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File: 36 KB, 559x388, jung_spiritual_awakening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14562729 No.14562729 [Reply] [Original]


I had a very similar experience to you anon, after reading some sinister stuff (what literature not important, it just induced the effect) for a while I had this almost quasi-psychedelic overload of synchronicity and waves of euphoria and deep dread unlike anything i've experienced. I was fully lucid and acting normally and functioning in society but it was like having two brains, one living presently and the other just deeply thinking having constant epiphanies with synapses constantly firing, felt like I had an IQ over 200 and was connected with everything.

It was like mild shrooms but deeply emotional, felt holistically connected with everything and an intuitive understanding of everything, saw a myriad of connections constantly in all spheres of life.

Got to the point where I thought I was either "possessed"; a psychotic magician; or developing a schizo messiah complex, lol. I was writing down all sorts of theories, allegories and quite insightful thoughts, pseudo-maths equations etc.

Until I too remembered Jung (Thank fuck). I then realised I was hugely overstimulated and over connected so I calmed down stopped worrying, stopped thinking too much, and disconnected from internet etc. Music (and comedy) was very good as it calmed and soothed the mind whilst sounding amazing (hypersensitive sensory experience).

I got to a point where I could invoke this state of consciousness almost on demand. It dissipated somewhat after a few days (I'm glad). I'm glad i'm not the only one similar things has happened to.

Coincidentally I had also been watching a lot of Book Club videos, I credit that with some of this, just his schizo energy and raw emotion (He must be an mkultra magician? lol.). Still not sure exactly what to make of it all. I'm now thinking it was more of a deeply emotional religious experience more than anything else.


>> No.14562823
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Welp that's me, not sure if overload is the right word though.

>Coincidentally I had also been watching a lot of Book Club videos, I credit that with some of this, just his schizo energy and raw emotion (He must be an mkultra magician? lol.).
This worries me. My reaction had something of a focus on Order of the Nine Angel's, of course that's a tiny part but still. Was yours in any way related to this video?

>Still not sure exactly what to make of it all. I'm now thinking it was more of a deeply emotional religious experience more than anything else.
To be honest, this is not my first of such an experience, others more like yours, however I purposefully "constrained" this one away. The more I pushed it down the greater the anger and struggle. Hence why it nearly reached two days. Felt like a continual mental delirium and fog from such release of chemicals. Like an anger orgasm and low. But complete normal awareness, only with that metafocus. As you said, two souls thinking. It was Goethe, Faust and Jung who described the same. Alas two souls within my breast. But an infinitude of 2.

This experience is calling me back to a particular book which I ceased reading because of how my blood had never boiled with such a "daemonic possession", I was at a lesser understanding of my own identity.

What do you think of Schelling's Unconscious and Schertel also?

>> No.14562870

Everything is Unconscious. Anon. That book contained the synchronistic result of my conscious development of an idea(in reverence to the eternal unconscious), an unconscious building of personal desire and development, a general unconscious mulling of things and something vaguely "other".

It was tempting to slip into terms of the occult, there was no other explanation, but that is where Jung arrived. Still he has at best provided a framework and not an explanation(since it's a science).

>> No.14562885

Damn, this interesting

>> No.14562933

Personal experience?

>> No.14562967

I come here for threads like this

>> No.14562985

>My reaction had something of a focus on Order of the Nine Angel's,
What was it you were reading or watching?
Also I think it's angles, not angels

>> No.14563002
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>This worries me. My reaction had something of a focus on Order of the Nine Angel's, of course that's a tiny part but still. Was yours in any way related to this video?

Thats pretty creepy, yeah I have watched that video multiple times. I was reading about 09A stuff, it was deeply subversive and layered stuff. What is creepy they claim to attack people in the metaphysical realm, with their "star game", or whatever. I didn't read too much and don't want to.

It was almost like I was being fed deceptive thoughts by myself at the time, but I was rational enough to see through a lot of it.

It was overall very unsettling and felt deeply dark like I was facing an "abyss", like that classic Nietzsche quote.

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you."

And in the up phases of consciousness it was almost sickly sweet and saccharine, imagine constant pleasure, it becomes tiresome pretty quickly. Just very unbalanced.

I wasn't a religious person but I found myself calling for good gods help and sort of encapsulated that in Jesus, which helped too. I managed to kill the "serpent" in the end.

Very odd that this should occur to both of us, probably the symbolism in the videos, who knows perhaps there is some metaphysical collective consciousness at play. Bit creeped out, but feel spiritually stronger/ awakened now.

>What do you think of Schelling's Unconscious and Schertel also?

I'm not familiar I'll give it a read. Red pill me?

>> No.14563057

Everything in our experience interacts...I have had a manic psychotic episode of greater intensity than this that sent me to the hospital. It was no doubt primarily caused by psychedelics and marijuana consumption, but in conjunction with reading portions of the Divine Comedy over the preceding days and discussing various aspects of life with a friend I came to experience a truly mind bending experience, a feeling that there is an underlying unity to the world oriented towards love.

I find it interesting that you were able to trigger such an experience without any more, "biological," factors at play such as recent drug use. Were you sleep deprived when you read this passage?

Also this plays into a personal theory of mine that Magic is primarily accessible to us in this age through artistic experiences--after all, theatre has its origins in the ecstatic magico-religious ceremonies of the Dionysians. If we want to push the boundaries of consciousness it will be through total sensory experiences.

>> No.14563065

Yes, this happens. I've heard it called "spiritual psychosis", there is a chapter worth reading in the "Falun Dafa" about it. That is only one book of many but in it they say it can awaken in a person either as a white queen from a rest or a wild and dreadful Kali so to speak iirc. There are little snippets from Greco-Roman stuff about similar invocations, Dionysian cults and whatnot. YMMV, my conclusion is that certain people see certain things for a reason and everything we know and have are borrowed from God. We are only temporarily responsible and what to make of that is left to whatever is in your soul. Good luck and godspeed

>> No.14563070

I've only ever achieved this state of thought on LSD, but that method is unsustainable and hard to control.

I envy you man

>> No.14563112

Yes, they are good.

The Book Club video set me off reading about them. And apologies for spelling, I have to click the screen keyboard with touchpad since cat broke the keyboard.

>Thats pretty creepy, yeah I have watched that video multiple times. I was reading about 09A stuff, it was deeply subversive and layered stuff. What is creepy they claim to attack people in the metaphysical realm, with their "star game", or whatever. I didn't read too much and don't want to.
Oh fugg.

>It was almost like I was being fed deceptive thoughts by myself at the time, but I was rational enough to see through a lot of it.
This is my exact, exact experience. Though it led to my inability to concentrate, fogginess, anger raging against the trick played against me and supposed changing of my nature.

Read this now!: https://archive.org/details/SchertelHitlerMagicHistoryTheoryPractice

Read the first couple pages.

>I wasn't a religious person but I found myself calling for good gods help and sort of encapsulated that in Jesus, which helped too. I managed to kill the "serpent" in the end.
I turned away from the incarcerating light. And slowly healed back to Christ again and out of immorality. It made me think I had lost my moral sense.

Now prepared and guarded, I must find what intuitive allure it has, and integrate it, destroy it.

>Very odd that this should occur to both of us, probably the symbolism in the videos, who knows perhaps there is some metaphysical collective consciousness at play. Bit creeped out, but feel spiritually stronger/ awakened now.

There is something at work here.

>I'm not familiar I'll give it a read. Red pill me?
I linked the book(good luck). And Schelling, try Jung's History of Modern Psychology lectures while I copy a quote from a book. Oh and have this
>"God lets the oppositional will of the ground operate in order that might be which love unifies and subordinates itself to for the glorification of the Absolute. The will of love stands about the will of the ground and this predominance, this eternal decidedness, the love for itself as the essence of being in general, this decidedness is the innermost core of absolute freedom."

I feel like there is a power harbouring in that evil. And when did you have this experience?

>> No.14563118

>Also this plays into a personal theory of mine that Magic is primarily accessible to us in this age through artistic experiences--after all, theatre has its origins in the ecstatic magico-religious ceremonies of the Dionysians. If we want to push the boundaries of consciousness it will be through total sensory experiences.
Read Wagner, Religion as Art, Religion and Art: http://users.belgacom.net/wagnerlibrary/prose/wlpr0126.htm

>> No.14563143

>a feeling that there is an underlying unity to the world oriented towards love

I felt this but only after clawing out of the Abyss.

>Were you sleep deprived when you read this passage?

No no drugs/ sleep deprivation or anything, but pretty stressed out and just thinking about a lot of things, I almost hyper depressed myself by thinking about the suffering in the world you are powerless to do anything about, this induced the state of consciousness and deep emotion which was only bearable after a battle.

>Magic is primarily accessible to us in this age through artistic experiences

I agree, there has to be deep emotion attached to it though I think.

>dreadful Kali

This sounds like it. Useful infomation anon, thanks. I certainly felt drawn to action by the end of the experience.

It wasn't fun, 90% awful, had strongly suicidal thoughts for a while despite not being remotely suicidal, felt almost drawn to it but refused. After the deception slithered away, was like breaking into the sunlight and seeing great beauty everywhere though.

Also I can't really invoke anything like what I had, but I can get glimmers if I meditate a bit.

>> No.14563175

Ok thank you

>> No.14563210
File: 40 KB, 350x500, Josef Thorak - The Last Flight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Likewise, Schelling (1775 - 1854) espoused a positive stance towards the unconscious, whereas for Kant this remained a negative boundary concept. Schelling maintained that this "eternally Unconscious, which, as were it the eternal sun in the kingdom of Spirits, is hidden by its own untroubled light," is the absolute ground of consciousness. The unconscious thus becomes the primordial motherly function. This field is not some shadowy Hades but, as Schelling states, the sun from which consciousness emerges, being hardly more than a reflection. He adds: "and although itself never becoming Object, [it] impresses its identity on all free actions, is withal the same for all intelligences, the invisible root of which all intelligences are only the powers, and the eternal mediator between the self-determining subject in us and the objective or intuited, at once the ground of conformity to law in freedom, and of freedom in conformity to law."


>> No.14563220

Not OP nor the guy who responded to him, but I had a similar experience and also stumbled upon the same material around that time. I don’t know that I would say I felt “possessed”, but I was in a constant state of consciousness for a few weeks that wasn’t normal for me and hasn’t come back since. I was also particularly emotional, had very deep and almost psychedelic thoughts. I thought I had a schizo episode to be honest. I also had many synchronistic experiences during that time.

>> No.14563237

Does the room ever just spin for you guys when you're very still?

Would force it as a kid in bed for fun.

>> No.14563248

bro.... https://crazywisefilm.com/2018/05/08/psychosis-spiritual-awakening/

>> No.14563285

>Read the first couple pages.
>Annotated by Adolf Hitler

"Even after he had learned to somehow control these powers and make them subservient, the feeling of eeriness and evil did not vanish, and he still stood before these things with that strange mix of feeling of superiority and fear - like an animal tamer before his beasts."

Good description. I'll read the whole book, thanks anon.

> It made me think I had lost my moral sense

Yeah I was thinking a lot about what I termed "Natural Morality" and that faith in good is rational etc. Encapsulated by Christ for me.

I'm not very well read in metaphysics or psychology so i'll read all your suggestions thanks.

>And when did you have this experience?

It sort of happened in two bouts, first time maybe early September, second time it peaked, more intensely mid-october-ish. Disappated completely since.

>> No.14563311 [DELETED] 

I’m a bit weirded out by this thread. I had nearly the exact same experience happen to me. Same time frame. Same videos. Same reading. Same everything.

>> No.14563312

I think it was this but I new it was happening and was irrational so managed to bring myself back down again quite easily, I think this can happen to anyone and is probably the aim of a lot of occult groups, magical practitioners etc.

But what is weird is how the same catalyst induced the same thing in multiple people, here is a third anon

Weird stuff, did it feel dark for you at times, Did you ground yourself easily again?

>> No.14563364

Another anon described it as “possession” and it really didn’t feel like that for me. I always felt like it was authentically me. It felt more me than I’ve felt in a long time. In fact, a feature of it was this very deep and emotional feeling that I had done exactly that, returned to a more authentic me while also feeling like I was having a subtle psychotic episode. I kept a journal the whole time and rereading it I sound like a schizo. While it didn’t feel “dark” I did think about suicide quite a lot, but I think I may have been quite depressed before and had felt like I had a radical waking up to experiencing true reality which is a bit shocking and overwhelming. I didn’t really do anything to ground myself. It just sort of faded. I actually somewhat miss the feeling as I felt like I was deeply connected with something cosmic or something like that. This sounds like nonsense to even type out now, but that’s how it was.

>> No.14563412

>>Read the first couple pages.
>>Annotated by Adolf Hitler
It is quite funny in retrospect.

>Good description. I'll read the whole book, thanks anon.
When it starts to approach the Unconscious more heavily it may effect you the same way it did me.

>Yeah I was thinking a lot about what I termed "Natural Morality" and that faith in good is rational etc. Encapsulated by Christ for me.
Hmm, natural morality's can never be transcendentally true, but they can lay a basis for that with our nature. Compassion for example. Or more complexly, art.

>I'm not very well read in metaphysics or psychology so i'll read all your suggestions thanks.
I really wouldn't recommend the Magic book until you have read/really understand Christianity and Hitler also. You get the feeling you would like Codreanu.

I might sleep soon anon, if the thread closes it's been good, you've helped me immensely. Could you tell me anything more about yourself, to help with this "spiritual psychosis" if you wish?

>But what is weird is how the same catalyst induced the same thing in multiple people, here is a third anon
Anon let's exchange protonmail.

I think I understand a bit but it still doesn't explain the effect

>> No.14563469

might want to read paul thigpen (he had an experience of possession --- or opression rather) and others who talk about possession. learn the st michael prayer, anon

>> No.14563476

>Anon let's exchange protonmail

I'll make an account now. Could also do a riot.im chatroom so others, like third anon can join, if so just join this, its easy


If you don't want to then I'll drop a proton mail in a few minutes once i've made one

>> No.14563482


>> No.14563508

My protonmail is throwaway9862@protonmail.com

Just fire me a message, I'm going to sleep now too.

>> No.14563509

All of this occult faggotry can simply be reduced down to behaviorism and programming interfaces which come into conflict with prior reinforced before and you operating system needs to make a massive adjustment in order to fit the newly found information correctly into a program in order to continue operating.

>> No.14563514

/x/ would love this shit.

>> No.14563522

Whats this?

>> No.14563595

>the st michael prayer,
Could you tell me it?

Will look into the Thigpen thing.

Joining now.

Will do anon.

>> No.14563622

I am confused as to how to use this password.

>> No.14563673

Oops gave wrong link I think try this


>> No.14563681

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle,
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil;
may God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God, cast into hell
Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls.

>> No.14563686

Alright my protonmail vol4444@protonmail.com

I've never used it before and do the same. Was having trouble with riot so probably best for you to make proton.

I'm going to sleep.

Ahh yep cheers anon.

>> No.14563700

Ergh I'm sorry anon I'm not going through that.

>> No.14563736

Ok sure, protonmail it is, assuming this is you, i'll fire you a message tomorrow, night

>> No.14564332

You don't know anything about any of this

>> No.14564366

Herod is searching for somebody.

>> No.14564821

>describing the brain like a computer
hello, retard department?

>> No.14565139
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>> No.14565544

never felt like more of a midwit than in this thread, what the fuck

>> No.14565664

Another anon here. I had an intense case of this phenomenon as well. Mine lasted several months and I still occasionally go into it if I read to many religious texts. For me it is a gift and a burden, when this happens it will last a week and through that week everything is very 'intense'. I remember all my dreams during these moments ( old and new ones ), dramatic life changes also normally follow. Right when I come out of it I tend to be in a euphoric state for another week.
Almost always do I have deep epiphanies in relation to my self, my God and my religion.

I have done a lot of research into this phenomenon, it happens almost exclusively to the priestly class of people. Those whose souls soul purpose it to bring clarity of the divine.

Anywho, ya'll ain't crazy. Your just a different breed.

>> No.14565716

Never had any such experiences personally.
I wonder if it happens spontaneously or if there's something that clearly precedes the experience and leads up to it.
I personally barely ever remember my dreams, and haven't had any supernatural experience. So, I'm pretty boring and 'earthly' in this way.

>> No.14565732

Yeah you can kick start it.
Do drugs and study occult/deep spiritual sciences

>> No.14565751

What's the goal though? Try and see what you discover?

>> No.14565773

As one of the anons who has been through this, don't sweat it. The act of inducing the state is poor health. We're a bunch of schizos trying to make sense of the collective phenomena. Interesting, to be sure, but not something to aim at if it doesn't ail you.

>> No.14565790

y'all be bipolar, y'all's manic as hell

>> No.14565875
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>I have done a lot of research into this phenomenon, it happens almost exclusively to the priestly class of people. Those whose souls soul purpose it to bring clarity of the divine.
>Anywho, ya'll ain't crazy. Your just a different breed.
I'm the second anon, and first in the other thread.

I think one should be careful when applying such strict terms as a "class", especially when we live in no such class society today. No Brahmin's, no Church, no true aristocracy. So it is best understood in the terms of tthe complexity of the individual, as strugglers, and men or women containing some unique character to "themselves".

In the same way spontaneity is a purpose, as well as an effect.

There are no isolated psychological experiences, just as there are no isolated life experiences. It really depends on the person.

Different for the individual and Volk. As through your poetizing and thinking, you find the truth.

This is really the answer. Read Heidegger through Plotinus.

>> No.14566446

Hey OP I'm this guy. Normally posts like this on /x/ aren't as intelligent so I'm gonna give you some more. It's also been called "the night of Pan", and more commonly ego death and mania. A surface read of the "Maenads" will give you more breadcrumbs to the Dionysus/Pan stuff. There is a book called "the language crystal" where one guy "maps out" his particular perspective. I have a lot to say about this but I'm not supposed to and wouldn't know where to start, Allegory of the cave. If you have any specific questions feel free to float them out and I will give you what I can

>> No.14566770

It's true that some of these symptoms fit in the category of manic psychosis, but to really place such an experience in that category several physical and social signs would need to be present, such as a dramatically reduced need for sleep and nutrition, greatly impaired social functioning due to incessant and unfocused talking, irritability, and reckless behavior.

>> No.14566806
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>> No.14566817

You may appreciate this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShrugLifeSyndicate/comments/af6wzn/the_phoenix_process/

>> No.14566868

I'm second anon

Would definitely appreciate anything you could tell, such as the actual function. It's obvious our confusion comes from the subjectivity of the topic but this is why we need as much collective information as possible. To clear what we can.

And I think the allegory of the cave is more eternal than anyone image, such as spiritual enlightenment, but that is most certainly an elemental manifestation of it.

>> No.14566897


OP here

Interest stuff anon, thanks, I'll have to read about that first to have any incisive questions.

>Allegory of the cave

Interestingly, I had this musing whilst I was in this state:

"We aren't supposed to look at the sonne, just enjoy it's rays. Be aware of the projectionist but enjoy the film as you're in the theatre until the end. Have faith in the directors vision and innate goodliness."

Anon, I have replied to the protonmail

>> No.14566902

What... is this?

>> No.14566937

I realise now that I must become mad.

The connections of signs, it's ultimately a negative.

>> No.14566947

Don't become mad, it's not nice, just chill out and stop over thinking, just enjoy the breeze and be good

>> No.14566979

Why is it everyone who has experienced this seemingly equally understand the mythico-unconscious meaning of the vast and indirect? The completely conscious only see the apparent "unintentional" meaning.

Madness in a good way anon, I can't explain.

>> No.14567024
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>the actual function
Recursive self-improvement (making improvements on one's own ability of making self-improvements) as a psychological process, a.k.a. "learning how to learn." This has been described by many through history using the concepts that were available to them to try to describe it and help others achieve it.
The question is "what do you wish to improve about yourself?" One can learn to sculpt themselves into a tyrant, liberator, scientist, artist, lover, or anything else.

>> No.14567028

Guys I want to watch that video... should I?

>> No.14567332
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>> No.14567612



It makes Jung seem like an atheist and the archetypes a replacement for the metaphysical. But watch it anyway.

>> No.14567636


>> No.14567874

I see a similar soul wrenching truth in the Allegory and the start of that reddit post when it comes to the nature of knowledge and sharing it. I am not some master guru, YMMV, the more specific the better if you'd like to bounce ideas/questions off me as I don't like to digress too broadly outright. To put the "function" simply and poignantly as I ultimately see it and not get technical, it is an opportunity to exercise responsibility, if that makes sense.

>> No.14567901

Can anybody actually recommend some reading to catalyse a rapid change in consciousness? I need to do another death and rebirth cycle.

>> No.14567912
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Congratulations retard, that is called learning
You left your state of passive disengagement and started to think about the world

>> No.14568029
File: 71 KB, 750x1000, Phenomenology of Spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many philosophers talk about this
Apparently no one reads on this board anymore
OP is experiencing the departure from "substantial life/natural attitude/dogmatic slumber" and learning how to think
Pic related not only discusses this but attempts to proceduralize, and solve the problems that arise from, the pursuit of wisdom

>> No.14568042

OP is also probably bipolar and uses drugs

>> No.14568350

OP here


The video linked isn't the one we were referencing, but yeah watch it, its fine, i've watched it since, it was just one element in a perfect storm, it was more the related literature

Haha maybe, i'll read that thanks anon

Nope clean and sober, no mental health problems either

>> No.14568834

I was not going to write in this thread, because i mainly only had a snarky line or two to contribute. However, I am in some sort of midst of a similar "dual soul"-episode as you two are going on about between yourselves.

To put it as shortly as i am able, the "weird metaphysical" stuff you guys are referring to is, best (as always) framed in our collective inter-personal play Freuds theories axiomatically implies, (the simple fact that any human impulse, relys on its dito counterpart.). So the reason we are experiencing similar quasi-psychotic breaks is because we all have deeply under-nurtured bonds and relationship to our mothers. Who in their place, have their own under-nurtured relationship to their fathers. "It´s the fate of modern man to be neurotic", at some time the neurosis is seeking for it´s healing....

This is the true "collective unconciouss". It´s neurological.

Don´t get too caught up in your semi occultist ramblings. You´re not discovering a new continent, you are navel-gazing.

>> No.14568968

Cosmic conciousness, oceanic feeling... Hope to achieve it one day, before i die in a shootout with some drug dealers fuck the world

>> No.14569252

I’m the third anon. I already mentioned how some of the experiences here are eerily similar to my own. Someone mentioned the Allegory of the Cave which is extremely weird because I actually stumbled onto that shortly after having this experience and felt that it somewhat accurately illustrated what I felt. It’s somewhat difficult to articulate to be honest, but I know I experienced something and the series of events and things that I had that all somehow circled back to these events in my life which on their own are totally unremarkable, but somehow stand out so much that I can’t dismiss them. The primary features of the experience for me were a sort of “response” to the question of who I am and the most fundamental level as well as this sort of extremely sudden hyper-awareness of reality that exists, not necessarily outside of, but beyond this reality while also somehow still inside of it. It faded over time and it was actually somewhat emotionally intense, but I deeply miss that feeling. I don’t know if that mirrors any others’ experiences, but I’m curious to hear more because the responses of others in this thread are so eerily similar to my own that I can’t really shrug it off.

>> No.14569579

How old are you anon, just curious

>> No.14569641


>> No.14569653

Point to me where the brain disregards mathematical possibility

>> No.14569664

Google: mania, hypomania, psychosis

>> No.14569787

Maybe it won't mean anything, but sorry nobody told you anon, I understand.

>> No.14570125

This is a pretty normal experience, people bluntly would call it growing up
Your mind is wrestling with itself trying to synthesize how nice your childhood was with how shitty the adult world is
In like 5 years you'll be looking back wondering where your emotions went

>> No.14570151

>In like 5 years you'll be looking back wondering where your emotions went
i can confirm that i have not actually felt emotions other than anger in probably the last decade

>> No.14570742

[reddvarcaptext]everything is a mental illness[/reddvarcaptext]

>> No.14571206

>it is an opportunity to exercise responsibility, if that makes sense.
Wouldn't you say that removes some level of spirituality?

>> No.14571216

Anyone know what the old thread was called?

>> No.14571591

Found it in archive, mods deleted it for whatever reason:


>> No.14571599

Relevant bit starts here:


>> No.14571650

Thanks lad.

>> No.14571684

>OP is experiencing the departure from "substantial life/natural attitude/dogmatic slumber" and learning how to think
Pls extrapolate Hegel's thoughts on this. Or a chapter.

>> No.14572112


>> No.14572212
File: 137 KB, 485x730, 96243485.WN2hHrDN.080427V152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A discussion of Jungian psychoanalysis without any mention of Peterson's Maps of Meaning. Quite unbased, but I'm not surprised.

>> No.14572235

>Maps of Meaning
Takes the meaning out of Jung. From those diagrams he seems to miss the point of archetypes being energised(Hermetic) patterns of experience.

And this thread isn't about Jungian psychoanalysis.

>> No.14572281

Fair enough, but it still reads to me as if there's Jungian undercurrents, with the talk of synchronicity and emerging consciousness out of the unconscious.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "energistic patterns of experience"?

>> No.14572594
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Reminder that Jung was a perv who forced his family to live together with his mistresses

>> No.14572664
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>Fair enough, but it still reads to me as if there's Jungian undercurrents, with the talk of synchronicity and emerging consciousness out of the unconscious.
Well now this is an undervaluation, Jung is very important to this thread(he's even Ops picture) but that doesn't mean its about him.

>Could you elaborate on what you mean by "energistic patterns of experience"?
Without writing an essay, character is inherited, meaning belongs to character, meaning is beyond any total finitude. Like a circle may be measured, but never squared. This is our movement throughout the world. The base of the world, it is that primeval cave in which we have crawled unto in which to watch the rain occur on green hills

>"God lets the oppositional will of the ground operate in order that might be which love unifies and subordinates itself to for the glorification of the Absolute. The will of love stands about the will of the ground and this predominance, this eternal decidedness, the love for itself as the essence of being in general, this decidedness is the innermost core of absolute freedom."

Are you starting to see it yet anon, the drama of life? And that any image(modernity) which cannot express this movement, is unnatural.

>> No.14572693

This is the "Metaphysik" of Jung.

This image is the base of the world: >>14565875

>> No.14572769
File: 75 KB, 500x500, Sam Hyde and Charles Carroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if these patterns are not in their whole, inherited, they none the less remain so by their actualisation. And there remaining an accurate portrayal and experience of life.

>> No.14572899

A book list please?

>> No.14572935

From who? What for?

>> No.14572937

If you are around women long enough and get enough money and status yourself, you start to get really fed up with the bullshit and tell them to take it or leave it. That's just natural

>> No.14573007

Great men have peculiarities.

>> No.14573131


>> No.14573230

How so my friend? I'd say it is quite the opposite. When someone entrusts you with something, or gives you something to enjoy, is it right to destroy or disrespect it? Is it really "yours" to do with as you see fit? Would you gift something priceless to someone who would try to sell it, or to someone who would appreciate and treasure it?

>> No.14573251

>How so my friend? I'd say it is quite the opposite. When someone entrusts you with something, or gives you something to enjoy, is it right to destroy or disrespect it? Is it really "yours" to do with as you see fit? Would you gift something priceless to someone who would try to sell it, or to someone who would appreciate and treasure it?
I did not mean this being bad, but if it is solely such an exercise then it cannot really be a personal transformation.

>> No.14573286

Again, how so? If personal transformation is the act of receiving knowledge and making a choice with it to some end, this is one of the highest levels of such thing.

>> No.14573437

But then it is no longer "just" an exercise in responsibility. What has been taken, or rather given, in this case has a definite life of its own. Apart from our character.In a literal sense we hold it, but a collective character can never really belong anyone other than itself. For the artist, rather, the impersonal holds him.

I am speaking in terms of the collective unconscious.

>> No.14573746

You are correct, it is not "just" an exercise of responsibility, and what is given does in fact have a life of its own. I'd say you are also correct in believing we are only temporarily responsible for our share of the whole, I actually said the same thing in my original post as well.

>> No.14573825

So, ever meditate anon?

>> No.14573886

In the traditional sense, sure but not as much as before. I'm a reflexive person in general

>> No.14574211

Did you get great surges of energies from it?

>> No.14574256

scary reply

>> No.14574266


>> No.14574349

Sort of, I more feel it gradually as I stay focused
Double check. The implication being these forces searching for an Antichrist

>> No.14574446

>Sort of, I more feel it gradually as I stay focused
huh, I laid on my bed and meditated today and I got extremely strong feels of energy pulsating in my body, it felt synonymous with euphoria. Reasserting my experience in the now, I see the good everywhere and am at a natural state. My muscles have been massaged and relaxed also. I still occasionally feel buzz's from this energy. And to be clear, I don't regularly meditate. More so on an intuitive basis. It's amazing to feel emotion in ones body.

Though there is something of the tragedy to be wanted.

>> No.14574450

>Double check. The implication being these forces searching for an Antichrist
Should Ibecoe antichrist anon?

>> No.14574486

Creepy personal coincidences

>> No.14574498

Anybody here read Jung’s notes on Elijah and Salome?

>> No.14574536

The sun hits its zenith, lights everything up, and comes back down. You can only call it a tragedy when you've breathed your last, friend.
God said mankind is good, the only glory on Earth to be found is in upholding that truth.

>> No.14574703

>The sun hits its zenith, lights everything up, and comes back down. You can only call it a tragedy when you've breathed your last, friend.
Maybe so, but for some men the tragedy becomes synonymous with the zenith.

Mishima would be the obvious example. And no true art has ever been made by complete consolation.

>God said mankind is good, the only glory on Earth to be found is in upholding that truth.
nah, nah it's okay I'll just trick Satan. Bro I got this.

>> No.14575538

What coincidences anon?

Describe how do you meditate anon?

>> No.14575576

Holy shit that's one of the most majestic hairstyles I've ever seen. He fucking knows, look at the pride on his face. Kings walk among us.

>> No.14575732

>Describe how do you meditate anon?
I laid down, focused, the room began to spin ferociously(as is a trait I have had since childhood when I am still, and comes without intent but can be stopped completely by it) and all the great experience only known by itself. The amazing thing was that I retained complete ego-consciousness.

This is like only the fourth time I've tried meditating so I guess I'm lucky. The first time I just sat down in a random meditative position, decided to listen to a Hindu mantra(not that I've read any Hinduism but I figured why not, I know it has great value), chose Hare Krishna because Krishna was the god I most liked and new, listened to it and have only its song be in my mind. On the third try after a couple of weeks I got a sudden stream of energy from above into myself and it was bliss, no desires, no ego, however its power jolted me back into ego and it straight away ceased. That was quite a while ago, sometime last year or the before. This time however I just laid on my bed and focused(telling my unconscious to tell me it's secrets), light off, night time, you know the rest. Like a physical mana ran through my body and affirmed(and rejuvenated) it. Such pleasure! It should be known a very mild form of "spiritual psychosis" I have been experiencing this past week. I have also been accidentally preparing to "release" the unconscious for about a month or so now. So I have been on the edge of the unconscious for a little while, ready to burst forth.

My body felt, for lack of better word, weak after it but full of pleasure. Like after a message by a god, needing to stretch.

>> No.14576068

>spiritual psychosis

When people say this it sounds like a mental illness, when infact its a deep and meaningful journey, could it be that this is infact "enlightenment"?

And not to get too new age but is it activation of the pineal gland that causes this?

>> No.14576130

>When people say this it sounds like a mental illness, when infact its a deep and meaningful journey, could it be that this is infact "enlightenment"?
Everything's a mental illness now. It is however a part of a spiritual rebirth. Though of course the psychosis on its own would be an illness.

It is a type of enlightenment, but there about a billion different types of enlightenment. The Hindu from the Buddhist from the Christian, and yet the experience is different also and suited to the idea.

Even in extremely simple and basic actions we can find a smaller enlightenment. Hegel would call this all pervading sense the dialectic.

>And not to get too new age but is it activation of the pineal gland that causes this?
We can prove it has a definite hormonal purpose at the least, so I would say yes.

>> No.14576817

I'm not allowed to type certain words onto the internet so I have to be careful with this post, but I know what you've been reading and you're on the right path anon.

I have had "psychedelic" experiences as well as insane dreams that happened in temporary alternate universes as a result of reading certain occult texts. In one I was hunted by an entity until I realized I am the hunter, and killed the entity. The closer you come to truth, the more these experiences happen. Nowadays I can see the Steppes underneath the hologram of this Yaldabaothic prison.

The thing to do is to let go. Let the feeling of insanity consume you, washing away the grips of societal conditioning upon your mind which then unleashes your soul. The mind is a prison for the soul, the soul must be free to carry out God's Will.

>> No.14576884

>I'm not allowed to type certain words onto the internet so I have to be careful with this post, but I know what you've been reading and you're on the right path anon.

Ooh spooky, I hope you're not in any bad groups anon, if so free yourself

>In one I was hunted by an entity until I realized I am the hunter, and killed the entity

This happened to me, essentially I surrendered myself to it, as I felt compelled to do so, at the last minute in rebellion I realised I had free will and had the sovereignty to tell it to fuck off upon which point its deception slithered away if you will

>God's Will
Is just probability, we live in a dual deterministic non-deterministic universe, you can manifest destiny if you choose to with your free will

>> No.14577091

This happens to me after listening to Zizek for too long. I start speaking in his accent and mapping out the processes between mind, object, and being.

>> No.14577163
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will this thread help me understand why i literally can't stop thinking about Sneed

>> No.14578151

So you want the final red pill? God is a pimp, the original G in fact
