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14553367 No.14553367 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a discernible parallel with modern materialism in the Sāṃkhya conception of Emotion/Cognition?
>Unlike the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika and Vedānta accounts of the emotions, the Sāṃkhya-Yoga account does not draw a fundamental distinction between feelings and cognitions. The reason for this is that the Sāṃkhya account rests on the division between puruṣa and prakṛti. The former is pure consciousness and does not contain any cognitions or feelings whereas prakṛti is primordial matter and has the three qualities (guṇas) sattva, rajas and tamas, which are aligned with different feelings: sattva with pleasure (sukha), rajas with pain (duḥkha) and tamas with confusion or illusion (moha). The terms sattva, rajas and tamas are difficult to translate but are sometimes rendered as “reflection”, “activity” and “inertia”. The important point about this dualist structure for the emotions is that, according to the Sāṃkhya account, both cognition and feeling belong to the realm of prakṛti which means that they are material. This stands in contrast to many dualist accounts in the history of Western philosophy, for example that of Descartes, according to which cognitions are immaterial whereas emotions or passions are material, thus making it easier to oppose the two. Larson and Bhattacharya (1987) summarize the difference between Western and Sāṃkhya dualism in the following way:

>[A]ccording to Sāṃkhya philosophy, the experiences of intellect, egoity, and mind, and the “raw feels” such as frustration or satisfaction—or, in other words, what conventional dualists would consider to be “inherently private”—are simply subtle reflections of primordial materiality, a primordial materiality undergoing continuous transformation by means of its constituent unfolding as spontaneous activity, reflective discerning, and determinate formulation. Thus, the modern reductive materialists' claim that “sensations are identical with certain brain processes” would have a peculiar counterpart in the Sāṃkhya claim that “awarenesses” [Sanskrit terms omitted] are identical with certain guṇa modalities. (Larson and Bhattacharya 1987, p. 76)

>> No.14554102

bumping for discussion

>> No.14554172

I would say no since modern materialism would not admit the witnessing pure consciousness of purusa but would maintain that the witnessing consciousness is the result of 'material' i.e. the brains electrophysiological activity just as emotions and cognitions are.

>> No.14554190

samkhya is more akin to aristotelianism, prakṛti is analogous to prima materia and purusha the forms.

>> No.14554906

Yes, that seems to be a main diverging point.
Please elaborate. Does Aristotle distinguish between consciousness and cognition/emotion?

>> No.14554961

you're really just wasting your time with this garbage OP

get a job

>> No.14554976

don't discourage guenonfag, his latest thing is making half a dozen shit threads like this and bumping them pathetically by samefagging and i want to see how long he keeps it up despite never having a conversation with anyone but himself kek

you are so sad OP

>> No.14555017

>thread actively encourages discussion of Sāṃkhya - a distictly DUALIST, enumeratist school of Hinduism, a school which Advaitin philosophers criticize for fundamentally understanding a split between the world-order (Brahman) and Self (Atman)
>pathetic faggot OP, you're guenonfag!!!
You have to have at least the mental capacity of a cardboard box to post here. (not that this is enforced)
>intellectual pursuits is a waste of time

>> No.14555160
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>guenonfag replied to me

do i need to wash myself now? are the shit particles dangerous?

>> No.14555563

dumb frogposter

>> No.14555933


>> No.14556354

It seems very akin to Buddhist psycho-physical aggregates.

>> No.14556822

I agree with that assessment from yesterday - have not looked into it further, though.

>> No.14557131

Most schools of Buddhism don't admit the existence of anything resembling the Purusa, Samkhya is closer to Vedanta or Jainism then it is to Buddhism

>> No.14557253
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Bring on da genre fiction!!!

>> No.14557254

Guenonfag's a bit of a zealot but he has a decent knowledge of eastern philosophy.

>> No.14557360

He doesn't really, he has knowledge of modern Advaita talking points as read through Guenon. His method is the same each time, he opens discussion with walls of text that claim Advaita is the normal interpretation of the Upanishads, and when people remark that there are plenty of other interpretations of the Upanishads, he switches over to asking them to defend those positions. But that is never what is in doubt, what is in doubt is whether Advaita is the sole and unquestioned authority on the what the "official" position of the Upanishads is. He has no capacity to discuss beyond this impasse, whatsoever. He only knows the Advaita talking points he's burned into his brain from reading Guenon and other secondary sources.

He also samefags a lot. And I mean a lot. If you saw him on /his/ back in the day, and in the old Trad generals, it was enough to creep you the fuck out. Just how obvious and shameless he was about it. He wasn't trolling with it either, it's more that he is zealous to the point that he will do anything, any dishonesty or shameless behavior, to promote his own views.

>> No.14557420

Why don't you shut up schizofag, all you do is whine and complain like a female

>> No.14557441

Not everybody you talk to is the same person dumbass.

>> No.14557546

>Not everybody you talk to is the same person dumbass.
>but every single person who posts about Guenon/Traditionalism and Hinduism is muh boogeyman Guenonfag

>> No.14558028

No just one annoying and very vocal retard is Guenonfag.

>> No.14559107

- And where do you see ANY of this in this thread? No Advaita, no Guenon, no animosity before the attack on OP.

>> No.14559149

Schizo guy has to bring up Guenon poster wherever he can.

>> No.14559242


See Socionics, or MBTI inasmuch as it talks about the functions themselves rather than nonsense about relationships and work. The functions are seen as real proper, Metaphysically.


>> No.14559257


>> No.14560296

>bazaar music commences

>> No.14560733

wrong culture applewad

>> No.14561116

Go back, Sol.

>> No.14562914

to be fair, actual Advaita threads usually are guenonposter