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14558974 No.14558974 [Reply] [Original]

Any books or writings that are anti drugs or deal with drug and substance abstinence philosophically or theologically?

>> No.14558986
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>> No.14558991

Infinite Jest, sincerely.

>> No.14559103

All of it. Only midwits take drugs in a sorry attempt for Enlightenment.

>> No.14559147

Arguably, Infinite Jest

>> No.14559154

People take drugs for coping too.

>> No.14560169

what about things like positive experiences from doing lsd? just delusions?

>> No.14560185

Didn't DFW write like a 1000 page paper or whatever about weed is bad?

>> No.14560207

but did it cover all the other shit? there are a shitton of options there after all.

>> No.14560250

You’re looking at it the wrong way. It covers the main issue, which is substance abuse, and the reasons why people seek drugs.

>> No.14560274

fine i'll read it. what's the name of the essay?

>> No.14560458


Probably a false sense of enlightment desu

>> No.14560464

And performance enhancements from stimulants? Just cheating?

>> No.14560491

>Any books or writings that are anti drugs or deal with drug and substance abstinence philosophically or
what the fuck is it that? using brainwashing to deal with addiction is not the way to go

>> No.14560498

not addiction but for example if someone does it casually and has no reason to stop. why stop?

>> No.14560502

thats an addiction

>> No.14560507

so having no reason is an addiction even if they can stop? Hmmm, so what is there to do?

>> No.14560516

why dont you stop then

>> No.14560535

i don't know, because it makes things more fun with friends? like if everybodys drinking at a dinner, why abstain from that? maybe i'm looking for a philosophy against this hedonistic outlook actually. please help, you sound smart.

>> No.14560549

Yes. It's like when you feel like you had this awesome idea during sleep for a book but then you wake up and realise it makes no sense.

>> No.14560566

I think coping is the only sincere reason to use drugs or if you want to "open up" in case you suffer from anxiety despite that it's not the best way to go about it. I for one like to induce sensations with light drugs that are hard to achieve otherwise and help me feel better in times of need.

>> No.14560571

maybe because alcohol is literal poison? anyway look for philosophy on how to be your own man, if YOU want to drink then drink, but if YOU dont want to drink then dont drink

>> No.14560583

sure, but what about something like weed for example, or any drug that is not known to cause long term brain damage (i.e. nicotine, caffeine, etc) is there any reason to stop if its possible to just stop without any long term problems?

>> No.14560607


That's not the same as taking lsd, is it ?

>> No.14560617


>just cheating

You probably mean placebo

>> No.14560618

Further proof drug users are mentally impaired. This comparison has nothing to do with drugs being anti-thetical towards any actual realization.

>> No.14560636

Can someone please answer this I’m genuinely interested

>> No.14560656

>>14558974 (OP)

How about know that if you do drugs, if you buy illegal and illicit drugs so that you can get high, the money that you used to buy those drugs go to the drug cartels who torture and kill civilians. So don't support the drug cartels by doing drugs. Cigarettes and alcohol are already legal and available, and weed is also becoming legal and some of it is legal. Spend your money on something worthwhile, like books, so that you can gain some knowledge or wisdom.

>> No.14560686

lung cancer?

>> No.14560698

nicotine users are literal addicts with addict brains
there's really no reason to use it unless you're already addicted, in which case you'll probably come up with all the usual cope excuses

t. smoked then vaped for years

>> No.14561493

your local DARE program, Kid

>> No.14561521


In other words, stay clean and don't support the drug cartels who torture and murder civilians. I've seen some of the snuff films over on /gif/ and that is some messed up stuff.

>> No.14562526

They're joking. The "1000 page essay" is Infinite Jest.