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14568126 No.14568126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking accounting is based

>> No.14568141

>Intellectuals like communism.
>Economists and other sorts of astrologists don’t.
really makes you think

>> No.14568149

Brainwashing majors like socialism, those who learn real shits don't, not surprised.

>> No.14568154

>accountants and other empty suits want to stay the middle man

>> No.14568160

Accounting is real shit bro I too love the sweet smell of banker dong

>> No.14568171

You think the study of how society works interpreted numerically doesn't have a good grasp on what or would not work in society?

>> No.14568172

Asking the mice if they like the cat.

>> No.14568175

Accountants are bugmen so this isn't really a surprise.

>> No.14568193

Said like someone who has never basked in the intoxacating Aroma of Mr. Goldstein’s sweet musk.

I bet you’re Jewish too.

>> No.14568207
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>Fucktards who made stupid decisions which caused them thousands of dollars of debt want the government to take care of them
>Everybody else doesn't


>> No.14568213

Not that anon but they study how our current society works numerically. accounting and economics would work differently under a socialist government. They don't want a shift in the status quo because then they can't hoard their precious wealth.

>> No.14568247

You've got literally zero clue what accounting actually is.

>> No.14568252

Socialism as in American social librulism or Soviet-style planned economy? I find it hard to believe that only 61% of economists have an unfavorable view of socialism.

>> No.14568254

>Literally every third law/criminology NPC has no opinion on politics

>> No.14568257

Accounting students are like robots. They generally have zero intellectual curiosity or capacity for rational inquiry.

>> No.14568259

No shit, they are economic determinists

>> No.14568260

This anon right here.

Accounting is studying what we have and how we use it, obviously providing a bunch of shit for free means shortages are inevitable, especially since there's zero price incentive for producers.

>> No.14568263

you mean bankers? They already got the government to take care of them

>> No.14568268

Philosophy is real shit bro I too love the sweet smell of underclass dong

>> No.14568272

Capitalism = free shit for idle parasitic 'owners' and their heirs
Socialism = workers get what they earn; no more, no less

>> No.14568281

Pure accounting is going to be automated
The rest of those parasites could be done away with by having a non retarded tax system

>> No.14568285

>2nd tier of socialism haters and the fewest fence-sitters
can I get a based

>> No.14568286

Workers get what they earn retard, the wage differential is a result of the cognitive difficulty of the work

>> No.14568288

>bugmen are ideologically castrated
wow really makes you think

>> No.14568298

Are you retarded? Owners don't receive wages. They receive capital income. Being a trustfunded NYC hipster is not "cognitively difficult".

>> No.14568297

>Workers get what they earn retard, the wage differential is a result of the cognitive difficulty of the work
how do owners make profit if everyone earns the value they put into the company? there would literally be no surplus

>> No.14568304

imagine thinking anthropology or philosophy retards aren’t total bugs, lmao

>> No.14568320

Manual labour is not cognitively difficult in any capacity, organizing people by layers of incentives in any setting is
Labour is dead weight absent the organizational capability of capital

>> No.14568335

I have no opinion on anthro but philosophy is one of the least bugman majors

>> No.14568336

Accounting has already been automated for multiple decades now, despite that the field continues to grow.

>> No.14568340

Who said anything about "manual labor"? The people organizing and managing an organization are also collecting wages, hence are workers themselves. All workers are exploited under capitalism by the non-working capital class.

>> No.14568343

Funny that stemlords fall in the middle.

>> No.14568382
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<<< Reminder to benighted proles ITT.

>> No.14568402

If I charge you to use my machine to make your money then I'm earning my money by virtue of owning the machine. The idea of "free stuff" to someone for something they already own is one of the most pants-on-head retarded takes I've ever heard.

>> No.14568413

The concept of "ownership" is itself the greatest instance of "giving out free stuff" that a State can engage in.

>> No.14568425

I was just trying to explain it using the terms of the post i was responding to.
True, under a capitalist framework. the point is socialism disagrees with that framework. you think accountants would be applying their skills in the same way under socialist rule?
Imagine being a wage slave and actively promoting the fuckery of your overlords. Think about megachurches, for example. Do you truly believe that it is more cognitively difficult to preach bullshit twice a week than it is to be a small business owner?

>> No.14568428

No there is still tons of filing and reconciling that could be automated

>> No.14568434

Lawyer by day, musician by night here. Socialism is dope.

>> No.14568447

>you think accountants would be applying their skills in the same way under socialist rule
Yes, as long as the tax code was the same

>> No.14568460
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>jobs with the most money and power are averse to leveling the playing field

color me surprised

>> No.14568467

The point of socialism is incorrect. It draws human beings as outside of the laws of nature and thinks we can live like a hive with no personal benefit.

No one will do that and eventually people will break out of your system.

>> No.14568486

That more describes capitalism than socialism.

>> No.14568495

What planet are you living on, mate? It’s one of the buggiest.

>> No.14568496
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I am a right-wing socialist.

>> No.14568498

>intellectuals are paying 80k for a meme degree to learn what they could learn for a couple hundred dollars at a used book store

>> No.14568500

Didn’t know that there were this many cucked bootlickers on /lit/
>b-but muh a-a-accounting is a real science! LE NUMBERS prove that it’s natural for me and everyone else to be a wage slave! My boss worked real hard for his inheritence!

>> No.14568504

>It draws human beings as outside of the laws of nature and thinks we can live like a hive with no personal benefit.
explain. under capitalism my workplace is a dictatorship and i have no interest whatsoever to work hard or have a passion for my job because i don't have any stake in its ownership

>> No.14568506

>weaklings and losers suffer from ressentiment
Reddit space me surprised.

>> No.14568508

Absolutely nothing to do with what I said, you coping dipshit
Manual labour is not difficult and anyone with limbs and a semi-functional brain can do it. Mental traits including are normally distributed, which is why we see the differential in income we do

>> No.14568515

Can you imagine actually having to pay to go to university? :^)

>> No.14568520

Holy based

>> No.14568521

I sort of agree with you but you’re such a faggot tourist who’s blatantly and obviously from reddit and likely posts on communist tranny discords so please go back.

>> No.14568527

>all workers are exploited
No, their pay reflects the fact that their work isn’t relatively difficult

>> No.14568531

But why should people with better mental capacities get paid more? It’s not like they worked hard to become smart.

>> No.14568535

*including intelligence

>> No.14568540

Pot kettle etc

>> No.14568542

I always hear this but my experience with philosophy classes is the exact opposite. Bugmen drop that shit when you have to debate stuff like the value of human life; my professor told a student who didn't think it has any value to slit her wrists

>> No.14568549
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>Can you imagine actually having to pay to go to university? :^)
not as bad as having to pay to have children

>> No.14568552

“Should” has nothing to do with it, it’s an explanatory factor for why people produce better results for firms, and their higher pay is obviously a function of their ability

>> No.14568551

Because spreading resources amongst the most capable individuals is how you prevent dysgenics

>> No.14568556

>no u

>> No.14568586

What the fuck is a "bugman"? Can we speak English here and not spout ill-defined /b/-tier buzzwords?

>> No.14568614

being unable to intuit what a bugman is, one of the leading symptoms of bugmanism

>> No.14568618

me account, me like number, big number good! small number bad! me make BIG number and take same money! BIG NUMBER ME LIKE

>> No.14568624


>> No.14568630

>Manual labour is not difficult
Who said anything about "manual labour"? If you collect a paycheck, you are a worker. Under capitalism, your income is stolen by the non-working parasites of the capital class.

Meritocracy is obviously deeply incompatible with capitalism.

>their higher pay is obviously a function of their ability
Completely and utterly irrelevant to the topic on hand. It's not about relative wages (labor income). It's about labor-income vs capital-income.

>> No.14568645

>Meritocracy is obviously deeply incompatible with capitalism
I was only answering your question. I am not a capitalist.

>> No.14568648

And there's your problem right there. You are so lacking in intellectual rigor that you don't even realize the futility of arguing over the applicability of vaguely-defined slang neologisms.

>> No.14568656

intuition is the moment of the absolute and the only way to engage with the thing-in-itself, read Bergman, bugman

>> No.14568667
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god imagine working in the bottom four and not wanting to kill yourself and everyone around you. how do they do it? sociopaths?

>> No.14568677

accountant wagecucking on a sunday evening here, ask me anything. but just to get the stupid questions out of the way, yes i do have a soul, yes i read more than you

>> No.14568695

>intuition is the moment of the absolute
No it isn't.

>read Bergman

>> No.14568698


>> No.14568707

Tourists like you will never quite get the hang of the 'reddit spacing' concept, will you?

>> No.14568709

And why are so many American “people” defending this?

>> No.14568718
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>Being a human calculator means being educated

Look everybody, truly individualist and freethinking system

>> No.14568816

Put the word 'American' in front of anything and Americans will die for it.

>> No.14568845

Opinions on the new updates to the tax code? Saw a co-worker throwing out his 2019 books the other day. It was also really funny to have the tax law professor explain justifications for every concept in the class, then only to shrug his shoulders on the new updates.