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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, shelf1and2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14544997 No.14544997 [Reply] [Original]

Post your bookshelves. Other anons rate them.

>> No.14545072
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>> No.14545123

I am surrounded by books. I crave people not pages. These dusty tombs are nothing more than half-hearted attempts of nerds engaging in quasi-social interaction. Fuck, I want to hang myself.

>> No.14545137

philosophy of mind is boring

>> No.14545138
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>> No.14545142



>> No.14545146

Hardcovers are for pseuds

>> No.14545149

i can tell you're insecure

>> No.14545158

>He wants his books to fall apart after the tenth read

>> No.14545167

>He's such a barbarian that he can't even read a book without destroying it

>> No.14545213

woah guys we got a little prose in here

>> No.14545246
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>> No.14545253
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>He's not a barbarian

>> No.14545260

It’s a little purple

>> No.14545264

I keep all my books in boxes(vertically course). No space for a shelf :(

>> No.14545301

Why not anon? Get rid of your TV stand and game consoles if that's the problem.

>> No.14545431

>linguistic realism
Intuitionism in disguise.

>> No.14545443

Nice melatonin. Can't sleep?

>> No.14545451

Get a bunch of ebook readers. Use each individual ebook reader for 1 individual book. The thickness of an ebook reader is much less than that of any average book. You'll save a lot of space this way.

>> No.14545474
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>> No.14545481

>toys and a funkopop

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.14545502
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Here's one half of one shelf

>> No.14545514
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>Things Fall Apart
>Ayn Rand

>> No.14545538
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Got a few stacks of the good stuff but hard to get a better picture of. More woodroffe, upanishads, rig Veda,bunch of epics etc.

>> No.14545556

What kind of basedboy has books by Guderian and Rommel?

>> No.14545604

>Japanese Death Poems
How's that?

>> No.14545626

Is that a handmade Angry Bird?

>> No.14545650

A pretty good book. There is pretty extensive detail about the genre and a decent collection of poems, details about monks and haiku poets, etc. I only wish that it had a larger collection of poems, as the explanatory sections seem to make up the bulk of the book. The translations are good; I only understand basic Japanese but these translations seemed appropriate based on what I know. Some of them retain poetic value in translation (which is pretty difficult) and most are good resources for reflection/meditation. The book has two collections of poems: one from monks and the other from haiku poets who were not monks. The poems contained are, in most cases, the final poem composed by the author, hence the title and genre.

>> No.14545655

Not OP, but I have it too. It's fucken great

>> No.14545667

I'm a fellow Indiaboo my nigga

>> No.14545678
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6/10, it's not bad, just no fun




My score is based off how interesting I think you are as a person based on your collection/presentation.

You guys are alright

>> No.14545759
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not posting my shelf but wanted to give you a 7/10 because you were nice enough to rate other anons.

>> No.14545769

I've always thought bookshelves were embarrassing, like you want visitors to think you are smart. I give my books away when finished, except for a select few emotionally meaningful books

>> No.14545778

Riveting. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.14545823

There's always a few of you in these threads. And I get it. But some people like being surrounded by things they love, even if they're silly material things. It's only embarrassing (or any adjective) if you're embarrassed by it.

>> No.14545843

>like you want visitors to think you're smart

>> No.14545851

Well if I ever come to a house and see a wall of books I think "pseud"

>> No.14545859

You're welcome

Well I do have a wall of participation trophies so maybe we aren't so different

>> No.14545866

>Broken spines

I'm so proud of you

>> No.14546000

Would prefer the Arya.
Woodroffe's world has been A joy.

Is that Celine book worth it? Two chapters in.

>> No.14546010


>> No.14546232
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I also own mishimas the sound of waves. Working on getting my own copy of all of mishimas work

>> No.14546240

ok marlon brando

>> No.14546259
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>> No.14546276
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>> No.14546284

>Paris 1919
I read that one. Really enjoyed it. I remember the Italian PM being a colossal embarrassment.

>> No.14546290

based nate newton clarifying that when he says whores he means the female gender and not hookers

>> No.14546294

Lineman Nate Newton demurred. "We've got a little place over here where we're running some whores in and out, trying to be responsible, and we're criticized for that, too."

>> No.14546302

>I've always thought bookshelves were embarrassing
This speaks volumes of you. Unfortunately, nothing positive, you pathetic loser.

>> No.14546310

I could destroy the paperback in a single strike. It's amazing how much better hardcovers are than paperbacks

>> No.14546325

For me, it's the mcchicken

>> No.14546357

ashbery, nice

>> No.14547258

That Art and Illusion? If so, great book
Sound bit, show more

>> No.14547339

Bookshelves are better than fucking funkopops and multi-console gaming centers that most man children have these days.

>> No.14548298

flip those dante volumes and the political philosphy book over right now

>> No.14548338
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>> No.14548349
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A good chunk of the books on this latter image belong to my wife.

>> No.14548393
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>> No.14548413

You give them away? Instead of a library card?

>I've always thought giving books away was embarrassing. Like you want people to think you're humble and trying to not look smart.

>> No.14548424
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Thoughts on Burton?

>> No.14548443

Herblore lvl?

>> No.14548507

Low: I know a little bit about mushrooms and I once took a plant biology class

>> No.14548510

Wow have the same edition of BF too

>> No.14548650

I burned all my books. Gave the shelf to an ex.
I guess just imagine a pile of ash totally diluted by wind.

>> No.14548838

I haven't read it

>> No.14549798

Why do you feel the need to declare this?

>> No.14549823

I love your shelf. Opinions on the Folio Society's edition of Rome? Opinions on the Homer Folios as well? I've always went with Everyman's since they're cheaper but I've been tempted to switch to Folio for some books I read a lot.

>> No.14549965
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>> No.14550065


Is Armstrongs' philosophy of mind book any good?

>> No.14550126

Got the Gibbon set for Christmas so I haven't properly checked them out yet. It seems to be the only good-looking hardback set of Decline and Fall that doesn't cost a fortune.

The Homer folios are beautifully bound, nicely illustrated, and have a bunch of useful maps. Unfortunately, whenever I pick them up to read, half an hour later I inevitably end up feeling that I'd rather be reading the Pope translations on my Kindle. That's more my fault than it is Fagles' tho, so I'd still recommend.

>> No.14550155

this is the bookcase of someone who is never going to achieve anything in their life

>> No.14550439

That one seems tame in comparison to this: >>14548393

>> No.14550516

Great shelf!!! Superb authors!!

>> No.14550558
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I currently have some money saved up and I'm thinking of starting a book collection myself. However I'm looking at everyone's /shelfs/ and they look -- I don't know how to describe. Boring? Asymmetric, wooden shelf's, low quality paper and look of moistness.
Does anyone have some cool unorthodox setups to share, for inspiration?

>> No.14550664
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>> No.14550688

>buying translations

>> No.14550713

Yeah dude just learn 15 languages. I will leadn tibetan right fucking niw in fact

>> No.14550772

The problem will solve itself m8. When the day eventually comes that you bring someone to your house, and they see your bookshelf and don't make a comment about it or point out a book you have that they love too, then honestly they're not worth it. When you eventually meet that person who loves it as much as you do, it will be the best feeling ever.

>> No.14550793
File: 358 KB, 665x800, Corot_Monk_Reading_Book_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I'm thinking of starting a book collection myself

Don't. Just stop yourself right there.

Get ONE book that you want to study. Plato's Republic, Dante's Inferno, the Bible, fucking Lord of the Rings, it doesn't matter. Look up the best version/translation and then buy/pirate it and read that book. Next, do one of the following; A - get a related book, such as a sequel or similar philosophical work and read that, or B - reread the book you first read but take notes the entire time and try to properly answer these questions (taken from How to Read a Book):

- What is this book about as a whole?
The leading theme, and how the author develops the theme.

- What is being said in detail, and how?
The main ideas and assertions.

- Is the book true, in whole or part?
You must make up your own mind, if you are reading seriously. You can’t take the book for true without critical inspection.

- What of it? Why is this important? What follows?

If you did A, then proceed to B.
That is how you build a library instead of a collection, and it will take a very long time to accumulate books, but you'll find them becoming a part of you.

>> No.14550804
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no u

very nice

you signed up for this. you knew the risks.

i dig it

incredibly based and billburrpilled

>> No.14550825

>no you can't read way you want you must read the way i tell you
good advice, but he wasn't asking about that

>> No.14550844
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Please don't ask me how my shelf is ordered.
Fucking christ you're such a loser.
>Asymmetric, wooden shelf's
Okay pal, you give me something else other than a shelf to put my books on and I'll do it.

>> No.14550859
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Very cool, I wanted to post that sideways anyway.

>> No.14550866
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Only got this 1/3

>> No.14550875
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>> No.14550877

>The Art of the Deal

>> No.14550883
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>> No.14550887

>but he wasn't asking about that
Just trying to save him time and money and hope he gets something out of his time spent with books. Might as well get an e-reader instead of buying a collection.

>Fucking christ you're such a loser
Spend some more time reading your books instead of showing them off consumer.

>> No.14550894

I was about to make fun of your for all the Evola but then you redeemed yourself with the Wyndham Lewis.

>> No.14550908

You're very easily embarrassed if you find bookshelves embarrassing. Besides, visitors never see my bookshelves. My books are for myself.

>> No.14550926
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>> No.14550934
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>> No.14550948
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Who's in the classic writings of pragmatism? Is it a good collection?

my coziest shelf

>> No.14550957

>books aren't trashed so I can't possibly have read them.
I understand you feel the need to break all the spines to let your plumber know that you read books. That doesn't mean I'm going to just toss mine down the hall and hope they look tattered enough to make myself a real intellectual, like you.

>> No.14550958

Colega, és do Norte?

>> No.14550963


>Mexican intellectuals

>> No.14550967


>> No.14550972
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anon don't be rude

those are all supremely comfy my man

>> No.14550973

>The Wutang manual

>> No.14550974


Patrician taste (for a Portugese)

>> No.14551010

well mission accomplished, because you don't seem smart at all.

>> No.14551021


>He has visitors and doesn't live like a total recluse
>He doesn't use finished books to barricade the door

Why even read?

>> No.14551025
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Épico, primeiro concidadão distrital que vejo por estas bandas

>> No.14551032
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>> No.14551037

Where is the best place to start with wyndham lewis?

>> No.14551044
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>> No.14551051
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>> No.14551059 [DELETED] 
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Btw missing in these
>Saramago - Levantado do Chão
>Thomas More Utopia
Cause I borrowed them to some friends

>> No.14551067

Pretty great collection, what do you study?

>> No.14551085

Mathematics and thx

>> No.14551116
File: 604 KB, 2238x1035, IMG_20200117_010610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw missing in these
>Saramago - Levantado do Chão
>Thomas More Utopia
Cause I borrowed them to some friends

>> No.14551165

Anon it's obvious that you haven't read any of the Penguins at least, regardless of how gentle you were with it.

>> No.14551189

In all fairness you’re correct about me not having read some stuff. Usually buy books around Christmas and don’t get round to reading them until the summer. Sorry for being an arse, just get overly defensive online.

>> No.14551222

>just get overly defensive online

Of all places, getting mad on an anonymous Mongolian basketweaving forum.

>> No.14551280
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>> No.14551449

dont roaches lay eggs in boxes like this

>> No.14551462

Yes, I’m raising a roach family in my copy of IJ

>> No.14551500

He's a real treat, just got art of being ruled.

>> No.14551501

Potentially, but in clean places and areas lacking in roaches it's fine. If you want to make it nicer then buy some fabric and glue it to the inside and outside of the box. Then you have yourself the same shit they charge $50 for at Target.

>> No.14551532
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Not tarr, for fucks sake not tarr. I would start with "the enemy" published by black sparrow. It's fairly cheap and has a lot of his literary criticism and much more. Then move on to "men without art" to understand the modern style that runs through his fiction. Art of being ruled is good, but it's undeveloped compared to his later works and it costs a good bit to buy, though it has some fairly interesting political critiques which would be called the third position today. Then of course there is his "paleface" lol good luck finding that for a reasonable price. I haven't got heavily into his fiction yet, he has a lot to choose from though. Good luck, it's a fun ride were it feels like you are having a boxing match with him at times.

>> No.14551548
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Oh and his magnum opus he wrote to contend with Joyce was his "human age" trilogy. I'm excited to read that, though it's not easy.

>> No.14551559

>you signed up for this. you knew the risks
Only in abstract!

>> No.14551765

Your shelves are always my favourite when they're posted, they have a lot of character.

>> No.14551775

Are Beckett's novels worth reading? I only see his plays praised usually.

>> No.14551823

Thanks, we need more posters like you

>> No.14552062


My dad has that exact Mencken paperback, I read it once as a teenager. I didn't get everything that there was to get, but I got that he was a curmudgeon.

>> No.14552161

Yes ceramic

>> No.14552439

> visitors
Is this irony posting gone too far? I’m a fucking recluse.

>> No.14552671

In my opinion they are still worth the read, but his plays are far superior.

>> No.14552682

The further along I got through your bookshelf, the more and more I respected you.

>> No.14552686
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>> No.14552728

>Taking notes to try and figure out what "what the books themes are" and "is the book true"
You literally shouldn't need to do this if you are at all competent at reading. These things should come to you somewhat naturally as you read the book or as you think about it after the fact. Unless it's a very complex book those things should be more or less self evident.
You are probably right about only buying one book at a time, but I always see good secondhand deals and can't help myself.

>> No.14552743

About 60 pages from C. S. Peirce, about 110 pages of William James, about 70 pages of John Dewey, about 15 pages of G. H. Mead, and about 20 pages of C. I. Lewis.
It is a good collection, especially if you're into William James. Contains a lot of pieces from his principles of psychology, a huge work, which outline his philosophical views moreso than his psychology. Good intro to the field, can point you in the direction of larger works to read based on your interests, but definitely supplementary material. I have more James and Dewey on other shelves and have a lot more Peirce in my digital library.

>> No.14552770

Thank you, anon :)

>> No.14552788

10/10 I appluad you anon

>> No.14552791

It's one of the few I have yet to read. It is 366 pages long plus an index. Essentially, the front pages say that it presents the argument that mental "objects" are really physical "objects" in the brain. Written in the late 60's so whatever scientific observations referenced may be inaccurate at this time. The chapters are as follows:
Part 1: Theories of Mind
>1: A Classification of Theories of Mind
>2: Dualism
>3: The Attribute Theory
>4: A Difficulty For any Non-Materialist Theory of Mind
>5: Behaviorism
>6: The Central-State Theory
Part 2: The Concept of Mind
>7: The Will (1)
>8: The Will (2)
>9: Knowledge and Inference
>10: Perception and Belief
>11: Perception and Behavior
>12: The Secondary Qualities
>13: Mental Images
>14: Bodily Sensations
>15: Introspection
>16: Belief and Thought
Part 3: The Nature of Mind
>17: Identification of the Mental with the Physical

>> No.14552808

i'm curious why the bottom half is in alpabetical order but the top half is a random jumble

>> No.14552812

I don't have a pic because I am not a home right now but I have three full floor to ceiling bookcases full of books. The bulk of them are books written by G.A. Henty of which I have every book he ever wrote (they are actually my brother's but since he moved out and left them I guess I get them when I move out idk). I also have a pretty large R.M. Ballantyne collection. My favorite Ballantyne book has to be "The Coral Island" would reccomend. I also have some poetry and nordic mythology and histsory books. Quite a few military tactics books as well. Pretty much a good mix.

>> No.14552815

top half is recently read (since 2016) in the order that i finished it, bottom half is read before i started doing that.

>> No.14552956
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>>2: Dualism
Retroactively refuted by Shaykh Guenon (pbuh).

>> No.14553136

Okay, go kill yourself you pathetic loser.

>> No.14553340
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Hard to capture it in a single photo.

>> No.14553866

I just like keeping my books in a nice, ordered and safe environment, plus its nice to look at. I don't have visitors.

>> No.14554370

The reason for writing it in your own words isn't to figure it out, it's to cement it in your memory. There's a reason most adults remember their high school book reports so well.

>> No.14554777

Eu também sou do norte! Povoa do Varzim para ser mais específico

>> No.14554893

>These dusty tombs are nothing more than half-hearted attempts of nerds engaging in quasi-social interaction.
That's just you.

>> No.14554965

You genuinely seem like you have never read a book in your entire life.

>> No.14555007
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>> No.14555031
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>> No.14555420

Thank you fren, out of interest which book was the one that turned you?

>> No.14555518

got memed into buying da vincis notebooks. waste of $15

>> No.14555798
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>> No.14556018

Respect for those yoga sutras, better than 90% of books with yoga in the name.

>> No.14556722

Eu sou de Ermesinde

>> No.14557636
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>> No.14557768

What's that mask all about?

>> No.14557908
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rate my shelf

>> No.14557947

I inherited them

>> No.14557994
File: 336 KB, 1920x725, IMG_20200118_043345__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont own that many books, most of the ones ive read i borrowed from the library
ive also ordered the lord of the rings and the exorcist so i have to replace some books to fit those in

>> No.14558589

Kill yourself nostalgiafag.

>> No.14558590

Why do you just have one Lord of the Rings book?

>> No.14558635

You're in no position to judge others, pleb.

>> No.14558828

Are you the guy who recently freaked out in SvT about the whole gangbang scene with Beverly?

>> No.14558855

it's from south korea and my dad bought it for me years ago when i was a child and he was on a business trip

>> No.14559643

I can just read sparknotes

>> No.14559655
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Trying to rebuild

>> No.14559689

Is it even physically possible to read through all of that in a single lifetime?

>> No.14559704

>the meat rack
10/10 would read

>> No.14559705


>> No.14559712

throw away the stephen king shit and that should free up some space

>> No.14559759

your book is falling you lazy bitch

>> No.14559768

dont try blaming your wife for your gay ass taste

>> No.14559772


>> No.14559773

what is wrong with you

>> No.14559962

Literature is all I value, unfortunately

>> No.14559993
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>> No.14560021

All those King books gave it away lel

>> No.14560026
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>> No.14560060

Is Sartor Resartus in that Carlyle?

>> No.14560072
File: 943 KB, 1836x1836, 20200118_072354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.14560088

I'm only particularly interested in Sartor Resartus but I'm somewhat interested in Carlyle's work via Malthusian economics and Fitzhugh's work. Should I consider that edition? What else is in it and what's its year and company?

>> No.14560136

If you want to read Sartor Resartus buy that by itself this reader doesn't have it in its entirety.

The book I have is The Reynard Library: Carlyle Selected Works

Includes Signs of the Times, On History, The Girondins, Terror, and tons of letters. Those are all completed.

Exerts from: Sartor Resartus, French Revolution, Chartism, Hero Worship, Past and Present, Cromwell's Speeches, Latter-Day Pamphlets, History of Friedrick 2nd of Prussia, Reminiscences.

If you want a very in depth overview of Carlyle this is a good one.

But if you're interested in Sartor Resartus and his economics I'd recommend picking up Sartor Resartus by itself as well as Chartism

>> No.14560280

Thank you, anon

>> No.14560333

Nigger, I treat these books with better care than most people and my paperpacks still start falling apart after a few years of reading.
Paperbacks are for poor people.

>> No.14560379


>> No.14560389

Why do they all have library stickers

>> No.14560742
File: 3.13 MB, 3024x3905, 1573787875229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saved this one a few months back

>> No.14560816

surprised trumpfag can read

>> No.14561078

They're easier to make notes in. You do make notes in your books, don't you?

>> No.14561100

What in God’s name happened to that copy of the The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14561109

See >>14554370

Books are not video games. Just because you've read the book to completion doesn't mean you've absorbed all of it's content.

>> No.14561139

I almost wish this wasn't bait, since I'd be interested in learning how a guy likes you decorates a space.

>> No.14561208

>They're easier to make notes in.
How so? I think paperbacks are easier to make notes in, which suits their disposability, that they're made to be rekt.

>> No.14561215
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Send space pls

>> No.14561220
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>> No.14561254

I think it's seriously uncomfortable to look at a picture that's taken or flipped like this. Most book titles are right side up but because I know the picture is flipped I'm flipping it in my mind and then the texts are flipped anyway. Maybe? At any rate it makes me nauseous. Do people really like to look at the pictures like this?

>> No.14561406

Do you mean "temporally possible"? Reading is quite possible.

>> No.14561541

Rem what are you doing on /lit/


>> No.14562250


>> No.14562259

profoundly cringe

>> No.14562408

I actually feel fucking embarrassed seeing everyone's bookshelves with some really interesting books, I just have some shitty fuckin fantasy and horror novels. Need to sort my shit out.

>> No.14562418

You can post it on Reddit and rack in the upboats there.

>> No.14562472

Fuckin true

>> No.14562770
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>> No.14562787
File: 2.40 MB, 4032x3024, CF980AAA-A32D-4F90-A674-C0887B5365DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have all the books I need for next two years, still haven’t read most of these and there are a bunch more books that I have read left at my family home.
Want to read Bartleby next

>> No.14562964

why would you be embarrassed for reading books that are actually exciting and not some "intellectual" shit you cant even understand but read it anyway so you seem smart?

>> No.14563004

a violent oscillation between based and cringe. (mostly cringe)

>> No.14563029
File: 60 KB, 800x800, david-kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you fellas buy your books?

>> No.14563068

>MAGA hat
oh no

>> No.14563079

Is that what that is? I can't make out the spine at all.

>> No.14563157

You won't be able to since Kyoko's House was never translated.

>> No.14563180
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>> No.14563186
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>> No.14563310

Kill yourself or get better taste. Stop reading hacks.

>> No.14563419

>ready player one
you really shouldn't be rating any collections mate

>> No.14563819


>> No.14565118

You guys do realize no one is impressed by your philosophy books, right? Most people just assume you're intolerable cunts when they see them.

>> No.14565136

Why do you think i have books for social capital? Could this be projection?

>> No.14565177
File: 645 KB, 1024x768, Bookcase 6 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished up some new bookcases with my dad, so I spent a part of today reorganizing.

>> No.14565182
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>> No.14565233
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only good shelf coming through

>> No.14565639

Who should I be reading then?

>> No.14565894

>he doesn’t use his books as reference works for essays
Ok faggot

>> No.14566007
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>> No.14566014
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>> No.14566018
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>> No.14566528
File: 227 KB, 750x1334, 4F52C9A6-3C40-4587-89C6-79C10BDBF172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine, but a friend who is my library.

>> No.14566546

phone just flipped it :(

>> No.14566558

what's up with people posting their shelves in terrible quality? We can't read the titles! I don't know what books you have!

>> No.14566565

don't worry it's not like they've read them either

>> No.14566595

I make notes in a notebook

>> No.14566619

That is everything wrong with bugman type minimalism.

>> No.14566934


>> No.14567052

I cant read