally hostage, then you are a piece of shit, especially if you shit on people who need to just suck it up and work to get by.

>> No.14580847


>> No.14580849

You say it like all NEETs are NEETs by choice. The amount of unemployed is a purposeful design by the system. Ever heard of the reserve force of labor? You're punching down instead of up. Resentment at the wrong people. It's as childish as the behavior you're claiming is childish.

>> No.14580874

From society's standpoint, of course doctors are more "respectable" than NEETs.

The second case is more nuanced: as production is driven by demand, there's no reason why consumers would be respected less than producers, since consumers are the ones ultimately giving money to said producers. Yet, thanks in part to the protestant meme work ethic, the are. We're seeing this contradiction battle out every day.

The thing is, though: you keep referring to "society" as a moral barometer. I say, as we are all private individuals in pursuit of happiness, that your position is questionable.

Social capital, divorced from the material conditions it may provide, is irrelevant. It doesn't matter what society thinks, as long as you individually are happy.

Likewise, if providing value to society makes you unhappy, and you don't see the compensation worthy enough - why do it? To get a figurative pat on the back from the very people who don't compensate you well enough, just because you've tied your identity to your work? Sounds silly, senpai.

So what's the point of caring about the job, again?

>> No.14580941

>do you honestly think we enjoy working 40hrs a week to line anothet man's pockets?

You probably don't. But what do you choose to do about it? You put on a sorry smile, bow your head, and say "yes, sir, thank you, sir!" to your boss/clients. And then you go on and contribute to the very society that put you there in a first place.

There's nothing to be proud of here, anon.

>> No.14580992

What do you do about it?

>> No.14581015

Become a NEET.

>> No.14581017

Something similar, sadly :(

Only, I don't put on a smile.
And try to bow my head less, often to my detriment.

>> No.14581040
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 7161364812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at a job board right now. Holy fuck how do people not look at this shit and not want to instantly kill themselves. Without connections it seems you're fucked. I bet these bottom of the barrel jobs get hundreds of application too.

>> No.14581043

How does that help?

>> No.14581064

Your contribution to said society ceases, and they instead contribute to you.

>> No.14581095

I quit my job a week ago and I feel like I gained a few IQ points

>> No.14581096

And we should care about social capital because?

>> No.14581107

you don't get a choice in your identity, which is why seeking emancipation from things that are already set in stone (or a spirit of rebellion) is always pathological.

>> No.14581113


Foetus is based neet music

>> No.14581118

Because social capital is an extremely important power dynamic, no one wants to be a disenfranchised pariah, will to power is a thing and people are social no matter how autistic you think you are.

>> No.14581127

9 years of neetdom total. only in the last year have i started doing anything meanwhile like reading. lost count of just how many things i've read total in these past 6 months specifically. if only i remembered that i used to enjoy it when i was younger earlier

>> No.14581128

Neets are modern warlords and welfare is tribute given to these masters in a futile attempt to placate them so they don't shoot up consoomer shopping malls.

>> No.14581155
File: 410 KB, 2518x1064, YOU CANT JUST HAVE CHILDREN WTF HOW DARE YOU HOW FUCKING DARE YOU COST SOCIETY..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional NEETs are too high IQ and have too much impulse control to do that. Their machinations are set on better things like coming up with ways to get more NEETbuxs.

>> No.14581178

can someone post this video again, i cant find it

>> No.14581182

Most neets are lolbertaridans exploiting the system for its own sake but have sincere disdain for the modern world or at least their lot in it. They are all ticking time bombs, even if it takes 40 years.

>> No.14581193

aren't lolbertardians*

>> No.14581204

Loberterians and the "NEETs" you described are the sort of scum that live with their parents and are funded by them, and usually complain about muh gibs. Professional NEETs with disability checks are more akin to monks than the unstable.

>> No.14581243

"Professional NEETs" that focus on ways to get more neetbucks are lolbertardians just exploiting a market. Most neets are ultimately social rejects who logically also reject society. It is natural to be "unstable" in such a situation. NEETs are more than last man who just seek comfort and have no other desires or aspirations. If you are woke enough to have a distaste for work for it's own sake, there is going to be a level of intersectionality where there is plenty of disdain for other structures of globohomo neoliberalism. There is already a level of sociopathic disregard for the wagie or normalfag caste.

>> No.14581498

cope more, wagie

>> No.14581512

because all the onions boys who buy endless capeshit merch and live for the next star wars are totally mature and developed men because they have job, right? lmao, you're trying so lard to cope with living a wagie life you hate its pathetic.

>> No.14581537

I recently graduated from engineering school. Instead of fervently looking for work ive been just applying for 1 or 2 jobs a week, and otherwise just been reading, writing, playing music or going to the gym everyday. I know I shouldn't, I know I should work, to not be a financial burden to my parents who have done so much, I know that having my own home and means of supporting myself would be good for me, and hell, I'm lonely like this. But, I just love my daydreams so much.

>> No.14581542

>Not all NEETs are into video games/anime/TV shows, you know
yes but 99% of them are

>> No.14581562

How do you cope if you have aspergers, dropped out of higher education due to bullying, quit your last job due to ostracization and bullying, have been prescribed SSRIs for depression and anxiety, are neurotic, unassertive, submissive, overemotional, constantly visibly nervous, self absorbed, vain, needy, desperate, maladjusted, whiny, self doubting, lacking any decent personality, completely lacking in any social dominance, uncharismatic, effeminate, harmless, often look like you're about to cry, always avoiding conflict, pretentious, unable to deal with others, weak willed, naive, agreeable, overly self conscious, lacking any real life experience due to your mental illnesses, living with parents. self hating, lacking confidence, overthinking, unable to feel aroused by normal sex, have no friends, unable to take risks or make decisions for yourself?

The few times I've started working at a place someone has always asked me if I was still living with my parents, once the social check is failed later on the inevitable abuse, manipulation etc begins, the physical aspect of the work is usually extremely easy

>> No.14581581

If you digust yourself, try to turn it into pity, and then finally into love.

>> No.14581585

You file for disability and public housing, retard.

>> No.14581591

What’s the point of reading books if you can’t own noobs at video games? We don’t send the special ed kids to med school.

>> No.14581594

or better yet, you become a permanent in-patient of the state psychiatric hospital where you belong

>> No.14581602

>even doing community college i procrastinate the work and just shitpost all day

>> No.14581606


In Belgium the mentally ill are taken care of by loving families

>> No.14581608

This is impossible in the UK unless you're actually mentally challenged (downsyndrome tier) memes aside or (minus the disability) if you're a woman with children

>> No.14581610

Or a third world migrant

>> No.14581625

>Without connections it seems you're fucked


>> No.14581641

Become a priest.

>> No.14581646

>once the social check is failed later on the inevitable abuse, manipulation etc begins, the physical aspect of the work is usually extremely easy

man, this so much. i dont care about cleaning toilets or sweeping streets but people suck your soul fuckin everywhere.

>> No.14581785
File: 139 KB, 1197x665, Get a skill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adhere to the wisdom expressed in these videos

>> No.14581790


I feel like Sam made these videos for himself

>> No.14581816


All the places I've got hired from, are places I've showed up in person. Anyone can get an entry level job, but you need to actually show up irl to stand out. Mcdonalds hired me on the spot, generic grocery market was the same story.

>> No.14581837

Fellas I’m not sure this is true if you don’t eat the breaded tendies a just buy some chicken breasts.

>> No.14581842

Those are not entry level jobs but jobs of last resort.

>> No.14581852

You seem to be where I’m headed in a few years. Any advice on how not to get there if you have some?

>> No.14581860

or SSDI, duh

>> No.14581863

>a well balanced meal

>> No.14581871

i spend two hours getting ready. i then walk into town, sit on a bench, read, and wait for women to approach ME.

>> No.14581877

Where do you live? In Midwest us beef is like $8 a lb and chicken is like $2-3

>> No.14581886

Do you only go to organic grocery stores? Try $5 a pound for beef.

>> No.14581887

Could I move to a third world country and skilled NEET who brushes up on drawing and writing and shit to become an Internet animator or some other commissioned job that could earn first world bucks in the third world could I just use that to get by instead of leeching off of my family?

>> No.14581893

How long are you planning on being/able to be a NEET? Did that job earn you a lot or are your family giving you some cash or are you just riding out your time on unemployment?

>> No.14581895

>Taking life advice from Sam Hyde
You'd have to be a moron. I think he's funny too, when he wants to be, but I would take anything he says with a grain of salt.

>> No.14581905
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28yo neet here. still figuring out to do with life. dropped out twice. lost the greatest love of my life. routine revolves around going to the church and doing /lit/ and catholic stuff. occasionaly i paint but i lack discipline and i'm still too hurt from the breakup

>> No.14581916

Fuck dude it scares me that I’ll end up becoming one of those managers. As of right now I’ve still only jumped between part time work, but now that I’m coming to an end of undergrad I’m going to have to get a real job and its probably going tkm end up being the manager at a dollar store. Then can I be proud of that job? No. Then I would be a soulless corporate shill who is working a teenager’s job in his middle age. Fuck my life can’t even be romanticized into being cool with my imagination. I might as well just end it.

>> No.14581927

Or end up in lower management at some corporate franchise and then become unable to be proud of their job because then they would be corporate shills.

>> No.14581936

The neet lifestyle, properly wielded, is indeed conducive to literature. Paper and pens cost virtually nothing and even first world neets typically have access to a computer to do research or type up finalized drafts. The only danger is the slow brain-rot and the unrelenting shame of being unmanned and useless.

>> No.14581950

If paper costs nothing how come my school couldn’t afford ample paper supplies even though they had money to pay out millions to the teacher who got harassed and the girl who got raped on a field trip? Clearly paper costs millions a sheet.

>> No.14581954

I’m studying to become an archeologist. Am I wasting my time? Even if I make it? I don’t think I am, but do the hardcore NEET?

>> No.14581976
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>tfw laid off last Monday
>one week until welfare benefits start
>one year until they run out
Also yes but I've mostly been listening to Les Rallizes Dénudés bootlegs and Indonesian noise music. Going to get my teeth cleaned and join a climbing gym tomorrow. We /maximum comfy/ boys. Thanks for paying my sabbatical, wagies.

>> No.14582003

>Any advice on how not to get there if you have some?
If my likely lifestyle isn't palatable (living in squalor with some low paying sustinece trade or seasonal work) you need to be a wageslave and live in the city or suburb going 40+ hours a week, win the lottery, follow uncle ruckus disability guide and fake it till you make it/don't care that the woman you are with is some whoremongers discarded concubine who is incapable of loving you.

I was previously neet for most of my life, having been a wageslave, saving the money and then just living with my parents. now i'm back to wageslavery but i can't see it lasting very long. I'm not a very good wageslave, i rarely last more than 3 months-one year because I work too slow and fail to meet their quotas. I just save up the money wageslaving and go on a sabbatical while "looking" for work, but now that my parents are retiring soon I need cheap rent which means few jobs besides some self employment or seasonal work subsistence stuff. I'm very frugal with my money so long as basic needs are met because I sincerely hate fun (I don't buy gadgets, experiences or drugs) and just pirate media.

>> No.14582007

>Am I wasting my time?
Yes unless you have connections.

>> No.14582044


Brain rot will only happen if you only play video games and jack off. Exercise, reading, perusing creative endeavors will keep you sharp minded

>> No.14582048

>proud of their job
You all keep looking at is from the job holders perspective and not the outside perspective. Your identity is primarily contingent on the society around you, regardless of how you feel about it. Your family, birthplace, race, sex, occupation etc are what people use to construct your identity and make social judgements about you. Being a manager/in management is a substantial part of what and who you are to the society around you. You can change what the job is and move up or down the social capital totem pole, but you can never emancipate yourself from the work you do forming a critical part of your identity outside a potential (and usually disingenuous) solipsistic stance. "my job isn't who I am to ME" is of little consequence when it will always be a big part of who you are to the world around you.

>> No.14582057

>Exercise, reading, perusing creative endeavors
non of which any NEET does

>> No.14582069

My man we’re talking about applying to real jobs all over the country that we are specially trained for. For example, I am an accountant with a degree from a college with a name that most people are familiar with. If I ever start working in fast food again, even as a manager I’d kill myself.

>> No.14582076

I envy anyone who can be remotely productive whilst being a NEET. I have a mountain of books I've bought in charity shops/2nd hand books stores over the past couple years that I'll never get to, a few drafts of novels and collections of poetry I started but quickly lost interest in, music projects I'll never complete... I've tried but I just can't bring myself to do anything other than burn through my music backlog and watch random Youtube videos. The only productive thing I've done in my 7-8 years of NEETdom is become fairly proficient at guitar (I can comfortably play a lot of John Fahey tunes and some solo classical pieces) but it's going to waste.

>> No.14582084

>(I can comfortably play a lot of John Fahey tunes and some solo classical pieces)
that's already a waste

>> No.14582090

how old are you neets

>> No.14582092

The only way to keep your mind sharp is to be lost in neurotic fantasy most of the time. Trying to develop a routine (where you live on autopilot or passive consume/perform actions) or falling for the cult of productivity meme is channeling the wagie spirit into the neet lifestyle. Most neets naturally find video games and anime and the like boring after a while. The greatest joy in neetdom is having the time to think, regardless of the merit of your thoughts. You don't spend much time on autopilot "going through the motions"

Don't get me wrong i'm not saying any of those things are bad, but they shouldn't be seen as compulsory. Neets have the freedom and autonomy to live their life as they see fit. Pursue creative endeavors if you actually want to and have the aptitude for it, rather than for it's own sake to ward off "brain rot" or "neet depression" If you go for walks, do it for it's own sake, and not for some dehumanized notion of performing "maintenance" to make sure the living machine doesn't malfunction. I need X amount of time learning to play instrument, X amount of exercise, X amount of reading philosophy as a surrogate activity etc etc in order to keep my hormones balanced and function properly. NEETs are already more alive and alive on different levels than normalfags.

>> No.14582103

I am still near the beginning of my studies. So I still have plenty of time to make those connections. Even just getting to know your professors really well is good for a start right? Maybe joining a club at my college could help, but doesn’t that seem like a waste of time if these other people in the club are all my age or younger.

>> No.14582110

I do them, i'm just not some voracious consumer of them. The entertainment industry is shit and you really can't enjoy consuming passive media all the time. I've literally run out of youtube videos that are at least mildly entertaining and too my taste to watch so I only manage like 30 minutes of it a day. I almost never play video games besides replaying something and don't bother watching anime at all. A lot of time is simply spent daydreaming.

>> No.14582123

>Even just getting to know your professors really well is good for a start right?
Do they actually work in the field? The only connections that matter is someone who can personally get you a job (or invite you to lucrative parties to meet people who can) Reference letters mean fuck all because most of the job market is not open to the public.

Archeology is a hard field to get into. You'd have a harder time actually becoming a psychologist with a psychology degree.

>> No.14582132

i never worked in my life, but i had a very special girlfriend. i'd drop neetdom and become a wageslave to afford having a family and a compatible wife

>> No.14582179

>tfw you suppress your yearning for actual human female companionship with cooming 2-5 times a day and watching your asmrfu
>tfw your mother prematurely ends your relaxing post orgasm brain state for feeding time as your eyelids droop like a heroin addicts and lying in bed you reach peak contentedness again
Any other things I could augment this battle against loneliness with? I was thinking I could pay for the youngest most attractive female therapist near me and pretend to actually want to significantly improve my life
Would seeing her make me feel more or less lonely?

>> No.14582183

You won't have a family as a wageslave. Your children will be raised by the state, as you will have no time for them and will be too exhausted afterwards. your wife's true husband will the state/ social norms whose authority she naturally submits to, who provides for her since the state allows her to provide for herself with womans welfare jobs like HR.

The purpose of work is alienation from the family. Work because your primarily life.

>> No.14582188

go for it. my friend was a geology major and spent all of undergrad digging for fossils in Utah. he made plenty of connections. you gotta actively seek out the fieldwork

>> No.14582199

Adopting a daughterfu doesn't work. I tried this with my cousin but after a few years mom suddenly thought we were too close/it's weird for an adult to interact with a kid and told her to cut contact due to pedo hysteria.

Just get a cat or dog. It's the only thing you are allowed to love. It will never compare to the fulfillment that comes with human affection though.

>> No.14582278

ah yes because we all know NEETS with no jobs that live off of welfare make great families. All those white trash and black families that live off gibs just like NEETS have such great lives

>> No.14582284

>There is already a level of sociopathic disregard for the wagie or normalfag caste.
They're mostly sociopaths themselves and thrive in this environment though

>> No.14582316

These aren't neets, they are drug addicted misfits and criminals. False equivalency. The modern work structure being used to destroy family ties has little to do with rejecting work outright. NEETs don't get a family, they can't support one or attract a mate, but wagies are naive if they think they actually get any of the benefits of family life while being a wage slave. They are closer to roommates than family members.

>> No.14582322

What condition do you have for SSDI?

>> No.14582329

>The only way to keep your mind sharp is to be lost in neurotic fantasy most of the time
Could you elaborate please?

>> No.14582335

never had a job
no high school diploma
no income
no disability
no friends
no drugs
no license
living like this for 9 years with my parents. though i do pretty much run the house with cooking, cleaning, helping with the kids, etc etc. it's the very least i can do

am i not a neet?

>> No.14582341

This. Classical is the most attention demanding music and hence least appropriate for reading.

>> No.14582346

Don't forget to post what happened.

>> No.14582347

Your dad wouldn't have to force you into prolehood if you would just find something you're both good at and care about.

>> No.14582355
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>>are usually served with fries and a drink, so you get a well balanced meal

>> No.14582364

>doctor mutilates my peepee
>that'll be $7000 plus tip
>doctor saves my life
>that'll be $500k plus tip
gee thanks doc...