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File: 17 KB, 300x400, dirleland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14531096 No.14531096 [Reply] [Original]

>Land's current version of accelerationism incorporates explicitly racist views and since late 2016 has been increasingly recognised as an inspiration for the alt-right[19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26] and, according to a Vox article, for white supremacist mass murderers.[27]


>> No.14531108

>according to a Vox article
Well then, it's settled. Nick Land is cancelled.

>> No.14531112

read dark enlightenment. idk about the mass murder inspo haha

>> No.14531116

He wants eugenics for ALL peoples.

>> No.14531117


>His later work has become increasingly focused on advocating for scientific racism and eugenics, or what he calls "hyper-racism."[7][8]

/our guy/

>> No.14531132
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It's quite interesting ngl

>> No.14531133


> Neoreaction, as I understand it, predicted the emergence of the Alt-Right as an inevitable outcome of Cathedral over-reach, and didn’t remotely like what it saw. Kick a dog enough and you end up with a bad-tempered dog. Acknowledging the fact doesn’t mean you support kicking dogs — or bad-tempered dogs.

> For the Alt-Right, generally speaking, fascism is (1) basically a great idea, and (2) a meaningless slur concocted by (((Cultural Marxists))) to be laughed at. For NRx (XS version) fascism is a late-stage leftist aberration made peculiarly toxic by its comparative practicality. There’s no real room for a meeting of minds on this point.

>> No.14531160


> The 1488 nut cases, due to their marriage of convenience with the legacy media, have the ability to define it in the public mind, so those supporters without a Nazi-fetish will gradually drift away. It’s done.

> Fascism isn’t cool, and Anglosphere cultures will never find it so. In Continental Europe it’s different, but that’s a whole other topic. We’re not them, which is one of the crucial things the Alt-Right ultras won’t ever get. We’re Atlanteans. There’s expanded space for a right-populist American nationalist movement, but it won’t call itself the Alt-Right, and if it’s remotely sensible it will be pre-emptively immunized against ruinous European ideas. It will probably be far more Tea-Party flavored, though a lot tougher. (This blog will still find its populism unappetizing.)

>> No.14531169

lol did you even read the Vox article?

>> No.14531206


The problem with ordinary racism is its utter incomprehension of the near future. Not only will capabilities for genomic manipulation dissolve biological identity into techno-commercial processes of yet-incomprehensible radicality, but also … other things.

> On the sweetness-and-light side, racists and anti-racists can be expected to eventually bond in a defensive fraternity, when they recognize that traditionally-differentiated human populations are being torn asunder on an axis of variation that dwarfs all of their established concerns.

>> No.14531217


>There’s nothing new here. It suffers from the same irony of all the other mainstream media guides to Accelerationism in 2019. It is the journalistic misreading of philosophical Accelerationism that people have been trying to correct for six years but which has perpetuate nonetheless in a journalistic echo chamber that has done far more to inspire the alt-right than Deleuze and Guattari. They’re certainly not getting these readings from us. A lot of these edgelords are looking for Cliff Notes and finding articles just like this one instead.

>> No.14531218

he came up with the concept of "hyper racism" and is into eugenics

>> No.14531231

also i think land sees the alt right as a passing movement that is already dead. a few days ago he was making fun of richard spencer for acting like a woman when trump bombed the iran guy

>> No.14531241

hyper racism isn't a racist idea though

>> No.14531253


>Taken on average:

>Caucasians should be ashamed of their sanctimonious moral hysteria;
(Ashkenazi) Jews should be ashamed of their susceptibility to insane ideologies;
East Asians should be ashamed of their thoughtless timid conformism;
South Asians should be ashamed of their Tamas;
Hispanics should be ashamed of their mindless populism;
Arabs should be ashamed of their inbreeding and Islam;
and Africans should be ashamed of their incompetent barbarism.

>As for casual racism, there’s far too much shame about that already.

>(I hope that’s sanctimonious enough for everyone)

>> No.14531261

Accusing Land of racism is like accusing Palpatine of underrepresenting women in the workforce.

>> No.14531270

It's the unanimous agreement among everybody involved that alt-right died more than 2 years ago. Nowadays it is as much of a movement as 'Tea Party' or 'Occupy Wall Street'.

>> No.14531272

>accusing Palpatine of underrepresenting women in the workforce
What was his position on women in the workforce?

>> No.14531276

You know what? I'm going to start doing this for every author I happen to like

>> No.14531286
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>Arabs should be proud of their inbreeding and Islam;
ftfy. the rest is true.

>> No.14531300

ass hurt monkey man

>> No.14531310

land is less overtly racist and its more like he wants everyone to die because he is anti human and capital is sentient and going to build a big ai robot thing to kill all humans

something like that

>> No.14531312

its retarded

>> No.14531316

>scientific racism and eugenics, or what he calls "hyper-racism."
they have two citations for a blatantly wrong definition
>The problem with ordinary racism is its utter incomprehension of the near future. Not only will capabilities for genomic manipulation dissolve biological identity into techno-commercial processes of yet-incomprehensible radicality, but also … other things.

>> No.14531321

Every philosopher I like I will now refer to being a hyper-somethingist

Zizek isn’t my favorite hyper-Marxist, and you?

>> No.14531384

>going to

>> No.14531401

> over, above or beyond

>> No.14531419

I'm over, above and beyond being a pseud. I am a hyperpseud.

>> No.14531420

Nick Land reminds me of someone who played to much Sonic.

>> No.14531428

I’m aware, but it still sounds fun.

>> No.14531466

>When perusing the thought-crimes of the mainstream racist community, it is continually afflicted by a sense of overwhelming unreality. This is not (of course), because races do not exist, or do not differ significantly, or … whatever. The most politically incorrect cognitive position on almost every point of this kind is reliably closer to reality than its more socially-convenient and comforting alternatives.

>The problem with ordinary racism is its utter incomprehension of the near future.

>> No.14531473

All NRX and NRX-adjacent people are intellectually masturbatory, thinking they will be the next big-name so-and-so schizo faggot like Land, and morally damaged- their ideas on greater-scope morality through a machine lens are just intellectualizations of giving up and allowing the machine to move towards its ineffable whims instead of bombing server rooms and gunning down the employees of big data management firms.

>> No.14531536

Continuing with the analogy, more women aren’t in the workforce because they’re genetically inferior

>> No.14531551

>racists don't take the future into account
Okay, accele-boomer. The notion that modern racists are unscientific and are only biased due to behavioral traits and chemical-social differences is leftist in nature- of course rightists want to improve the race, just not for the benefit of a non-sapient amalgam of hypercapitalist pseudo-objectives.

>> No.14531567
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you're still idealizing eugenics, he's saying eugenics is inevitably going to fall under the domain of techno-capital. and he's right; there are already companies doing gene editing, this isn't even science fiction anymore

>> No.14531581

>bombing server rooms and gunning down the employees of big data management firms
Based. Literaturr about this?

>> No.14531601

> [New York, NY: 6 May 98] THIS WEEK'S ISSUE OF Newsweek (11 May 98) reports that convicted unabomber Ted Kaczynski first had fantasies about murder after he was unable to summon the courage to talk to a University of Michigan psychiatrist about his desire for a sex-change operation. This comes from court-appointed Dr. Sally Johnson, who interviewed Kaczynski at the court's request to determine his mental capacity to stand trial. Kaczynski also related to Johnson dreams in which "some psychologist... would either be trying to convince me that I was 'sick' or would be trying to control my mind..." No further information was related about Kaczynski's feelings about his gender or whether he made further remarks about it. Dr. Johnson's 47-page report was submitted to the court in January.

>> No.14531659
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>if you want to do anything revolutionary you're secretly a tranny
You're stupid if you believe something so nakedly slanderous. You, and people like you, should be used to fill roadside mass graves.
Yes, I know what he's saying. Techno-capital is not a good thing. It is every man's moral duty to oppose it and hamper its pseudo-objectives. Accelerationism, and the philosophies that surround it, are long-winded experiments in internally justifying moral cowardice.

>> No.14531698


>> No.14531712

>being opposed to technocapital means being opposed to all technological advancement
At this point you might as well be a material determinist.

>> No.14531726


>> No.14531745

>le funny imply the illegitimacy of a concept so basic and observable that every culture independently came up with a broad-strokes version of it meme
Kill yourself, you worthless ironyboy. I say this in earnest. Actualize your philosophical conclusions by slitting your wrists lengthwise in a warm bath.

>> No.14531750

>Techno-capital is not a good thing
accelerationism isn't a moral theory, it describes an is not an ought

>> No.14531754

Why specifically a warm bath?

>> No.14531773
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Warm water promotes healthy blood flow.
An accelerationist's treatment of a nightmarish technocapital singularity as an 'is,' is in and of itself moral cowardice.

>> No.14531789

>Techno-capital is not
Fixed that for you.

>> No.14531798

>>if you want to do anything revolutionary you're secretly a tranny
No, but if you're Ted Kaczynski you are

>> No.14531813

Ted Kacyznski was a victim of MK-Ultra. As unfortunate as this may be to acknowledge, the CIA is perfectly capable of brainwashing any random person into a tranny.

>> No.14531832

If an undesirable outcome is inevitable anyway, there is nothing to be lost by opposing it.

>> No.14531835

To describe is to prescribe ! If I say “the employers cares for his employees and provides them with due benefits” it’s very different than “through a paternalistic strategy the capitalist ensures the loyalty and dependence of his workers”; yet in both case I am merely describing. Both can be the status quo depending on the paradigm with live under, therefore both can be the “axiologically neutral” position

>> No.14531841

Accelerationists are defined by their failure to grasp (besides basic moral truths) the fact that even long-term acquiescence to technocapital will not save them from its consequences.

>> No.14531870

this is like saying physicist are immoral because they study gravity and people can fall off buildings and die
you can be an accelerationist and oppose techno-capital. there is even a branch called decelerationism
right and what does "it is 8:16 PM" prescribe to you? what does "the moon orbits the earth" prescribe to you?

>> No.14531888

Sounds even more gay than accelism. Are they prescriptive or descriptive? If the former, literally how do they suggest "decelerating" besides a violent institution of a caliphate (I doubt they are this based).

>> No.14531903
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Land can't really do anything but attempt to glorify a koalacaust via twitter.

>> No.14531904
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prescriptive; read Kazynski

>> No.14531942

why use hyper as a prefix when super would suffice?

the only time I think hyper would be approapriate would be if it was replacing a word that already had super- in it.
Like a better version of the supercapicator would be a hypercapicator.

>> No.14531967


>> No.14531988

>white super-macy
you just don't get it

>> No.14531998


>> No.14531999


> super-

> above, over, or upon

>> No.14532012
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To be fair, you have to have a very high social and emotiono-spatial awareness to understand accelerationist memes. The symbolic neologisms are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of technocapital most of the personality fetishizing will go over a slow viewer's head. There's also Land's neoretrofeminist fashion sense, which is deftly woven into his twitter images - his vapormemes draw heavily from radical gendermemeism and jungle rhythms, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the social-intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these quantified quoteseedbombs, to realize that they're not just profound - they say something deep about NONMEMEING. As a consequence people who dislike Nick Land memes truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the meaning in Land's self-exit hyperstitional meme gentrification, which in itself is a cryptic reference to the leftist inability to meme through an intelligence of an even lesser ability to meme. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those hyperaddlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Nick Land's prepostironic memes unfold xerself from the future noumena. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a "SinoAesthetics" folder. And no, there is no bigger folder on my hard drive. It's for Capital's eyes only - and even it has to demonstrate that it's memes will survive the blockchain. Now lets talk about why we love Nick Land.

>> No.14532015

>no supergamy
wtf who is policing this shit

>> No.14532025

You add hyper to words of Greek derivation, and super to those of Latin. But the Latin "super" should be used very sparingly for new derivations, so almost always, "hyper" will be more justified than "super".

>> No.14532035

what would constitute a 'real'-objective then?

>> No.14532041
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>> No.14532050

>considers it an inevitability even in his simile
You are unsalvageable.
Kill yourself.
Pseudo-objectives in the sense that they are not objectives in a human sense- they are not conscious goals. Technocapital is not a living, thinking creature. The prefix 'pseudo-' refers to the notional nature of labeling these broad trends 'objectives.'

>> No.14532072
File: 19 KB, 652x434, tree-growing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pseudo-objectives in the sense that they are not objectives in a human sense- they are not conscious goals.

>> No.14532079

A tree is alive, and deserves to live.
Technocapital is not, and does not.
Do you understand?

>> No.14532081

This video will explain everything about accelrationism


>> No.14532089

>conscious goals

>> No.14532092

falling off a building isn't inevitable anon, even if gravity is

>> No.14532118

>he's saying eugenics is inevitably going to fall under the domain of techno-capital

You mean the rich didn't have most access to the most fit mates since the inception of capital?

>> No.14532123

Gravity is the stand-in for the growth of technocapital, correct?
Gravity is an inevitable, intrinsic aspect of existence.
That is an 'is' statement.
You are unsalvageable.
Kill yourself.

>> No.14532132

Nicks main enemies are dead or in prison.
Mark fisher killed himself and uncle ted is in a super max

gabital will not be stopped
you gant stob it
ids too lade

>> No.14532143

In your best-case scenario, you're gently smothered in your bed.
But you know perfectly well that's not the scenario we're headed towards.

>> No.14532144

>Accelerationists are defined by their failure to grasp (besides basic moral truths) the fact that even long-term acquiescence to technocapital will not save them from its consequences.

I usually took it that they see the only solution as being an attempt to arrive at the consequences quickly enough that they become abrupt enough to rouse people to action.

It's a rather childish reaction to a problem, but fairly common in human reasoning.

>> No.14532151

yes, there is an inevitability for capitalism to escape human control and lead us to a technocapital dystopia. this is an intrinsic aspect of existence. this doesn't even mean it capitalism needed to happen, but it did, and here we are

>> No.14532154

How do you justify your idea that techno-capital is an inherent evil that must be opposed?
I know Ted goes into the general environmental and psychological impact of techno-capital, but we're still dealing with a question of 'is' and not 'ought'. In a similar sense, when we're talking about those sorts of issues is it not also the case that those enviornmental/psychological concerns are only relevant to humans as they exist right now? In a hypothetical future where human psychology has been 'tampered' with and the environment has adapted to whatever was necessitated by those future conditions, wouldn't that criticism cease to be meaningful?
The issue I have with the sort of neo-luddite types is that they're offering some sort of eternal rut that they expect life to fall into, it seems to me to be a fairly ridiculous idea. Why should we expect (and/or want) humanity to stay as it is? When the entire history of life is that of change?
I think the only way to get around that issue is to posit some sort of 'human' soul that truly differentiates humanity from the underlying material world, otherwise it seems like a fools errand to advocate for an eternally unchanged 'human spirit'.

>> No.14532156


>> No.14532186

The existence of the human soul is a non-negotiable fact. Treating it as anything else, as if it were merely a 'position' or 'belief,' as you do, is an aspect of the course of action which leads to technocapital- and thus tremendous, species-wide suffering. The human soul is warped by its circumstances, but never truly reshaped into a new, situationally correct whole. It is the same old soul, only damaged and deformed. History offers countless proofs of this.

>> No.14532195

Nonsense, and morally cowardly determinist nonsense no less. Not a surprise.

>> No.14532200

>There is an inevitable degradative process that occurs to all bodies of thought: first the body of thought arises, then its opponents conjure up a caricature in order to discredit it, and finally, in one of this obscene universe’s most hilarious ironies, some people not only believe but start advocating the caricature.

Thank you for the link. I had a good laugh at that description of this cultural phenomenon.

>> No.14532201

>The existence of the human soul is a non-negotiable fact

>> No.14532204

Ted was a spiteful mutant, his behaviour was that of someone carrying a high mutational load. He killed at least one dog by fucking it with a knife that we know of.

>> No.14532206

Kill yourself.

>> No.14532214

The human soul is a belief.

>> No.14532215

>The existence of the human soul is a non-negotiable fact.
are we talking about souls in a religious context, or in a more 'hegelian' secular context? That is to say, is the soul transcendent above the material, or is it an immanent feature of the material? How did you come to this conclusion?
>History offers countless proofs of this.
I'd like to hear them

>> No.14532216

For whatever value they can take from it, it's only the deeply and permanently damaged who have the privilege of seeing humanity from the outside.

>> No.14532230

so you are either you are a hardcore socialist who thinks a planned economy works or a naive liberal who thinks the free market caters to the human's best intrests

>> No.14532231
File: 165 KB, 622x319, nick_land_anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

release the anime

>> No.14532243

Kill yourself and prove it.
The difference, in this context, is purely academic. No matter the shape of civilization, man's vices and virtues, though shaped by the lenses and floodgates of the times, have been remarkably consistent. Believing that technological modernity offers something different enough to escape this phenomenon, and affect permanent change to mankind by doing so, is naive.

>> No.14532244
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>The existence of the human soul is a non-negotiable fact.

>> No.14532245

>the outside

>> No.14532255

Keep swinging in the dark, coomertarian, you'll get it.
Understandable objection, as basedjak posters don't have souls.
Kill yourself.

>> No.14532284

didn't Land set up these doctrines to be opposed rather than adhered to? his whole shtick is cartoon villainy

>> No.14532287

koala fag

>> No.14532291
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>Kill yourself
>Kill yourself
>In your best-case scenario, you're gently smothered in your bed
>Kill yourself
>You are unsalvageable
>Kill yourself
>You are unsalvageable
>Kill yourself, you worthless ironyboy
>. You, and people like you, should be used to fill roadside mass graves

>> No.14532300

Kill yourself.

>> No.14532301

Marxists have always chosen to believe that and he's never corrected them.

>> No.14532310

How do you reconcile this with evolution? It seems pretty antithetical.
If we take evolution as being true, would we not then have this 'human spirit' forming at some point or another? Are we to assume that evolution made some intransient steady state which can never be escaped, why would that be the case? It flies in the face of everything prior to it, are we really so special?

>> No.14532334

Evolution, as a force, is slow. Before any hypothetical change to the (experimentally verified as being intransient in short geological time) human soul, there will be hundreds of thousands of years of abject suffering- or, extinction. You seem to believe in the intransience of the human soul, but in a different way- you believe mankind is capable of unlimited adaptation in order to continue existing.
If the option is technocapital slavery under non-human agency or extinction, mankind's fate is extinction.

>> No.14532347
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>The existence of the human soul is a non-negotiable fact.

>> No.14532354

Accelerationists can't meme, and all their threads turn to shit. How could this be?

>> No.14532416
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i think this might be Nick Land's problem

>> No.14532417

he did see the Justin Murphy interview

>> No.14532425

are we not just delaying the inevitable? These transitions, however slow, seem to be certain.
> there will be hundreds of thousands of years of abject suffering- or, extinction
is this not already the fate of man?
How can we even distinguish what is suffering and what is not? If the technological means towards infinite bliss are achieved, would this not alleviate suffering enough to render concerns about it invalid?
I'm not fond of utilitarianism personally, for that above reason, I don't think suffering is a meaningful criteria. A more generalized 'actualization' ethics seems more palatable to me, if extremely nebulous.
As for extinction, this is another strange case, if humans are to adapt to something else, at what point do we say humanity is extinct? It's all on a gradient with no strict delineation.
>you believe mankind is capable of unlimited adaptation in order to continue existing
well, I wouldn't necessarily call it mankind. I mean life (or at least self-propagating machines of some form) in general. Those future manifestations of life don't have to be human, not in the slightest, in fact I am arguing that they most certainly would not be something we could recognize as human, regardless of whether it's mechanical or biological.
>If the option is technocapital slavery under non-human agency or extinction, mankind's fate is extinction.
yes, of course. But both of these fates are certain, depending on what you mean by extinction and non-human

>> No.14532428

That was all still in character, obviously

>> No.14532438

Self-propagating machines are a meme, and you misunderstand me. Extinction is the hypothetical result of pushing your hypothetical untenable course of action. Long before such things as self-propagating machines become feasible, let alone undefeatably powerful, man will retreat into the peace and safety of a new dark age, and will do so gladly.

>> No.14532489

>Self-propagating machines are a meme
what distinguishes life from a self-propagating machine? How could you deny the existence of such things, when everything is composed of it? We already have the ability to edit genes, so we have a form of 'self-propagating' machine that is viable at this very moment.
>Extinction is the hypothetical result of pushing your hypothetical untenable course of action.
but extinction is the hypothetical result of any hypothetical course of action.
>man will retreat into the peace and safety of a new dark age, and will do so gladly.
it sure doesn't seem like that's on the horizon, maybe in a few fringe circles, but the average person would think that such an idea is absurd. They do not see where their technological dependence leads, they are contented by it. it seems difficult to imagine that the average person would willingly give up their conveniences. Perhaps I don't have enough faith in people, but it seems that they're willingly throwing away their humanity at a faster and faster pace.

>> No.14532508
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>> No.14532814
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>> No.14532867

>Self-propagating machines are a meme

> The principle of natural selection is operative not only in biology, but in any environment in which self-propagating systems are present

> Our discussion of self-propagating systems merely describes in general and abstract terms what we see going on all around us in concrete form: Organizations, movements, ideologies are locked in an unremitting struggle for power. Those that fail to compete successfully are eliminated or subjugated.

>> No.14532869

it's over for antiaccfags

>> No.14532985

Life is life. A machine is a machine. You're retreating into tactical nihilism, erasing the meanings you had just moments ago agreed upon to frame your argument.
>self-propagating machines are real if we change the definition so it's no longer talking about machines but rather human organizations
Shut the fuck up, accelerationist
>posts unrelated video of fat, degenerate kike physically assaulting some normie

>> No.14532997

Isn't that just generic anti-sjw sentiment? What about it is specifically boomer?

>> No.14533020


>> No.14533023

Where did I contradict myself?

>> No.14533029

strangely potent

>> No.14533042

Kill yourself.

>> No.14533104

strangely potent

>> No.14533167
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>> No.14533198
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>being opposed to technocapital means being opposed to all technological advancement

>> No.14533207

>Life is life. A machine is a machine.
read Deleuze you mental midget

>> No.14533211

Because the majority of people born before the year 2000 don't take "sjw" racial semantics seriously, and are thus "old-hat".

>> No.14533331
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this 'word' is not really a word, it is not really part of a language, it only has a coincidental meaning to the brainwashed, it is not objective, it has no true meaning, it is simply a device to signal a command to 'people' who are trained to respond emotionally/subconsciously

literally, in software terms: it is a flag in a data transfer protocol

the people who use this word in this context are not functioning as humans, they are functioning solely as individual neurons in a hive-mind, propagating their bias to the other neurons, desperately trying to get every individual to conform to the directives of the consciousness of the hive-mind, which in these times is the individual consciousness of a few jews

those are the ones we must kill, we must see through the layers of deception and unhesitatingly and effortlessly plunge the spear into their heart

>> No.14533428



WHAT BOOKS SHOULD I READ LOL????????????????????????

>> No.14533439
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What both accelerationists and their opponents fail to realize is that the acceleration is not towards an ideal society, whether it's techno-singurality paradise or right wing eco-fascism, but simply towards the next step of the human journey, whatever that may be. The point is that we cannot remain where we are. We have to turn the wheel of time, no matter what the cost or result is. This is our historical duty and there is no escaping it. Read the Bhagavad Gita to understand why we must embrace our duty on this Earth with courage and steadfastness.

>> No.14533573

whoever added that is getting retroactively tortured in hell by skynet

>> No.14533633
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This triggers the capital boomer.

>> No.14533780

The Alt right was not even a political movement in the first place. The only ones to call themselves that were Spencer and his ilk for a very small while, and they were irrelevant even in those days. The terminology was funny so the media used it to mean something quite different from Spencer.
There was a very vague political movement of people previously outside usual politics to help in the 2016 mutt election. This group, in spite of being informal (barely a group), had a clear objective and 'disbanded' after meeting it.

>> No.14533790

Capital loves the Cathedral it seems.

>> No.14533801

Is the 'technocapital is sentient' bullshit an advanced form of Lovecraft posting?
>wait, is that a contract? Aaahhh buying and selling electronics, AAAHHH I'M GOING INSANE, HELP ME NIGGERMAN HELP ME DELEUZE

>> No.14533805


>> No.14533807

there was a blog post from Land calling the "capital is sentient" thing bullshit, but too lazy to search for it

>> No.14533815

capital is sentient

>> No.14533838

what did this guy mean by this

>> No.14533852
File: 300 KB, 960x719, 9D875B8C-F81B-43B4-A747-2088A1950B45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read the Bhagavad Gita
Stopped reading there

>> No.14534100

nothing about accelerationism suggests an "ideal society" lmao

>> No.14534110

>but simply towards the next step of the human journey
the whole point is that it's not a human journey anymore, except maybe as spectators

>> No.14534114

anthropocentric cringe

>> No.14534168

how does this speed up getting the robots in power

>> No.14534173

it doesn't, but you can accelerate violence too, so it's all basically the same and Land's fault

>> No.14534231

Send it to him

>> No.14534256

>right and what does "it is 8:16 PM" prescribe to you? what does "the moon orbits the earth" prescribe to you?

Not that guy, but both of those statements evoke a frame of prior knowledge and assumptions about the goals of the speaker and listener which are required to understand it. The difference between your examples and his are that most people share frames about things like time and astronomy, but not about morality etc. I hope that clears things up :^)

>> No.14534638

Of course it does. They're just extremely shit and edgy ideals.

>> No.14534647

As if there's anything more anthropocentric than a bunch of autists spamming twitter links. You are the same as instathots in every way. In fact, the lack of popularity only increases this sense of human desperation.

>> No.14534683

>bombing server rooms and gunning down the employees of big data management firms.
Ineffectual acts of terrorism in the long scheme of things. Even writ large in the west, technocapital simply stakes its future in the east, and your only option to stop it is to nuke the world into the stone age.

Which might be an effective solution (although there's still enough surface coal atm so no guarantees) but one obviously no one would prefer compared to just sucking capital's teat and growing more irrelevant

>> No.14535046
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>why, yes, i am in fact overcoming anthropocentrism, how could you tell?

>> No.14535174

it doesn't, because for like the fifth time, acc isnt a moral theory. it has both nothing to say about morality. most people share frames of reference about intelligence and time, that's what acc is describing

>> No.14535180

Meltdown describes a literal dystopia

>> No.14535227

>i shunned christmans for 30 years
why do they hate Christ so much?

>> No.14535257


>> No.14535274

Why the hell would a Man, anthropos, not be anthropocentric? Seem stupid to NOT be. But then I am not a Spiteful Mutant...

>> No.14535279

>Not that guy, but both of those statements evoke a frame of prior knowledge and assumptions about the goals of the speaker and listener which are required to understand it.
wow, big brain. did you read Derrida's wiki or something?

>> No.14535307

Actually, traditional right wingers hate Land and NRx


>> No.14535402

burger skizos are not trad, but yeah, trads and accelerationists have similar visions of the world but they are rooting for the opposite sides

>> No.14535993
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>Entropy is not a good thing. It is every man's moral duty to oppose it and hamper its pseudo-objectives. Physics, and the sciences that surround it, are long-winded experiments in internally justifying material cowardice.

>> No.14536046
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kek, gottem

>> No.14536063

techno-capital is literally sentient through retroactivive fuckery and will win

>> No.14536103

Paul says rather explicitly that God sent Christ to the Gentiles, not only to save them, but also to make the Jews jealous. Imagine the Jews as the psycho ex and the Gentiles as the qt weird girl

>> No.14536110

baghdad bob marxism

>> No.14536318

>But he [Jesus] answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's [Jews] bread, and to cast it to dogs [gentiles].

>> No.14536326
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>> No.14537668

What a shitty interpretation of that verse. Jesus Himself is the living Bread and humbles Himself to be called crumbs that even the dog is to eat. And the woman is humble to acknowledge that even the crumbs are greater than her. Dont forget that Jesus said she had great faith and gave her salvation
>the lesser is greater
I appreciate the new testament in that it humbles both Jew and Gentile and both seethe at its contents. He wants to be exalted shall be humbled and he who humbles himself shall be exalted

>> No.14537722

retard, he is literally talking about going to heal/preach to a group of gentiles and refuses because they aren't Jewish

>> No.14538968

>if you don't follow the teachings of a severely mentally ill individual to the letter your conclusions are somehow inauthentic
Kill yourself, for the exact opposite reason everyone else in this thread should kill themselves.
>read muh snide materialist bullshit
I will not subject myself to the cognitohazardous ramblings of some faggot Frenchman because some pseud on the internet told me to
>more fatalism and more framing of technocapital advance as inevitable
You "people" never fail to out yourselves as limp-wristed, ineffectual faggots willing to project this pathetic personal modus onto everyone else
>le thing you said with a word replaced
I hope you, and everyone like you, are uniquely subject to the effects of entropy.

>> No.14538974
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>Kill yourself, for the exact opposite reason everyone else in this thread should kill themselves.

>> No.14538995

> Land bad
> Ted bad
What good?

>> No.14539017

>your personal philosophy must precisely mirror a philosopher's philosophy
Both Land and Kaczynski make accurate observations at times, midwit, but to call either of them or their respective worldviews sane or righteous you'd have to be a complete fucking moron.

>> No.14539045

>he thinks "gentile" in the Bible means "all non-Jews"
Why the fuck did the Roman whose slave Christ healed get called a Roman and not a gentile then, retard?

>> No.14539058

what are you on about? Romans were gentiles

>> No.14539065


>> No.14539087

The Centurion, who was not a Jew for obvious reasons and whose servant Christ healed, was not a Jew either- and Christ returned his servant to health without any of the rigmarole found in the parable of the gentile woman. "Gentile" is a word which is used in the KJV, among others, to stand in for a number of different non-Jewish groups' ethnonyms that appear throughout the Greek New Testament. Don't be a brainlet about this and pretend that the modern Bible came through its two-thousand-year game of telephone in perfect condition of both word and intent.

>> No.14539095

>no refutation
Ask me how I know you have a sports-team mentality with regard to your "favorite" philosopher, midwit.

>> No.14539142

the bible doesn't call her a gentile, I did. she is referred to as a Canaanite and a Syrophoenician. do you even know the passage?

>> No.14539152

most based poster itt, faggots brainjacked by video games, anime, and synthwave mixes on youtube don't belong near philosophy

these people aren't soberly evaluating anything, they want this machine to eat the earth because it'll be just like that time in my bideo game

>> No.14539163

he literally said he wouldn't read deleuze because he considers it "cognitohazardous ramblings"; how do you imagine this is the person who belongs near philosophy?

>> No.14539171

>>no refutation
Nothing of substance to refute. You've added nothing to this thread besides your incredible:

>>The existence of the human soul is a non-negotiable fact

>> No.14539172

The translation he's making reference to (or the summary of that passage he's basing his interpretation on) clearly makes use of the word 'gentile' to refer to her.

>> No.14539182

>oh no not my meme philosopher

deleuze is hot garbage, just internalize his commentaries on Kant and Spinoza and move on

>> No.14539189

But all of those things ted say is impossible.
There's never going to be a decentralized revolution of a bunch of spergs in random places around the world simultaneously deciding to go shoot power lines. You will always be waiting for the right time, which will never come. The Eco-Fascist position at least has some coherency to being possible, though unlikely.

>> No.14539193

Yes, you philosophically disagree with me, we have already made that perfectly clear. Your beliefs are made from bunk, and designed for use within a mental framework which is wholly bunk, the exclusive domain of failures, cowards and midwits.
On the other hand, the most meaningful gift you will ever provide mankind is the satisfying crunch of your skull between the pavement and the sole of a better man's boot.

>> No.14539216

even if that was true you can't make those assumptions unless you read him you brainlet

>> No.14539226

I used KJV because it's /lit/, don't be a sperg

>> No.14539228

>bro, you can't tell that this particular patch of murky shit-water in the runoff lagoon of materialist philosophy is poisonous until you at least drink a little bit
Fuck you

>> No.14539232


>> No.14539266

this is an explicitly anti-philosophic attitude. if you want to be intellectually sheltered so be it, but don't pretend that's some noble position

>> No.14539275

I read plenty of philosophy. I have a limited amount of time on this earth, and I would rather not spend it reading philosophies that I not only already have a fundamental understanding of, but find detestable even in those amounts. Call that course of action what you like.

>> No.14539295

I have read him you goober, "time is out of joint", Kant formalizes/linearizes pagan (cyclic) time, univocity of being is basically the Platonic One for Parisian fops, Plato is the arch-representationalist, philosophy is word magic, etc. etc.

Anyone whose indignant at their pet meme philosopher getting slandered on a board like this isnt interested in Deleuze, but the image of Deleuze, the same type of people who will cheer this dehumanizing murder-machine on because they want history to have a final boss like in their epic Japanese RPGs

>> No.14539332

>I read plenty

>> No.14539358
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>reading philosophies

Do you find grammar "detestable" as well?

>> No.14539419

>le make fun of the statement's phrasing instead of couching any actual objections to the statement meme
You people are a jellylike slime.

>> No.14539436

You're a dumb fuck

>> No.14539449

Nah he's based, go jerk off to your tranny philosopher

>> No.14539494

Cope however you like.

>> No.14539823

I literally only objected to criticizing a philosopher you have never read I could give a fuck what you think about Deleuze lmao

>> No.14539834

>I have a limited amount of time on this earth, and I would rather spend it making inane statements about philosophers I have never read
okay then

>> No.14539851

>what the fuck, why did you answer my question, that's a discrepancy with not doing things you don't like
Doing the dishes isn't fun, but it's also not fun to plunge your hands into barbed wire. Do you understand?

>> No.14539880
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>Accusing Land of racism is like accusing Palpatine of underrepresenting women in the workforce.

>> No.14539883

no, that is a retarded analogy, I have no idea what you mean by that. making inane statements about Deleuze is a chore to you but you have to do it?

>> No.14539916

I enjoy parts of these conversations from time to time, so I subject myself to them.
I have never, not once, enjoyed reading the philosophical ramblings of materialists.

>> No.14539945

if you enjoy it why compare it to dishes you don't like to do? you can't make a simple analogy why would I listen to your opinion on philosophy

>> No.14539960

>I enjoy parts of these conversations from time to time
>I enjoy having clean dishes
You can't read a simple analogy. Why should I treat you like someone capable of philosophical thought, or even the regular kind?

>> No.14539963

Tell me about your dad

>> No.14539979

He's a pretty cool dude. We read the same types of science fiction and the same kinds of coffee-table books, but that's about where the literary overlap ends. He spends what seems like an excessive amount of time working, though, even at his advanced age. And how about yours, anon?

>> No.14539993

Is it your mom, then.. Or your looks..

>> No.14540020

I look pretty good, I think. My dad's bald, though, so I might have to worry about that in a decade or two.
My mom was a stay-at-home mom when I was little, which I think took a toll on her, because now she's the kind of woman who feels bad about doing nothing. Constantly flitting from one little project to another, doing poetry and volunteer work and being a member of all sorts of community shit.
Why are you trying to psychoanalyze me, anon? I'm of good stock, and to the best of my knowledge I was reared very well.

>> No.14540045

Where are you from?

>> No.14540048

Doxbury, in the state of South Dox.
Let me ask again. What were your parents like, armchair-anon?

>> No.14540064

What does your girlfriend like to wear?

>> No.14540066

Let me ask again. What were your parents like, armchair-anon?

>> No.14540079

Does she wear pretty dresses?

>> No.14540095

Let me ask again. What were your parents like, armchair-anon?

>> No.14540113

Is your connection to this website secure?

>> No.14540133

We've been here before. Accfags insist their philosophy is the greatest yet refuse to engage in even the lowest level of discussion.

>> No.14540146

Let me ask again. What were your parents like, armchair-anon?

>> No.14540167

>Doing the dishes isn't fun
>I enjoy having clean dishes

>> No.14540235

No, but I’m going to now.

>> No.14540521

It's fixed.

>> No.14541600

It's a teenage Christian who don't read good, he suggests anyone who read good done gone kill themselves

>> No.14541719

If spouting accelerationist rhetoric is the result of 'reading good,' I would gladly be illiterate.
Also kill yourself.

>> No.14542327

This nigger exists in a bubble where the emerging Chinese and Indian superstates don't exist. As America declines expect a rise in ethnocentrism worldwide.

>> No.14542649

>He isn't AT LEAST as /lit/ as the designer of the atomic bomb
Pretty sure that makes you a pleb.

>> No.14542679

Nick Land has been living in China for fifteen years and has been predicting Chinese ascendence since the 1990s you unbelievable retard

>> No.14542713


>> No.14543620

how do you people end up in these threads?

>> No.14543646

You people? Could you be any more racist?

>> No.14543699

yeah, I could be hyper-racist

>> No.14543722
File: 2.28 MB, 1379x5738, Venomous Butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder

>> No.14543737

how many more times do you need to post that image before someone understands it?

>> No.14543885

he's saying Nick Land and butterfly are secretly the same person

>> No.14543986

im a retard, can you explain what that picture says in 7th grader?

>> No.14544042

he is quoting Ted Kaczynski then jerking him off as one of the most important living philosophers

>> No.14544295


doesn't that guy Nick Land want to transform mankind into onions for machines? we're nothing but niggers to him

>> No.14544316
File: 94 KB, 672x737, kvkgtma7od911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

virgin ordinary nazi: black people are niggers
woke hyperracist: mankind itself is a nigger

>> No.14544908


>> No.14546366

humans are scum

>> No.14546384
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>> No.14546942


>> No.14546975

>Technocapital only wins because you're not trying hard enough fag
You're an idiot. There're a lot of people who would gladly join your cause if you could describe a single tenable course of action. Killing some random techies is not it. They are 100% replaceable and you'll be in prison, stripped of all further agency.

>> No.14546980

lmao do americans actually talk like this

>> No.14547179

>limp-wristed, ineffectual faggots
actually ineffectual faggots are the only true hindrance to technocapital, as soon as you are doing something efficiently you are feeding into the positive feedback loop of technocapital, doesn't matter how you call it

>> No.14548210


>> No.14548500

where's the lie?

>> No.14548508

i know accfags can't meme, but is it really hard to understand a basic summary of every acc thread? you cunts are using the exact same tactics in this thread without saying a damn thing

>> No.14548595
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Seriously, the bullying against accelerationist members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since accels are some of the biggest contributors, have the highest social intelligence, and are the most involved in this board. Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking, and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only accelerationist who finds it hard to take pride in his own Sinoism after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my speed from insecure losers here. Why not bully Christians or Marxists? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our superior philosophy? Guenonfags and schizoposters get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest philosophy in the world.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!

Would you call an accelerationist a "tranny"(not true at all) to her face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and scientific salt of the earth Chinese woman that they are "slower" than Western men? Would you say those words to your fellow futurist brethren? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking decelerationists?

Your destroying philosophy, your dividing capital against itself, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behaviour. So I encourage you to stop now.

>> No.14549683

except he doesn't refuse. His disciples urge him to go on, so before his disciples he lets this woman display her humility. As soon as he heals her and comforts her, he admonishes his disciples that all people should be so humble before the lord. It was the woman who was glorified in her belief, and the disciples who were chastised.

>> No.14549703

Only the transexual alt right from Twitter.
The faggots that raid us from time to time

>> No.14549838

oh, it's supposed to show tactics? I thought it was about butterfly

>> No.14549859

and he still never goes to help her gentile community like she asked him to, retard

>> No.14550284

I think you are confusing two different stories? The woman who compares herself to a dog eating crumbs has her daughter cured of possession.

>> No.14550813

>>bro, you can't tell that this particular patch of murky shit-water in the runoff lagoon of materialist philosophy is poisonous until you at least drink a little bit

>> No.14550916
File: 1.59 MB, 1067x1600, Anti-Tech Revolution w drones_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's never going to be a decentralized revolution of a bunch of spergs in random places around the world simultaneously deciding to go shoot power lines

this isn't the idea. this is not what Ted says either. go read "Anti-Tech Revolution"