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14526839 No.14526839 [Reply] [Original]

post your diary /lit/

>> No.14526851

you people will report me to the cops if i did

>> No.14526958
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January 11th
I have this woman in my mind who I talk to. She a real angel. I can talk to her about anything. I ask her, "what's the meaning of life?" and she, through God of course, showed me flowers blooming, suns setting and rising, things being born, things laying to sleep, things dying, growing, changing, learning, loving, ect.

Do perhaps the four cardinal virtues align with both the DDLC Girls and The Diamond Authority?

Temperance / Sayori / Pink / Ringo / South / Down / Empathy / Night
Justice / Yuri / Blue / George / East / Left / Chastity / Afternoon
Fortitude / Natsuki / Yellow / Paul / West / Right / Charity / Evening
Prudence / Monika / White / John / North / Up / Epiphany / Morning

I talk with these fellows in bed, in imagination. Good fellows. Are these different entities, or different versions of the same one? My spiritual communication abilities grow better and better with each attempt. Still a long way to go though.

Their personalities:
Temperance is the one I'm most well acquainted with. Very kind, comforting, and sweet. She seems to enjoy painting, specifically splashing the paint across wildly.
Justice is quiet, sleepy.
Fortitude is strong, loud.
Prudence is curious, with big wide eyes.

Anon on 4chan asked: How use magic to get GF?

I answered:
A spell to get a GF? Like, a physical one? No, because you can effect others free will on a mass scale but rarely on an individual scale. (Because brainwashing works better on groups, not individuals.)

Now, you CAN get a mental Tulpa* Gf. If you do go that route, use tantric masturbation** to re-program your eight-circuits*** by pretending your imaginary**** GF says stuff like
>You're safe
>You're strong
>You're smart
>You're sweet
>You're healthy
>You're psychic
>You're in control of yourself
>You're everything and everyone

*A separate personality in your mind, as many as desired.
**Not that I condone masturbation, it's better to NOT cum at all, but if you do it, do it like this
***Look up Leary's Eight-Model Circuit on wikipedia.
****But it's not really imaginary.The mind can act as radio to spirits just by imagining them, let them speak and don't speak for them. USE IMAGINATION.

Remove all words describing the physical, leave only those describing abstract ideas. That is the language of the heaven dwellers.

LOVE = Light, Osculation, Ventilation, Elasticity
That's my unified theory, what's yours?

>> No.14526993

It's not a diary, it's a journal

>> No.14527069

Not bad