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14570726 No.14570726 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this? Is it worth getting into Christian mysticism? Trying to broaden my knowledge of different perspectives on the spiritual realm after going on a Guénon binge

>> No.14570740

Yes. It's a great jumping off point, lots of authors. I got into Weil and Kempis because of it.

>> No.14571580

>Is it worth getting into Christian mysticism?
Absolutely, and I'm not even christian, but christian symbolism and theology makes my dick rock hard

>> No.14572037



>> No.14572044

>Christian mysticism
Good luck being condemned as a """"heretic"""" by most Christians.

>> No.14572144
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It's a very good book. But please read this first:

and take my warning: once you go up that road, it will be LIVING HELL if you deem to stop

learning about mysticism is not something you can do on a Sunday coffee and then move back to something else. the more you expose yourself to 'knowing' the more it will morph your being (or better said: your lack of being); and trying to 'broad your knowledge' will soon reveal itself as either ego-bounds or a thirst for God. if you call is not authentic within yourself, you will suffer.

if you're not sure I would recommend you read a book like Uzdavynis' Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth so you better understand the base domain upon which Christian Mysticism furthers itself upon. Church Fathers have directly evolved Neoplatonism and earlier rites; and if you don't understand the stakes you can easily fall into traps

decide well

>> No.14572194

Are you Catholic ?

>> No.14572201
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>> No.14572591



>> No.14572789

Going too far down that path will inevitably make you realize the truth and convert to Judaism.

>> No.14572815

Can confirm...

>> No.14572820
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>> No.14572859


>> No.14572892

neat thread will monitor

>> No.14573257
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You'd maybe enjoy the spanish mystical poets. Check out san Juan de la Cruz, santa Teresa and fray Luis de León. I'm specially fond of fray Luis and his oda primera but the first 2 probably suit your interests much more.

>> No.14574429
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Interesting looking book, thanks for posting. The only Christian mystic style book I've read is pic related, and it is a masterwork. It was read by John Paul II and several Cardinals.