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File: 615 KB, 381x550, notrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14569793 No.14569793 [Reply] [Original]

>Only allergy medication that works for me gives me brain fog that makes it virtually impossible to write well
>If I don't take the medication my allergies inhibit my respiration so much that it is impossible for me to function outdoors or in many public spaces


>> No.14570009

pic is related dumbass

>> No.14570019
File: 15 KB, 474x338, 1579415351700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she did like every other """lesbian"""" and started fucking some dude

nothing worse than roasties who use lesbianism to fake being less basic than they really are

>> No.14570041

so this is what they mean by 'seeing the beauty of another and being wounded in the heart'

>> No.14570050


>> No.14570055

She's a lesbian?

>> No.14570065

She’s always been bi, but the lesbian community claimed her and then incels latched onto that because the thought of her never being known to a man made her seem more pure and desirable.

>> No.14570108

I also remember being 12 and thinking hair dye and eyeshadow made average chicks awesome

>> No.14570115

Eh, if you creep her enough you’ll find photos with her more natural hair color and no makeup. She still looks good.

>> No.14570254


>> No.14570279

Move, idiot

>> No.14570286
File: 189 KB, 720x871, 1561187341573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has quite a motherly voice and demeanor in her videos. I have a feeling that she would be a great mother and wife...

>> No.14570291

She owes you nothing.
You nearly owe her an apology for this name calling

>> No.14570303

You forgot
>there’s no point to writing when others can’t see me
Just write at home or trial different meds

>> No.14570316

Where’d you find that photo?

>> No.14570318
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 0D2F0935-1837-4BB7-8BCC-85210915A8FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Take my only other picture of her!
*sobs—blows nose*

>> No.14570324

Go to a functional medicine doctor. They will rework your diet and chemical exposure profile and can reduce or eliminate allergies without medications. The concept is to address the underlying root cause of the allergy/inflammation via bloodwork and lab analysis instead of simply slapping a drug on the problem like most doctors. It’s done wonders for my health and I highly recommend you look into it:


>> No.14570616

What's your allergy, faggot

>> No.14570623

Change your diet.

>> No.14570674

No one is totally straight or totally gay. All body types are sexual. All genitalia are erotic.

>> No.14570876
File: 34 KB, 316x309, C1586089-9A08-493C-BDCB-CDBD005CDB5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am totally lesbian. And therefore deduce there is such a thing as heterosexuals and homosexuals.
I appreciate my bisexual brothers and sisters and wish them well in their relationships. Shit gets too twisted sometimes.

>> No.14572390

>look this up thinking it’s a neat new technique I was unaware of
>it’s a notorious pseudoscience.

Dammit /lit/

>> No.14572391

t. tranny

>> No.14572495

Stop projecting your bi-curiosity on others, faggot.

>> No.14572532

You can't be a lesbian if you have a dick.

>> No.14572717

How is it pseudoscience?

>> No.14572730

I want to snooze on her titties while she pets my head. I wish I had values to others.

>> No.14572774

Around 50% of l'esbos' today are fake larpers brainwashed by clownworld propaganda

>> No.14573010

medecine that works is just called medecine. trying to work out a plan to avoid the allergen(s) would work, but sometimes you just have to deal with it like with gramineae
Not one second-gen antihistamine worked for you? Damn that sucks.

>> No.14573036

OP, the best thing you can do for your allergies and asthma (assuming) is to work out regularly and vigorously. Exercise is anti-inflammatory and opens the tubes in your body (respiratory and circulatory).
Also educate yourself about medicine (vaccines and prescriptions) and modern diets.
Live in a clean space.

>> No.14573064

Somebody on r/asmr had a group project with her in college. Apparently she is painfully shy, missed a lot of their group meetings, but did a lot of good work.

>> No.14573465
File: 1012 KB, 480x253, 606F4C71-186F-41BD-AD03-7BB608AFD4E9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First year in biology I see

>> No.14573503

I mean in his defense she likes the dick of a heterosexual 33 year old man

>> No.14573539

He was talking to me when I came out to defend 100% hetero and homo sexuality.
Yeah glad she’s happy and all, but that whispering shit is ridiculous

>> No.14573560
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x816, 1542618508828.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.14573778

so she was bullied into becoming a lesbo queer gay

>> No.14573811

Care to explain that leap of logic?

>> No.14574060

Who is she?

>> No.14574068

YouTuber and erstwhile gay icon Goodnight Moon ASMR

>> No.14574074

>brain fog
>30 replies

>> No.14574100

Yes and?

>> No.14574182
File: 95 KB, 550x405, jdar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14574768

Don’t bring the orthodox into this. They’re less gay than you

>> No.14575277

some thot

>> No.14575284

lesbians don't exist.

>> No.14575570

I think you misunderstand the concept. Say I have chronic nasal congestion, and I go to a traditional primary care physician who will simply prescribe me a drug that will reduce my inflammatory response by suppressing my body’s reaction to the irritant. Along with this comes a whole host of symptoms caused by the drug (as OP describes).

Why then if possible, would I simply not just change the conditions of the material flowing into my body via what I’m eating, things which are now specifically designed to reset the inflamed system and nourish it back to health, shutting off the source of he problem? Why would I prefer to layer myself with chemicals instead of killing the issue at its source? That is the principle of functional medicine. My father had a severe immune disorder which was cured this way. Sure he has to stay away from sugars, gluten, and dairy but because he transformed what he ate, he was able to survive.

>> No.14575634

More likely she just fell in love with a girl.

Who I been fuckin’ then?

>> No.14575644


>> No.14575814

მე ვარ ქალი, რომელსაც დიდი მკერდი მოსწონს

>> No.14575850

Completely stop diaries, gluten, and processed food.

>> No.14575876

Some asmr person who made some very comfy medieval fantasy setting asmr videos she clearly put much more work into than most asmr thots. I guess losers with no social lives get emotionally invested in these women they’ve never met.

>> No.14575881

tranny claiming lesbianism might be the ultimate low T move, congrats.

>> No.14575901

>Who I been fuckin’ then?
One would hope no one Butterfly, considering the situation you're in. :3

>> No.14576047

I used to have the same issue until I moved to a town where dandelions don't grow.

>> No.14576274
File: 586 KB, 523x573, gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a girl.
Why be vague. Thanks to social media we know she fell in love with this girl.

>> No.14576293

lesbians aren't real, it's either performative or the woman hates men for whatever reason and is homo out of spite

>> No.14576296 [DELETED] 

People like you deserve to be dragged out into the street and your slit throat. I have endless hatred for abusers like you.

>> No.14576306

People like you deserve to be dragged out into the street and have your throat slit. I have endless hatred for abusers like you.

>> No.14576325

You too deserve to by physically removed from existence. Piece of shit.

>> No.14576326

cry more loser

>> No.14576386

Ვინ არის ეს გოგო

Implying you aren’t sobbing at the idea of girls you can’t have

>> No.14576401

Dilate, tranny

>> No.14576403
File: 910 KB, 288x248, 6930B0DD-D663-4063-B1D0-20081A2B73A0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

მე ვარ ქალი, რომელსაც დიდი მკერდი მოსწონს

>> No.14576410

bro have you seen dykes? no one's crying over that

>> No.14576432
File: 753 KB, 534x545, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ვინ არის ეს გოგო
We don't know exactly, beyond a first name (Isabelle) but Goodnight has taken plenty of photos of her and identified her as her GF.

>> No.14576716
File: 88 KB, 648x603, 2A8899AD-8C1B-4997-82B1-D5D12B87855B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14576747
File: 449 KB, 425x556, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by this? I'm not gay enough to interpret it.

>> No.14576907

why did she 'used' to be a gay icon? what happened?

>> No.14576908

She started dating a man.

>> No.14576925

not defining yourself as such would be beneficial in general

>> No.14576958

Is this actually her and is there more

>> No.14576964

No that’s a screen cap from some sapphic art film butterfly is obsessed with.