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14543857 No.14543857 [Reply] [Original]

We spend 1/3 of our lives working and 1/3 of our lives sleeping. The 1/3 we spend working is primarily to keep us financially stable so we can stay alive so we can continue working, and to save money so we don't have to work when we're old and senile and too frail to enjoy economic freedom. What's the point of it all?

>> No.14543862

to buy more stuff

>> No.14543878

>What's the point of it all?
To make money for your boss so he can live life

>> No.14543884
File: 360 KB, 700x908, EC06730B-824A-474E-9C00-D4EAE2461783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 1/3 we spend working is primarily to keep us financially stable so we can stay alive so we can continue working

>> No.14543898

you just described communism

>> No.14543899

Just don't work then. It's a voluntary contract after all.

>> No.14543902

True. Gotta make sure Mr. Goldberg has enough beard oil.

>> No.14543921

So you admit 2/3 of your life is to expense with as you please.

>> No.14543952

>blaming it on the Jews
that's just what they'd like you to do.

>> No.14543964

] [ THEY ] [ are master propagandists.

>> No.14543972

When you look at the alternative, dysfunctional ways of living, a stable work life does not look so bad. I cannot sustain such a thing, however, for mental health reasons.

>> No.14543974

wetware bootstrapping for capital

>> No.14543982

Why does it feel like you have so much more free time as a kid? You still go to school 5 days a week even if it's like an hour or two less than work. Sure you have less responsibilities i guess, but it still feels like you have way less free time than you did as a kid regardless of in reality it not being that much less.

>> No.14544005

OP's statement is still true for pre-Industrial societies and nomadic tribes.

>> No.14544021

>life for me ain't been no crystal stair
we all suffer faggot.

>> No.14544044

oh yeah nobody had to work much in the soviet union, they were famous for their long siestas and balmy vacations

>> No.14544046

Because adulthood involves gaining a number of responsibilities that you did not have as a kid. As a kid you don’t have to go to the auto shop to get your brakes repaired because your parents drove you. You probably didn’t have to cook, do the lion’s share of cleaning, maintain finances, etc. The idea of “gaining freedom” as an an adult is deceptive, you technically DO gain freedom but you lose an enormous amount of time that you can actually enjoy it because you gain more obligations. This is why the only way to be free is to be rich, because then you aren’t obligated to work and can pay other people to do things for you.

>> No.14544058

there is no point. thats why i'm taking the prisonpill.
>free food
>free bed to sleep in
>get to lift weights and read all day
>if they try to make you do shit, just fuck it up so bad they won't let you touch anything again
>basically a NEET
>get out jacked as fuck and with loads of book smarts as well as street smarts from your prison nigger buddies
prisons are the new universities of the 21st century.

>> No.14544072

Time you spend working isn't wasted if you use it to advance your own life forward. Climb the corporate ladder, self-improve, learn a trade from the inside, gain financial independence before you're a 60 year old boomer fuck. I bet you don't do any of these things. I bet you come to work, half-ass it, and go home, fully content with doing it for the next 30 years. I bet you even consider yourself morally superior because of it, like the petty squabbles of money-obsessed corporate slaves are below your noble self. Well, you sure are a noble man, but Mr. Shekelbergstein needs you to come in on sunday.

>> No.14544074

You can maximize your sleep time experience by learning to recall your dreams (keep a journal) and learning to lucid dream.

>> No.14544087
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>farming crops and milking cows a stones throw from your cottage where you wife just finished giving the kids their daily lessons and is now making you a nice glass of lemonade is the same as driving 20 miles to work in some cubicle where if you go idle for more than 20 seconds someone is immediately on your ass and they even just installed new inclined toilets so that shitting is so uncomfortable you will do it faster are the same thing

>> No.14544098

only people whose "suffering" is "oh no, an elderly family member died" or "oh no my gf broke up with me" ever say this shit.

>> No.14544106

ok cuck

>> No.14544136

>thinking these are the only two options
>thinking most of the sad fucks here have cubicle jobs instead of something worse

>> No.14544137

Yes slave your life away for half your life and maybe by 45 you can be financially independent enough.

>> No.14544182

If you're gonna work, you have to have a point in doing it like feeding your kids or buying a boat. If you don't want this or a nice house then just don't get a proper job, simple as. But don't be a commie fuck and complain that nothing comes for free, if you don't like it why don't you move into the jungle and live as humans were intended too.

>> No.14544213

1. white people were not made for jungles
2. in the US, you cannot legally camp on someone's massive 5000 acre lot, and you cannot legally camp for more than 7 days on state forest land, and in most parks you can't even backwoods camp at all legally.

but go ahead and lick those boots, wagie.

>> No.14544242

oh please do tell how you are the only exception in the human race. You are special, my brother, and never you shall have a loved one die before your very eyes and never shall you feel the immense pain of disease. Blessèd art thou.

>> No.14544276

what? i don't even have any loved ones to watch die, and i'm not even talking about myself here. you're the one who implied tht your suffering was the same as the suffering of a child in a rape dungeon.

>> No.14544284

Sleep less

>> No.14544288


>> No.14544289

is that the cuckold that even /co/ mocks for being a cuck and a loser?

>> No.14544300

probably, he draws cartoons about literal cuckholdry

>> No.14544311

>Time you spend working isn't wasted if you use it to advance your own life forward. Climb the corporate ladder, self-improve, learn a trade from the inside, gain financial independence before you're a 60 year old boomer fuck. I bet you don't do any of these things. I bet you come to work, half-ass it, and go home, fully content with doing it for the next 30 years. I bet you even consider yourself morally superior because of it, like the petty squabbles of money-obsessed corporate slaves are below your noble self. Well, you sure are a noble man, but Mr. Shekelbergstein needs you to come in on sunday.
lmfao. this fuckin loser goes into his dead end office job and breaks his fucking back for shekelstein all for the hope of earning a dollar an hour more, all the while mocking those in the cubicle next to him. hey i ain't bitching, the world needs utter simps like this, so that the rest of us can comfortably do nothing but collect a check. you are going somewhere my friend, just a bit more hard work then you'll have it yeah? just do a little more and they'll recognize you huh? keep eating your scraps you fucking peasant, you will never be anything more.

>> No.14544330

lmfao you demented fuck. This explains everything

>> No.14544372

you literally believe that your "suffering is anything like the suffering of a child afraid and alone getting raped every night until their captor finally gets bored of them and dissolves them in acid?

>> No.14544375

wow america seems miserable lol, where I live i could camp pretty much anywhere i want legally and without risking getting shot. Fortunately I don't have to since i get that free neet money and make some extra money on the side with alternative methods

>> No.14544392

america is hands down the worst nation that has ever existed on this godforsaken earth.

>> No.14544398
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>reductio ad absurdum

>> No.14544407

i don't know what that fucking reddit slang means

>> No.14544417

Retarded reply but it made me laugh. Here anon, have an updoot.

>> No.14544429

I've got a job that lets me listen to audiobooks. It's not that bad. Although I also go to community college full time, so I am pulling 12 hour days four days a week. If I couldn't listen to audiobooks I think I'd go crazy from the mental stagnation of it all. Almost all my old friends are either dead or in prison, and I haven't made new friends yet (nor do I really have time to). I'm in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend, but we want completely different things in life so I don't think it will work out. I live in an apartment/sharehouse with five immigrants,we are two to a room, and a thin layer of grime covers everything in the house.

Slowly but surely I think I'm going crazy. I'm fairly sure my soul died years ago, alongside my dreams, and most days I feel dead inside. Listening to Moby Dick has convinced me however that I am in the prime age (early-mid twenties) to go out and have manly adventures. Especially consider that I've got basically nothing going for me in life, it's not hard to get more rock bottom than this.

There's a surprising amount of opportunities out there. An old friend of mine is making 3k a week with a highschool diploma working in oil mining. Tree planting, working on boats, most seasonal work really, is high intensity adventure and pays decent. My plan is to get a camp job for the beginning of the summer, then doing wildland firefighting for the end of it, and wrapping up the season by mushroom hunting over the last year's burn sights, then taking the money I've made and buying a plane ticket to Ethiopia/North Africa/Eastern Europe

Maybe it's all a big fantasy, but it's the only thing getting me through the day.

>> No.14544430

>You're a bootlicker lol
>also the government should have the authority to force private property owners to let people camp on their land
ok retard

>> No.14544443

why does anyone need to own 1000 acres of land?

>> No.14544445

Plato was right all along. Our desires unchecked led to more complex societies. And we all are paying the toll.

>> No.14544457

They bought the land. It's theirs. If they don't violate any laws, they can do whatever the hell they want there. They could have an orgy with monkeys there for all I care (though I am sure it's illegal to do so ).

>> No.14544471

>They could have an orgy with monkeys there for all I care
so you admit to being a valueless degenerate.

>> No.14544488

please refute my actual point about the staggering inconsistency of your apparent beliefs instead of complaining that some people are more successful than you

>> No.14544500

ad-hominem, scared of bringing up a real point bro? Not the same anon as before

>> No.14544506

Holy strawman nigger. I'd rather not talk to a sub 85 IQ commie, but then again, we are on /lit/.

>> No.14544520


>> No.14544529
File: 74 KB, 640x400, 1549742652323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Historically has this not always been the way? Don't compare your life to fantasy scenarios (automated post-scarcity communism etc).

>> No.14544539

This whole thread is seething at having to work and sleep.

>> No.14544551

This. And your few schizos every once in a while like that last anon.

>> No.14544574

I'd live in Plato's Republic, 2bqh f4m.

>> No.14544575

>we're putting fluoride in the water for your own good! that onions in everything is just a simple emulcifier! that money i gave you totally has intrinsic value! your kids are lucky to be in school learning about buttsex and the holocaust! you can't own a gun, no one needs a gun! say hello to your new neighbor, jose! you have to pay half of your income for the good of soceity!
t. charlemagne, luis IX, alexander the great, julius ceasar, et al.

>> No.14544595

What does this have to do with working and sleeping?

>> No.14544995
File: 42 KB, 474x632, CEA37896-3C80-46B9-94EB-684C6D08E151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Soviet Union

>> No.14544996
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>1/3 working

>> No.14545014

real fascism has never been tried

>> No.14545177

Student debt, kids, car, house = a guaranteed lifetime of servitude. Why do people do this to themselves? Is it really just one big cope to make getting up for work and life in general, meaningful?

>> No.14545297

I don't work so I enjoy 2/3 of my life and the other third doesn't count because I'm not conscious for it

>> No.14545512

>the government shouldn't have the authority to force private property owners to let people camp on their land
>but the government actually having the authority to force people who camp on "private" land out is perfectly okay
you aren't against governmental authority, you're against not being an utter cuck