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14553837 No.14553837 [Reply] [Original]

How to move past post-modernism and philosophy? I have been mostly reading 20th century philosophers and once I reached post-structuralism I realized that I am only becoming more miserable and uncertain. How are we supposed to be happy in the current social system? How do I deal with the inexistence of grand-narratives, culture, history and the death of their legitimacy? There was a post I read a while back that said that you should reject german idealism and read adventure stories instead. Help an anon out

>> No.14553847


Go on your own adventures !

>> No.14553855
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Realize it’s a deathcult conspiracy to get your soul and throw it in the bin.
Many people went through that phase in undergrad aka soul-crushing factory.

>> No.14554020
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Refuse to be a cultist theyre everwhere it will be hard you will get there you may find yourself in one but you can awaken

>> No.14554059

Realize Lyotardianism is self refuting then work with us to recover the one true doctrine.

>> No.14554086

Unironically, go back to the Greeks. They're way more interesting than post-modernists give them credit for. They're also so foreign that they'll shake you out of your current thought patterns. I'd start with some of Plato's shorter dialogues, then the Republic. The Republic isn't too long and it's rich enough that you'll get something out of it even if you're unfamiliar with ancient philosophy more generally. If that doesn't do it for you, try some of the plays (I recommend Sophocles).

>> No.14554091

I have read The Republic. The only thing I think can help me break from these patterns of thinking is reading some stoics.

>> No.14554098

You're in a perfect position to read it again, then. But if the stoics float your boat, that's cool. Epictetus seemed too didactic for me, personally.

>> No.14554105

Quasi-shitpost: The "death of grand narratives" is itself a grand narrative. Old stuff is always more interesting than the parodies of it that the post-modernists present.

>> No.14554107

read nietzsche, read zeez

>> No.14554173

>reading philosophy
there's your mistake, anon.

>> No.14554179

How do I escape the hellhole of 20th century philosophy?
What would you rather me read? What would fill me with hope?

>> No.14554183

what should I read anon?

>> No.14554184

The old world is dead, post modern literature was meant to be burned. Nothing of the past remains, all morality is in the air. Now is the time to conquer fresh

>> No.14554188

>I have been mostly reading 20th century philosophers and once I reached post-structuralism
Sounds like you haven't really been reading 20th century philosophers. Stop wasting time on charlatans and poseurs.

>> No.14555094

>you should reject german idealism
If you've read it through a marxist lense, you've never actually read german idealism and that's why you are depressed. Just read Hegel from the source as you were a religious protestant in the 19th century. You'll find new love of History, humanity and civilization.

>> No.14555106
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>How do I deal with the inexistence of grand-narratives, culture, history and the death of their legitimacy?
Why does this make you sad? You are like a slave who is confused as to waht to do when no master is there to order you.

>> No.14555581

You’ll grow out of it, infantile kid

>> No.14555637

Then read the Greeks and fairytales.

>> No.14555752

Unironically this. Grand narratives are theological constructs to give your life meaning, when in reality the only law that exists is the natural law. Become a master of yourself, and don't let any weakness stop you from reaching for that goal.

>> No.14555782
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Dip into speculative realism.

>> No.14555820

not that anon but ur position is not even of child but simple tool

>> No.14555932
File: 525 KB, 900x785, base of the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good and the beautiful still exist, see! This must certainly be something true then. There are no more true ideologies, so look at the good, expressed in action and belief.

Until the next great creative change of which Heidegger predicted, one can at best form his own reasons and feelings for life, in relation to his subjectivity. But no collective, the Geschick of a Volk, may change until such future revelation. We may be but strugglers 'till then.

You may see the constant renewal and development of knowledge and truth - of metaphysics - in every age, and that they false at the turn of everyone also. This is not mere metanarrative enforced by larger metanarrative, not just developmental, for if it were it would surely force men into seeing the arbitrary character of it all, but also authentic. Hence renewal, the basing of a direction and possibility(metaphysics) which really finds its true character in the eternal, and development, positive or negative and its complex variations. With this we see the nature of the good as transparent and eternally neither here nor there, matter or spirit, but 'there'. Open to and partially defined by moral intuition.

Even if one image of this may make more sense than another.

>"God lets the oppositional will of the ground operate in order that might be which love unifies and subordinates itself to for the glorification of the Absolute. The will of love stands about the will of the ground and this predominance, this eternal decidedness, the love for itself as the essence of being in general, this decidedness is the innermost core of absolute freedom."

>"Only a god can save us. The sole possibility that is left for us is to prepare a sort of readiness, through thinking and poetizing, for the appearance of the god or for the absence of the god in the time of foundering; for in the face of the god who is absent we founder"
>"For us contemporaries the greatness of what is to be thought is too great. Perhaps we might bring ourselves to build a narrow and not far reaching footpath as a passageway."

>> No.14556028 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 250x156, healthy wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wagner: http://users.belgacom.net/wagnerlibrary/prose/wlpr0126.htm
>The Greeks(includes Neoplatonists)
>A peek at Hermeticism
>Maybe skim some of the Romans like Cicero, Ovid or the Stoics
>Definitely read the great Medieval literature(The Consolations of Philosophy, Beowulf, Parzival, Nibelungenlied/Volsungs Saga, The Canterbury Tales etc)
>The Bible
>Jung is good
>various religions
>traditionalists for fun

These will help you anon, and I'm not even a fascist.

>> No.14556221 [DELETED] 

can i get a brief word on the benefits of reading codreanu

>> No.14556318

You can escape it by living fully in the 21st century and finding out what's next. If you already know history, you've caught up and the way to look is forward.

>> No.14556351

The idea of "moving past" a dominant philosophical framework like postmodernity is a firmly postmodern notion. You're still trapped. Whatever "comes next" will not be self aware conscious effort

>> No.14556359

You don't understand history or post-modernism "looking forward" lmao. This idea is alien to 99.9% of all human beings who have ever lived

>> No.14556387

Not an argument. You're just running away, not disproving anything
The logical conclusion of Western philosophy is postmodern philosophy. But sure, keep sticking your head in the sand because you're too much of a brainlet to truly understand the Greeks and face the present. And the dude suggesting nietzsche lmao. did anybody in this thread actually read any postmodern philosophers or what?

>> No.14556400

Wait for enough art to die or be destroyed so we’ll need to make new stuff in order to enable post modernism at all.

>> No.14557415

>I have been mostly reading 20th century philosophers and once I reached post-structuralism I realized that I am only becoming more miserable and uncertain. How are we supposed to be happy in the current social system? How do I deal with the inexistence of grand-narratives, culture, history and the death of their legitimacy?
Isn't this just regular Nihilism? So postmodern is "everything is dead" to "god is dead"?
Read Neeech and will ur powers.

>> No.14557426

>speculative realism.

>Speculative materialism
>Object-oriented ontology
>Transcendental materialism
>Transcendental nihilism

>> No.14557793

Has OP considered not reading and maybe taking up a hobby? Or exercising? Even long walks count.

>> No.14557858
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Currently in Colorado from Florida. Picked up traveling in my career.

>> No.14557954

Adventure stories are Joseph Campbell's monomyth/archetypal heroe's joruney etc. Jung expands on that theme. If you read the latter through the existentialists he's gonna have a bigger effect on you than if a die hard catholic were reading him

>> No.14558022

postmodernity is a meme

>> No.14558430

>If you read the latter through the existentialists he's gonna have a bigger effect on you
So read Kierkegaard before Jung?

>> No.14558539
File: 177 KB, 647x656, whiteheadmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Whitehead, the philosopher of adventure, he was post-postmodern before postmodernity. The point to reading him is to learn a style of thought, not come to conclusions, and hopefully that style will lead you to further adventures as you begin to see this style expressed in many different contexts and subjects by others.

>> No.14558558
File: 331 KB, 1200x783, 1200px-Friedrich_Hegel_mit_Studenten_Lithographie_F_Kugler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just fluffy postmodernism though. What we need is a closed, total, Absolute system that we can impose on everyone, with force if necessary.

>> No.14558580

Start with the greeks

>> No.14558609

get a gf

>> No.14558830

love is the only answer. find a woman with a good soul and a pretty face and make her yours.

>> No.14558859

Philosophy is a waste of fucking time to study, and it's a field filled with the most useless, hand-wringing, intellectually paralyzed polesmokers on Earth.

Every philosopher should have their disgusting pencilneck broken over a concrete block. It's incredible how a subject with the most whites involved in pushing it achieved such a breadth of niggerdom. Everything wrong with current "thinking" comes from philosophy. Every one of these ineffectual, mentally bankrupt whores deserve a bullet.

>> No.14559415


>> No.14559442

>reading religitards in 2020
lol ok

>> No.14559743

> the only law that exists is the natural law

Books or reference for this? Sounds interesting

>> No.14560805
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You need to re learn how to enjoy life. Meditate, read fun stuff, listen to music, eat good food, or literally anything to try and re Kindle the thrill of existing. The fact that you were able to wiggle out of whatever cosmic soup spit you out of your mother's gash is incredible in itself. Reading other humans thoughts about existence and its patterns has it's time and its place but you have to have balance. You will be fine it just takes time. Try not to worry. Read something like The Stand if you haven't already. It's comfy and easy going. It might give you hope and it might help you to feel a little more human. You'll be alright.

>> No.14560836

All dominant philosophical frameworks seeked to "move past" the last including Modernism. Why are philosophy trannies obsessed with these "gotcha"'s and "well ackshually..."'s?

>> No.14560941

The next step is primitivism. Quite ironic, isn't it?
You are worried about the "end of philosophy" and "metanarratives" because the mental fog that modern city life inoculates in the modern man's head. You've forgotten nature and, basically, you're alienating yourself. The only solution is to submerge yourself into nature and live life as it's supposed to be lived.

>> No.14561916

You express yourself as a reductionist objective materialist, which are philosophical concepts you've accrued due to the nature of your knowledge & experience. In the same way, everyone else accrues their own philosophies of reality in their own independent observations of what reaches their consciousness.

You claim that computers can recreate the mind's method of sensory processing by turning data into image. Nowhere in the computer does it 'see' the image it produces, but then why do you? The computer can show any color it's programmed to with a HEX code, yes, but it's doing so without anything 'witnessing' the display. Mint's evolutionary benefit to the host plant is undeniable, but it doesn't have any flavor to taste without consciousness to perceive it as such. Perceiving is something that you do, so how do you turn the pure mathematical constructs of photons and chemical interaction into an actual vision, or a visceral taste?

You, yourself, are matter and energy. Functionally, sound is waves of pressure interacting with tightly condensed waves of energy in the form of the matter that constitutes your ear. There something very, very strange occurring when those waves interact. It's all mathematically describable, but something is inherent to the matter that makes up your head-meat that turns that Fourier transformation into something heard. Math can't hear, only calculate, so there's clearly more going on than the physical reductionism onto which you hold so dearly.

Your defined self is a certain amount of energy in a vast sea of the same. Not unlike a wave on the ocean, it's clear that you are a distinct entity. However on another level, that wave is something that the entire ocean is doing, since the rest of the ocean is precisely the origin and prerequisite of that wave. Equally, the rest of the ocean necessarily depends upon the existence of that wave in its exact and precise configuration atop its surface. Your own story is no different, having been born into this world and interacting with all the rest of what you are, the rest of the universe. You woke up without ever having gone to sleep, and some day will undergo the same action in reverse. Alan Watts speaks excellently on this topic, and YouTube contains most if not all of his lectures.

>> No.14561920

Mathematically, time doesn't have a set speed or rate, since it's defined as nothing more than another dimension. Why, then, is our 80-odd year existence constricted by a seemingly continuous rate of self-observed time? Why aren't the equations of the laws of physics instantly resolved to their final outcomes? Did time pass instantly (as a photon 'perceives' reality) before humans came along and 'emerged' a way to make time observable? Relativity has only two necessities: multiple observers and a fixed speed of light. Even if the observers are quantum objects, the theory should still hold true, leading one to ask of the sorts of observations possible by quantum objects. This is the crux of panpsychism: that every last quantized bit of energy/information consists of experience, though certainly not of the same complexity as the experience by humans, or animals, or fungi, or trees, which are constructed of these individual units of mind.

Our highly intricate neurological systems are highly conscious, in that we respond if we get bonked on the head by cursing, rubbing the spot, and/or striking back. Strike a simple system such as a rock or a piece of dead wood, and it responds simply with the noise of being struck. Process or refine the rock in a certain way to add order and reduce entropy, possibly by turning it into a bell or a gong, and you increase the complexity of the response. One can see humans as advanced forms of the rocks and minerals that make up this Earth, and equally see the rocks and minerals of Earth as elementary/primeval forms of humanity.

>> No.14561927

EVERYTHING in this existence is wave-like, yet quantized. The energy of your being is precisely the same energy of my being, is the same energy of all the gravitational wells, the electric potentials the computers, the leptons, the bosons, the mesons, and the morons existing in this universe. Saying that consciousness emerges at a certain level of biological and evolutionary process as nothing more than a quirk of evolution is exactly as philosophical as what the author states, except they don't dismiss your claims as the result of mental illness. They've observed and interacted with different parts of this universal waveform and reached a different conclusion, and the ideas you bring to the table are simply unsatisfactory to describe observed reality.

You are a self, arisen from quantum particles. Like how an acorn implies a tree, matter/energy implies self. Reality without self is not observed, ever, and this phenomenon we call the anthropic principle. You didn't 'come into' this world, as if from somewhere else. You came out of it, like an apple that comes from a tree.

Panpsychism, by redefining our ontology and claiming that matter comes from mind (and not vice versa) elicits an answer to many questions untouchable by physicalist realism, such as "who are you?" and "what is thought/consciousness?". By calling it crazy and delusional, you refuse any contemplation on the matter and stay safely within the mental boundaries you've set up for yourself, leaving absolutely zero room for adjustment of theory or novel cosmological models, clinging to a structural view that is known to be incomplete and inadequate.

>> No.14562153

>I have been mostly reading 20th century philosophers and once I reached post-structuralism I realized that I am only becoming more miserable and uncertain.
Why are you reading philosophy for entertainment? Because you aren't getting any from outside of it? And is this true because you don't engage with it, or because you don't want to engage with it? And if the latter is true, is that because you are retarded, or because you are repulsive? Kill yourself.
>How are we supposed to be happy in the current social system?
Why is the "social" system responsible for your happiness? And why are you attempting to speak on the unhappiness of everyone else? Is this because you are a coward who needs illusory support from others to justify your opinion to yourself? Have you ever considered there are people, all around you, way more happy than you, who love their life? Kill yourself.
>How do I deal with the inexistence of grand-narratives, culture, history and the death of their legitimacy?
By killing yourself.

>> No.14562200

>who are you?
"you", "me", "I", and the like, are nothing but concepts "my" mind creates to simplify the flux.
>You are a self
Wrong again! To quote Nietzsche:
"Reason sees actors
and actions everywhere: it believes in the will as an absolute cause; it
believes in the “I,” in the I as being, in the I as a substance, and projects its
belief in the I-substance onto all things—that’s how it first creates the concept “thing” . . . Being is thought into things everywhere as a cause, is
imputed to things; from the conception “I” there follows the derivative
concept “being” . . . At the beginning there stands the great and fatal
error of thinking that the will is something effective—that will is an
ability . . . Today we know that it is just a word . . ."

>> No.14562232

You guys are both wrong, and yet both right. Energy is Will to Power.

>> No.14562243

>Everything wrong with current "thinking" comes from philosophy.
You are correct, but you missed the contrary: everything right with current "thinking" comes from philosophy, too.

>> No.14562258

Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism by Fredric Jameson is constantly recommended to me.

>> No.14562270

Commit suicide

>> No.14562271

>time is nothing more than another dimension
That's anything but nothing.

>> No.14562280

Telling people they need to "kill themselves" and generally acting like a deranged psychopath is a good way to make the vast majority of humanity ignore everything you say.

>> No.14562296
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How many people around one must be into a narrative for it to be considered grand?

>> No.14562403

>ignore everything you say.
you assume that they ignore me, and not that they don't have a respone (like you).

>> No.14562436
