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/lit/ - Literature

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14544739 No.14544739 [Reply] [Original]

Does the far right even have any good literature?

>> No.14544750

Culture of Critique

>> No.14544751

pound, eliot, the list goes on.....

>> No.14544763

both hack frauds

>> No.14544768


>> No.14544776

irrefutible critique anon bravo

>> No.14544782

worse than a hack fraud. not even literature or philosophy just rhetoric.

>> No.14544795

Dah Durner Diaries! Hurrr

>> No.14544807

Please don't politicize literature like this.

>> No.14544818

Depends on what you consider to be far-right

>> No.14544827

pretty much anything written before 1960 is considered far right by modern standards

>> No.14544829


>> No.14544869

>lists two
>the list goes on
Please continue the list pseud

>> No.14544883

I hate this edition
Interpreting Ulysses as life affirming is the most pleb interpretation
Molly was a psycho cunt

>> No.14544896

Better question, does the left? What is the best far left literature ever written? Bear in mind that I will not read literature written by pedophiles so no 20th century French Intellectuals please and thank you

>> No.14544905

Conservativism is incompatible with intellectual innovation

>> No.14544938

Nice non sequitur. Want to provide a real argument?

>> No.14544986

this, with the exception of progressives and many atheists

>> No.14544988

>can only name 2
>the list goes on

>> No.14545027

go back faggots

>> No.14545042
File: 172 KB, 960x960, 1565780848254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does reddit thing
>gets called out
>*starts sobbing* "g-g-go b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-back, f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-faggots" *shoots self*

>> No.14545048

holy shit are you retarded, the list goes on is an ancient meme you complete faggot

>> No.14545053
File: 23 KB, 220x307, 220px-Turnerdiariescover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14545056


>> No.14545062


Stop this

>> No.14545064
File: 30 KB, 718x706, 1553817548550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uses ancient meme that was stolen by reddit
>gets called out
>claims that acknowledging that reddit stole the meme is reddit
>claims that the meme is ancient anyway, defeating his own point

>> No.14545069

ayn Rand (jk)

>> No.14545075

>equality police
do rightoids actually believe this?

>> No.14545076

>knowing which memes are reddit
thats reddit as fuck anon, go back

>> No.14545080

Decline of the West was and is held in high regard by thinkers of all political stripes, most notably Adorno, who wrote the preface to one of the English editions. Heidegger was a notable supporter of the Nazis although he later regretted it.

If you want fiction: Celine and Pound were both Nazi sympathizers. Voltaire was a noted antisemite before anti-Semitism was even a thing.

>> No.14545094

It's not that far fetch that shit like that could happen

>> No.14545105

>Voltaire was a noted antisemite before anti-Semitism was even a thing.
The levels of retardation in this post are frustrating.
To state the obvious, Voltaire is the very definition of left-wing.

>> No.14545107

Not him but
Thoreau, Lovecraft, cram, Tolkien just to name a few
The list really does go on

>> No.14545111

The police are the enforcers of inequality

>> No.14545122

There are no leftist authors. Nearly all of them supported capitalism to some extent

>> No.14545124

>the list goes on is an ancient meme
>implying you agree there isn't any good /lit/ from the far right
What's your problem?

>> No.14545140

Revolt against the modern world, pagan imperialism by Julius Evola. But you should know, that it only aesthetic shit without proofs.

Genoun better then evola, but same shit.

Better read the writters of conservative revolution.

>> No.14545235


>> No.14545239

Too forced. Reported for spamming.

>> No.14545243

who hurt you

>> No.14545366

Excuse me anon, sorry to interrupt your posting spree there, but unless I am mistaken you seemed to have made a post that does not meet the standards of quality that we share here on 4channel.org. Could you please delete your post and study the threads here (what we locals like to call lurking!) before you make another post that does not belong on this website? Many thanks, anon

>> No.14545412

All epic poets including Tasso, Dante and Milton

>> No.14545427

Zero HP Lovecraft's short stories

>> No.14545504

Holy fuck the Alt-Left can't be funny and post without looking like white cis male with hemorrhoids

>> No.14545506
File: 113 KB, 1080x293, 1578765054102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14545508

I can't see Milton as right wing, he's too much of a roundhead

>> No.14545551

Milton is the one exception where his literature is demonstrably right wing even though his personal politics were not; the idea Paradise Lost is roundhead is the most pedestrian reading of it. To the point where anyone seriously claiming it is is either deliberately dunce or simply juvenile.

>> No.14545570

Literally every single writer before 1950 would be considered right wing by our modern understanding of the term. Your favorite writer that your teacher tells you was a beautiful soul that loved humanity in actuality probably hated immigrants, niggers and Jews as much as everyone else.

>> No.14545810

Doesn't make those writers right wing.

>> No.14545889
File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do far lefties invent their own genres?

>> No.14545900
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>> No.14545939

First off, left and right are labels and nothing more. They don't exist in and of themselves.
If you're referring to social right wingers you'd have your work cut out for you positing that writers pre-1950 were all as you said. It has to do with the fact that people of a racist, mean-spirited disposition naturally don't make good writers (most classics aren't tirade's on black people and immigrants).

>> No.14545964

They're usually too busy having sex

>> No.14546089

It's not a non-sequitur and I don't find reasoning with conservatives to be very productive. Which is a shame, I'm non-attached about politics and curious about the intelligent right, I just can't find anyone with any semblance of integrity or rationality

>> No.14546095

Did HP Lovecraft do anything except invent a genre?
Is there any worse prose to be found than in HP Lovecraft?
Is there anything so melodramatic to less effect than HP Lovecraft?

>> No.14546103

have you actually read this?

>> No.14546122

(contemporary) centre left and centre right are both intellectual dead zones, American conservatives at least have classical liberalism.

>> No.14546158

>Your world view is defined by your political ideology
You've already failed anon

>> No.14546201

Your political ideology is defined by your world view
I'd say that's commutative

>> No.14546256

what do you mean by far-right?

>> No.14546327

hahahahaha look at this bugman tremble

>> No.14546339

Being racist doesn't make you far right, anon.
God this left right shit is so stupid and tedious.

>> No.14546368
File: 215 KB, 840x520, lovecraft_democracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree but Lovecraft was far right. He had a pure, reactionary soul

>> No.14546416

Must be the fear of the unfathomable...
How unfathomably gay Lovecraft is

"lovecraft" lol more like "ilovecock"

>> No.14546457

Not the anon you're replying to but Virgil, Homer, Plato, Aristotle, The Holy Bible, The Mahabharata, Upanishads, Dhammapada Beowulf, Dante, The Quran, The Analects of Confucius

>> No.14546478

See this is why I hate left vs right football team politics, by virtue of being religious texts, all those books are right wing, except Islam which is considered left wing for some reason despite it being the most traditionalist?
Bloody Yanks.

>> No.14546497

I think this just exposes the greater issue of the term "conservative", it would include quite a lot under a loose enough definition, and the difference between the classical sense of conservativism and the modern right.
Like Confucius favoring traditions... He also favors monarchy, which is incompatible with what's core to modern conservativism. Same goes for most of those you've named. What the right is today, lacks intellectual support. What was ostensibly conservative in the past has little connection to the modern right.

>> No.14546509

i am not football teaming, these books are all products of premodernity. In my own words I would describe them as outside of the 18th Century-and-onwards left-right paradigm, but in a present-day vacuum they are all principally illiberal, and none of them can be described as properly left-wing in their illiberalism either, which is why I volunteered them as examples of 'far-right' literature: they occupy a premodern space, as do the most noble elements of what is usually considered to be the far right. For me, this includes those who believe in institutionalizing religious tradition, preserving heroic pleasure (pleasure derived from action which manifests a higher principle), 4pt

>> No.14546540

I think this just exposes the greater issue of the term "conservative", it would include quite a lot under a loose enough definition, and the difference between the classical sense of conservativism and the modern right.
>What the right is today, lacks intellectual support.
Which factions/national politics are you referring to here?
>What was ostensibly conservative in the past has little connection to the modern right.
Maybe in America, but not internationally.

>> No.14546573

>Which factions/national politics are you referring to here?
That's kind of a tricky question, isn't it? I'm referring to the lack of a thing, I haven't seen it anywhere. I'm sure it exists somewhere. But...
>Maybe in America, but not internationally.
I am American, so yes, the picture of conservativism we're given is badly distorted from whatever redeeming classical forms of conservativism there may be

>> No.14546595

William Gaddis, Nietzsche, Ezra Pound, Spengler, Heidegger, Evola, Linkola, Kaczynski, Ellul, et al

>> No.14546597

Les Miserables
The Octopus
USA Trilogy
What is to be Done?

>> No.14546611

the fuck are you on

>> No.14546678

You don't even need to go to Europe for this, American left poets like Ginsberg and Whitman were also boylovers

>> No.14546690

Same anon here, also an American, unironically look into the Fourth Political Theory of Alexandr Dugin. He has plenty of lectures on youtube and good articles on 4pt.su which 1 demonstrate the difference in the parameters of this debate in Europe, the Eurasian supercontinent, etc, and point the way toward something different. Zizek is also useful here in his some of his older part-sympathetic commentaries on islamism, for example, as a counter-globalizing force, they are basically inessential but may also provide some perspective

>> No.14546706


>> No.14546708

The issue is that the economic dimension of american conservatism actually works directly against the social dimension of it. its not consistent, its set up to secure the victories of the left and nothing more.

>> No.14546718

Yukio Mishima

>> No.14546729

Everything pre-French Revolution was far-right literature.

Don't @ me

>> No.14546736


>> No.14546744

i think that this may be an oversimplification, the philosophical and literary catalysts for the revolution predate the revolution.

>> No.14546775

He rejected every idea of God though

>> No.14546825

>the Bible
>no war
>love thy neighbor
>feed the poor
>free healthcare via Jesus healing people
>Jesus’ father is a cuck
>the female character is a whore
Is this not left wing?

>> No.14546858


>> No.14546883

>the Bible
>no war
not in the bible
>love thy neighbor
yes, love thy neighbor as thyself. This means something radically different in a spiritual and created world than a secular one.
>feed the poor
apathy and antipathy toward those who have not is a sickening and inhuman corruption and degeneracy
>free healthcare via Jesus healing people
Subintellectual and uninteresting comparison
>Jesus’ father is a cuck
Joseph is neither Jesus' father nor a cuckold. Mary held the divine light, the Word of God in her womb, and bore Christ the Son of God a virgin. If you don't believe this then congratulations, you are an atheist and not beholden to Holy Understanding. This is not, in and of itself, a legitimate foundation for the claim you are making, which is not really a claim but an attempt to be insulting.
>the female character is a whore
This is a piece of talmudic libel which runs contrary both to Holy Tradition, scripture, and documents from all who claimed to have met the Theotokos in her lifetime, some of whom even said after they met her and felt her presence that if they did not know better they might have made the mistake of identifying her with Christ as such. I trust that thousands of years ago, as we do now, people would have had a fair enough ability to read people's character to not mistake the Theotokos for the figure she is slandered against as in the Talmud
>Is this not left wing?

>> No.14546893

What should I read to start with him?

>> No.14546949

Wow thanks for the analysis Ben Shapiro. Did my joke upset you or are you trying to say the Bible is right wing somehow?

>> No.14547034

In his letters, and the biography by Sprague de Camp and S.T. Joshi it becomes absolutely clear that Lovecraft was an atheist through and through

>> No.14547046

The Bible

>> No.14547082

As a rightist, Marx, Proudhon and Prokoptkin seem to be their meme trilogy, as Evola, Pound and Spengler are for the right.

>> No.14547087

>what is right wing socialism
The mere existence of this ideology refutes your entire post. Even social nationalism would btfo you.

>> No.14547091

Nietzsche can bizarrely be taken as far left or far right, depending on what parts you choose to ignore.

>> No.14547130

every poster in this thread is retarded.

>> No.14547259

John Dos Passos was a conservative republican

>> No.14547410

Love that pic.

It's a ritual for me to use the cover as a stand for this and light it up when I start reading the new book.

>> No.14547431

Not the anon you're replying to, but:

1 - almost all authors from before the 20th century would have been considered supremacists of sorts - whether it be Greek supremacist, Roman supremacist, Muslim supremacist, Portuguese supremacist, Jewish supremacist, English supremacist, Chinese supremacist, Japanese supremacist.

2 - after the 20th century the tradition of right-wing authors still continued with Ezra Pound, William Yeats, D'Annunzio, Pirandello, Giovanni Gentile, Jorge Luis Borges, Soljenitsin, and many others.

It also depends on what the hell you mean by 'far right'. Seriously. What do you consider far right? Is Trump far right? Is Bolsonaro far right? Is Boris Johnson far right? Is Macron far right?

Take Proust for instance:

>Proust inherited much of his mother's political outlook, which was supportive of the French Third Republic and near the liberal centre of French politics.[27] In an 1892 article published in Le Banquet entitled "L'Irréligion d'État", Proust condemned extreme anti-clerical measures such as the expulsion of monks, observing that "one might just be surprised that the negation of religion should bring in its wake the same fanaticism, intolerance, and persecution as religion itself."[27][28] *****He argued that socialism posed a greater threat to society than the Church.[27]***** He was equally critical of the right, lambasting "the insanity of the conservatives," whom he deemed "as dumb and ungrateful as under Charles X," and referring to Pope Pius X's obstinacy as foolish.[29] Proust always rejected the bigoted and illiberal views harbored by many priests at the time, but believed that the most enlightened clerics could be just as progressive as the most enlightened secularists, and that both could serve the cause of "the advanced liberal Republic."[30] He approved of the more moderate stance taken in 1906 by Aristide Briand, whom he described as "admirable."[29]
>Proust was among the earliest Dreyfusards, even attending Émile Zola's trial and proudly claiming to have been the one who asked Anatole France to sign the petition in support of Dreyfus's innocence.[31] In 1919, when representatives of the right-wing Action Française published a manifesto upholding French colonialism and the Catholic Church as the embodiment of civilised values, Proust rejected their nationalism and chauvinism in favor of a liberal pluralist vision which acknowledged Christianity's cultural legacy in France.[27] Julien Benda commended Proust in La Trahison des clercs as a writer who distinguished himself from his generation by avoiding the twin traps of nationalism and class sectarianism.[27]

Was Proust far right? Something tells me that the contemporary American campus left would probably consider him to be so, even though he seems to have been just a typical classical liberal of sorts...

>> No.14547433

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Roger Scruton, Edmund Burke, Thomas Sowell, P. J. O'Rourke, Mário Ferreira dos Santos, Ludwig von Mises, Michael Oakeshott, Willmoore Kendall, Eric Voegelin, Nikolai Berdyaev, Richard M. Weaver, George Grant, Vladimir Nabokov, Lew Rockwell, Alain Peyrefitte, Václav Havel, Alexis de Tocqueville, Vladimir Solovyov, Olavo de Carvalho, Roger Kimball, Xavier Zubiri, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, Constantin Noica, Lucian Blaga, T. S. Eliot, Ayn Rand, Franz Rosenzweig, William F. Buckley Jr., G. K. Chesterton, Malcolm Muggeridge, Louis Lavelle, H. L. Mencken, , Paul Johnson, Russell Kirk, Miguel Reale, René Girard, Mortimer J. Adler, Marshall McLuhan, C. S. Lewis, Bernard Lonergan, Frédéric Bastiat, Jorge Luis Borges, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Orlando Figes, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Benedetto Croce, Viktor Frankl, Judith Reisman, Vilém Flusser, Hossein Nasr, George Santayana, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Bertrand de Jouvenel, José Ortega y Gasset, Jesús Huerta de Soto, Andrzej Łobaczewski, Leo Strauss, Mircea Eliade, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Carl Schmitt, Thomas Woods, Carl Menger, Jean-Baptiste Say, Nicolás Gómez Dávila, David Horowitz, Murray Rothbard, Peter Hitchens, Henry Hazlitt, Vladimir Bukovsky, René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon, Friedrich Hayek, Mario Vargas Llosa, Vladimir Tismăneanu, Irving Babbitt, Charles E. Lindblom, Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, Robert Michels, Mikhail Sholokhov, Gaetano Mosca, David Hume, Adam Smith, José Guilherme Merquior, Isaiah Berlin, Arnold Toynbee, Johan Huizinga, Christopher Dawson, Modris Ekstein, John Lukacs, Jacques Barzun, Niall Ferguson, Bernard Lewis, David Stove, Theodore Dalrymple, Leopold von Ranke, François de Chateaubriand, Robert Nisbet, John Henry Newman, Werner Sombart, F. W. Maitland, Raymond Aron, Karl Popper, Julien Benda, Leszek Kołakowski, Alexander Solzhenítsyn, Arthur Koestler, Joseph de Maistre, Rivarol, Pat Buchanan, Samuel P. Huntington, Konstantin Leontiev, Vilfredo Pareto, Edmund Husserl, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Martin Heidegger, Giuliano Gentile, Willard Van Orman Quine, François Mauriac, Robert Brasillach, Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, François Furet, Czesław Miłosz, Hillaire Belloc, Henri Massis, Ivan Ilyin, Edgar Julius Jung, Juan Vázquez de Mella, Juan Donoso Cortés, Masahiro Morioka, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Jacob Burckhardt, Christopher Lasch, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Richard Pipes, Hans Trevor Roper, Petre Țuțea, Paul Gottfried, T. E. Hulme, Ernst Jünger, John Kekes, Arnold Lunn, Alasdair MacIntyre, Gabriel Marcel, Julio Meinvielle, E. F. Schumacher, Igor Shafarevich, Karl Ludwig von Haller, Evelyn Waugh, Thomas Fleming, Karl Jaspers, Jean-François Revel, Philip Rieff, Oswald Spengler, Gustav Le Bon, Peter Kreeft, Alain de Benoist, Víctor Pradera, Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spínola, Jaime Guzmán...

>> No.14547699


>> No.14547735

OP lookup Charles Murray, most notably “The Bell Curve” and “Coming Apart”

>> No.14547752

Later in life, yes. The USA Trilogy was written while he was a communist however, and it shows.

>> No.14547773

Don’t shill pseudoscience nonsense here /pol/

>> No.14548116

White/Japanese/Arab/etc race supremacy is considered right wing because it enforces a racial hierarchy, which makes sense I suppose, but why on Earth are black supremacists (in America) considered left wing?

>> No.14548122

Because anything opposed to White culture is considered left-wing.

>> No.14548187

Radlibs seem to jerk these guys off despite the latter hating the former's guts.

>> No.14548216
File: 126 KB, 700x700, 1541349885078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicioustacos and mike ma have some good books,
Uncle Ted spends the first few pages of Industrial Society and it's future trashing leftists.
Houllebecq, Celine, Wolfe, Aquinas, Rand, Clancy, etc.

Even many "leftist" books contain conservative ideologies, rarely does a book created simply for the case of an ideology take off or account for "good" literature. The really "good" stories have a blend of ideologies and concepts. The only reason many leftist books are popular is because of the leftist nature of academia. This is why many books that make best-seller lists in recent years tend to be POC or women. Academia follows the trend of being a permanent victim to culture.

Most commie books are not good either and communists are retards.

>> No.14548226

So this is the sort of "far right" "intellectual" /lit/ attracts...

>> No.14548235


>> No.14548244

total fucking moron

>> No.14548590

>heh heh le triggered much?
Get out

>> No.14548613

welcome, newfag

>> No.14548877

it's ok anon you can continue to seethe once you wash your peepee

>> No.14548945

>falling for the Thoreau meme

>> No.14549531

>muh left-right
Reminder that political thought is at least a 9 dimensional Calabi-Yau Manifold.
10 Dimensional if you include a seething vs not-seething axis

>> No.14549588

>not reading well written 150 year old travel journals about where you live
Thoreau is fun. Haven't read Walden yet though

>> No.14550360

>falling for the anti Thoreau meme

>> No.14550402

>ctrl F "GK"
>No results

>> No.14550586

honestly, man, if u havent read thoreau you are straight up gay

>> No.14551027
File: 31 KB, 220x305, Algernon_Blackwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14551107

WB yeates

>> No.14551145

Because the American "Left" is not really left-wing, it's just Anti-White.

A white supremacist, I believe it was Mike Enoch, gave a talk a while ago about Kwanza and how it literally reads as though it were written by George Lincoln Rockwell, except for black people. Practically speaking Black Supremacists are also right-wing, it's just that, much as Anarchist factions do not necessarily like each other, far-right factions do not necessarily have any commonality in goals, just in mindset.

When I was in prison in the 90s I encountered this personally. The NLRs, a white supremacist gang who were later smashed for trying to take territory from the Aryan Brotherhood, had a close relationship with Mexican racial gangs. They didn't intermingle, they didn't share tables, but their leaders had meetings and when they came to an agreement, that agreement was ironclad. "I look out for my people, you look out for yours, we don't cross each other."

This has led to a comical situation in which blacks get bullied HARD by both whites and spics in American prisons because blacks are too stupid to organize. They even had a smoking order, where the whites would go out and smoke first, then the mexicans, then the blacks, then anyone who wanted to go pick butts up out of the yard.

>> No.14551269
File: 824 KB, 1024x1550, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of 'goodness' is inherently right wing.

>> No.14551282
File: 73 KB, 610x631, 1569853480733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even reach that dumbass opinion

>> No.14551289

Implies a moral hierarchy. That's not even a controversial opinion.

>> No.14551295


Based and redpilled

>> No.14551303

You think goodness can only exist on a hierarchy?

>> No.14551308

>CTRL + F "My Diary Desu"
>0 results
What happened to this board

>> No.14551312

The status of My Diary Desu as good literature was retroactively refuted by Parmenides

>> No.14551547

the concept literally doesnt exist in pre agriculture/agrarian societies, its either youre an asshole and the tribe banishes you/bashes your head in, or youre "good" in the sense of normal, acting anti-social in hunter gatherer soiceties isn't a possible outcome as a lifestyle because the behavior is dealt with immediately, civilization inherently relies on not solving anti social behavior

>> No.14551568

he would be cancelled by modern day media and social media

>> No.14551613

>book says things that hurt my feefees, therefore book must be invalid

>> No.14553169

dumb post, anon. go read.

>> No.14553406

The far rights literature is mainstream literature pre 1950s.
With some exceptions of liberal movements here and there.
Most ancient works are in line with the authoritarian right wing, aka fascist worldview

>> No.14553645


>> No.14553670

Celine slaps and is worth reading regardless of his fascist sympathies. He’s pretty streetwise too and has a good grip on the concerns of ordinary folk.

>> No.14553879

>class it pseudoscience
>no scientist has refuted it
Did you even read the intro?

>> No.14553913

Everything before the 21st century is about 3 metric Hitlers to the right of today's standards.

>> No.14554401

How do you reach this horrible take?

>> No.14555191

gay sex with men lol