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1457092 No.1457092 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/! How is Pandamorphsis going? Is anyone still writing this 'could be' epic tale?

[Spoiler]Inb4 nobody remembers what I'm talking about[/Spoiler]

>> No.1457127

First response and immediately the guy who's idea it was and is in the process of writing it.

ask me anything about it

>> No.1457162

I'm sure everyone on /lit/ would love to read the finished peice, including myself. Did you get past how the Panda was going to view things? Is he talking?

I'm deeply interested in this story for some strange reason...

>> No.1457183

I'm still working on the outlines of the story, I don't like to just jump in and write it as things go, I want a nice outline and want to know what to do exactly in each part before I write it.
Someone suggested I read 2001 a space odyssey, and use the same narration technique Clarke used in the beginning. Haven't read that yet, but when I finish my current read I'll get to it. I'll write it in 2 languages at a time, my native language, dutch, and english. My english is pretty decent but I'll make sure I brush up my grammar beforehand.

Anyway, it shouldn't take too long as I have a lot of spare time atm. I was quite surprised by all the positive reactions, so you can expect me to share it.

>> No.1457199

I haven't read 2001: A Space Odyssey, but I will put it on my list of things to read now.
I agree on the outline.. Espcially on what could be a difficult project, depending on what route you take.

I think the idea is great personally, I mean it wouldn't work with Humans, using an animal as majestic as the Panda is a good idea. And the ending sounds perfect. It's almost like making a dark gloomy children's book.

I must go to bed now, but I look forward to the updates on the story. Good luck to you and your writing :)

>> No.1457235

The idea is worthy of a short story. Perhaps ten pages or so. The metaphor and its delivery would be exhausting after anything twenty pages or more.

Cute idea, though.

I never do this, but it feels appropriate in this case:

Captcha is Japanische Wherso.

>> No.1457257
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I know this isn't 300 page novel material and was going to make it a short story, just for practice. I usually don't finish projects, but because of the good responses I've gotten by all of you I'll make sure I do this time.

Same on the captcha

Verdict: brogate

>> No.1457276

I would love you if you did a Winnie the Pooh ending.

>> No.1457277

I know, you told me already :)

The problem is that I don't really know what you mean, haven't read winnie the pooh... ever :(

>> No.1457287

It'd be like an ending that implies that he kinda lives on in a sense, which then emphasizes more that the Panda is dead. In Winnie the Pooh it ends with Christopher Robin clearly having grown up too much and leaving. However, it leaves it saying that in a sense Christopher Robin never left, and that their adventures continue: "But wherever they go, and whatever happens to them on the way, in that enchanted place on the top of the forest a little boy and his bear will always be playing."

>> No.1457293

I see now, I might incorporate that sentiment in a way. Thanks