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/lit/ - Literature

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14550132 No.14550132 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah uh so I'm starting with the Greeks. Got my hardback Iliad and Odyssey. Remember a bit of it from school. What's next?

>> No.14550150

Also, to enhance the brain gains I'm listening to some Beethoven in the background. Good or bad idea?

>> No.14550591

start with the greeks

>> No.14550645

Dont do this, your brain cannot run two heavy operation at the sam time, just like your satanic bottom cannot take two domonic Phalli unless you are a real hellwhore

>> No.14550656

Depends what you want to get into
You could go into medieval age literature (Dante, Arthurian legend)
You could stick with Greek a bit longer
You could go back older into ancient near eastern texts (Gilgamesh)
You could start philosophy with the pre-socratics and plato.
You could skip ahead a bit to Shakespeare era probably, or even early modern stuff

>> No.14550659

Midwit here, is domonic a typo or a word on its own?

>> No.14550678

don't think of what next just yet, you have a lot to get through with the Greeks

>> No.14550684

typo, but souds interesting

>> No.14550723

Oresteia, Oedipus/Antingone and Elektra, Medea. . .

>> No.14551993
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It's really just because It's my interest, but I'd consider Mesoamerican history/mythology

Even without studying the greeks you probably had a bsic amount of knwoledge about them from public education and general cultural ossmossis: Same for the Near East with Egypt, or the far East with China and Japan.

Most people don't have that basic cultural understanding with Mesoamerican stuff. At most, people know they built pyramids, did human sacrifice, were good with astrnomy, and got buttfucked by Spain, and Quetzalcoatl is a thing, and that's it. Ask somebody to imagine a typical greeek or japanese city or a marketplace and they'll likely have a somewhat accurate mental image, wheras if you did the same with Aztec or Maya most people would have absolutely nothing in their mental picture or would just picture a bunch of huts in a jungle around a half-broken down pyramid instead of pic related, as it actually was.

If you are interested in Mythology in particular, see >>14551196 ; I also have a finished reccomended reading chart for the Spanish conquest, a WIP one for other sections (*with a finished book selection for literature/philsophy), and can give further suggestions as well/post collections of resources for shit like book scans.

>> No.14552147
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If that’s your jam, go right ahead.
You could read Hesiod, but he’s kind of a preface that introduces all the gods and such. You could also go into more fiction with the athenian playwrights, or you could read historical tales like the Anabasis, Herodotus’ Histories or Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War.
Or philosophy