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File: 46 KB, 1024x683, 1532891114715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14564769 No.14564769[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is the only board where you can truly have intelligent discussion on the topic.

It is philosophical, and thus inherently connected to literature and a book about the topic should be written.

>last thread

>> No.14564779

Time for a wild ride

>> No.14564781
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>> No.14564785

Spitting image of my ex as a younger woman. Weird.

>> No.14564795 [DELETED] 

>tfw you'll never find an orphaned 9 year old and take her in to be your wife
Sucks man
Hopefully ww3 happens there'll probably be a lot of cute MENA war orphans available for pickings. Ix ha e to teach them english. I guess it'd be easier for me to just learn whatever it is the speak.
But wait a sec? Why wait for a war? Im sure there are tons of orphans out there now!

How do I meet cute orphans bros?
Also on that note, anyone know of any books on becoming a good wife?

>> No.14564801

She looks especially simian.

>> No.14564802

No intellectual discussion needed. It if bleeds it breeds, simple as that. Europe knows this better than America.

>> No.14564810

The solution is prettyy fucking simple.

>all premarrital (pre-unitary for those who dont like marriage as an institution) sex should be illegal
>if there is grass on the field you can play
>family has to consent as well
>if you cheat, you hang
>if you fuck pre-pubecents you get sent to forced labor
Are we done?

>> No.14564815

consent as we understand it is a myth. the only consent that matters is God's, and He says we can only fug inside a marriage, so if you can get a priest to marry you to her, she's old enough.

>> No.14564820

Priests are a bunch of kiddy diddling faggots.
Look at the vatican today.
It should be nuked.

>> No.14564823

Related, www . bbc . com / news / world-europe-51133850

>> No.14564828

jannies are based this time for pwning your stupid thread desu, you fucking piece of shit. go start the car in your garage and sit tight for a while. You can even jack off to some kiddie porn during your final moments, if you wish

>> No.14564835

You look especially gay

>> No.14564839

You are a disgusting anglo that doesnt know what pedophilia is

>> No.14564844
File: 759 KB, 1107x1967, Wew lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i googled this shit on quora to see what normalfags think and they're about as conflicted as we are.

This answer stood out to me, so i'd like to ask for your opinions as well.

>> No.14564854
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>n-nooooo what are you doing y-you degenerate? how dare you have consensual sex with a woman in her biological prime, when she's most attractive and fertile?!? y-you are a fucking PEDO! REAL MEN only fuck mature, 30-something single mom career womyn!

>> No.14564869

A woman AND a jew
I assure you over the age of 40, probably over 50
There can be no one less qualified to talk about this

>> No.14564873
File: 110 KB, 1013x782, E1886BD1-3059-466D-A99E-1575476777D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is u

Might consider reading your posts if you had the courage to try being witty without falling back on an epic rage comic, you stupid zoomed

>> No.14564874

i think that the estrogen in the water supply is causing early periods. i also think that women would actually reach their prime around 20 if they didn't start taking dick so early, if they didn't have to go to school and stress about homework, if they weren't smoking weed and drinking, if they weren't wearing makeup, if they weren't obsessing over social media. women peak at 15 because they choose to. why would i want a retarded 16 year old to raise my first born son? sure, they're better looking than most 20 year olds, but its mostly because everyone is such a blown out roastie these days. this is the whole issue.

>> No.14564877


>> No.14564886

In my country it's 16 and that's as low as it should be.
If you are attracted to anyone younger than that you have a mental illness.

>> No.14564887

Poor guy
But if he can fuck 14 and 15 year olds even while hes 50, it means I have plenty of time

>> No.14564888

Sounds like you have a real warped view of reality, and frankly, you don't sound very intelligent. I say you should try being less of a freak (since women choose to "peak" at certain ages)

>> No.14564896

>If you are attracted to anyone younger than that you have a mental illness
According to who?

>> No.14564899

i'm not advocating for fucking teenagers, i'm just saying that the flowers are beginning to wilt before they can bloom fully due to environmental factors and its causing a lot of confusion.

>> No.14564901


>> No.14564906

Seeth faggot, though I'm not going to brag on the internet about being a pussy slayer, because everyone here is assumed to be a virgin, no life loser, from the get go.

Age of consent in half of Europe is 14. I can pump and dump 14 year olds as I please, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.14564907
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If it bleeds, it can breed. (Not immediately though, give it at least a few months after it begins.)

>> No.14564912

Yes, and according to clinical psychology you are wrong.
According to all of history, you are wrong.

>> No.14564916

if you're a man in that room, you either start raping or you leave in disgust. anything in between and you may as well chop your balls off because they're not working right.

>> No.14564917

aoc should be higher than 80 if you know what i mean

>> No.14564918

Not a single woman there has anything approaching an ass that should be twerking

>> No.14564921


>> No.14564931

Vile & disgusting creatures.

>> No.14564938

god i fucking hate w*men

>> No.14564945

asses are for shitting and sitting.

>> No.14564948

imagine orbiting women liek a true kuk

>> No.14564956

Consent is a meme.

>> No.14564974

I like how OP transparently uses "intelligent discussion on the topic" to mean "lots of people agreeing with me"

>> No.14564978

laws restricting age of consent, domestic violence, etc. are nothing more than jewish intrusions into our racial organism

retards get trapped in their retarded empathy and don't think for a split second about the tradeoffs of actually being able to enforce these 'laws' or how these tradeoffs contradict the core principles of the most important laws

there is nothing left to do but instigate an all-encompassing civil war that totally plunges the world into the deepest chaos

don't be afraid, don't scoff, don't rush to make up excuses like "the army will just win lol"
the 'army' will fracture and fracture until there are dozens of factions
no one actually has any mental fortitude and all order will break down as soon as a few comforts are knocked away for a short time - the animals will be desperate for their addictions and they will act insanely to try to get them satisfied again
then the jews can be hunted, gathered, and slaughtered

>> No.14564988

I like how retards say their brainless opinions are obvious and reduce anything they disagree with to the simplest drama (oh my fuckin god you are so like this strawman in this show i totally love)

>> No.14564993

cry moar

>> No.14564996

OP here, I'm actually against lowering it where i am (15)
So, uh yeah. Lol

>> No.14565016
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>> No.14565036

yes. i'd take a full blown ceaserian dictatorship than this gay crypto-oligarchy shit any day of the week. at least you would know where you stand. at least the government would have the decency to kill you if you didn't want to live like this instead of forcing you to be a cuck for your entire life.

>> No.14565132
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I am 19, I want to COURT and MARRY a younger girl in her early teens.
I go on other boards for advice but they all call me a pedo, WHICH I am not in the clinical or legal sense.
I just think girls are more beautiful at that age, same way others may think 20 year olds are better looking than 30 year olds and so on. Also, meeting them and building a relationship at that age will almost guarantee our unity to last.
But people (especially anglos) go on about how I should be castrated for my perversions and such. That I am a DEVIANT (branded as such by people who masturbate to transvestites)

Couple that in with the fact I am not much interested in SEX. It's fine on the side, but it's not what I'm after. If this girl told me she wasn't ready for sex(trust me though, teenagers fuck like rabbits when given the chance) then I wouldn't GIVE A SHIT. I've gone 19 years without giving a literal fuck. I can go another 5 years more.

So tell me, highest IQ board, HOW WILL I GO ABOUT DOING THIS, when my hobbies are only done in solitude, (i.e reading, cooking, playing instrument) and when I have no people of that age in my friend group?

I'd also much rather do so IRL. I don't want an e-gf and I have no trouble communicating with people IRL.

>inb4 pedo fag that needs to burn
Why don't you google what that word means.

>> No.14565142

Maybe go outside, fucking idiot. This is obscenely embarassing to even read. 19 dating a 13 year old is fucking borderline pedophilic. The mentality between the two is completely different.

>> No.14565160


>> No.14565161
File: 129 KB, 1120x1500, 30021466359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sex before marriage.

>> No.14565184

My sister is 14 so I see gads of girls that age when I go to watch various activities she participates in. Out of a sample size in the hundreds there is not a single girl who would not be more attractive in 2+ years' time. Their bodies are not developed and neither are their faces. It would be a rare girl who is developed by 14, but we do not base rules on outliers. 16 seems like a perfectly reasonable age of consent although they are still mentally insufferable until 22+. People who are specifically attracted to 13-14 year old girls because they look like typical 13-14 year old girls have some kind of mental illness.

>> No.14565212

did this kid really repost his cringy sperg out

>> No.14565216

Already had this conversation in the last thread, made the same post to. I'm not going to waste my energy arguing the same points.
>Maybe go outside, fucking idiot
Not advice
>borderline pedophilic
No. It's not. Not even close. Majority of girls finish puberty by 14.
>The mentality between the two is completely different
Mentality of any two people is completely different.
In what, approval? Disapproval? To report to authorities?

>> No.14565232

You won't.

Accept it and make your life about something else.

>> No.14565239

Sex under 21 should be illegal in the same way alcohol is illegal. Unenforcable except for establishments and companies that profit off of the target.

>> No.14565242

now that's coping

brainless beast
emotions rage
zapped by overstimulation
a thousand voices screaming commands
it sincerely tries to follow them all
watch as it explodes into ribbons

>> No.14565257

>Their bodies are not developed and neither are their faces. It would be a rare girl who is developed by 14,
That is not true, at all.
>People who are specifically attracted to 13-14 year old girls because they look like typical 13-14 year old girls have some kind of mental illness
Which one?

>> No.14565260

Have you seen a 14 year old girl? They aren't sexy. If they were, advertising would jump all over the idea of depicting the 14 year old female form in an effort to attract the most attention. And that is just the physical level. Mentally they meet the definition of insanity as their brains skip around from idea to idea like flighty birds alighting on nothing in particular for too long.

>> No.14565272

>Have you seen a 14 year old girl? They aren't sexy
You can be attractive without being sexy.
>If they were, advertising would jump all over the idea of depicting the 14 year old female form in an effort to attract the most attention.
They do, you ignorant baffoon.
Most girls FINISH puberty by 14.
>Mentally they
Women never develop mentally.

>> No.14565289

You are a literal retard sperging on 4chan I don't what to say other then cope and date women your own age because clearly you never have

>> No.14565298

You don't know what to say because you don't have anything to say.
Your only argument is
>muh feelz

>> No.14565308

would solve gretas problems...

>> No.14565309

>mentality of any two people is completely different
What the fuck is this argument? One has the mentality of a CHILD and one has the mentality of a YOUNG ADULT. You cannot consciencly make good decisions at that age. It's inherently predatory.

>> No.14565310
File: 742 KB, 1800x1800, age-of-consent-europe (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys that think wanting to fuck a 14 year old is akin to pedophilia feel about this map?

Will you admit your slave morality?

>> No.14565317

>You can be attractive without being sexy
Mentally ill
>Finish puberty
That does not mean they are done growing and developing. Researchers have done blind attraction studies and women peak at 22
>women never develop mentally
What is neuroscience you fucking retard.

>> No.14565321

A 14 year old is a young adult.
They ovulate. They have breasts. They can bear children.
Neither are you. I hope you're not having sex.

>> No.14565324
File: 188 KB, 773x1182, 711J9Ht9iBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this

>> No.14565332

>mentally ill
>he only sees women as sexy or not
>That does not mean they are done growing and developing. Researchers have done blind attraction studies and women peak at 22
[Citation needed]
Your brain develops until 25. Lets raise the age of consent to that then!
Why would you want to fuck under-25s, PEDO LOSER. They're still maturing.
>What is neuroscience you fucking retard.
You didn't say anything.
Kys sklavenmoral subhuman

>> No.14565335

>Your brain develops until 25. Lets raise the age of consent to that then!

>> No.14565340

The vast majority of 14 year olds have barely developed breasts. The exceptions are outliers.

>> No.14565341

For the question of FUCKING A WOMAN he only sees women as sexy or not.

Mentally ill

>> No.14565343

Oh my god pathetic response. You know they aren't mentally mature but just don't want to admit it because you want to prey on little girls. Fucking please kill yourself.
>herrdurr they can ovulate
Yeah well guess what you can cum at 12 too and you shouldn't be a father at that age

>> No.14565344

>In what, approval? Disapproval? To report to authorities?
aww, awe u scawed? :(

>> No.14565347

>The vast majority of 14 year olds have barely developed breasts.
This has to be bait, you cannot be this ignorant.
I will not be replying to you any longer because you have shown me that you know absolutely nothing about what you are arguing about.

Please search up when breast development begins, and then shut the fuck up.

>> No.14565350


>> No.14565351

Call them faggot, 14 is legal here.

>> No.14565352

I agree this shit is fucking bait sage

>> No.14565358


You're still a laughable piece of shit

>> No.14565361

I fathered 3 children when I was 12.
They are all healthy and each make 6 digits.
Your point?

>> No.14565364

>You're still a laughable piece of shit

>> No.14565367

Germany is famously a perverted country; the others with an AOC of 14 are shitholes. 16 is not unreasonable though

>> No.14565372

also lolling at Romania's qualification

>> No.14565374

USA is 1000x more perverted than any european country
>italy shithole
>austria shithole
>francs shithole
Saying that a country is a shithole is not an argument btw

>> No.14565386

it's a better argument than "me horny NOW"

>> No.14565387

Yeah nobody asked or believes you
>but I made sure to let em know their salary!1!11

>> No.14565390

>that Romania
blessed country

>> No.14565398


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm3TjRxntQk incels be going to Romanian middle schools like

>> No.14565401

>You know they aren't mentally mature
What is mentally mature?
when are they mentally mature?
Can you quantify it?

>> No.14565406

Either underage or reddit.
Disgusting filth

>> No.14565409

You realize that age of consent and domestic abuse laws exist not to "control your life" but to defend others from your harmful actions, right?Your sense of entitlement here is mindblowing.
>Feel sympathy illogically
Congrats faggot you sound like a psychopath. Explain to me how these laws contradict the core principles of other laws as well as how those other laws are more important. Also, prove that the "jew" bogeyman has anything to do with the age of consent, especially considering how most of you retards think the jewish kabal controlling the world is comprised of pedophiles.
> there is nothing left to do but instigate an all-encompassing civil war that totally plunges the world into the deepest chaos
Sure bud. Even if accelerationism succeeds (which it won't because the majority of people aren't interested in having a race war) you will be first on the block because anyone that puts on such a hypermasculine, holier-than-thou persona could never be anything more than a giant pussy.
here's your (You)

>> No.14565412

That's not my argument.
Me horny, they horny.
We can make babby.
We fuck and we make babby.
Fuck you.

>> No.14565425

Been here since 2010. Sorry you can't handle people laughing at you and have to autistically reply to every single one of them. Guess you're triggered?

That's the same argument. Also I'm pretty sure they'd be hornier for a guy who's a little closer to their age and is less of a pathetic, deranged freak.

>> No.14565426

>Retard that doesn't even know what accelerationism is.
Did you so much as read Land's wikipedia page?
Anyway age of consent was raised by judeo-Christian feminists around U.S in the early 20th century.
Previously from 8-12.
Keep in mind age of menarch was also much higher in the past due to malnutrition.
Girls develop faster totday than they did then.

>> No.14565428

Clearly something you aren't

>> No.14565432

>It's ok to fuck within their own age group
>god forbid they marry someone 10 years older than them and have an actual stable relationship
You're even worse than i thought.
Younger girls are always attracted to older dudes around their twenties, are you kidding me?

>> No.14565438

Neither do you, otherwise you wouldn't have responded that way.
But, since I guess I'm not mentally mature than I can screw all the highschool girls I want?


>> No.14565453

>normal healthy sexual attraction
>pathetic, deranged freak

>> No.14565472

Yes, it's fine for them to practice having relationships within their own age group, whereas it is probably not for the best that they commit to a lasting relationship with a predatory male who is primarily interested in them for the sake of sex. This is not some subsistence agrarian society where females are used as bargaining chips to create material cohesion between families; generally speaking, families in first-world nations will be more than capable of supporting their daughters well into their 20s without the help of others. And while it's true that young women prefer slightly older men, in my experience (and I admit this is anecdotal) those who have a pronounced preference for "daddy" figures starting early on in their lives, have undergone some kind of trauma with regard to their actual fathers. That trauma is not your license.

Basically human nature is far more malleable than your tiny, chan-poisoned mind can comprehend.

>> No.14565479

Genuinely based and well articulated

>> No.14565493

Outside of estrogen being in the water supply, you have no proof backing up that these factors have any bearing on causing periods whatsoever. It's an interesting theory, and it could definitely be true because modern life is all sorts of fucked up for young girls, but you're just coming off as reactionary.

>> No.14565506

Maybe accelerationism wasn't the perfect word, but you cannot deny its ties to the ideology you are expressing. The point still stands that in the case of societal collapse you will not be as big and brave as you are portraying yourself. Also now your argument has turned from
> judeo-christian feminists did this
So are they part of the jewish scheme against white people? Or is it perhaps the case that they find that mental maturity can be very helpful when raising a baby? Or some other factor that requires way less mental gymnastics to understand?
For the record I have no real opinion on the aoc laws, I just take issue with you acting like its some institution devised by the secret jew overlords with the sole purpose of stifling the male libido. I don't doubt that you are well read or anything but get a grip man

>> No.14565512

>What is mentally mature?
>when are they mentally mature?
>Can you quantify it?
No you can't quantify it, hence the different ages of consent in different countries. But that's a stupid point anyway... law isn't an exact science and just because something can't be quantified doesn't mean it doesn't exist and shouldn't be taken into consideration. You can't in all honesty claim that the concept of mental maturity is a complete fabrication.

>> No.14565528

Monthly confirmation that /lit/ is the pedophile board

>> No.14565537

Do you sincerely need someone to explain what mental maturity is to you? Just admit this is bait. Before you said you wanted to have a pure relationship and now you admit you just want to fuck children. Outted yourself as a pedophile.

>> No.14565561

>Maybe accelerationism wasn't the perfect word, but you cannot deny its ties to the ideology you are expressing.
>The point still stands that in the case of societal collapse you will not be as big and brave as you are portraying yourself.
Sure, I'll die. Get eaten alive or whatever. It doesn't have anything to do with that.
Yeah, no.
>So are they part of the jewish scheme against white people?
>Or is it perhaps the case that they find that mental maturity can be very helpful when raising a baby?
You don't even know what they fought for.
> Or some other factor that requires way less mental gymnastics to understand?
It's pretty simple but you still wouldn't understand.
You are aware people could be wrong, yes?
>You can't in all honesty claim that the concept of mental maturity is a complete fabrication
Did not claim that.
I'm saying it's stupid to use it as a reason.
>Do you sincerely need someone to explain what mental maturity is to you?
>Just admit this is bait.
It's not
>Before you said you wanted to have a pure relationship
Wasnt me
>now you admit you just want to fuck children. Outted yourself as a pedophile
Fucking pubescents is not pedophilia, full stop.
Get that through your thick skull.

>> No.14565575

Read this entire thread and was not disappointed

>> No.14565594

Found it kinda lame compared to the previous

>> No.14565617

It's garbage compared to the previous.
Most of it was just autistic screeching

>> No.14565666

that's what makes it good

>> No.14565681

You're right i don't know what they fought for dipshit but it's irrelevant to the argument.You sure do like to cherry-pick the points you can have the most "intellectual sounding" answers to. Every one of my points your only defense is "oh you aren't even read up on the subject." So how about you fill me in on what I'm missing instead of dismissing my arguments with absolutely no consideration? Also, white nationalists have grappled onto the idea of accelerationism as a means to generate the creation of an ethnostate, I don't see how your idea to plunge us into civil war is not in some way accelerationist.
>So are they part of the jewish scheme against white people?
>laws restricting age of consent, domestic violence, etc. are nothing more than jewish intrusions into our racial organism

First of all please enlighten me what our racial organism is? Secondly the laws were either established as a jewish conspiracy or they weren't so which is it?
what a helpful and enlightening contribution. Care to weigh in on the autism or would you rather just criticize the people trying to share their opinions without having the possibility of being criticized on your own ideas?

>> No.14565686
File: 66 KB, 720x1163, Anne_Frank_lacht_naar_de_schoolfotograaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what religion hasn't been cucked yet for a European convert? Is Orthodox Judaic cunny still on the table? What about Islamic middle eastern cunny?

>> No.14565705
File: 35 KB, 660x330, 244131-660x330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you guys reckon she is right now now that CIA+Mossad jointly declassified the Holohoax?

>> No.14565706

I doubt Orthodox Jews particularly like converts. Islam seems your best option

>> No.14565708

>Orthodox Jews particularly like converts
They're actually fine with it if you can show you aren't a degenerate westerner out to subvert them from within. You have to integrate before they even allow to attain a Jewish soul.

>> No.14565711

in my bed desu...

>> No.14565715

the fucky eye is so cute

>> No.14565772

age of consent is a legislative entry you fucking ephebophilic cumbrain faggot

>> No.14565822


This isn't /tv/, why are you posting this shit here?

>> No.14565831

this. should have used >>14565686 as the OP.

>> No.14565838


More than a hundred posts, whereas a thread about "macroeconomics" or "anti-drug books" got less than half that amount this thread has. Even the thread about Kaczynski's manifesto barely has more than half the amount of posts this thread has.


>> No.14565853
File: 39 KB, 680x577, 1579151196703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey what went so wrong with your head that you desire a mate with no way of challenging you? Too reprehensible for chicks your own age?
Find help before you fuck someone else up.