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14532894 No.14532894 [Reply] [Original]

It's just the death struggle portion of the master-slave dialectic. Is the deepest anime really just intro level philosophy?

>> No.14532952

I stopped watching after like episode like 3 when the kid moved in with that girl and it was all this dopey anime tropes

>> No.14532967

Why didn't you just post in the other Eva thread?

>> No.14533080

It went poof.

>> No.14533097

Is this the anime they just keep remaking with slightly different plot points?

>> No.14533443

the remakes are terrible

>> No.14534524

>watching anime for the plot

Oh dear

>> No.14534527

considering 99% of anime is shallow garbage, it's not that surprising

>> No.14534528

I wouldn’t really say it’s intro. The hedgehogs dilemma trope is for sure.

There is a lot of next level mysticism in the anime

>> No.14534534

What are some other anime like penguindrum? It's only the non movie anime I enjoyed, but I barely watched anything.

>> No.14534563

the newfag zoomer in 2020 everyone

>> No.14534748
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There are sub dilemmas addressed but the zenith of Evangelion is similar as to what Fichte writes in his "Die Bestimmung des Menschen".
In short: We will act and have to make decisions and this intra subjective decision making is what being is all about. To act morally, even if we fail to define it, is what is more sublime than to be a gnostic transhumanist Unity of all.
Even just to deal with the phenomenological uncertainty, but rather truly to interact with other people and to form bonds with them, to "really look" (passed the AT field analogy) and to love them is what is not worth not having.
You are in the scenario placed exactly for you; you would not, even if literally given, want it a different rather than to play with the cards you are dealt.

At least thats the coming to terms with being who you are in the tv series and rejecting the orange mass and shinji returning to the previous state of being.
How this comes to term with the seeds and who the transcendental beings are who sent them, why is the transhumanist state even achievable: absolutely no idea.

>> No.14535448


How do you think she comes?

>> No.14535554
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Why do Hegel fags think they have some kind of monopoly on metaphysics and philosophy? End of Evangelion can be said to signify countless similar ideas in philosophy, why the master-slave dialectic instead of Sartre's gaze or Wittgenstein's picture game? If you ask me none of them are terribly relevant and I'd sooner discuss the relevance of Plato's Forms, for how else can you possibly describe Instrumentality?

>> No.14535570

>be me
>be continenal philoso-fraud
>use incestuous grandiosity to obscure the shallowness of my thoughts
>reach levels of abstraction so convincing, that is to say unconvincing and incomprehensible, I begin to believe my own self important spew
>the world needs to know about this
>this being nothing

>> No.14535591




>> No.14535607

Nge is full of dopey anime tropes because alot of modern anime tropes come from nge.

>> No.14535671
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She would be too averse to intimacy to ever feel comfortable enough during sex to cum.

>> No.14535745

The forms is good because consistent throughout the show is the idea that the angels are mankind's kindred and we are both evolving to achieve a perfect state symbolized by the union of mental and physical.

>> No.14535851

Evangelion relates better with Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Freud

>> No.14535917

I'm interested, how?

>> No.14535929

Not him, but Shinji literally gazes into the abyss of nihilism and overcomes it through his sheer will.

>> No.14535959

Poor Asuka :(

>> No.14535965
File: 413 KB, 1776x790, screenshot-boards.4chan.org-2018.06.30-00-04-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you on about? That rundown gets posted near every NGE thread in various formats.
see pic related as example

>> No.14535994
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Watch Overlord. It's better and deeper than NGE.

>> No.14536098

a lot of stuff became tropes after later anime copied nge and others.

>> No.14536113

you can make her cum, rapers do it all the time.

>> No.14536121

anno laughs at people like you

>> No.14536420

In short: Anno jsut wants you to beat your meat to either the short or long haired girl and learn the kabbala.
That's it.

>> No.14536550
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>yfw there is so much rule 34 of asuka because he makes it himself

>> No.14537395


>> No.14537412
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>tfw janny deleted other eva thread because he was called a spic

>> No.14537430

According to what?

>> No.14537651

Honestly don't read to much into nge. Even the titel was choosen because it sounded cool and not much else. In average the most philosophy that any episode of it brings could be outmatched by an episode of fucking Rick and Morty with the only difference being that the first keeps being dark to the end as opposed to occasionally.

>> No.14537672
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If you really want to see some interesting japanese influenced media with philosophy try picking up some manga. I stopped watching anime because I read it so much because most times it doesn't have the Bullshit moe/ecchi/weeb tropes. Try sprite for example. Shits too good.

>> No.14537686

>Try sprite for example
I prefer Fanta, but might be jsut be ebcause Im German and that is our only original Soda.

>> No.14537701

I still don't see how remaining separate is superior to the unity. It really looked like a glorious event, and when Shinji slit her throat, I only thought of Caligula wishing humanity would have only one neck so he could slit it. Shinji did that literally.

>> No.14537734
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>Asuka and Shinji have complete freedom of choice and awareness of what's happening and choose to become cowardly, solipsistic slaves
>Rei was created to be a slave but gradually becomes aware and rebels in her own way
yeah, I'm thinking she's based

>> No.14537747

It's as the tv ending shows about coming to terms with who you are now. So obviously saying that all humanity strives for one day to be in absolute unity goes against that directly.
For that matter alone you can perhaps see why the answer is the "superior" outcome.

>> No.14537759
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All other work either agrees with Hegel so is redundant, or disagrees with Hegel and is wrong.

>> No.14537764

Evangelion isn't really philosophical in that way. It's about conformity and the desire for praise/fame. The unitary organism where everybody is bound together in one mind isn't actually about consciousness or anything, it's about the way that bourgeois society creates standards and values which lower the ceilings and raise the floors of achievement so that everybody is equal and the same.

It appropriates the aesthetics of Gnosticism, but that's just a coat of paint on a body composed of fairly normal, if brutally honest and self-censuring, coming of age material.

>> No.14537864

Yes. An anime’s job isn’t to tell the most detailed and complex story ever, it’s to blend a good enough story into their main wheelhouse, the visuals.

>> No.14538067

>Shinji and Asuka
How did you arrive at that conclusion?

>> No.14538733
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>A mere glance at things as they are is enough to make it clear that the aim is everywhere to reduce everything to uniformity, whether it be human beings themselves or the things among which they live, and it is obvious that such a result can only be obtained by suppressing as far as possible every qualitative distinction; but it is particularly to be noted that some people, through a strange delusion, are all too willing to mistake this 'uniformization' for a 'unification', whereas it is really exactly the opposite, as must appear evident in the light of the ever more marked accentuation of 'separativity' implied. It must be insisted that quantity can only separate and cannot unite; everything that proceeds from 'matter' produces nothing but antagonism, in many diverse forms, between fragmentary 'units' that are at a point directly opposite to true unity, or at least are pressing toward that point with all the weight of a quantity no longer balanced by quality;
Yeah, I'm thinking Gendo and SEELE got retroactively btfo'd.

>> No.14539056
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>I stopped watching after like episode like 3 when the kid moved in with that girl and it was all this dopey anime tropes

>> No.14539221

stop watching cartoons and read

>> No.14539256

>Mixing Hegel with Anime

Fucking retards

>> No.14539305
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The goal of human instrumentality project is to destroy individuality and merge all humans into some primal soup where all antagonisms, conflicts and suffering would be eradicated in favor of a embryonic ecstasy. However Shinji comes to the conclusion that this equals to nothingness and decides to afirm positively existance even if it brings constant pain and suffering. He realizes that the constraints of this reality mold his being and that he exists in relation to the world. Rejection of supramundane worlds full of bliss and peace in favor of the miseries but yet possibilities of this earth, that's nietzschean.

>> No.14539673
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retards can't into kino

Idk that seems like reaching, Shinji isn't in the process of overcoming himself really, he simply acknowledges that being is flawed, it's nowhere near as self important or optimistic as Nietzsche. At the end of the day he is concerned with others, not his own values.

>> No.14540000
File: 21 KB, 280x440, f91e23c85b509ff19862df4bd0a971df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

golden boy has the best philosophy to life and living it to the fullest

>> No.14540402




>Disclaimer: I have not watched it and I think Anime is gay.

>From what I can tell, it presents an absurd dichotomy AND several absurd ideas ascribed to the element that it cautions against. The "unity" supposedly opposite to the plurality of Selves is a kind of Buddhist nightmare where all are diluted into "one", Mereological decomposition which assumes that the whole is emergent from parts, or the parts "active" or "full" and the whole "passive" or "empty" immanently, and which coincides the absolute, transcendent, whole with absolute "passivity" and "emptiness". Which is quite silly and antithetic to the perennial "that man is I and I am that man" Dialectical unity of Jesus, Plotinus, Hegel, etc.

>Moreover, how do you think she comes?

>> No.14540586

maybe for u

>> No.14540747

>>Moreover, how do you think she comes?
Anon asking the important questions.

>> No.14540754

>At the end of the day he is concerned with others, not his own values.
I'm not sure that's entirely true. His motivation to end Instrumentality is not out of concern for others (EoE confirms his outright hostility towards them) but the erasure of his sense of self. Ep 26 goes into more detail about his realization that his constraints are self imposed and his reality partly a construction of his own values which are in his power to consciously restructure and replace

>> No.14540767

>There is a lot of next level mysticism in the anime
lol anon, that was babby's first kabbalah.

>> No.14540780

Golden boy is based

>> No.14540787


A Fuhrer in every drop.

>> No.14541395

you have never read the PoS

>> No.14541467


>> No.14541529
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reminder that a drunk japan guy, that never read the bible and added christian symbolism just to look cool, produced a work more influential than any of you """/int/ellecutals""" ever will

>> No.14541622
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Bro, I think that's actually based. Philosophy is saved that way

>> No.14542421

but this isn't /int/

>> No.14542962

holy shit REFUTED