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/lit/ - Literature

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1456851 No.1456851 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 10pm last night
>sleeping pattern is fucked
>stay awake all night
>7.30am finish downloading my entire new music library
>synch iphone
>fuck yeah new bitchin tunes
>have a shower
>get dressed for work
>going to read The Trial on the bus there, hopefully on my breaks, and the bus home too

what have you done today /lit/?
also how do you feel about reading and listening to music at the same time?

pic unrelated as always

>> No.1456852

>have a shower
>get dressed for work
>going to read The Trial on the bus there, hopefully on my breaks, and the bus home too
You haven't done those yet.

And it depends on my mood. Most of the time music+reading = win

>> No.1456854
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ah yeah i meant to say 'what have you done today /lit/? and what are you planning to do?'

thanks for the heads up anon

>> No.1456855

>wake up at 9 am
>eat, drink coffee
>turn on laptop and browse lit while having breakfast
>brose 4chan
>12 am now
>have entire day to read books, will do so in about 15 minutes
>go out to bar with a best friend, his gf and her friend (My potential ex, hoping to have a good time with her tonight)

Fuck yeah, saturdays

>> No.1456856

I try music without lyrics drowns out the world and lets me concentrate better.

>> No.1456874

>wake up at 10:00 PM
>had sex, but only she came
>shower and head off to work
>read and dick around on the internet
>make coffee and deliver receipts at 3:00 AM
>read and dick around on the internet
>go home at 7:00 AM

That's actually my night, since I work nights. And it's not over yet, since it's obviously not 7:00 yet.

>> No.1456882

Getting a lift to work anons, precious reading time wasted!

>> No.1456885

Read in the car and don't respond to attempts at conversation.

alpha as fuck

>> No.1456908
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>> No.1456912


I tried doing this. Didn't go too well.

it disgusts me that you don't rename your image macros properly.

Also, just got offered a lift home from my work colleague (total bro) and only have a half hour dinner today!

Reading will have to be done at home it seems.

>> No.1456916

thanks, this website is indeed your livejournal and you are telling us very interesting things. keep it coming!

>> No.1456927

I can listen to music while reading, but not with headphones. It has to be low, preferably with no lyrics.


>reading on a bus

I wish I could read in a moving vehicle. I get nauseous.

>> No.1456948
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I'm glad you're disgusted.

>> No.1457031


I'm afraid you're confusing me with Fakebrax.

Been taking watch links out for some customers. Easy mode day so far guys.

How much reading have you all got done?

>> No.1457192


>> No.1457275

On my break now guys, feeling a little tired and no chance to read because my friend is on it with me! Gonna have to read when I get home, staying in tonight so I should get some done.

>> No.1457283

>wake up at 9 am
>eat, drink coffee
>turn on laptop and browse lit while having breakfast
>brose 4chan
>12 am now

How the fuck did you time travel? That or you browsed 4chan and ate breakfast all day.

> wake up
> drink tea (need to cut down on coffee, fearing ulcer from stomach pains.)
> would read, but someone sleeping on couch.

Going to visit family/friends down south and then back home for a party tonight.

>> No.1457288

Is that a young Joe R. Lansdale?

>> No.1457365

The Flashbulb's album Pale Blue Dot is pretty much perfect for reading. It's very quiet and ambient, but I could never listen to it without being preoccupied in something else.

I think people are lying when they say they can listen to all sorts of music and also truly focus on reading.

>> No.1457376
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- went out drinking last night
- night ended in anger in dissipation
- just woke up, drinking some orange juice, listening to some tunes
- going to go over to a dude's place and watch football
- it all worked out for the best

>> No.1457457
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I pirated a version of Rossetta Stone Mandarin Chinese and started that. Also watched the movie Restrepo.

It was a pretty uneventful Friday, I thought about going to the Pub but it was to damn cold.

>> No.1457485

>wake up
>take a shower
>browse 4chan on my laptop while playing Bob Dylan on my turntable (I was too lazy to get the external HD with all my music I had in another room and I have no CD player)
>read a bit of Crime and Punishment
>girl comes over
>we cuddle for hours and stuff
>she is now my girlfriend
>we made out
>this is in fact the first time I've had a girlfriend or made out
>she just left
>now listening to some obscure jazz with post-rock influences while browsing /lit/
>feels pretty damn sweet
today was a good day

>> No.1457500

>sleep from like 8pm till 10am
>sorta wake up, boyfriend takes shower
>eat some toast
>stare at bookshelf and grab two at random
>sit on couch and read
>over half of the first book is the introduction, wtf
>eat some spicy pork chops and pierogies
>mouth is on fire from spicy

And now I'm on /lit/.

>> No.1457504

at work from midnight to six.cycled home. slept. woke up 45 minutes ago and ate some bacon and scrambled eggs.

>> No.1457524

>Tumble out of bed
>stumble to kitchen
>pour myself a cup of ambition
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everyone walk the dinosaur

>> No.1457548

>woke up at 5:30
>drove 35 minutes to take Praxis II exam (part of licensing process for education majors)
>made that Praxis my bitch
>Praxis loves being made a bitch of
>fuck yea

>> No.1457553

>woke up at 5
>went to work at 6
>swept up some popcorn, took a 40 minute tea break because the cinema wasn't too messy
>went home at 9
>took a nap with the dog
>went grocery shopping
>played vidya
>contemplating doing some readan

>> No.1457627
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back from work, didnt get any reading done.

bad day was bad D:
might bust some out before i fall asleep, no work tomorrow so i should finish The Trial by then i hope!

>> No.1457640
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Music w/o lyrics, good. Music w/ lyrics, sometimes okay, sometimes distracting.

>wake up around 10:30
>go out for delicious bagels
>pick up some soap and stuff that I'm running low on
>deposit Christmas money at the bank
>come home
>early dinner
>relax, read more of The Trial
>early bed for traveling tomorrow


>> No.1457643

i didn't sleep last night but i still don't feel tired yet. probably going to crash in a few days

everyone still committed to that 'read my unique book' thing?

>> No.1457649

>Wake up at 10:30
>Roll around in bed for half an hour
>Get up
>Brush teeth
>Get food
>Watch the new Wolverine show
>Browse 4chan
>Get more food
>Browse 4chan
>Browse 4chan some more
>Make some soup
>It's 1:30 now
And to think my new year's resolutions were to get in shape and read more.

>> No.1457684


yeah we're still doing the bookclub

>> No.1457685

>Walk to second hand bookshop.
>get four books for like 8 bucks
>El astillero by Juan Carlos Onetti
>Tordos sobre lilas by Magali Velasco Vargas (my professor)
>The complete work of Juan Vicente Melo
>El espejo enterrado by Carlos Fuentes

>feels good man


>> No.1457757

>woke up at 1pm
>usually up by 9am, but sick and took nyquil
>take a shower and brush my teeth
>read a few chapters of count of monte cristo
>play WoW for 30 minutes
>go to work
>hang out with girlfriend
>things are pretty good

>> No.1457777

>Woke up at 8 AM
>Eat leftover chicken and rice for breakfast
>Read a few pages from The Sorrows of Young Werther
>Watch the Arsenal beat West Ham
>Put some torrents to download
>Read some more Werther

It's 12:07 PM right now. I'm having tea and playing FIFA.