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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 250x337, Christopher-Tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14548345 No.14548345 [Reply] [Original]

RIP Christopher Tolkien


>> No.14548351

I know this is stupid, but somehow, as the son of a famous old man, I never considered that he himself had also become old.

>> No.14548355

You are old too, my friend.

>> No.14548366

Dubs of banal, languid, placid, listing and wistful truth.

>> No.14548382

Daily reminder his brother was a paedophile

>> No.14548399

Was there ever a more devoted son?

>> No.14548421

The Son.

>> No.14548427

Go into the West and sleep, thank you for all that you have done.

>> No.14548430

I recall reading that the Tolkien Society removed him so that they could make more money via that new Amazon series. They are not at all composed of Tolkiens.

>> No.14548444

At least they made a deal to ban unnecessary lore changes

>> No.14548458

Did the amazon series casting push him over the edge, /pol/?

>> No.14548468

RIP one of the most pious sons of the century. Fuck the Jews that will get their mitts all over Tolkien's legacy even more than they already have now.

>> No.14548474
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May your spirit reach the Halls of Mandos

>> No.14548496

With him gone, who has the most authority for Middle Earth lore now?
Also he is probably one of the rare man, who didn't harm his father work, and his expended work is also really good.

>> No.14548502
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>> No.14548503

>unnecessary lore changes
Adding niggers seems like one.

>> No.14548515

A sad day for us.
I used to think that he was too jealous of the JRRT legacy.
Then I realized how devoted the son he was.
We will miss him.

>> No.14548517

>On 2 September 2017, the Oxford Oratory, Tolkien's parish church during his time in Oxford, offered its first Mass for the intention of Tolkien's cause for beatification to be opened

I will begin praying to Tolkien. Not even catholic

>> No.14548527

And so the last bastion protecting his father's work is gone. Now his money grubbing children will whore out the series endlessly. They've already started with the Amazon series.

>> No.14548536

Wouldn't be such if they are playing non-humans or from Far Harad (Numenorean slaves maybe)

A Maori played Witch King in Jackson LOTR

>> No.14548563

Oh no, who will publish Sketched Tales VII and Unseen Appendixes now?

>> No.14548575


>> No.14548579

mods sticky pls

>> No.14548580


Feels bad

>> No.14548586

Thats really sad. His work on the Silmarillion was marvelous.

>> No.14548587


>> No.14548594


>> No.14548596

what's the point of continuing to protect the copyright at this point? seriously

>> No.14548614

It's over

>> No.14548617

Yeah, sticky this. RIP.

>> No.14548632

Goddamn. Was literally thinking the other day this had to happen any time now. I'm in the middle of The Fall of Gondolin and now I'll be sad as fuck reading it.

>> No.14548641

I'm really confused. I read somewhere that the Tolkien estate sold the movie rights to LOTR in like 1973 or something. So it's been out of their hands for a LONG time

>> No.14548663

RIP you great scholar, you did your father proud protecting the sanctity of his work

>> No.14548667

we're losing them all bros...

>> No.14548671

Now we can finally see Idris Elba playing Fingolfin in the inevitable Silmarillion TV series.

>> No.14548708


Press S to spit on this overzealous talentless faggot grave

>> No.14548712
File: 204 KB, 500x207, df7b3f75126b7bbd980d9c339fa4b47c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Third Age ended with ... the departure of Elrond ... over the sea.

If Beren and Luthien were Beren and Luthien, then their descendent Elrond was clearly Christopher - he was the final curator and preserver of ancient lore, and incorruptible, resisting the polluting taints of commercialism.

>> No.14548715
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>Disney buys Tolkien estate
I can see the headline already

>> No.14548722


>> No.14548728

Now prepare for the great sell out of the estate and titles and LoTR to get culturally enriched.

>> No.14548731
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With his death the Red Book closes. Middle Earth is now a finalized universe. Anything else from now on is degradation.

>> No.14548744

Middle Earth and Wizardry World crossover Soon™.

>> No.14548753

Yup the trust fund generation of Tolkiens are going to rinse this for everything they can get. Fuck capitalism.

>> No.14548755

Fuck you for making me imagine it

>> No.14548762

Anyone have a Tolkien flowchart?

>> No.14548763

I don't think it has an absolute thing to do with capitalism.

>> No.14548770

I can't believe Iger isn't tripping over himself trying already. I can only assume there's a massive bidding war with Apple

>> No.14548774 [DELETED] 

>Using the N-word outside of /pol/
You're in the wrong board, kiddo, if you still insist on using the N-word, I dare you to say it to my face IRL, if you can't then shut up coward.

>> No.14548775

Oh no, what are they going to do with those poor elven maidens now?

>> No.14548780

He was a priest, right?

>> No.14548782


>> No.14548783

Capitalism is a society-wide mental illness whose symptoms are a general whorish lack of shame and dignity, pathetic greed to the point of being willing to suck a dick for profit "if the profit is high enough and the dick isn't egregiously bad," disregard for values higher than personal gain (to be spent on hedonism), disregard for the wellbeing of others ("every man for himself, we're all profit-seeking whores and I'm just doing what any of you would do if you were in my position!"), so yes it does.

>> No.14548786
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>> No.14548790 [DELETED] 


>> No.14548793 [DELETED] 

>I dare you to say it to my face IRL
Here you go, nigger: Nigger.

Now what?

>> No.14548798

I don't think this has anything to do with LoTR getting sold out, rather, it's an overall societal plunge into decadent chaos. Capitalism doesn't even exist anymore, everything is globalized, interationalist cabalism.

>> No.14548799
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Please /lit/, for just one thread, don't whinge about capitalism.

>> No.14548810

Nigga, please.

>> No.14548820
File: 135 KB, 708x641, 1507848649664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some comfy LoTR art

>> No.14548821

Sadly this is the new religion for the masses spewed by fanatical jackals picking at the bones of a dead civilization. It's vindictive.

>> No.14548825
File: 173 KB, 1600x1083, Inside a Nazi Christmas party hosted by Adolf Hitler, 1941 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mammonism is the heavy, all-encompassing and overwhelming sickness from which our contemporary cultural sphere, and indeed all mankind, suffers. It is like a devastating illness, like a devouring poison that has gripped the peoples of the world.

By Mammonism is to be understood: on the one hand, the overwhelming international money-powers, the supragovernmental financial power enthroned above any right of self-determination of peoples, international big capital, the purely Gold International; on the other hand, a mindset that has taken hold of the broadest circle of peoples; the insatiable lust for gain, the purely worldly-oriented conception of life that has already led to a frightening decline of all moral concepts and can only lead to more.

This [mammonist] mindset is embodied and reaches its acme in international plutocracy. The chief source of power for Mammonism is the effortless and endless income that is produced through interest.

The idea of interest on loans is the diabolical invention of big loan-capital; it alone makes possible the lazy drone's life of a minority of tycoons at the expense of the productive peoples and their work-potential.

The only cure, the radical means to heal suffering humanity is the abolition of enslavement to interest on money.

The abolition of enslavement to interest on money signifies the only possible and conclusive liberation of productive labor from the hidden coercive money-powers.
The abolition of enslavement to interest signifies the restoration of the free personality, the redemption of man from slavery, from the curse whereby Mammonism has bound his soul.

In our Mammonistic blindness we have unlearned how to see clearly that the doctrine of the sanctity of interest is a monstrous self-deception, that the gospel of the loan-interest that alone makes one blessed has entangled our entire thinking in the golden web of international plutocracy.

Mammonism is the sinister, invisible, mysterious reign of the great international money-powers. Mammonism is however also a mindset; it is the worship of these money-powers on the part of all those who are infected with the Mammonistic poison.

Our anti-Mammonistic battle, which is ranged above the other two battle-fronts, is directed against the world-encompassing financial power, that is, against the permanent financial and economic bleeding and exploitation of our people through large loan capital. This battle however is, on the other hand, also a powerful intellectual struggle against the soul-destroying materialistic spirit of egoism and avarice with all its concomitant corrupting manifestations in all fields of our public, economic and cultural life.

Usury and racketeering, as well as ruthless enrichment at the cost and harm of the people, will be punished with death.

>> No.14548826
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>> No.14548829
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Didn't mean to reply

>> No.14548833
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>> No.14548834
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>> No.14548840

Good. Rot. His shitty opinions and decision-making ruined the LOTR franchise

>> No.14548846

are you kidding me.
rest in peace christopher, you'll repose eternally in heaven now.

>> No.14548851
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>> No.14548857

>LOTR franchise
Neck yourself

>> No.14548860

Damn. May he rest in peace.

>> No.14548862
File: 972 KB, 1281x2449, tevildo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for Tevildo, Prince of Cats (aka Sauron).

>> No.14548866
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>> No.14548870
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>> No.14548871
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>> No.14548872 [DELETED] 


>> No.14548874
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At least we get to see Numenor at its height

>> No.14548886

I can't believe this, I had just finished up Children of Hurin a week ago

>> No.14548893

>casting announcement killed him

>> No.14548894 [DELETED] 

>And when this new star was seen at evening, Maedhros spoke to Maglor his brother, and he said: 'Surely that is a Silmaril that shines now in the West?'

>> No.14548897
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>> No.14548906

>A Maori played Witch King in Jackson LOTR

Not that you could actually see him. But Hacksons LOTR was never licenced by Tolkiens since they had sold the rights for it in the 70s for a cig pack.

>> No.14548910
File: 270 KB, 1195x1960, a silmaril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And when this new star was seen at evening, Maedhros spoke to Maglor his brother, and he said: 'Surely that is a Silmaril that shines now in the West?'

>> No.14548912
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>> No.14548920

Complaining about capitalism is the midwit's favourite past time. He takes great pleasure in pontificating the ills of consumerism and profit, signalling to others that he is "woke". He unironically pushes this bourgeois brand of communism, where, from the comfort and safety of a capitalist nation, he criticises the "system" for not adhering to the Marxist theory of value. But it's totally fine to use Amazon to order his anime figurines. I'm talking about morons like this one >>14548783

>> No.14548921

Breeding sows for more orcs. Although later on retroconnectd to dying if anyone tried to do anything sexual to them.

>> No.14548922

This is not /lit/

>> No.14548927


>> No.14548928

fuck off

>> No.14548934
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>> No.14548936

get over yourself. Every system warps into capitalism in mere months. Don't pretend commies and monarchs aren't capitalists just because they slap a different label on the capital and pretend it's not theirs or that they don't bow down to big business (nobility)

>> No.14548947
File: 195 KB, 534x533, Downfall of Numenor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The downfall of LotR has begun bros. It's going to be chopped up and sold to the highest bidding talentless hacks now

>> No.14548990

I expect to see more black elves in the future now

>> No.14549011

I can already see new stories about middle earth being created. They will add politics and sex to make it more GoT-like and they'll take out the christian elements in order to respect all religions.

>> No.14549039

>The downfall of LotR has begun bros
It began in 2001.

>> No.14549075


It is I, the ghost of Christopher Tolkien!

Where is my sticky? I cannot rest until I get my sticky.


>> No.14549079

And the inevitable LEGO MIDDLE EARTH cartoon series. Maybe Frodo can team up with Unikitty and Batman to defeat Darth Vader!!

>> No.14549086

They will make easterlings into a bunch of dindus

>> No.14549088

Baby Gollum merchandise in stores now!

>> No.14549090

If we had a stick for every famous writer who died after this board was made, we'd have sticks everyday. Also, this man wasn't even a writer to begin with.

>> No.14549105
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He saw this pic and snapped

>> No.14549115

No, but generally it's recommended to start with The Hobbit and/or Lord of the Rings. Next the Silmarillion and Children of Hurin. Those are the completed works.

Then there are the incomplete drafts. Stand-alone volumes of drafts include Beren & Luthien, Fall of Gondolin, and Unfinished Tales. Aside from those is the extensive 12-volume History of Middle Earth which covers the entire writing process of the legendarium.

Lastly, there is the Adventures of Tom Bombadil, a short collection of poems. In-universe they are traditional Hobbit songs.

For non-legendarium material, there are some short fiction stories like Leaf by Niggle, and influential essays like On Fairy Stories and Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics.

>> No.14549116

>this man wasn't even a writer to begin with
>He published The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise: "Translated from the Icelandic with Introduction, Notes and Appendices by Christopher Tolkien" in 1960.
>Later, Tolkien followed in his father's footsteps, becoming a lecturer and tutor in English Language at New College, Oxford, from 1964 to 1975.[9]
>In 2016, he was given the Bodley Medal, an award that recognises individuals for outstanding contributions to literature, culture, science, and communication.

>> No.14549126
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Thread theme.

>> No.14549133

I used to think he was a shill cashing in on his father, until I read the books he edited and realized he was enriching the legacy and the only one keeping the rot at bay.

>> No.14549135

Doesn't look THAT bad aside from that ugly fat black chick who absolutely doesn't belong there unless she's playing an orc.

>> No.14549138

Should've lived to see Amazon rape his father's legacy on his behalf

>> No.14549147

I've no idea what she could possibly be playing other than that; the people of Near Harad were not of a sub-saharan sort.

>> No.14549148

That's Luthien bro

>> No.14549150

I just can’t wait for the YOUNG DETECTIVE GANDALF YA mystery series written by Peter David to hit the shelves!

>> No.14549151

They're all ugly as shit

>> No.14549236

at this point I'm just glad that Lupita Nyong'o isn't in

>> No.14549245
File: 405 KB, 1500x1500, 1579041901598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lúthien was the most beautiful of all the Children of Ilúvatar. Blue was her raiment as the unclouded heaven, but her eyes were grey as the starlit evening; her mantle was sewn with golden flowers, but her hair was dark as the shadows of twilight. As the light upon the leaves of trees, as the voice of clear waters, as the stars above the mists of the world, such was her glory and her loveliness; and in her face was a shining light.

Only prime JenCon can play Luthien

>> No.14549248

starring Simon Pegg as Gandalf and Robert Downey Jr as Manwe

>> No.14549259

Zoe Saldana is Yavanna

>> No.14549291

goddamn it

>> No.14549293


>> No.14549300

Joaquin Phoenix as Melkor
Morgan Freeman as Eru Iluvatar

>> No.14549320

I think Tolkien's grandson, or whoever owns the rights now, was pretty pissed at the Hobbit and won't give the rights up to anyone else

>> No.14549328

That was Christopher

>> No.14549332

With his death, the canon is sealed. Lore can only be interpreted from currently existing texts, anything published after this point is extraneous.

>> No.14549334

>Joaquin Phoenix as Melkor
hey, these were supposed to be bad casts

>> No.14549343

>How about another joke Man-way?

>> No.14549377

There are experts on Tolkien's works and Middle Earth, I know that Lord of the Rings Online has one who painstakingly goes through everything the writers come up with to make sure it's up to snuff and fits with Tolkien's world, but with Christopher gone safe to say any new lore will be disregarded

>> No.14549379 [DELETED] 

*Hits pipe*
>“It might be advisable, rather than lose the American interest, to let the Americans do what seems good to them–as long as it was possible (I should like to add) to veto anything from or influenced by the Disney studios (for all whose works I have a heartfelt loathing).”
–The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 1981, letter 13.

>> No.14549397
File: 38 KB, 529x479, j-r-r-tolkien-smoking-pipe-outdoors-e1461113124723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Hits pipe*
>“It might be advisable, rather than lose the American interest, to let the Americans do what seems good to them–as long as it was possible (I should like to add) to veto anything from or influenced by the Disney studios (for all whose works I have a heartfelt loathing).”–The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, 1981, letter 13.

>> No.14549399


>> No.14549404

wow what's Tolkien's problem. Disney was in a pretty good spot in 1981, Fox and the Hound was that year. Is it because Disney hated kikes and Tolkien was all "fuck the Nazis"

>> No.14549407

Why did he hate Disney?

>> No.14549411

Disney built its animation empire on the cynical molestation and corruption of european folk tales. Why wouldn't TOLKIEN of all fucking people have a problem with that?

>> No.14549416

Extremely based and Christpilled

>> No.14549417

That's just a rumor

>> No.14549425

>cynical molestation and corruption of european folk tales
bro they're movies for kids relax. Do you want the animated movie to feature all the weird ass gore and murder from German folk tales

>> No.14549431


>> No.14549439

nobody. its over.

>> No.14549449

Kids shouldn't be encouraged to consume trash just because they're kids.

>Do you want the animated movie to feature all the weird ass gore and murder from German folk tales
Unironically yes. Some of the best films I watched as a kid were those based on the books of Astrid Lindgren (and she was involved in the production itself), films that were plenty scary to small kids.

>> No.14549452

Oi, such antisemitism!

>> No.14549456

Nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger
What are you gonna do about that it? Fuck off, newfag

>> No.14549458

for real, in my mind he was a 30 or so year old

>> No.14549479

Someone rec me a book on advanced buddhist detachment techniques to help me seperate, within my psyche, the written works from the "franchise" filth that has been and will be created.

>> No.14549489

I was talking about real life, if you're from Massachusetts let's set up a meeting somewhere so you can say that to my face, what do you say racist shit? But since you pollacks are all a bunch of cowards I doubt you'd even show up.

>> No.14549492

ok bruh we get it, you took out a loan and you couldn't pay it back
talk about an overreaction jeez

>> No.14549493

Fuck off nigger, we're grieving the greatest writing legacy in the anglosphere

>> No.14549499

Tolkien was fucking dead by that point. The letter must be from 1961

>> No.14549506

Do you need to offend black people in order to grieve for Chistopher? I was also sad about his death, but even sadder that one of the most intelligent boards is turning into /pol/-lite and people are joking about it.

>> No.14549533

Rest in Peace

>> No.14549541

let's take a minute to appreciate how great the middle earth universe is compared to some perverted trash like ASOIAF

>> No.14549566

That's probably when they were published.

>> No.14549577

>complains about racism
>uses ethnic slur against Poles

>> No.14549585

Polack being a slur in the anglosphere always struck me as strange. In Scandinavia it's just the regular name for polish people, loaned straight from the polish language itself.

>> No.14549593

only two lightskin blacks is almost miraculous

>> No.14549594

b-but Aragorn's tax policy!

>> No.14549624

Fuck off nigger

>> No.14549634

LotR is going to be raped worse than Star Wars by this time, 2030. Books. Film. Video games. Comics. Until the market buckles under the weight of all the sheer filth and finally stops buying it. Chris was the sole person stopping it after the Jackson films blew up.

>> No.14549645

>LotR is going to be raped worse than Star Wars by this time
can't be worst than the hobbit movies.

>> No.14549654

The perennial and sweeping nature of the soon to come sodomy makes it worse.

>> No.14549663

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3pDTfCKjiA

>> No.14549680

Christopher hated the movies. Fuck you.

>> No.14549686

Ah fuck you leatherman

>> No.14549692
File: 213 KB, 1000x800, 1539179377133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the real thread theme ever since that nig nog started crying lmao:

>> No.14549694

I didn't know it was a slur against a marginalized group, I sincerely apologize for that and would have deleted that post if possible. Other than that, my point still stands.

>> No.14549695

I thought his issue was more about how the movie rights were sold.

>> No.14549697

suck my cock moron; you can appreciate both

>> No.14549712

There's another nigger and a mutt, too.
Not to mention a few other ugly white people.

>> No.14549725

Some brave Anon needs to step up and bomb Amazon HQ.

>> No.14549731

Apparently we'll never know whats happens since no internet racist has the courage to do so.

>> No.14549739

>In a 2012 interview with the French newspaper Le Monde, he criticised the adaptations, saying: “They gutted the book, making an action film for 15 to 25-year-olds.”
>He also said: “Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed by the absurdity of our time,” and that “the commercialisation has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing”.

>> No.14549750

Can a literary executor name another person to succeed him in that role? One of his grandchildren, perhaps.

>> No.14549757

But Tolkien hated anti-semitism

>> No.14549760

I reckon there’s still some stuff that Christopher didn’t manage to cover in HoME.

>> No.14549772

fuck this highsociety catholic anglo trash

>> No.14549788

>Fuck the Jews
Seriously, out of respect for Tolien, for once, could we all be intelligent enough to understand that big media corporation people are not all Jews and even those who are are only a tiny fraction of the actual Jew people, not representative of them, and that equating them with a whole population only serve as a distraction that protect the actual culprits by making people not muster the effort to actually look who the are.

Seriously, just for once, let's try to be smart about it and not fall for the stupid jew-meme. Too many people already take it too seriously.

>> No.14549797

/pol/ will just call you Jewish and ignore you

>> No.14549821

based post

>> No.14549828
File: 423 KB, 715x518, 15653298581249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this day would come, sooner rather than later, but this makes me no less anxious.

The end times are upon us.

>> No.14549831

I've come from another board to pay respect to Christopher Tolkien. Rest in Peace, guardian of your father's legacy.

>> No.14549856

Imagine if he'd been another Brian Herbert.

>> No.14549860
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big if true

>> No.14549872

Press F boys, without this man there would be no Silmarillion, no HoME, none of the letters. We would have LoTR and The Hobbit and that's it, the real soul of Tolkien was shared with us thanks to Christopher.
A great man, and a devoted son.

>> No.14549881
File: 98 KB, 646x640, 1568104158202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where now the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing?
Where is the helm and the hauberk, and the bright hair flowing?
Where is the hand on the harpstring, and the red fire glowing?
Where is the spring and the harvest and the tall corn growing?
They have passed like rain on the mountain, like a wind in the meadow;
The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow.
Who shall gather the smoke of the dead wood burning,
Or behold the flowing years from the Sea returning?

>> No.14549889

I will drink in his and his father's honour and celebrate their deeds!

>> No.14549935

Fucking F

>> No.14549964

Disney is an almost perfect example of (american) vulgarity. Like gypsy music.

>> No.14549980

F, what a based son and still a little underappreciated

>> No.14549985
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, 1559946398412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a toast... Christopher Tolkien was a detestable man. Better he were never born at all. We can take some pleasure in the thought of him dying painfully. Cheers and hail victory brothers.

>> No.14550006

>le xd trole

>> No.14550029
File: 30 KB, 533x622, 1412154869480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hehehe can't wait to milk this like Star Wars lore.

>> No.14550034

somebody has to prevent you guys from sucking each other off in this pathetic display of supposed grief

>> No.14550045
File: 51 KB, 419x401, 1535526924167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Disney buys the rights to Tolkien's work
>Everything outside of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy is now non-canon 'Middle Earth Ledgends'

>> No.14550057

Why do retards always say Tolkien's stuff will be ruined as if it changes the originals or if adaptions do it 'wrong'? You are aware of how pathetically fake-oppressed you sound, right?

>> No.14550063

>Oh no, they will ruin my childhood!

Grow up. Disney makes movies for children.

>> No.14550070
File: 592 KB, 745x843, Melkor and Ungoliantë.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I used to think he was a shill cashing in on his father, until I read the books he edited and realized he was enriching the legacy and the only one keeping the rot at bay.

He secretly kept and protected us from the evil creatures that lurk in Darkness.

(PR. The best image of Melkor in my opinion)

>> No.14550077

The only positive thing is LEGO making LotR sets again

>> No.14550082

Because it turned faerie tales into childish things.

>> No.14550094


>> No.14550095

>video games

Shire farming simulator when?

>> No.14550104

>With his death, the canon is sealed. Lore can only be interpreted from currently existing texts, anything published after this point is extraneous.
I believe this is the correct way of seeing it.

>> No.14550114
File: 282 KB, 600x1046, Stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The days have gone down in the West behind the hills into shadow

>> No.14550120
File: 983 KB, 675x990, 1564017492135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(PR. The best image of Melkor in my opinion)

P.R.: the best image of Sauron imho

>> No.14550121

Feels good being able to read the text.

>> No.14550130

>He thinks adaptations are just harmless entertainment and not weapons of culture war and revisionism.

>> No.14550131


why isn't this stickied?

>> No.14550134


I wish I had the chance to meet him

>> No.14550138

RIP Tolkiens son
A sad loss for literatuee loving humanity

>> No.14550140
File: 10 KB, 215x235, 1549275066926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14550160
File: 77 KB, 1830x549, 1579213253060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it begins...

>> No.14550167

Requiescat in pace - May he rest in peace.

>> No.14550169

But anins WB holds the film rights.

The real question is if the Tolkien family will retain the rights/authority

>> No.14550172

This has to be satire, I mean come on

>> No.14550174


>> No.14550180

The days have gone down in the West...

>> No.14550182

I know that's a troll, but people like this actually exist.

>> No.14550183

Tried looking it up and seems like it is deleted.
Visible in that persons comment history, but not on the page.

>> No.14550190

thank you for the translation kind sir, *tips*

>> No.14550197

As long as it stays true to the morals of Tolkien's works would it matter if Idris Elba had played Thorin? Would it have changed the book? Would it have done anything at all besides incense retards to become livid over imaginary persecution?

>> No.14550201

based troll

>> No.14550205
File: 239 KB, 671x755, Das Silmarillion. Peter Wagner, Nuremberg, 1493..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to upset you, but it seems that this artist made several similar paintings. Ahem. Homoerotic content. Yes, about Sauron and his "Master." I came across through Printest. Trying to forget it. Or maybe not, but the style is similar.

PR. Fëanor and Fingolfin
'Woodcut from a 15th century German edition:
Das Silmarillion. Die geschicht von den elbischen staynen silmarilli genant
printed by Peter Wagner, Nuremberg, 1493.

>> No.14550208

I will understand your post as being fully unironic.

>> No.14550210
File: 16 KB, 620x413, GettyImages-585206638-55f9786-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14550227

They're spirits, not living organisms with physical reproductive organs. Even still, the artist made Sauron female, so it wasn't exactly homosexual at all.

>> No.14550236

and so will I, for the alternative would be disrespectful to Sir Tolkien Jr

>> No.14550238

Bezos or the family had him in for cucking them out of the rights to the Silmarillion.

>> No.14550246


>> No.14550250


Thanks for continuing your father's work and rest in peace.

>> No.14550289

absolutely based. absolute cringe in the rest of the thread. kristoferus tolkien, i hope he burns in hell

>> No.14550291

I thought there gonna be a sticky

>> No.14550307

RIP, LOTR was one of my favorites

>> No.14550313

what's the difference?

>> No.14550326

Brian Herbert is 72 and has Alzheimer's (and no, he didn't have it when he wrote all those shitty Dune sequels).

>> No.14550331

And thus, the very last traveler has departed the Grey Havens...


>> No.14550341

More like Gay Havens lmao

>> No.14550347

One of the arguments was that they also made fairy tales as a genre synonymous with children's trash, whereas it was just stories before. In a way they almost killed fantasy.

>> No.14550349 [DELETED] 

Already cancelled my Amazon subscription when I saw the cast reveal. There were NO FUCKING NIGGERS in Middle-Earth, PERIOD, unless they happen to be travelers from Harad. But they won’t be, they’ll be black elves or black Gondor soldiers or some retarded fucking lore-rape.

>> No.14550365

Part of the deal for buying rights was no retarded lore changes so probably not

>> No.14550368

Why would you subscribe to Amazon in the first place?

>> No.14550371

The deal has changed... pray I don't alter it further.

>> No.14550386

You are absolutely right: they are asexual Ainur and can take any material form.
(And as an example of Melian with reproductive ability)

But excuse me

it's a little too much.


>> No.14550399

>Brian Herbert
Just imagine how bad it could have been
>Elessar of Middle Earth
>Gondorians of Middle Earth
>Silmarils of Middle Earth

>> No.14550415

Did you know that the elves and orcs in the LOTR movies were played by humans?

>> No.14550430

But they were white so that makes it okay. Coloureds? Not in my fantasy!

>> No.14550431

What is with the lack of respect for this man from our mods?

Is it hatred or sheer laziness?

Either way, 'tis remarkable.

>> No.14550434

On the contrary, if the niggers will be playing orcs it will be basically perfect.

>> No.14550459

Don't forget to listen to the best Tolkien singer on youtube:


>> No.14550461

>Coloureds? Not in my fantasy!
Your browser history begs to differ.

>> No.14550470

>best Tolkien singer
You sure about that?


>> No.14550493

Don't do this to me.

>> No.14550504

Free one day shipping.

>> No.14550522


What if you live on Guam? Will they be able to deliver what you ordered in a day?

>> No.14550532

Move over plebs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMwt_x6N1Sc

>> No.14550534

I guess you'll have to wait 1 more day for that package then.

>> No.14550547
File: 1.53 MB, 500x500, F777FAFB-B59F-45A8-954F-6D733ABFC68C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a troll who knows what he’s doing

>> No.14550570

It has begun.

>> No.14550578

It's not free If you're paying. And why do you need day one shipping? Do you have chronical anxiety?

>> No.14550596

Yo dawg, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish... but Leonard Nimoy had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!

>> No.14550604


>> No.14550612

you know what I mean you pedantic faggot

>> No.14550619
File: 988 KB, 245x258, 1495270097870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14550628

>It's not free If you're paying.
This is the kind of deep intellectual insight that keeps me coming back to /lit/, day after day. Bravo.

>> No.14550672

He went to see Snow White in the Seven Dwarves with CS Lewis in 1938. We don’t have Tolkien’s comments but Lewis hated it

>> No.14550820
File: 304 KB, 924x1399, Aule Destroys Manlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His father raised him well. Christopher had such love and devotion to his father's work.

>> No.14550824
File: 161 KB, 1280x766, TN-The_Tree_Shepherds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14550834
File: 1.10 MB, 1754x1080, TN-Turgon_at_Fingolfins_Cairn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14550839
File: 10 KB, 239x211, 1578267983793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14550840
File: 129 KB, 783x960, TN-Morgoth_and_the_High_King_of_Noldor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14550848


>> No.14550852

Chuck Jones didn't like Disney either.

>> No.14550857
File: 590 KB, 1125x1404, 72d1536a31c1739b6a2f080e77b126fea2e2b3ed4a782285eb1becbbcd25a195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, just for once, let's try to be smart

>> No.14550868
File: 15 KB, 650x143, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14550879

this is worded like a false flagging /pol/tard wrote it

>> No.14550898

I hate america.

>> No.14550903
File: 52 KB, 399x464, 1564196955325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14550924

How new are you?

>> No.14550951

Damn, that sucks man.

He did a lot to keep the flame alive, indeed gave the world a huge amount of material we otherwise would probably only hear rumours about manuscripts for.
I suppose he's sailing off into the west now

>> No.14550986

why would you live past 60

>> No.14550996
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1573760751525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14551007

Wrong thread friendo

>> No.14551039

This is stupid. That's like saying Germans didn't invade Poland because only small number of them did it. Jews, who make up straight up majority of Hollywood producers and executives are well aware of their Jewish identity and are informed in their actions by it. In fact, the fact that they're in those positions is directly a result of their ethnic organization and ingroup preference. So no, I won't overlook their ethnicity.

>> No.14551055

>Not all men

>> No.14551125

where the entwives at

>> No.14551204


>> No.14551528

Please, for Tolkien either leave the thread or stop being Anti-Semitic. He wouldn't want this.

>> No.14551552

This. It's a /pol/troll, and user/JudgeJudySwag is undoubtedly the same person who posted >>14550160.

>> No.14551603

Pictured him in my head as a chipper young lad

>> No.14551653

>only a tiny fraction of the actual Jew people
Factually untrue in the entertainment industry.

>> No.14551707
File: 360 KB, 949x1404, bilbo by jansson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And now is the end of the fair times come very nigh, and behold, all the beauty that yet was on earth — fragments of the unimagined loveliness of Valinor whence came the folk of the Elves long long ago — now goeth it all up in smoke. Here be a few tales, memories ill-told, of all that magic and wonder twixt here and Eldamar of which I have become acquaint more than any mortal man since first my wandering footsteps came to this sad isle.

>> No.14551715

Write your own cultural epic about African old gods instead of co-opting ours

>> No.14551717

Its actually kind of funny, i played shadow of war recently, one of the campaigns was about a black characte, he was from harad but he'd grown up in gondor as a hostage. I didn't think any form of media was more trashy than video games but here we go.

>> No.14551733
File: 436 KB, 1200x1608, hobbiton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of that last battle of the upland heath whose roof is the wide sky — nor was there any place beneath the blue folds of Manwë's robe so nigh the heavens or so broadly or so well encanopied — what grievous things I saw I have told.

>> No.14551739
File: 209 KB, 1024x789, 1555748067596m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm calling it now, she is going to be a hobbit main group comic relief character. Fuck man, it's all so tiring.

>> No.14551742

Maybe that's what killed him

>> No.14551757

If you don't like it then leave.

>> No.14551776
File: 108 KB, 1280x790, fingolfin and morgoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already fade the Elves in sorrow and the Faring Forth has come to ruin, and Ilúvatar knoweth alone if ever now the Trees may be relit while the world may last. Behold, I stole by evening from the ruined heath, and my way fled winding down the valley of the Brook of Glass, but the setting of the Sun was blackened with the reek of fires, and the waters of the stream were fouled with the war of men and grime of strife. Then was my heart bitter to see the bones of the good earth lay bare with winds where the destroying hands of men had torn the heather and the fern and burnt them to make sacrifice to Melko and to lust of ruin; and the thronging places of the bees that all day hummed among the whins and whortlebushes long ago bearing rich honey down to Tavrobel — these were now become fosses and [?mounds] of stark red earth, and nought sang there nor danced but unwholesome airs and flies of pestilence.

>> No.14551781

Yes i would say that only a few germans are responsible for invading poland

>> No.14551792

I'm late to the party, but who cares? The books he wrote or edited, wherein he desperately tried to cling to his father's coattails, were garbage. The idea that you would regale him as a successful defender of his father's legacy, given the dumpster fire known as the hobbit movie trilogy, is laughable. What of value did this guy do, outside of being a product of his bloodline?

>> No.14551803

What are they talking about?

>> No.14551808

>I was talking about real life, if you're from Massachusetts let's set up a meeting somewhere so you can say that to my face, what do you say racist shit? But since you pollacks are all a bunch of cowards I doubt you'd even show up.

Literally starts chimping out over a word, fucking pathetic. The only reason people don't say it to your face is because you threaten them with violence if they do

>Heh incel
>Why do incels shoot up places for being called names, how childish. They should just man up and take it

If only you saw the absolute irony in the way you approach dealing with ridicule, maybe words wouldn't hurt you so deep.

>> No.14551827

why would there be any Hobbits in the show, retard tourist?

>> No.14551828
File: 994 KB, 3000x3101, endor annotated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now the Sun died and behold, I came to that most magic wood where once the ageless oaks stood firm amidst the later growths of beech and slender trees of birch, but all were fallen beneath the ruthless axes of unthinking men. Ah me, here was the path beaten with spells, trodden with musics and enchantment that wound therethrough, and this way were the Elves wont to ride a-hunting. Many a time have I seen them and Gilfanon has been there, and they rode like kings unto the chase, and the beauty of their faces in the sun was as the new morning, and the wind in their golden hair like to the glory of bright flowers shaken at dawn, and the strong music of their voices like the sea and like trumpets and like very many viols and of golden harps unnumbered. And yet again have I seen the people of Tavrobel beneath the moon, and they would ride or dance across the valley of the two rivers where the grey bridge leaps the joining waters; and they would fare swiflty as clad in dreams, spangled with gems like to the grey dews amid the grass, and their white robes caught the long radiance of the moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and their spears shivered with silver flames.

>> No.14551836

His father sold the rights to the movies, not him. The Hobbit movies were not his doing, and he disliked the LOTR film trilogy. Google him if you don't know what he did.

>> No.14551840

Because it's set in Middle Earth and hobbits are short and cute and that appeals to women so they will inevitably shoehorn them in

>> No.14551841

I ain't offending anyone, it's people I don't even know that are offending me for no reason, why should I be the one leaving?
You're calling me inferior because of my color, of course I'm gonna respond violently, you don't even know me and yet you offend my entire race. For what reason? A few laughs from anonymous people? What kind of answer would you reasonably expect in this situation?

>> No.14551845

I didn't say anything about the colour of your skin, I'm not that Anon, I just think you could use a little perspective instead of getting mad and challenging random internet strangers to fight you over some words

>> No.14551856
File: 86 KB, 600x426, bilbo by sendak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And now sorrow and . . . . . has come upon the Elves, empty is Tavrobel and all are fled, [?fearing] the enemy that sitteth on the ruined heath, who is not a league away; whose hands are red with the blood of Elves and stained with the lives of his own kin, who has made himself an ally to Melko and the Lord of Hate, who has fought for the Orcs and the Gongs and the unwholesome monsters of the world — blind, and a fool, and destruction alone is his knowledge. The paths of the fairies he has made to dusty roads where thirst [?lags wearily] and no man greeteth another in the way, but passes by in sullenness.

>> No.14551871

Lol, imagine how you'd handle being white.

>> No.14551876

>I ain't offending anyone, it's people I don't even know that are offending me for no reason, why should I be the one leaving?

Because if you are being offended, then leave. Anyone can be offended for any reason, does that mean we shouldn't discuss Christianity here because might offend Muslims, or that we shouldn't discuss racism because it offends Nazi's? This is an anonymous message board, and one of the last bastions of free speech. If you can't handle the heat then get out of the kitchen.

>> No.14551891

>What of value did this guy do, outside of being a product of his bloodline?
He compiled a coherent version of The Silmarillion and Children of Húrin (among the other tales) that otherwise would never have seen the light of day. His father could never finish The Silmarillion or publish it. He wasn't "clinging on his father's coattails", he grew up on those stories and continued his father's legacy. There are many other people "of his bloodline" that did nothing of the sort. No-one forced him to sift through crates of manuscripts to finally publish his father's magnum opus.
And no, he didn't sell the movie rights, that was his father.
It's strange that you have such malevolence against him. You probably don't know much anything about him, or J.R.R. Tolkien

>> No.14551892
File: 94 KB, 324x1280, BB5CCB89-110F-4428-B961-85571188527D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14551895
File: 356 KB, 932x732, rohan, gondor, and mordor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So fade the Elves and it shall come to be that because of the encompassing waters of this isle and yet more because of their unquenchable love for it that few shall flee, but as men wax there and grow fat and yet more blind ever shall they fade more and grow less; and those of after days shall scoff and say Who are the fairies — lies told to the children by women or foolish men — who are these fairies? And some few shal answer: Memories faded dim, a wraith of vanishing loveliness in the trees, a rustle of the grass, a glint of dew, some subtle intonation of the wind; and others yet fewer shall say . . . . . 'Very small and delicate now are the fairies, yet we have eyes to see and ears to hear, and Tavrobel and Kortirion are filled yet with this sweet folk. Spring knows them and Summer too and in Winter still are they among us, but in Autumn most of all do they come out, for Autumn is their season, falln as they are upon the Autumn of their days. What shall the dreamers of the earth be like when their winter come.

>> No.14551913

I wish I had lived as a white man, life would be one hundred times easier.
There's a difference between discussing controversial topics and outright offending people using slurs (in this case the N-word), you can discuss anything as long as you're respectful towards your opponent or the group he's part of. It's not that hard, you should try.

>> No.14551915
File: 69 KB, 800x408, arda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hark O my brothers, they shall say, the little trumpets blow; we hear a sound of instruments unimagined small. Like strands of wind, like mystic half-transparencies, Gilfanon Lord of Tavrobel rides out tonight amid his folk, and hunts the elfin deer beneath the paling sky. A music of forgotten feet, a gleam of leaves, a sudden bending of the grass, and wistful voices murmuring on the bridge, and they are gone.

>> No.14551932
File: 86 KB, 749x900, tolkien laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But behold, Tavrobel shall not know its name, and all the land be changed, and even these written words of mine belike will all be lost; and so I lay down the pen, and so of the fairies cease to tell.

>> No.14551937

>life would be one hundred times easier.
Nah you'd be breaking down 24/7.

>> No.14551950

If my mental health would be the only issue, that would already be a great improvement. You've no idea how privileged you are, kid.

>> No.14551951


>> No.14551960

Lol the lack of self awareness.

>> No.14551978
File: 124 KB, 664x701, 1570370287198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll understand my words as you grow... I hope.

>> No.14552020

Niggers are so dumb.

>> No.14552024

Stop derailing you worthless fucking nigger

>> No.14552037


>> No.14552050

You won't silence me, as long as people keep calling me by the N-word, I'll keep coming back here to educate them. If someone is derailing this thread and shaming the death of Christopher, it's your racist friends, you should tell them to stop.

>> No.14552063
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know shit about a dead man's perspective
and talking shit will get your neck-bone disconnected,
Disrespected niggers don't show no love
why you tryin' to be hardcore you fuckin homo-thug
and don't be sensitive and angry at the shit I wrote
cause if you can take a dick you can take a joke
Thanks Anon.

>> No.14552083

Thank you. That was the Epilogue to Tolkien's Book of Lost Tales; I'm glad someone appreciated it.

>> No.14552104

How does use of the N-word in any way advance the goals or purposes of free speech? You're worshiping an idol.

>> No.14552109

Was HotME written by Cristopher or J.R.R.Tolkien? It's massive, but looks like a fun ride.

>> No.14552122

it's a troll, dumb-asses

>> No.14552124
File: 701 KB, 1100x542, 2018-04-actu-espace-tolkien-premiere-tapisserie_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tolkien tapestries

>> No.14552130

Christopher of course. J.R.R. wouldn't write a 12 volume series about his own writings :D

>> No.14552146
File: 65 KB, 657x437, cite-tapisserie-devoilement-carton-tolkien_4358502[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made in Aubusson (Aubusson tapestries are UNESCO cultural heritage by the way, and home of the former French royal tapestry industries), according to Tolkien's own illustrations

>> No.14552293

Probably would've improved the quality of the works

>> No.14552345

The writing style is too masculine and coherent for me to expect anything but foul play on a /pol/tard's part

>> No.14552446
File: 611 KB, 600x869, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learnt of Bloom's passing only this week and Immediately thought of Christopher.

It's all over for Britain. Not even exaggerating, there will never be more people like them. I'm not even sure there are any left.

Also, I've bought an old copy of Fellowship in English language at thrift store only yesterday (I'm not from English-speaking country, so these are hard to come by). Looks like picrelated, but black instead of blue so it's easily one of the nicest looking books I own now. Too bad they haven't published other books in that series, only the Fellowship.

>> No.14552488
File: 89 KB, 720x720, D3F2CCEF-012B-4EE2-A8DA-6590A85EA15F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14552679

>It's all over for Britain. Not even exaggerating, there will never be more people like them.
Let's be honest: the same could be said one-hundred-fold vis-a-vis the invasion of the filthy Anglos in the 5th century.

>> No.14552685

Go ahead and explain how.

>> No.14553074
File: 666 KB, 1600x964, 1575668145148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep in the Light of Eru Good Son.

>> No.14553221

>That's like saying Germans didn't invade Poland
Jews didn't elect the people at the top of media corporation. It's like blaming a whole nation for the ass decisions a king made after inheriting absolute power.

>> No.14553229

>Factually untrue in the entertainment industry.
It's factually true. the Jew at the top of the media industry are like what, a few hundreds? let's say they are thousands. There exists millions of Jews. you don't blame millions for the actions of a few thousands.

>> No.14553507

>genetics don't matter lmfao XD
you are a retarded animal fit for nothing but slaughter

judaism is an extremely coercive society that has arranged every marriage and forced its members to stay within for thousands of years, they have much more consistent traits than true humans

social contract decides the gene pool
there can be only one race per contract

we must slaughter the masses
they cannot be allowed to live - when there are too many people they catch cancer and spread it to all
we have to exterminate the jew completely and squeeze the good out of the masses and kill the trash
tournaments with set rules will be used to judge

>> No.14553510

yes you do

everything you think is reflexive to your victim complex


>> No.14553525
File: 11 KB, 234x248, 2C177E52-79BA-4A9F-A372-384D69CB1AED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no sticky

>> No.14553541

that dragon was a fucking asshole

>> No.14553555

>judaism is an extremely coercive society that has arranged every marriage and forced its members to stay within for thousands of years
Bu that's false.

And it has nothing to do with genetic. Even your own brother can be a complete shithead, you are not making any points.

>everything you think is reflexive to your victim complex
I have no victim complex

1. I am not forgiving the slaughter, but I am not blaming anything on the one who are somehow related in some way to him. That's just stupid.
2. We are talking about the media industry, not psycho-killer. You are going complete nutjob, there.

>> No.14553560
File: 83 KB, 640x605, LyI_qxdOZ6rOMc660u_mDsPnZsPDD2YnO3-1ViVKWnE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F. May the Valar protect you

>> No.14553574

RIP*, you godless zooner