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14563785 No.14563785 [Reply] [Original]

What would he have said about the Holocaust?

>> No.14563809
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Bait. What holocaust?

>> No.14564312

WTF? This isn't what I meant!

>> No.14564322

The right ideas, but the wrong people trying to realize them.

>> No.14564327

That it didn't happen.

>> No.14564338

"the holocaust was the best thing to ever happen to europe since julius fucking caesar went and brought civilization to those backwoods unwashed savages, i'm up here in heaven and trust me i haven't seen a single god damned kike up here, trust me" - the actual literal words of nietzche (he told me it actually is pronounced "neechee") upon my last communance with his spirit via seance

>> No.14564354

You don't understand Nietzsche. He criticizes Judeo-Christian values. He even criticizes Jews. But he was very very fiercely critical of ant-semitism. Especially in "Beyond Good and Evil" and "On the Genealogy of Morals" he goes out of his way to express his admiration for Jews and distaste for Germans (mainly to piss of Anti Semites in his audience)
Also, there's this (Straight from wikipedia, I don't care): "In the following few days, Nietzsche sent short writings—known as the Wahnzettel ("Madness Letters")—to a number of friends including Cosima Wagner and Jacob Burckhardt. Most of them were signed "Dionysus", though some were also signed "der Gekreuzigte" meaning "the crucified one". To his former colleague Burckhardt, Nietzsche wrote: "I have had Caiaphas put in fetters. Also, last year I was crucified by the German doctors in a very drawn-out manner. Wilhelm, Bismarck, and all anti-Semites abolished."[85] Additionally, he commanded the German emperor to go to Rome to be shot and summoned the European powers to take military action against Germany,[86] that the pope should be put in jail and that he, Nietzsche, created the world and was in the process of having all anti-Semites shot dead.[87]"
Nietzsche was hardly in favor of killing Jews.

>> No.14564364

That only the weak blame others for their failures.

>> No.14564403

So the right ideas, but the wrong people trying to realize them, as I said.

>> No.14564421

Either I'm completely misunderstanding what you're saying or you are completely misunderstanding what I'm saying.

>> No.14564448

neech hard a massive blind spot and fetish for kikes. was he part kike, do we know?

>> No.14564485

Napoleon had the same desires for his country and for greater Europe, but he wasn't a hypersensitive drunkard German so he didn't need to slaughter people to achieve the same goals.

>> No.14564500

He hated antisemitism, so...

>> No.14564504

He was 100% Polish

>> No.14564508

He would've said it was a huge tragedy and it would've been better if the Germans were killed instead.

>> No.14564544

I see. Ok yeah you're right.

>> No.14564558

definitely this desu

>> No.14564564
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>> No.14564568


>> No.14564594

If you read / re-read Nietzsche contra Wagner you'll see my point even more, since he used Wagner as a magnifying glass for the Germans. His criticisms apply to them as a people and his message was basically: a new world order / one united flag but the Germans are unworthy of doing the deed.

>> No.14564615


>> No.14564692

Depends on what period in life you asked him

>> No.14564933

Being a philosemite (and can we really call Neetch a philosemite?) doesn't mean you're some kind of secret jew retard. Just look at the USA a whole nation of philosemites but only 2% of them are actually jewish.

>> No.14565000

He would have moved to Texas and started a biker gang

>> No.14565018

I think he would have told the truth :3

>> No.14565028

Based buttercunt

>> No.14565210

Not me

>> No.14565325

>goodness it's time for my daily nervous breakdown and being a bitch

>> No.14565614

that's pretty epic though

>> No.14565628

What wouldn't he have said about the Holohoax?

>> No.14565804
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Stop psycho-analizing every single historical event, it's cringe af

>> No.14565864

based moth

>> No.14566256

Probably that it proved his point

>> No.14566316


>> No.14566352

He would have thought it was a tragedy

>> No.14566433

He would have said it doesn't concern him, then explain why the nazis, the jews, the italians, the japs, the russians, the americans, and the british are all pantsonhead retarded.

>> No.14567130

>The amount of ‘progress’ can actually be measured according to how much has had to be sacrificed to it; man’s sacrifice en bloc to the prosperity of one single stronger species of man – that would be progress . . . (GM II, 12)

>> No.14567158

Would N be a technocapitalist today?

>> No.14567206

probably glad because it led to germans being expelled from poland

>> No.14567410

Lol but you're still staying flitered.

>> No.14567485
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The Zionist false propaganda shows, both: its obsession with terror, and the fact that it has the power to inflict terror upon the world.

The popularity of the holocaust narrative is a testament not only to the subversive insidiousness of the Zionist allied forces, but also to the excessive morbidity, and perversion, of their imagination, both of which have attained perfect coherence in the media of the world.

>> No.14567493
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>> No.14567498
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>> No.14567501
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>> No.14567508
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>> No.14567514
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>> No.14567519
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Wake up.

>> No.14567585

invite me to the blog so I can read it

>> No.14567657

Link to source?

>> No.14567668
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Consider the following zionist propaganda to read:

Breitman, Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew (1998)

Browning, Final Solution in Poland (1999)

Browning, The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939–March 1942 (2004)

Kershaw, Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution (2008)

Lawson, Debates on the Holocaust (2010)

Stone, The Historiography of the Holocaust (2004)

Lipstadt, The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory (1993)

Vidal-Naquet, Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust (trans. 1992)

Kenrick & Puxon, Gypsies under the Swastika (2009)

Schmidt, Karl Brandt: The Nazi Doctor, Medicine, and Power in the Third Reich (2007)

Breitman, The Architect of Genocide: The Final Solution (1991)

Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (1963)

>> No.14567740

>stop psycho analyzing
Nah. every event in history is human caused

>> No.14567955
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Why would I even consider reading anything written by zionist pseudohistorians, and zionist useful idiots?

>> No.14567960
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>> No.14567967
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>> No.14567968

Take your pills schizo

>> No.14567976
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>> No.14567983
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>> No.14567990
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>> No.14567993

>what would he have said about a thing that never happened?
this post doesn't make sense desu

>> No.14567994
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>> No.14568005
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>> No.14568014
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>> No.14568018
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>> No.14568027
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>> No.14568036
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>> No.14568046
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>> No.14568054
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>> No.14568065
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>> No.14568075
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>> No.14568964

He would have seen that it has become the archetypal narrative that utilises herd-mentality to its greatest degree.
The Holocaust utilises herd-mentality in the service of promoting slave morality, ergo he would have fiercely opposed it, and likely come to the conclusion that it is grossly over-exaggerated.