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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 57 KB, 500x348, 1285450231290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1452259 No.1452259 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight top tier tripfags:




Keep voting for tomorrow ranking.

>> No.1452263

Fuck this and fuck Brownbear.

>> No.1452276

i voted for tybrax wtfman

>> No.1452291

Are we voting them off the board?

God, I hope so.

>> No.1452297

they're being voted at the tripfag poll website, i think

>> No.1452307

so they finally implemented this to /lit/, tripfagpoll threads get a lot of shit on /mu/ and /v/

>> No.1452309


>> No.1452331
File: 42 KB, 574x410, happiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 4chan filter

srsly, download it and make your /lit/ experience at least 10000000x better. tripfags should here should be permabanned.

especially tybrax, who should kill himself. (i hope he's reading! but i don't know! /4chanfilter bliss)

>> No.1452328

I'd leave them as they are in the OP. I quite like Korovievs' posts and his name is obviously awesome. I don't really like poke. I wish Tybrax were dead already.

>> No.1452335

*tripfags here should

weird typo

>> No.1452337
File: 35 KB, 470x375, Al Green-AAG-000246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kidding right?

>> No.1452368

Anons who whine about tripfags are as bad as if not worse than the tripfags they won't stop fucking whining about. You shitheads derail threads simply because someone has a name, and should be banned with the shittier tripfags.

>> No.1452373

>mfw that's why I'm advocating the filter

also, he mad

>> No.1452381

Whoa holy shit Captain Obvious, hold on right there. I have this fucking award for you. Yeah I'm mad, I'm tired of seeing anons shit on good threads whining about tripfags. So tell me fuckface, how do I use that filter to get rid of you assholes?

>> No.1452415

>you assholes
>he doesn't what tripfag means
>he thinks I'm shitting on a good thread, when the thread is explicitly about tripfags

but just because I'm a nice guy, here's the link to the filter:

however, you'll need to install this first, before you can use the script:

if you have any other questions after you install this stuff, just let me know.

>> No.1452433

i voted for tybrax and i know many of us did

>> No.1452444

Can I downvote people?

If so I downvote Brownbear.

>> No.1452448


if we're voting for who to execute, then that's plausible.

otherwise, logic forces me to assume you are tybrax without the trip (that everyone hates his faggot-ass is simply axiomatic).

>> No.1452452

Oh hey wow I can tripfag too. Don't patronize me, ass, I know what a tripfag is and yeah, this is a shit tier thread. That's why I have no problem further shitting it up.

But anons who come into good threads and then derail them with bitching about how awful tripfags are annoy the fucking shit out of me. So, what I was asking, which should have been so fucking painfuly clear that a goddamn baby could understand it, is how the fuck do I filter out the asshole anons who whine about tripfags? Because WHOA, holy shit, the tripfag filter doesn't work on anons. What a fucking surprise.

>> No.1452461
File: 98 KB, 490x327, omg-he-so-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, you're a faggot. It must suck being so socially inept.

I hope you find someone equally autistic to share your life with someday.

>> No.1452464

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.1452474

>Calls me a faggot because I have a problem with people shitting up threads because of a dipshit ANONYMOUS IS LEGION mentality
Yeah, I'm a huge faggot of the highest tier.

Least I'm not you.

>> No.1452494

>Yeah, I'm a huge faggot of the highest tier.

Well, I'm glad that's settled. I'm afraid you're mistaken about the "anonymous is legion mentality" thing, however. It's okay--autistic people are often blissfully unaware of their surroundings.

>inb4 this guy lays down another "so edgy" post

>> No.1452611

bump for tybrax taking this over tomorrow

>> No.1452620

where's the poll?

>> No.1452633

stop using the word edgy

that attracts a certain someone

>> No.1452660

butthurt tripfag who wasn't mentioned

>> No.1452671

my post had nothing to do with the thread topic, although i can understand why you would think such a thing, i have no clue as to where you saw evidence for this in my comment

>> No.1452685
File: 55 KB, 500x316, dale cooper thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is just silly and the fact that so many members of 'anonymous' succumb and adhere to the tripfag celebrity culture is the real problem.

that's all im going to say on this topic and if people ignore the name of the poster and take a step back from being introverted mad neckbeards, who's only source of emotional release because their daddy's did not love them enough is raging at tripfags on 4chan, you'll see that what i am saying is 100% correct.

now have some Dale Cooper and go read a book for once you stupid cunts.

inb4 u mad

i'm not. i'm calm as fuck bros

>> No.1452736

so thats why you grouped people today on the lit's tiny to gain votes... to come here and say you dont give a fuck... wow.

>> No.1452742

tripfag bullshit guaranteed replies

also where the fuck is tybrax i voted for him

>> No.1452745

yeah Brownbear, you promised a speech.

>> No.1452755

I'm new around here. Can you guys vote for me. Also look at the clever literary reference in my name. The one from Master and Margarita was already taken so I decided to go with The Sound and the Fury.

>> No.1452761

so cute :3

>> No.1452764


thanks :3

>> No.1452780

testing tripcode

>> No.1452785

fuck testing again

>> No.1452792


>> No.1452799


>> No.1452801


>> No.1452807

I already have a trip for the name Quentin so you can't use it.
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.1452808

my favie

>> No.1452810


but why do you need two trips?

>> No.1452821


Sage your worthless posts you fuck.

>> No.1452824

itt: tripfag circle jerk.
Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.1452832


>> No.1452840
File: 39 KB, 603x637, green-oval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm better than you.

>> No.1452848

w8 i forgot my pw

>> No.1452854

hello boys

>> No.1452859

okay i changed my name stagolee. should i put "a"s or 4s?

>> No.1452861


Where the fuck do you get that?

>> No.1452862

sup guys

>> No.1452868

i vote for koroviev

>> No.1452874

where's D&E? he's probably the smartest anon. here.

>> No.1452890


>> No.1452907

Truman Capote.

He's fairly intelligent despite being a complete whore.

>> No.1452908


Koroviev- <3<3<3<3<3

Brownbear- :)

Poke- ?

>> No.1452911

-Koroviev - cool guy

-Brownbear - airhead

-Poke - dirty spic who likes palahniuk

>> No.1452920





>> No.1452925


Koroviev- <3<3<3<3<3

Brownbear- <3<3<3<3<3

Poke- ?

>> No.1452941


i fucking like this guy

>> No.1452965


girl lol. i say you on t.iny-c.hat today and i thought u were cute hehe. it was you, nickname, and ryuno (i think).

>> No.1452974
File: 9 KB, 270x187, SFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you two should fuck

great story to tell the grandchildren
"we met on 4chan /llit/"

>> No.1452977


Oh, BB's getting megatrolled.

He's ugly as fuck

>> No.1452998

strangely most /lit/ tripfags tend to look completely queer or actually pretty decent

perhaps Brownie is an exception

>> No.1453003

That's pretty fitting considering the fact that most tripfags actually are fags--yourself included.

>> No.1453006



also brownbear is cute. also koroviev is hot.

>> No.1453015

and you? tits will be provided if yes?

>> No.1453019
File: 45 KB, 331x339, 1294440169866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very touchy! such wild emotions really don't suit you

it was only a semi-serious comment in the end
most is the wrong word

all is pretty accurate

>> No.1453020


maybe later. im not a whore like anorexicchan.

>> No.1453022


That image is a fucking joke, right?

Part of the reason SSF4 sucks is all the frame-perfect bullshit you have to learn. The Chess/Checkers comparison isn't just to show which one's better.

>> No.1453027


hehe shutup. yeah i know. it would be akward during the wedding.

"we met on 4chan. we were both tripfags on /lit/"

>> No.1453028

I didn't make it

do i consider it a joke? i consider it fucking irrelevant

i think they are both very difficult and rewarding games for different reasons

>> No.1453033


now that's just hurtful, if you have nothing nice to say, then please, say nothing at all.



>> No.1453042

Allright, so, question.

I don't mean to insult by this, I'm actually genuinely curious.

Do you tripfags do this just to piss people off, or do you actually feel like your contributing to the board? Or is it more of a "I do what I want, fuck everyone else" sort of thing?

I'd really like to know. From all of you.

>> No.1453043

a wedding ?

oh Mrs. Brownbear, i never!

we have to tell everyone!

>> No.1453058

i vote for the real stagolee

>> No.1453060

I am here oreo

>> No.1453062

i have my doubts thats you

>> No.1453065

it's attention whoring

any other justification for tripfagging is romantic bullshit

of course it's not as if tripfags prove themselves exempt from discussion or literature

that would be strictly fashionable, and to be strictly fashionable is quite unfashionable nowadays

>> No.1453081

Brownbear, Mog, and Oreo. All class acts.

>> No.1453088


I'd agree, with the exception of Isabelle Huppert, whose posts I do believe warrant recognition because he knows so much.

>> No.1453091


where is she? she was my favorite ;_;

>> No.1453099

So, reading this thread, the other guys are quite well know and popular. Then why did i make it to the top?

>> No.1453105

True story of how I ended up tripfagging: A guy in /r9k/'s tinych_t named Biox had a thread up on /r9k/ and I tripped with my tinych_t name, Koroviev, to respond to it. Came to /lit/, posted a couple times, realized I had the trip still on. Shrugged at that, and just kept it.
I'm not sure what "do this" means, and I would hazard a guess that the reason I'm No. 1 on this poll is the fact that I often do contribute to threads, I'm not a complete dick to everybody, I realize my opinion/asshole does sometimes stink (and needs wiping often), and I recommend books to people a lot.
I derail threads with D&E or others just because it's fun. At that point, yeah, I don't give a fuck, people who take posts on 4chan really, really need to go find stuff worth the effort of gravity.

>> No.1453107

honestly you haven't been posting much recently and i never really payed attention to you before i donned my trip

yet you seem pretty humble
>a humble tripfag
maybe it's because you're so fucking unique

>> No.1453115


can you post your pic again? you're hot :3

>> No.1453116
File: 49 KB, 300x400, souljaboy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why do i trip?

you anons treat us tripfags like fucking Gods. I'm sat here on my golden throne drinking wine from the skull of an unknown tripfag. You never cease to discuss us, filling your lives with gossip about us. We ARE Big Brother, you are the proles.

you ask me, dear sir, why i trip?
i have only one question to ask back.

Why don't you?

>> No.1453119




i like you as a trip

>> No.1453121

>We ARE Big Brother, you are the proles.
Best reason not to trip that I've ever seen.

>> No.1453123

fagot is more fitting hahahhaahahahaah master and margarita joke im so fucking hilarious

>> No.1453125

people who take posts on 4chan seriously*

>> No.1453131


But, couldn't you just tripfag while having a discussion about literature? If you had something unique or recognizable about your posting style you'd garner a lot of positive attention, except from some.

Why a thread like this?

>> No.1453136
File: 42 KB, 607x507, superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother

>> No.1453144

What the...what the fuck is this noise?
For the first time, I abandon the other boards and come to /lit/. How wonderful, think I. An entire board that will share my love of reading and discuss literature! Sure, it's 4chan, so there's bound to be a few bumps, but hell, the gist will be there!

And here I come, and you pants on head retarded litfags have a fucking front page thread about- your most popular TRIPFAGS?

A contest to see who can have the attention whoring E-penis on an anonymous board?

And then another front pager where another forever alone neckbeard whines about his beta as fuck depression??

Oh for the love of all things holy.
This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.1453156


I'm sorry, anon.

We're not usually like this. I'm not really sure what's going on, I'm rather distressed about it.

>> No.1453157


forgot your sage

>> No.1453160
File: 58 KB, 533x401, 1280471627675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shut the fuck up.

>> No.1453162

>why a thread like this
some of the more exuberant tripfags find it is easiest to garner attention by force

>If you had something unique or recognizable about your posting style you'd garner a lot of positive attention
lots of tripfags try to find a recognizable gimmick to stick with in order to associate a particularly memorable post with a name, tripcodes serve to augment a poster's character and ultimate persona

take this with a grain of salt, but i actually prefer the company of some tripfags to alot of anons; tripfags have to try hard it they want what they are looking for!

>> No.1453175



>> No.1453180


But why? Do you honestly think yours are the only words that can be spoken because "Look at me, I can trip!" Christ.

>> No.1453187


Thank you for the apology. At least one of you has your head on straight.

>> No.1453192

take the time to read a slightly larger portion of the thread a discussion is being held focusing on the origins and true intentions of a tripfag, it would do you good to read it

understand that narcissism is a vice, and all vice is virtuous in reflection

>> No.1453194


anyone can trip, you speak of it as if it's an ability we can magically do.

However few can successfully wield the power.

>> No.1453196


>> No.1453197

As far as I can tell most people who trip do it because they want recognition for the words they post here.

I've never seen a trip post anything I'd want to put my name on, but it's somehow worth it to them. It is baffling, but there it is.

>> No.1453208

oh brownbear! you act as if power is a preferable virtue to suspect yourself of

wouldn't you rather be beautiful?

>> No.1453221


I did read the thread, unfortunately. That's the sad part- the fact that by writing out your reasons and origins you think you've sucessfully justified doing nothing more than circle-jerking. Realize that just because you, in your head, have intentions, doesn't mean they are true or hold merit.
I do realize anyone can trip. I also realize why people think to do it.
Protip: They're the same reasons why I don't.

>> No.1453230

if you actually feel the need to justify your actions in this day and age i have to say there is something slightly wrong with you

>> No.1453252


You don't think you ever have to explain yourself? Someone doesn't get out much. But let's play devil's advocate and assume that's not outright socially inept. Assume you're correct, then. No one has to justify anything they do. Then why do we have threads like these where tripfags feel the need to clarify that they are nor derailing, etc. If they weren't doing anything wrong, they wouldn't have to-
Oh, you know what, scratch that. Sorry, I just can't see things from your point of view. I can't stick my head that far up my own ass.

>> No.1453266

Thread cancelled. Everyone go home.

>> No.1453268

Fabulous can get his up there because all the lube and still-moist semen facilitates it.

>> No.1453288
File: 34 KB, 640x480, a child is diagnosed with a mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, i would rather be feared than loved.

>> No.1453290


I lol'd.

>> No.1453415


>> No.1453472

it's like 7.30 in england right?

tybrax will see this soon

>> No.1453504
File: 177 KB, 941x600, BESTLITTHREAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no D&E

Haven't posted your penis on /lit/?

Then you don't know shit about tripfagging.

>> No.1453513


that's not D&E's penis

D&E does not have red hair

>> No.1453525
File: 32 KB, 300x300, book-club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage for tripfag thread.

But regarding tripfags, the 3 mentioned aren't the top tier. Brownbear can be a little bitch if the mood is right. Haven't heard of the other two.

In all honesty D&E, Oreo, and Arcueid are the only ones mentioned in this thread that I enjoy. Can't recall any others off the top of my head that I like since I've been drinking...either way fukkin SAGE asscunts

>> No.1453532


>that's not D&E's penis


>> No.1453534

what the fuck is this cancer

>> No.1453538

This whole thread and tripfags are cancer.

Rude sage.

>> No.1453651


>> No.1453691

Gotta say man. I've seen you around and tried to be nice, supported you a little, said I wanted to read your MW2 fanfic, felt sorry for you when you said your life is sad and lonely and you just sit at home playing videogames and getting high.But you're also a fucking dick sometimes. I don't feel so sorry for you anymore. And I no longer want to read your stories. (I originally thought they were stories involving modern warfare... not Modern Warfare as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare).

>> No.1453694


what in gods name is that south american street urchin even doing in that list

>> No.1454017

so u can mad, i guess. I don't even know why people voted for me as i 've not put effort in being serious or funny or whatever, i pretty much just come here to spout nonsense while high.

>> No.1454020

lol deepandedgy has a small pen0r

>> No.1454039

>no link
>foul play by brownbear
>mediocre trips winning
don't even want to be part of this, sage.

>> No.1454044

you're so fat you're part of everything

>> No.1454078

having a name is better for conversation. the bonus of autotrolling people who take 4chan seriously is gravy.

>> No.1454080

much like your face

>> No.1454082

Jerks was the best tripfag..

>> No.1454085

where is the poll i want to vote for mikael

>> No.1454114
File: 10 KB, 189x266, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1454120

tripfags known to drop-trip:
truman capote

>> No.1454302

>Mfw this thread is still here
>mfw I have no face worthy, and my reaction images file is huge
>read that tripfags post their dick and write COD fanfiction
>suddenly, everything makes sense

>> No.1454316

Gotta say man. I've seen you around and tried to be nice, supported you a little, said I wanted to read your MW2 fanfic, felt sorry for you when you said your life is sad and lonely and you just sit at home playing videogames and getting high.But you're also a fucking dick sometimes. I don't feel so sorry for you anymore. And I no longer want to read your stories. (I originally thought they were stories involving modern warfare... not Modern Warfare as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare).

>> No.1455091


wrong fakebrax, just plain wrong

>> No.1455096
File: 37 KB, 488x599, mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

voting for me

>> No.1455098

i vote for mogwai

>> No.1455107

oh my god this is sad

>> No.1455121

i haven't read this thread. you're all fucking losers.

>> No.1455179


>> No.1455199

The only good trip/namefag and even that's only because I read everything it writes in David Mitchell's voice.

>> No.1455492

not on the first page? for shame? brownbear gets my vote

>> No.1456103

koro is in both now? did he win?

>> No.1456154

I am the king of trips

>> No.1456186


not even shortlisted

>> No.1456205

>mon visage quand this glorious thread where one brave anon wrecks tripfag shit and then it all falls to pieces

>> No.1456206

You mad that I don't fulfill an elitist persona on a message board?

Your power is an illusion, worthless faggot.

>> No.1456211
File: 29 KB, 500x377, u mad dog in a hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i was very calm, however you seem mad bro

mad you didn't get shortlisted?

why am i even asking?

you so totally mad bro
pic refuckinglated

>> No.1456214
File: 34 KB, 398x436, 1294841810628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u mad dog in a hat.jpg

>> No.1456217

You're a dickgobbling taint-licker.

Koroviev is dead.
Behemoth lives.
Long live the King.

>> No.1456223
File: 35 KB, 640x480, Photo 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't expect less than name calling from a plebian such as yourself

>> No.1456228
File: 35 KB, 519x395, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

douchebags never spell plebeian correctly...

>> No.1456231
File: 135 KB, 595x483, u mad cuz im stylin on u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



you fucking cretin

>> No.1456232
File: 22 KB, 695x567, 1294842015336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1457024

Day 3 of Tripfag fight.

>> No.1457029

What do these threads even mean?

>> No.1457037

it means all the tripfags are indeed faggots and they should be shipped to deathcamps