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14574436 No.14574436 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ follow Michael Millerman? He's a Dugin scholar who stirred up some controversy at his university due to his preferred subject matter of study (led to accusations that he was a fascist). I recently found out about this guy, not sure how, maybe I was doing some googling on Dugin, or maybe someone on here mentioned him, but he seems really cool. I've been watching some of his videos and they're great. I think he is supposed to be publishing a book with Arktos this year. This interview deals with the academic controversy
this is his youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp19_tJlXTN8kXoHJx7mIXQ/videos
>dat Guenon head shape phenotype

I know already people here will accuse me of being Millerman, but I'm not. I always "shill" new thinkers/intellectuals I discover on /lit/ because sharing is caring :^)

>> No.14574627

I do follow him, I was just watching some of his videos on Heidegger earlier. He's pretty good, I'm hoping he translates more Dugin sometime in the future. I'd love an English edition of In Search of the Dark Logos or something more out there--although I don't know if Dugin would authorize it haha

>> No.14574648

He’s good as a straussian

>> No.14574757

I'm not familiar enough with Strauss' ideas to know what this means :(

>> No.14574824

Oh man well he has some good commentary on Strauss, you can look into it yourself, but a very short essay I would recommend (you should read it today, it's great) is the Three Waves of Modernity. I wouldn't say it is an 'introduction' but it is really interesting and left a great taste in my mouth about him. Also someone who is sadly known for being a fascist (which is a mistake) because he believes in reading the political philosophy of the ancients and pre-moderns, such as Plato and Aristotle, on their own terms, and translating them literally rather than with the intention to interpret and liberalize. Strauss' thought basically led the way for a conservative reform to the way academics treat /lit/erature and philosophy in how it's read and how it should be taught. Read Three Waves of Modernity

>> No.14574897

>University of Toronto
What is it with Canadian universities churning out vaguely right wing academics? I swear that every time you hear about some sort of right wing controversy coming out of Anglosphere academia it's connected to UoT or McGill or some other East Coast Canadian university.

>> No.14575033

>although I don't know if Dugin would authorize it haha
You make Dugin sound like the mafia...w-what does he do to people who go against his "authorization"?

>> No.14575083

Haha well I mean it's well known in Russia and among balkanite readers that he tailors the contents of each translation by what country is going to be able to read it, not just the language but also the things he says, and he's known for omitting passages in english releases that he thinks will look bad. So I think we probably wants anything that could be plausibly misconstrued as occult to stay in russian or serbian

>> No.14575090

Manuel Ferrara's nerdy brother.

>> No.14575115

weird post

>> No.14575314

this can't be happening

>> No.14575325

what's going on big guy

>> No.14575337

w8... send original photo if ike

>> No.14575341


>> No.14575414

i've destroyed my life

>> No.14575425

Didn't find any press release, what is the book supposed to be about

>> No.14575432

He mentioned it in his Heidegger video. I think it was based on his thesis, which is examining the different directions of influence that Heidegger has had. I might be misremembering. He mentions the title of the book in the video.

>> No.14575448

I'll watch thanks

>> No.14576468


>> No.14576680

also, found some articles he wrote:

>> No.14576812

because being even vaguely right wing is unacceptable thus controversial in canadian academia desu

>> No.14577242

pretty much the same everywhere in the anglophone world

>> No.14577745

last bump for tonight

>> No.14578606

>he is supposed to be publishing a book with Arktos this year

>> No.14579285

Arktos has some good stuff

>> No.14579297

It's past its prime but I don't see that as anything to hold against any individual authors or volumes that work with them. A platform's a platform

>> No.14579349

Australia might be your exception

>> No.14579360

Is he the reincarnation of that-who-shall-not-be-named?

>> No.14579551

oh he's guenon alright.

>> No.14579573

That would be pretty ironic considering that he-who-must-not-be-named didn’t believe in reincarnation

>> No.14580767


>> No.14580783

>guenon is a duginist in his most recent incarnation
>guenon’s main acolyte today (charles upton) just wrote an anti-dugin book
well, this is awkward

>> No.14580799

Someone needs to let Upton know that Guenon has changed his tune. We Dugnists now

>> No.14582146

bumping again

>> No.14583281

The innefable one escaped reincarnation by proclaiming his oneness with G-d in his final moments. This is an impostor sent by the demiurge.

>> No.14583363

Verily, my brother, he is surely the anti-Guenon that was prophesied, leader of the counter-initiation.

>> No.14583453

ye i know him. so what?
>dugin scholar
big yikes, cringe & sage. imagine being specialist on dugin kek

>> No.14583480

>imagine being specialist on dugin
it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it

>> No.14583616
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Im sorry but i had to do this

>> No.14583915

nightly bump

>> No.14583922

If anything we should be glad publishers like them are around that give non-mainstream / fringe writers a chance to publish. a lot of it will end up being shit or mediocre, but once in a while there will be a gem that would not have been picked up by one of the big publishing houses

>> No.14584485
File: 88 KB, 643x464, straussians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't he a Straussian?

>> No.14584490

he is ethnically russian, russians are genetically right wing

>> No.14584496

didn't Australia have literal Milo-riots? not as bad as Berkeley but still

>> No.14584497

Do you have a pdf copy of this book? I'll translate it for you if so.

>> No.14584499

he is still alive, just kept in some laboratory for chemical readjustment

>> No.14584508

i'll send you the 32 volumes of Noomakhia soon for quick translation

>> No.14584516

I translated his work Foundation of Geopolitics since there wasn't anything available in English and I was curious about the text. Dark Logos seemed like something I'd be interested in when I was looking over his work at the time but I didn't have a copy handy

>> No.14584529

Dark Logos is basically about a Dionysian history of philosophy, so basically following the lead of Nietzsche and Heidegger, on that book while working on the duality Apollo-Dionysus he uncovers a third way of thinking that is beyond those two modes of thought and which then starts the Noomakhia series where he analyzes those 3 modes of thought and the wars between them

there's a youtube series but listening to Dugin talk in english is a drag

>> No.14584563

I found the Russian text of Dark Logos online just now although I have no idea how complete it is. A lot of the text of Foundations of Geopolitics from the print edition is excised from the online texts I've seen floating around, such as Dugin's thoughts on thermonuclear posture.

Perhaps I'll float an English version sometime soon if it proves very interesting.

>> No.14584571

Just skimming over, it appears that there are a non-trivial number of diagrams and such that are not faithfully reproduced. Do you happen to know of a PDF?

>> No.14584579

Never mind. I found it. There is a heck of a lot more Dugin material online than the last time I checked him out. Nice.

>> No.14584592

don't know much about russian internet sorry, russian libgen is usually pretty good but can't seem to find much in actual russian language for some reason

you could try to contact geopolitica.ru or dugin himself using an anon e-mail, he seems pretty interested in extending his ideas and doing online propaganda rather than just shilling for cash, so they may be interested in sending you a copy if you will help propagate his work, maybe even publish you as an article on their website

>> No.14585683

he’s a moldovan jew

>> No.14585873

Millerman has lectures doing an overview of Noomakhia for those interested. I think you have to pay for the full lectures or something though, but you can still get segments for free.

>> No.14585884

What exactly do Straussians believe, anyway?

>> No.14585891

they were paid before, but now are free on his youtube

>> No.14585935

The first lecture in the series seems to suggest otherwise

>> No.14585973

seems like sessions 2, 3 and 4 are complete but not session 1, maybe he hadn't decided yet of publishing openly when he put 1, and then forgot that this one wasn't complete

maybe he will add it when he notices

>> No.14586379
File: 122 KB, 620x452, 1527559438565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>32 volumes of Noomakhia
How do people write this much? Does Dugin actually review and edit his own writing, working it over until he gets a product he is satisfied with, mulling over his own reasoning to make sure there aren't holes, or does he write in a nonstop state of delirium for hours on end and send in whatever he has finished to be published posthaste without bothering to look it over?

>> No.14586532

pls respond. i feel so inadequate. i still haven't put out one book, this guy is churning out tens of volumes

>> No.14586556

>mulling over his own reasoning to make sure there aren't holes, or does he write in a nonstop state of delirium for hours on end
Prolific-fag here, it's the latter but we usually have no holes in our reasoning even when we write in what seems like a non-stop delirious state to others, so there is no need to bother looking it over.

>> No.14586565

How does one enter this trance-like state that is also immune to flaws in reasoning?...asking for a friend

>> No.14586576

Can you share a sample of your writing? Is it philosophical in nature? Cause I'm currently working on some philosophical stuff, so I'd be curious to read material from other anons

>> No.14586888

You need to contemplate a lot and really think about the subject you're going to write beforehand, both at a macro and micro level. And I don't mean the details of wording and such, that comes naturally. That's what I do at least. Also, for me it's much easier to write like that when I fast (and generally do not eat any garbage for a long period of time), sleep very little and drink coffee.
>Can you share a sample of your writing?
It's unironically very similar in style to the long-faced phenotype man, just download any of his works on libgen. So quite structured and not overtly delirious or incoherent in appearance, it might be because of my math background. I write both philosophical and mathematical stuff.

>> No.14586951

And then he was subsequently purged from the university system (read: Chicago) when everyone realized he was a brainlet. Yall nigga cant into post 1960s academic trends in America.

>> No.14586986

the original longface? You mean Guenon? I’ve read most of his books. He’s a good writer though I don’t agree with many of his ideas. Very lucid, though he sometimes gives too many disclaimers and asides (“We cannot possibly go into a digression here blah blah blah”, you know what I’m talking about lol)

>> No.14587244

Having watched a few Millerman videos, I must say, the way this post is written sounds suspiciously like him...hmmmm

>> No.14587286

OP here, seems like you're just picking up similar points of reference, I am a nobody. Although I have a feeling he has posted on here from time to time

>> No.14587729

Lol wut? I’m the OP, not you. You are Millerman, aren’t you? holy kek he posts on /lit/

>> No.14587750
File: 107 KB, 1000x1361, when the gods created earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a pseud and a hylic, Michael. Such a shame, for you could have been one in the line of great longfaced /lit/ thinkers.

>> No.14588413

Don’t worry, anon. We will make him one of us. All in due time.

>> No.14588717
File: 73 KB, 743x550, 1579038683915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we go about doing that?

>> No.14588981

we have to redpill him on Guenonian accelerationism

>> No.14589856


>> No.14590224

I've been watching this guy's videos thanks to this thread. Can someone recommend me some more philosophy channels?

>> No.14590270

There's this channel called New Thinking Allowed that does interviews with mostly cringe new age stuff, but the interviews he did with Jason Reza Jorjani are really great. If you're into Hermeticism, Platonism, Renaissance occultism etc there's this guy called Dan Attrell who did a translation of the Picatrix, and has a youtube channel called "The Modern Hermeticist" with really great lectures of his. If you're actually into the subject I recommend his video on Saturn and Ficino to start. Pierre Grimes has a TON of lectures on multiple youtube channels mostly on Platonism and Neoplatonism if you're into that. They're really top notch. Sorry for the limited recommendations, they mostly reflect my interests

>> No.14590297

Thanks for recs. I don't know much about the stuff you're into but the topics were on my "get to eventually" list. I'll take anything. Left, right, esoteric, etc. As long as anons vouch for it then I will try it.

>> No.14590315

This anon again
Do you have any recommended intro vids to subjects like Hermeticism since I am a noob?

>> No.14590332

Well I definitely vouch for them. And if that kind of stuff is new to you, I recommend starting with Grimes. His lectures are a really great introduction to Platonism, but he has a TON of material, like really crazy amounts of lectures, so I recommend choosing a particular dialogue of Plato's your interested in and seeing which of his lectures discuss it. Attrell who I mentioned is more academic, and if you aren't already very into Hermeticism then it might be a bit much. I recommend anyway checking out his video on Saturn and seeing if it piques your interest. As for Jorjani, his books are quite difficult, but his interviews are very accessible and interesting, so you could check those out right away. Just watch whichever one's title seems interesting to you.

>> No.14590340

Philosophize This is kind of cringy but kind of charming, but it's really good to get a first taste of an author before getting into it more seriously

>> No.14590344

>Do you have any recommended intro vids to subjects like Hermeticism since I am a noob?
This is a good transition from Platonism to more "Hermetic" subjects:

>> No.14590361

>Do you have any recommended intro vids to subjects like Hermeticism since I am a noob?
Also this is pretty crucial:

>> No.14590370

Thanks everybody. I have a lot to catch up on. Now I must forgo sleep and attempt to form intuition around all of this.

>> No.14590578
File: 17 KB, 468x60, 47ba172facee4ead597f531b5013b3544a21446d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found the few videos of his I watched useful. Certainly better than listening to Dugin in English. I look forward to learning more about his perspectives on Dugin and Heidegger.