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14525977 No.14525977 [Reply] [Original]

This is still irrefutable. It's all one big COPE.

>> No.14525982

>taking advice from a permanently drunk fornicator
kys then

>> No.14525984

>be so loud they name silence after you

>> No.14525992

based and blackpilled

>> No.14525993

I enjoy life more than non existence

>> No.14525997

It's not like you know any better.

>> No.14526006

>when someone one day declared that life is an evil, Diogenes corrected him: not life itself, but living ill

>> No.14526008

I wish I could die, but I love my mommy too much to make her suffer through my suicide

>> No.14526014

gay philosophy

>> No.14526016

Living the good life = successfully deluding yourself that your actions have a greater significance than they really do. This is impossible for some of us: we cannot just unthink reality

>> No.14526021

>living ill
so living in society modern society?

>> No.14526081

literal rick and morty mentality
i live solely for enjoyment, i dont delude myself thinking that my actions have some greater purpose

>> No.14526121


>> No.14526138

why do you need a greater purpose to live a good life?

>> No.14526155

Now what if you are incapable of having what you want? You need cope. But for me (and many other people) cope is unsuccessful in making you justify your despair

Because I am unhappy and incapable of having my desires met, so I need some significance to my suffering or else its just totally useless and the only reason left to continue living dissipates

>> No.14526164

Humans are scum like rats. However, humans are necessary for music. Music is great.

>> No.14526179
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>> No.14526201

you obviously don't agree with that then

>> No.14526212

your terms of enjoyment are completely out of your control. for some of us it has been denied of us.

>> No.14526213

I spent however many billions of years the universe has existed not existing, shit sucks desu.

>> No.14526227

everyone who thinks this and doesn't immediately kill themselves is living unauthentically, which is in itself a cause of many of their problems.

>> No.14526229

>Because I am unhappy and incapable of having my desires met

Sounds like you need some Buddha in your life.

>> No.14526273

I can't seriously believe in reincarnation or anything like that and I don't think it is actually possible for a human being to efface themselves of desire.

>> No.14526329

>living ill
Living ill is living with no expressed purpose other than to pointlessly affirm life itself.

>> No.14526345

because humans can't live static, and with no meaning there is no reason to move forward or do anything.

>> No.14526365

im genuinely sorry to hear that
>Now what if you are incapable of having what you want?
theres plenty of things that i want but cant have. many of them are somewhat abstract and chronic, like my general dissatisfaction with society, but i turn that pain into a dream: i hope to one day live innawoods, and that hope, among other things, keeps me going

>> No.14526517

How did you come to the conclusion that you are not the self-deluding fool instead?
Can't accept your own envy directed at better lives?

>> No.14526530

I am of course jealous of them, doesn't change anything though. They are mired in cope and/or hedonism and I am not. But in either case, life is meaningless suffering and I am only envious of those who can forget that or ignore it

>> No.14526601

the only person coping here is you. youre so sad and bitter and dissatisfied with your life, and you think that theres something wrong with the very concept of living because surely the issue cant lie with you, that you are a person that is incapable of being happy because you romanticize being miserable and "woke"
unironically wash your penis

>> No.14526621

The problem is with me, but only partially. It is quite literally impossible for me to have what I truly want in life. There is nothing I can do about it. There is nothing I can do to forget or stop thinking about the fact that there is nothing I can do about it. That you think that this is impossible, to me, shows that you are a myopic person who probably thinks that the "world is your oyster" and other such truisms. That people can be totally broken and anhedonic by the nature of things never enters into your purview. Which is a good thing, just keep living in your own world; I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling life in it. There's no need to venture out of it and claim mine isn't real.

>> No.14526661

i dont believe that its impossible for you to be happy, i believe that youve only convinced yourself of this
but i dont know you, or your life, and maybe it really is true (if you have enough resources to post here?) but you shouldnt judge people as being hedonistic or coping just because they enjoy their lives, thats myopic of you, thinking that if you cant be satisfied then people who are must be broke in the head or less intelligent or whatever

>> No.14526707

I never meant "cope" or "hedonism" as negative things, or else I would not have attributed my inability to engage in those things as a negative. But they are what they are. They are necessary to enjoyment in a world which is full of nothing but transient things. I don't think I am superior or that they are stupid. Plenty of people more intelligent than I am are capable of enjoying life. It is just the way I am wired, it is just the way my life has been decided by my birth that I am doomed to live an unsatisfying miserable life. That's it. It's rooted in a genetic disease which nothing can cure. For me, the OP is true I would have been better of never being born, never being conscious. And I wish I could die sooner, but suicide does nothing but displace your pain onto others which in my mind, is unfair

>> No.14526738

define "cope"

>> No.14526783

If it's so irrefutable why didn't that old cunt kill himself. Also I hope you're hanging already op since you believe this is irrefutable

>> No.14527065

Only people who have never lived the good life perjure it insignificant. Whether the how of it can be taught is another matter. Sometimes yes. But to whom it can't, introspection is poison. This is the most important difference between temperaments that I know of.

>> No.14527136

what is the good life?