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14549059 No.14549059 [Reply] [Original]

Would people laugh at me on the bus/train if I did this?

>> No.14549067


>> No.14549068

nah, but people don't like it when you read in public
it's not laughs dude, it's like anger
try it out

>> No.14549072

>reading Plato on the subway
>Parmenides, struggling to understand
>black guy next to me glances over
>"Are you an intellectual ?"
>"Not really."
>"That's why you read Plato"
>he smiles and leaves a few stations later
>come home and try thinking of comebacks in the shower
what the fuck

>> No.14549127

it looks like hes got a bible in the other hand that hes referencing

>> No.14549130

he’s probably on here you know

>> No.14549149

like the woman in the train scene from Joker?

>> No.14549194

They wouldn’t notice, that would require them taking their eyes off their phones

>> No.14549212

not if you are black and look as cool as he does

>> No.14549219

They would realize you’re just pretending since the thought of blacks reading books is paradoxical

>> No.14549235

honest question: are you from US? People in Europe read in public all the time and no one bothers them.

>> No.14549240

Ive wanted to do this just to see peoples reactions

>> No.14549280

That nigga is fucking cool

>> No.14549299

US, yeah. I dunno how britbongs do it. But here, we don't like different people.
If it's a rich place then we don't like poor people. If it's a poor place then we don't like rich people.
If it's a place where people don't read books and then you read a book. Well, we won't like you. Makes people nervous and draws A LOT of attention to yourself.
I have only been to like twenty different states so I can't say if all of America is like this but half at least.

>> No.14549313

I unironically do that. Book in original language and book in translation. But not in public yet.

>> No.14549381

Actually, I remember I had my first and only copy of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.
I was reading it openly at a coffee shop my girlfriend worked at. Some people from a local band were doing a "show" at the shop and I was just waiting to get laid.
I went to the bathroom and came back and it was gone.
I found it later torn to shit in the alley behind the shop.
Life, uh, finds a way.

>> No.14549390
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>Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

>> No.14549391

based black guy

>> No.14549394

i think ayn rand is retarded but man that's some impotent incel tier rage

>> No.14549403

fuck you you fucking prick
I hope someone finds something you like and fucks it all to shit because they are an ignorant fucking ape
eat shit and get bent

>> No.14549461

True, a sure way not to be bothered by grannies while sitting on public transport is to read a book. They catch themselves in a loop between "young people don't read" and "young people should gtfo when i want to sit down"

>> No.14549485

based plagiarise

>> No.14549502

People in the US read in public all the time and nobody bothers them either. Anon is a fag.

>> No.14549516

Why would you care you insecure betafag?

>> No.14549534

Based Whiteheadian black intellectual

>> No.14549666

Only stupid people have a problem with it really. I read a book sitting in my car at the beach waiting for my girlfriend to go to the restroom, two black chicks walked by the car and one said to her friend "AHHH HE LEARNIN! CHECK OUT DAT LEARNIN!!" and they both started cackling.

>> No.14549710

>because they are an ignorant fucking ape
I mean you're the one reading Rand.

>> No.14549812

same happens in brazil. people have hatred for those who enjoy reading, studying etc to the point of mockery. everyone must be as ignorant as they are

>> No.14551112

don't listen to this retard, 99.9% of people in the U.S. will not give a fuck about you reading in public. you're probably more likely to have someone try to start a conversation about what you're reading than in Europe, however

>> No.14551534

My hands would start to hurt after 1 minute because I have very thin wrists :(

>> No.14551554


>> No.14551565

based philly

>> No.14552564

>reading a book makes you ignorant

>> No.14552771



>> No.14552792

Yes because you aren't playing Pokemon Go with two cellphones.

>> No.14552861

Came for this

>> No.14553416

Meme gettin old

>> No.14553424

>Reading bad books makes you smarter
Nice, I'm going to read lots of C-list celebrities' autobiographies

>> No.14553432

>>"That's why you read Plato"
Newfag here, never got this part. Is he implying one should read Plato to become an intellectual or is he claiming only pseuds read Plato instead of something else?

>> No.14553436

Not if you look like him

>> No.14553466

You're actually just a weird person who makes people uncomfortable, it's not the book. No one normal has issues reading in public. sry m8

>> No.14553477

they would stare at you in awe

>> No.14553482

t. still reading plato

>> No.14553576

the appropriate response

>> No.14553928

i used put a paper cover on the cover of d book that i was reading during break at work. nietzsche's biography isn't a type of book that ordinary factory workers would find normal

>> No.14553949

He's saying in reading Plato anon has learned that he knows nothing and that "intellectuals" are to be disdained, basically a rejection of the commodification of knowledge obtained through the real wisdom of Plato.

>> No.14553950
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Why would they?

>> No.14554362

falseflagging europoor. this has literally never happened. i see people read on the subway every day. nobody cares.

>> No.14554462

Nice strawman nigger. He didnt claim reading makes you smarter.