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14570095 No.14570095 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is dumb. Reading books with more than 50 pages are dumb. Let's talk about Clifford the Big Red Dog and the underlying themes of it.

>> No.14570109

Does Emily Elizabeth take the knot?

>> No.14570116

No anon, she's a child.

>> No.14570133

Clifford the Big Communist Dog

>> No.14570135

Deepest lore

>> No.14570142

Haven’t read this classic, someone please redpill me

>> No.14570144

What breed is the dog?

>> No.14570147

Emily Elizabeth and the protective male figure

>> No.14570156

He's a Vizsla. Which is pretty cool if you ask me.

>> No.14570182


It's actually about pedophilia, trust me

>> No.14570609

An undying classic desu

The dog is large.
The dog is red.
He is a good boy, except he gets excited sometimes.
We all get excited sometimes, this is okay, but we must take care to remain good boys.

>> No.14570678

Haveye ever steer'd you wrong?

>> No.14570687

I have a vizsla. nigga never leaves me alone, loves physical contact, whines when he isnt spoiled, and is a metrosexual fruity faggot dog. but goddamn i love him so much it hurts

>> No.14570772

My dog's half vizsla, half hound. It wants attention constantly and to play. If its not doing those it either wants let out or its try to get up on the couch to sleep
Love that dog

>> No.14571446

imagine picking up the shits this dog creates and how expensive it is to feed!

>> No.14571506

In a similar vein as Godzilla, the dog fed on Emily Elizabeth's love - growing to such gargantuan proportions that the family needed to move to a country home on an island in order for him to have enough room.

>> No.14571514

The author completely fails to address either of these points.

>> No.14571517

Was he fixed?

>> No.14571525

"Clifford The Big Red Dog" is a romanticization of the exploitation of animals for human pleasure. Clifford is an ideal slave: incapable of understanding his own slavery, oblivious to any alternative, and so there is no fear of Big Red Revolution.
The story is presented entirely through the eyes of the child according to the child's needs: he plays games for her, does tricks for her, sits up and begs for her, is exhibited a dog show for her, and protects for her. Clifford is completely absent from the story, he is merely an extension of the owner's desires and will. Clifford has no needs or desires for himself, if they differ from the owner's desires they are either "bad habits" or problematic (It's not easy to keep Clifford. He eats and drinks a lot. His house was a problem, too.)
This book is just another example of the insidiousness of capitalism, and how it unthinkingly conditions children from a very young age to accept a system of social slavery through "baby steps" such as pet ownership.
The book concludes with the line "I'll keep Clifford... Wouldn't you?" I would not keep Clifford, I would unconditionally liberate him along with all other humans and animals on Earth from the slavery of the capitalist system.

>> No.14571539
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9/10 - it's missing a little something. Everything here is solid, though.

>> No.14571579

So what's the author's excuse concerning the dog's allometric scaling? A dog's proportions at that size would collapse under its own weight, breaking all its bones and suffocating to death, unless the dog is not really flesh and bones but a machine.

>> No.14571612

Also clifford’s Bones wouldn’t be strong enough to hold that weight. There must be some sort of magic involved or all of his legs would immediately break in half

>> No.14571654

>Clifford the Big Red Smear
>a book for genetic manipulators age 2-6

>> No.14571976
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>> No.14572971
File: 27 KB, 230x252, Clifford Crypsis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clifford Celebrates Hanukkah
After all of these years, I just became aware of Clifford's crypsis:

>> No.14572987

Ultra based someone make it

>> No.14572988

>philosophy is dumb
>let's talk about one of the most significant modern philosophical series of all time instead

>> No.14573004


Based but bluepilled

>> No.14573179
File: 53 KB, 480x327, clifford cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am still stuck in the thesis and antithesis of ideology
You played yourself right into Clifford's hands.

>> No.14573216

No guys it's just part of the plan, Clifford has it under control.

>> No.14573492
File: 28 KB, 320x180, Rex Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clifford has it under control
Get Clifford to disavow his mentorship under Rex and we can have an honest conversation about it.
protip: he won't

>> No.14573662
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, Clifford Levi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are allowing a permutation here. Are you venturing into mysticism or are you calling bunk on the entirety of The Clifford Canon as a sham?

>> No.14575099
File: 394 KB, 1694x1122, 1554681845953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clifford is under the control of a commie jew

>> No.14575558

Not enough sniffing and nose-tweaking.

>> No.14575592

It sounds Jewish.

>> No.14575648

Idk if this is true but I heard somewhere that pedophiliacs have used the viszla dog and the pit bull as a symbol... I tried searching but found nothing, anyways it was a respected profesor who talked about it.