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14542736 No.14542736 [Reply] [Original]

A week ago
>Highly productive, head swimming with ideas writing not just every day but practically every hour
>Start three stories, finish one and submit it to a magazine, it's accepted almost immediately with rave reviews

>Drawing a blank on everything
>Can't write anything but total nonsense freewrites
>Other two stories remain unfinished
>No amount of coffee changes this

What's happening Bros? Burnout? Writer's block? How do I fix it? Do I take a break? Keep going? Look for inspiration?

>> No.14542743

bullshit retard larper your pathetic

>> No.14542749

Drink a pot of coffee and vape some nicotine and then try

>> No.14542753

>>No amount of coffee changes this
Just keep adding on drugs until it clicks. Under no circumstance should you remove a drug or sober up. Use downers to sleep. Always be drugging

>> No.14542810

Hey man coffee's helped me before

>> No.14542813

If you think I'm lying why even respond? U sound mad

>> No.14542849

I'll assume what you told is the truth. You should be happy that you were in such good state, good many people never get to experience what you did. Do you remember exactly what you did before you got to the happy and productive state?
If not, what I suggest is the best course of action for you is to start documenting your day to day life. Your thoughts, actions, food you consume. This way the next time you come across such a mood you can notice what things lead to it, and possibly how to replicate being in that state again.

>> No.14542859

No it really does help I agree, I'm just shit posting. Nicotine helps too but I don't really recommend

>> No.14543020

There are mountains and there are valleys. Congrats on getting your story accepted.

>> No.14543073


You probably have ADHD

>> No.14543136

What story was it

>> No.14543208

You can't force inspiration. Just keep doing those bullshit freewrites. I'm guessing they're how you hit that good stride in the first place. Give your unconscious time to work something else out. Just don't stop writing. Writer's block is not real.

>> No.14543247

Couple cans of beer, pack of cigarettes, bottle of Modelo and a vaporizer

>> No.14543264
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you just gotta take it easy man

>> No.14543310
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>> No.14543338

anon, that sounds a bit like bipolar disorder. have you had those "episodes" more than once?

>> No.14543358

If anything adhd would make him more creative.

>> No.14543426

I do have ADHD yes. When I was a kid is take my meds for school and go off them on the weekend. I'd go into a wild creative space off the meds and then be able to write about it when I got back on them, if I didn't get too busy in class. Should try that again.
Not bipolar afaik. I think it's more related to the ADHD habit of starting a million things but never finishing them. And now I'm paralyzed by the fear of not getting any of my other stories done. My notebook is almost filled out with nothing but openings and fragments of unfinished stories.

>> No.14543450

Sounds like a manic and then depressive state for sure. Could have been misdiagnosed or compounded with ADHD. They're closely related anyway and there's always room for nuance

>> No.14543584

I think i’m bipolar
not op
what the fuck do I do? just keep trying to be healthy? the depression waves hit harder and harder always
I don’t have health insurance and don’t want mood stabilizers

>> No.14543785

Read stoicism

>> No.14543795

not him but your projecting

>> No.14543858

smoke more intelligence sticks

>> No.14543900

>I do have ADHD yes
This is information that should have been in the OP.

>> No.14544222

Thanks for the advice guys. I wrote some nutty freewrites that may or may not be of use to me, and ultimately went back to reading, which is already starting to feel like a recharge.

>> No.14544902

no, your projecting