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/lit/ - Literature

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14541166 No.14541166 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss literature that makes your son go from left to right.
And how to stop it.

>> No.14541180

>And how to stop it.
Seems like a bit of an afterthought there OP, do you really want to stop it or do you just want to seem like you want that?

>> No.14541189

I really love the "Tales of the city" series by Armistead Maupin. There's a transsexual character, well you don't know it immediately, I think you learn about it in the 5th or 6th book. Dunno when this book was written - during the 70's or more probably 80's, so there's nothing ideological about it, it's not like, look, what a good move, transsexualism is the thing. It's just, yeah, well, there's a lot of gay and bi people out there, and there's one that actually became a woman after being born male, and it doesn't matter at all. Feels really good. I may be wrong but I don't wanna read any contemporary book with a trans character because I'd expect too much noise and bullshit about it.

>> No.14541206


>> No.14541238
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There is no /lit/ that makes that happen. The west is unbearably gynocentric and life is meaningless and depressing for most men.

Now men appear to have the option to be women. It's illusionary though. That's why so many of them end up killing themselves.

Being a tranny is unironically a step up socially from being a man. It's an imitation of being a woman. Whereas people will actually care about a woman, some people will pretend to care about trannies because it is politically popular at the moment. One is definitely better than the vast nothing most men get from society. The other is an imitation of something better. A constant reminder you'll never have it.

>> No.14541248

>And how to stop it.
why would you want that
he clearly looks better as a girl and would enjoy life more

>> No.14541259

Aside from legit cases of gender dysphoria, this shit is all internet based. Any literature would help.

Article related:

>> No.14541294

Oh god I’m not into straight men or the typical gay man, but I want to drill my dick into cute tranny boypussy so bad. Why? I love fucking women but there’s something about a faggot tranny that looks just cute enough and passable as a female that I want to fuck hard and cram my dick down their throats.

>> No.14541324

Men have a penis, women dont, trannies do. You desire to possess someone with a phallic indicator of virility that still falls into your naturally chosen sexual orientation. Or you could just be a faggot.

>> No.14541348

I was thinking about it the other day. Basically, as feminism has made normal interaction between sexes illegal action, approaching females is harassment, complements are sexist, vaginal intercourse is rape, etc. So what is normal power dynamics has now become forbidden. Male growing in 21th century will think that sexually dominating a female is somehow wrong, somehow, because it's not explicitly stated anywhere. Next step is for the sexual urges to find pathway out of this dead end, and many seems to find it submissiveness.

So any male child should be taught that sexes are not the same, and it's not only proper to dominate over females, but that you should do so.

>> No.14541354

Feminine males that are disliked by females have always existed.

>> No.14541383

The Twyborn Affair by Patrick White. Character starts off as the son of bourgeois Australian parents who becomes a trap fucking a Greek man in France, then becomes a male WWI officer, then becomes a stockman in the outback, and then becomes a tranny brothel owner in London.

>> No.14541405

>Is a man, feels like shit all day, doesn't feel needed and doesn't live up to the social standard of masculinity.
>Feels like he is more fitter and would have a better life is he could follow femininity instead, as he is a person that wants to attract passively instead of actively.
How to stop it: Actualize the gender roles to better fit modern society.

>> No.14541412


>> No.14541417

Read butterfly's diary desu

>> No.14541457

Why would you want people to care about you? Fucking loser.

>> No.14541538

The Catholic Catechism. All masturbation is of the same species. If a man marries a woman, but denies the possibility for children, in what essential way has he differed? It is only the outward signs of his desire that differ. Both have given themselves over fully to pleasure, and so it can truly be said that the difference between a man who masturbates, a man who has a wife and wears condoms, and a transgender man is only a matter of tastes, of appetites. All have denied their paternity. All have rejected the very essence of what makes them a man.

>> No.14541554

How the fuck did he get his hairline to return?

>> No.14541555

Celibacy is a denial of paternity also.

>> No.14541559

It's a wig

>> No.14541569


>> No.14541578

Those are all ftms. Mtf transgenderism is an entirely different phenomenon, driven by "autogynephilia", which seems to be congenital.

>> No.14541651
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>How to stop it

The same way you stop school shooters and suicide bombers

Stop emasculating them. Islam produces suicide bombers at such an alarming rate because they have an open polygamist society so that you have millions of men who will never get a chance to have a family because all the women were sold to men of power who have 10 wives. This creates a literal loss of their natural order. School shooters are the same, they don't get proper lessons from a father figure about how to act around girls to get their attention in a positive way and instead are simple told that they are broken incels that should just have sex. It's like trying to drive a car without tires on it and blaming the car, like people are fucking animals and we need "training" from a young age. Trannies are just symptom of the disinterestedness of fathers to teach their sons proper ways.

There is no literature that isn't directly called "Nazi" propaganda because this whole thing is part of the communism / socialism slow creep of authoritarian control. It doesn't make sense, but that is the party line and if you don't agree then you need to be gulag-ed.

>> No.14541657
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>> No.14541663
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>> No.14541666
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>> No.14541671

I suspect female hormones prevent hairloss, could be wrong, I know if you castrate urself it won't fall out.

>> No.14541679
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>> No.14541686
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>> No.14541751
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>> No.14541756
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These eight image posts are unironically better information on the trans phenomenon than anything academia is currently producing.

>> No.14541838

Orlando by Virginia Woolf

>> No.14541847


>> No.14541865
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Here's two more just to drive the point home.

>> No.14541873
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>> No.14541883


>> No.14541979

No, because the spirit is greater than the body. In celibacy, a man denies bodily fatherhood for a greater spiritual fatherhood. If you wish to say that a masturbator also denies bodily fatherhood for spiritual fatherhood, than it must be admitted that his spirit is wicked, and so he becomes a father to sin. The celibate man denies himslef, but the masturbator, fornicator, and sodomite all indulge themselves. How is anyone confused that our society is indulgent and not sacrificial when our fathers are all self-indulgent?

>> No.14541989

You know it seems like he pulls off the chick thing a lot better than the dude thing

>> No.14542002

I'm jealous

>> No.14542010

I guess that's one way to cope with Catholic thought flying over your head

>> No.14542045

How so?

>> No.14542205

This makes me feel physically sick. Like I actually might gag or vomit.

>> No.14542238

Then definitely don't read >>14541666
unless you want to see how crazy it's gotten in that regard.

>> No.14542248

TOO LONG DIDN'T READ. And I hate scrolling through images.

>> No.14542268

I'm glad she's raising that kid like this so that some day I can sweet talk the little he-she into sucking my cock.

>> No.14542275

>newfag cant even tl;dr right

>> No.14542281

another interesting irony of live, those kids will definetelly seek for a parental figure in a partner.

>> No.14542290

Yeah, it'll be like picking up a teenage girl with an emotionally distant father only times ten. It'll be great.

>> No.14542291

>a literal wojak to goth girl transition
why would anyone be against this.

>> No.14542305 [DELETED] 

Word origin of Bad:
Old English bǣddel ‘hermaphrodite, womanish man’.

>> No.14542431 [DELETED] 
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Word origin of bad:
Old English bǣddel ‘hermaphrodite, womanish man’.

What is the doctrinal way to refer to another member of the US army? battle buddy

>> No.14542450

>Feels really good
It makes me sick that this isn't a pasta

>> No.14542471

yeah but trans women in hormones have a different type of dick

>> No.14542486

This one is so viscerally disgusting that I may pray to Christ it isn't real

>> No.14542510

it is, though it ain't the complete story (you can look it fully on reddit). basically the "poop smell" was only smelled by the trans woman, and not by any other people, and she eventually recovered. still she is fucking nuts, in one thread she talked about how she learned about dog castration and did the same to her balls

>> No.14542516

>hates scrolling through images on an imageboard

>> No.14542567


>> No.14542598

Your stupid indo-european language has that word, yes, and if it refers to a ship, it should damn well be able to refer to the town bicycle.

>> No.14542611

but not to a man

>> No.14542642

It's not a real man. It's body, hormones and nerves are not those of a man.
Think of intersex people and all the possible combinations they have. Be more relativistic.

>> No.14542651
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Read the Greeks

>> No.14542660
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my diary desu

>> No.14542693


>> No.14542708

>tfw manly nerves

>> No.14542709

So I totally misread OP. In my original post, I meant how to go from the right image to the left image.

>> No.14542724

HRT makes your hair grow back and you won't lose it in the first place of you take finasteride everyday.

>> No.14542740

The Man Who Would Be Queen, I forget the author's name but it'll come up

>> No.14542807
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Why are you on the literature board if you don't want to read.

>> No.14542816

if you have a son you're too old for the chans

>> No.14542856

I don't read images. I read posts.

>> No.14542981
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I have a FtM friend who will probably remove breast tissue and start taking hormones this year. I don't want him to die T.T

>> No.14542997

send him this thread and tell him you are scared.

>> No.14543021
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Neither do I, you should try to help your friend learn to be happy with how they are, not try to change their body in the hopes they will be happier after surgery.

When fat people are unhappy with how they are, the best way to help is to help them make better choices, help them work-out, ect, not to tell them to go get liposuction and keep stuffing their face with Mcdons. This all got fucked up because somewhere along the line we stopped trying to help people because it was offensive to tell them they have a problem, and instead it is the world that is the problem and they just need to change themselves to fit in better.

I love my gay friends, they are some of the happiest people I know, but this is not that. It is doctors making a fortune ruining peoples lives.

>> No.14543061
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The truth is out there, unfortunately it is not as profitable as the sex change industry.

>> No.14543094

IMO it's men who are born weak and recognize themselves as low in the male dominance heriarchy or hetero sexual market and think becoming a woman will be like switching to an "easy mode" that their weaker bodies can deal with.

only being a woman turns out not to be easy mode but to be a different game altogether which their weak male bodies aren't any better suited to and they have jumped from the natural bottom of one heirarchy to the unnatural sub-bottom of another heirarchy.

>> No.14543108

ftms are not even people
mtfs at least can be seen as half-men, but the ftm isn't even half a woman, they're nothing, short hairy wide-hipped little dickless trolls who are loved by nobody except the most niche of the niche of extreme fetishists
an emasculated man is made into a woman of sorts, but a masculated woman is not made into a man of sorts, because masculinity is not an aesthetic quality to begin with (unlike femininity). masculinity is a behavior, it's a state of being, and the kind of primping and preening and taking great efforts to put on some appearance of being masculine is completely antithetical to what masculinity is in the first place, leaving the poor FtM who thought she could wear her masculinity like a woman wears a dress in some kind of uncanny valley where she ends up being completely unlike either gender, instead of the MtF who gets to be a mixture of both (by having the aesthetics of a woman as well as the behavior of a male)
the real "FtM" is the tomboy, the person born a woman but behaves like a man, who doesn't need to change her appearance (either to become less feminine or more masculine) because she isn't concerned with aesthetics to begin with (which is perhaps the most masculine quality there is)
they're terribly confused people at the most fundamental possible level and their suicide rate is through the roof, even compared to MtFs

>> No.14543348

is that a real paper?

>> No.14543506

You're attracted to females that just happen to have penises

>> No.14543612
