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14552224 No.14552224 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on e-readers?

>> No.14552226

Anyone that hates them doesn't actually care about reading.

>> No.14552236

I wish there was a good e-reader for PDFs. I have never seen a good e-ink device that was big enough, yet also of decent quality.

>> No.14552272

Onyx Boox Max 3. 13"

Big bucks $800

>> No.14552282

Yeah, my point still stands then. I don't want to spend that much. One shouldn't have to spend more than a couple hundred at max for something that's literally nothing but an e-ink display, a simple computer, and a battery.

>> No.14552310

Start saving. $50 a month and you'll have it in less than 2 years and by then a better one might come out. Whatever you do, don't be a booklet that settles on a $150 kobo or kindle, the kuck club. Everyone who does that is filled with MASSIVE cope, because they know they'll be even further in the hole if they bought a good ereader and the thought of not doing that in the first place grieves them to the core. They know that $150 could have went to a better device and now they can't get their money back.

>> No.14552317

I think you are the one coping my friend. I have had a kindle paperwhite and if you use it on airplane mode, there is literally nothing wrong with it. I just need a bigger screen to read PDFs.

>> No.14552360

I am coping because I fell for the kobo meme.

>> No.14552366

what's a good place to get textbook pdfs for free?

>> No.14552385

people who want an e-reader for PDFs are pirating them though, and spending $800 for that purpose seems counterproductive.

>> No.14552391

Good for pirating a lot of stuff. I mostly use mine to read pop science and general non fiction, but buy physical copies of poetry and novels. I bought a used Kobo and probably saved hundreds of dollars by now

>> No.14552402

Seems like it would pay for itself after 20 expensive texts.

>> No.14552411

meh, whatever. if it's a textbook or something I really need I just pirate the pdf and read it on my laptop. still doesn't seem justifiable to pay $800 just to avoid a laptop screen.

>> No.14552451

Laptop screens ruin your eyes and excite lustful passions. It's also been proven that LCD screens dont retain as much info when read for the reader than paper.

Real redpill is to block every single website other than Libgen and mirrors and just get books all day for your Chad ereader. That is my dream.

>> No.14552459

please help bros

>> No.14552466

Personally, I can't read books on a computer screen. It's hard on my eyes and there is nothing like being able to hold a book in your hands and read words from a physical piece of paper.

>> No.14552473

Try the online Gutenberg library:

>> No.14552526

They don't have it. Thanks anyways.

>> No.14552605


>> No.14552613

my gf got me one for christmas, its the best gift I've ever gotten

>> No.14552624

just get a cheap second hand kindle, i got mine for 90 bucks when it was on sale years ago, i only keep 5-6 books on it to not drain the battery and it lasts maybe a month before it needs a recharge.

>> No.14552637

epub are great on the kobo. It's very lightweight and they are so cheap to replace I throw mine around. There are somethings I like to read on ereader and somethings I prefer on classic paper book. Not having one out of some weird spite isn't worth it, they are handy.

PAGE TURNING is annoying as fuck though, and if you scratch the screen it makes it even more slow and time consuming.

Overall they are great. Better habit to get into than bringing your phone with you.

>> No.14552663

They have the previous version, but not the most recent.

>> No.14552723

email the pdf to your kindle with the subject line "convert" and it does a really good job, usually.

>> No.14552734

also if you have an epub, just rename it ###.png and the kindle will convert it to .mobi on your device.

>> No.14552750

Your books are stored on non volatile memory, it doesn't matter if you have 5 or 5000 the battery will last as long

>> No.14552755

I can get any book I want for free in a matter of seconds on my kindle. As much as I love a physical book, it's hard to beat that.

>> No.14553296

how do you not know this famous library?

>> No.14553299

Big boox big bux

>> No.14553427

the one thing about the ereaders is that they suck ass for poetry.

>> No.14553437

>i only keep 5-6 books on it to not drain the battery

>> No.14553619

>computer screen
>e ink

Slow in the minds

>> No.14553695

had a nook, eventually grew out of it due to its lack of support with PDFs. if I had money I'd buy one of those 13inch e-readers

>> No.14553989

Book selling jews killers.

>> No.14554025
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you need to be a special kind of stupid to actually buy that shit, don't fall for the meme man

>> No.14554074

i just read my torrented books on my 2160p laptop screen lol

>> No.14554109

What's the point? I use the kindle app on my phone and have significantly increased the amount of time I spend reading. I'm halfway through Infinite Jest right now and I'm fairly sure I would have given up if it was a giant fucking paper book. I'm probably never buying a physical book again and I would not buy one of these ridiculous devices ever. Just read on whatever device you are already addicted to using on a daily basis.

>I can't read on my phone or computer. It hurts my delicate sensitive eyes.
>Yes, my eyes, the same eyes that stare at computer, phone and tv all day.

>> No.14554234

I have a paperwhite and I absolutely love it. This is coming from someone who was a physical book purist. Probably the best way to read fiction/light non-fiction. I will say that when reading something like a textbook or other complex, technical work that may require backtracking, highlighting, notetaking, etc. they can be a little too cumbersome.

>> No.14554242

The screen is completely different. My eyes get dry and irritated after a few minutes of unbroken screen time. I can stare at an ereader for hours with no irritation. Some of us don't look at screens all fucking day

>> No.14554332


>> No.14554386

kobo forma? if you want something meant for pdfs and the like you will have to look at those expensive note-taking ereaders, sony dpt, remarkable, etc.

>> No.14554392
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I have never tried this but you may have just saved me having to manually convert a ton of .pdf files I got from a big /lit/ download.

>> No.14554396

kobo libra is a chad product

>> No.14554398

e-readers are based, if you can figure out how to use them, and acquire the .txt files

>> No.14554408

I've been using a Paperwhite for about four years now. Downloading free files and loading them onto the device is so easy that I could go the rest of my life without ever spending money on another book purchase. Furthermore, the word lookup a tremendously helpful tool for instantly learning vocabulary. It's definitely worth it.

>> No.14554427

Eh, smartphone works just fine for me

>> No.14554449

I got one and it's fantastic.
>carry 1200 page books in my pocket
>read when lighting is sub-optimal
>convenient note taking and passage highlighting
>get to read any book for free at a click away
Don't get me wrong - I love physical books. I usually get physical copies of books I loved and actually finished reading.

>> No.14554475

>there is nothing like being able to hold a book in your hands and read words from a physical piece of paper.

This is the most NPC viewpoint. I only ever hear this shit from people who read like one book a year from Oprah's bestseller list.

>> No.14554503

Pretty based. I've recouped my purchase many times over with the amount of pirated books I've read.

>> No.14554515

Probably the best purchase I've ever made.

>> No.14554553

Paperwhite is okay you can read one handed and in the dark and its waterproof. I would never spend full price on one they can be had for around $80. Wait for a sale or buy ebay just makesure its not stolen unless you dont care. I may get a cheap 3:4 tablet for pdf thats bigger because for reference pdfs or textbooks I find myself reading nonlinear and its hard to flip fast on paperwhite and the zoom sucks dick. But is a tablet even much better than at that?

>> No.14554751

>there's nothing like reading script etched into a clay tablet
>there's nothing like reading words written into bark
Get over yourself. The modern version of physical books we have today is merely a succession of tech, just like an ereader. Tired of pseud fags who think they're in touch with the soul of reading simply because they shelled out for a less convenient option.

>> No.14554793

free books nigga whats there not to like?

>> No.14555086

>he doesn't jailbreak used kindles

>> No.14555277

I bought one for myself four years ago; although I do not regret buying it, I would not buy one today if I did not already have one.

>> No.14555629

Kindlefag here. The thing is incredible. I have roughly 300 books and I can search for a single word and get a much more interesting and curated discussion on the topic than a Google search

I can play vocab flashcard games where the flashcards are every word I've ever looked up in the dictionary (it comes with a full unabridged Oxford dictionary)

I use a couple different software to get PDF's into a reflowable format... PDFReflow, Foxit, Sigil and Calibre. It doesn't work for everything - if it's a scanned PDF it's pretty much not happening. At least the screen resolution is high enough on the newer models that most scans display fairly well, you just generally have to read in landscape orientation. The real perk to getting books into reflowable formats is then they'll be included in Kindle-wide search results.

Just get one and thank me later

>> No.14555658

I just got my first one and I love it. Incredible improvement over reading on a phone or laptop or whatever. It really does a good job of imitating the good parts of reading on an actual book without the bad parts like not being able to read in the dark and having to hold it with two hands if it's a bigger book.
That's the entire point of e-ink displays. It looks more like paper than the shiny glarey LCD screens in most devices today. I have a Kobo Libra H2O with the sleepcover so that you just flip open the cover like a real book and start reading.

>> No.14555815


>> No.14555825

>i only keep 5-6 books on it to not drain the battery
Its a fucking flash drive memory, it doesnt matter jack shit to the battery if the memory is full or empty

>> No.14555920

>It's also been proven
Assuming you're referring to this: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6384527/

50 participants? Lol

>> No.14555995

I agree 100%. I spend most of my day on my laptop or phone and my eyes start hurting looking just by looking at a digital screen all day. Looking at paper is much less straining, and feels much better.

>> No.14556056
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I read quite a few books a year and prefer physical books.

That being said, it's because the sound/feel of pageturning always reminds me of reading books with my grandparents as a kid.

>> No.14556070
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Enjoy the great e reader update of 2030, when all text is scanned and edited for "political correctness "

>> No.14556319

e-ink doesn't hurt