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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 783 KB, 575x770, RogerScruton_PROFILE-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14522915 No.14522915 [Reply] [Original]

Was he /ourguy/?

>> No.14522983

Don't know him, but I hope to keep my head of hair like this handsome silver fox.

>> No.14523043

yes. he proactively refuted modernism

>> No.14523181

Is that Tom Steyer? I like him but don't think he has a chance with Bloomberg in the race.
Bloomberg is like Tome Steyer cubed.
I like Bloomberg and will vote for him.

>> No.14523203

It's been a bad 12 months for angry incels in need of a right wing daddy.

>> No.14523208

Shits on postmodernists, socialists, modern art. Of course

>> No.14523224

No, not really. Like saying Hitchens was our guy.
Either of them.

>> No.14523233

He was definitely /ourguy/ but did he read Guenon?

>> No.14523246

You're not one of "us", so you have no say in this

>> No.14523260

You aren’t one of us, anon. You’re the ones who stick in our sides like a thorn. (You) don’t belong

>> No.14523264

Oh no is he dead?

>> No.14523276


>> No.14523285

>shits on
I've only read "Firebrands..." it's literally OK Boomer the book. The latest edition contains a chapter on Zizek who, he at least seems to realise, is far more intellectually stacked than he first thought. He's quite respectful and in awe in some places. Then he takes one of Zizek's "I'm a Stalinist" quotations out of context and then goes on a highly predictable Boomer-rant and says that anyone who endorses Stalinism shouldn't be read. Boring ad hominem wank.

>> No.14523325


Boomer conserva-cuck who thinks we should all be like the Victorians again. No thanks.

>> No.14523347

>be like victorians again

>> No.14523350
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>Homos are still butthurt

>> No.14523364

I thought he gives a pretty good characterization of Zizek. I don't even think Zizek would deny he bullshits a lot

>> No.14523384

Fuck no.

>> No.14523387

>no sticky

this board is fucking dead.

>> No.14523403

I think it just proves how left wing this board is. Only 4 people who don't post "Cya l8r whitey"

>> No.14523408
File: 897 KB, 1366x768, Roger Scruton with second wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean anon, he hasn't passed has he?

Always been our guy.

>> No.14523413

>What do you mean anon, he hasn't passed has he?
Yeah he did

>> No.14523454
File: 39 KB, 739x415, Barry Lyndon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest In Peace Mr Scruton. He'll always be my favourite modern philosopher.


>> No.14523469
File: 325 KB, 394x405, wojak rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /lit/ only appreciates him once he's gone
It isn't fair.

>> No.14523488
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, 1547915630409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a toast... Roger Scruton was a detestable man, ugly on the inside just as on the outside. Better he were never born at all. We can take some pleasure in the thought of him dying painfully. Cheers and hail victory brothers.

>> No.14523499

Can we get a chart in memory of him?

He has quite a large body of work.

>> No.14523503


>> No.14523508

>Implying you've read any others

>> No.14523513

I only watched the youtube videos.

>> No.14523521

>Commercial writer
>Gets knighted
>Considered a philosopher in death
Well, probably better read than that Canadian high school sub the Koch brothers push on us
>why no sticky
Why no books?

>> No.14523524
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Even though he was a stuffy conservative, a sell-out and a shill, he pissed off lefties and career artists for calling them out on their masturbatory practices and perversions of art. He therefore gets a "based" stamp of approval from me. Ive also read Fools, Frauds, and Firebrands and found it to be mediocre, besides the parts on Zizek and Said

>> No.14523536
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>> No.14523541

>He's actually dead

Fucking hell


>> No.14523551

>Fools, Frauds, and Firebrands
That's just one of the average works he puts out for the general public. Read his more philosophical works like on love.

>> No.14523557
File: 187 KB, 1080x1283, 6CDE8A5F-1C21-4E9F-9F70-E0EC842AD3B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he’s a philosopher, I’m a philosopher.

>> No.14523559

>Scruton's ""philosophy"": ugly = bad, modern = bad, I like old things because they exist in a magical wonderland when everything was perfect
>what do you mean there was death and disease? what do you mean people were uneducated serfs? wait, I thought serfs were at least pure of heart, why did they have the same failings as the modern man? what do you mean there was no electricity? what do you mean the odds would have me dead at childbirth?

>> No.14523560

stop embarrassing yourself, buttertranny

>> No.14523563

everyone who contemplates and has an urge for truth is a philosopher.

>> No.14523566

>he conservative, so he idealizes the past

>> No.14523567

You’ve knighted me a philosopher, anon. Of course I’m embarrassed.

>> No.14523568

>implying any of that is worse than now

>> No.14523570

Can you recommend me any, senpai? Ive been wanting to get into aesthetics, but most modern phil seems to be focused on ethics, which is gay as fuck imho.

>> No.14523578

I'm not even the other Anon, you're just retarded

>> No.14523587

It's obvious you don't know anything about academic philosophy. He is a well respected philosopher who gets taught in actual philosophy courses.

>> No.14523598

>gay marriage is legal
>scruton is worm food

why be butthurt?

>> No.14523602

>who gets taught in actual philosophy courses.
The Bible is taught in philosophy courses, this doesn't mean anything.

>> No.14523613

Great argument I can use the same argument against Kant too.

>> No.14523614

disagree with Scruton though I do, he was at least a "real" philosopher, which is more than I can say for Peterson

>> No.14523632

........yeah, in philosophy of religion, maybe.
Scruton's views on aesthetics have appeared in courses I've taken that have dealt with aesthetics. His takes are shit, but there's no doubt he's doing actual philosophy.

>> No.14523639

>The aesthetics of architecture
>The Soul of the World(haven't read this yet)
>Sexual Desire
>I Drink Therefore I Am: A Philosopher's Guide to Wine(Ughh based?)
>Gentle Regrets
>The aesthetic understanding
>The Aesthetics of Music
>Conservative Thinkers: Essays from The Salisbury Review

Are some. He's always an enjoyable read.

>> No.14523642

You're one of the worst posters on this board. I don't think you can even read any foreign language (I can read 6 quite easily, and am twice younger than you). Your reading range is extremely shallow. I don't think you have ever read Scruton, nor do I think that you have the knowledge about art, and specially classical music (most importantly Wagner), which is absolutely necessary to understand most of his work on aesthetics.

Stop acting like a clown.

>> No.14523647

Only arguments you should use, should be directly referencing the contents of his philosophy. Anything else exposes you as a brainlet.

>> No.14523648

Yeah she is, she's acc as hell.

>> No.14523658

His book on eroticism/love/sex basically made me into a romantic for live.

>> No.14523659

Thanks Einstein.

>> No.14523665

>ever read Scruton, nor do I think that you have the knowledge about art, and specially classical music (most importantly Wagner),
You're embarrassing yourself if you think any of those two men have anything to say in their work.
I'm a music conservatory graduate. I spent years analyzing music for grades, so when I come across something that's garbage, I know. Wagner's music has the melodic complexity of a train horn (actually less; train horns often are tuned to a tritone, which seem to be absent in his music) and the lyrical complexity of his non-traditional vocal works barely surpasses 3rd grade vocabulary. Not only is this music intended for ignorant audiences, it's intended to turn impressionable young people into bad composers. No wonder he was Hitler's favorite composer.

>> No.14523683

What composers do you enjoy?

>> No.14523685

t. percussionist

>> No.14523686

>melodic complexity
Guess how I know you're a faggot.

>> No.14523689


>> No.14523690

Grimes, of course

>> No.14523692

>Wagner is a bad composer
Oh anon, you really know nothing about music let alone art in general.

>> No.14523699

Post symphony.

>> No.14523700

Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Rameau, even Liszt is much better than Brahms. I'd enumerate more, but they are less important. Notice the absence of Beethoven on my list.

>> No.14523705

I meant even Liszt and Brahms are much better then their contemporary, Wagner.

>> No.14523723


Just as I suspected, pure autism. Go listen to another thousand hours of his unending musical diarrhea; counterpoint, instead of disgracing yourself in this thread.

>> No.14523724

>every great, or at least famous, musician since and during Wagner's time consider him the greatest
>some jew calls his music - literally the complexity peak of music - basic on an online anonymous image board in the 21 century
makes sense

>> No.14523732
File: 34 KB, 500x500, avatars-000292534164-hfrn5i-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Conservative "philosopher"

>> No.14523736

>both Liszt, Brahms and Verdi considered Wagner their musical superior and the greatest of their age
Oh anon.

>> No.14523741

That is the level of /lit/ nowadays.
There's no use posting on this board any longer.

>I'm a music conservatory graduate!
>I spent years analyzing music for grades!

Wagner's influence in changing the course of music in the 19th century, the revolutionary way in which he transformed opera and his constant pushes towards what would later become atonalism have been recognized and praised by music historians, musicologists and nearly all the composers who followed him.
W. H. Auden, one of the greatest poets and libretists of the 20th century, said Wagner was perhaps the greatest of all artists, and don't even get me started on the Wagnerian trends which influenced hundreds of poets, novelists, composers, and even painters in the late 19th / early 20th century.

Your opinion has no relevance when faced with the enormous amount of praise which the music of Richard Wagner has received in the last 170 years or so. When Furtwangler, Karajan, Toscanini, Bohm and Celibidache conduct your work passionately throughout their entire careers, that means you are a great composer, and it doesn't matter what a ''conservatory graduate'' thinks.

>> No.14523742

Extremely childish composers. Wagner is for adults who want to listen to a serious art.

>> No.14523746

>>every great, or at least famous, musician since and during Wagner's time consider him the greatest
Name one. Wagner's name has never been placed among the greats, he was only a footnote, a mere curiosity, and solely in terms of harmony. His music is bombastic, juvenile and primitive.

>> No.14523755



>> No.14523768

>only counterpoint
Listen to some music next time, instead of reading cliffnotes. His oeuvre is extensive, with many masterpieces:


>> No.14523769

I went to music school too and I think Wagner is ok. How do we resolve this, do we have to compare dicks or something?

>> No.14523777

>His music is bombastic

Common misconception by people whose only knowledge of Wagner comes from Looney Tunes. His greatest music is typified very much by gentleness and subtlety. Go listen to Parsifal, for example.

>> No.14523780

Bach similarly never thought much of his music, discarding some of what he wrote, unrecognized by his contemporaries. And yet, he is unequivocally the greatest.

>> No.14523781

>Name one
Brahms, Liszt, Verdi, Scriatin, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Karajan, Orff, may I go on, ''conservatory graduate''?

>> No.14523791

stop, i want him to post his compositions

>> No.14523792


It's like a computer wrote this based on mathematical formula fed to it.

>> No.14523796

>Go listen to Parsifal, for example.
I was talking specifically about such trite as Parsifal. Spare me this five hour musical graphomania, an exercise in grandiosity which approaches vulgarity.

>> No.14523802

>Wagner is good
Hello, underage department?

>> No.14523803

None of them ever claimed he was the greatest of all time, praising Wagner was part of their culture. Now, if it were not for the vulgar movie scores and academia, he would be rightfully forgotten.

>> No.14523813

Can't help but notice nobody's talking about your favourite composers

heheh, maybe some other thread

>> No.14523815

I actually do have compositions which are universally praised by all who hear them - confident in my ability, I have nothing to prove.

>> No.14523816

>Name one

That shows quite clearly that you have never, in your entire life, read a single book on the history of music cover to cover.

>His music is bombastic, juvenile and primitive.

That can't be serious. Have you never listened to the second act of Siegfried after he kills the dragon?


Read a book on the history of music. The man who influenced Verdi was juvenile?


His music was the music of the future. He influenced nearly all future composers.

>> No.14523830

>unequivocally the greatest
That's a possibility.

But surely you wouldn't value your judgement over these three? Musical geniuses.

Did you only read Nietzsche? Have you not seen or heard Parsifal? How is this in the slightest sense unnecessarily grandiose or vulgar you pleb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y-xxhBia0s

>> No.14523841

post face

>> No.14523846

>revolutionary way in which he transformed opera
His "grand" plans were never realized, and died with him. The trends he started died out.
>constant pushes towards what would later become atonalism
Oh yes, because this is a good thing. Atonalism is a mere curiosity, but I admit when done outside of the Schoenberg schema, it can be quite beautiful (see Gesualdo).

Wagner's influence has waned with the years, and diminished to absolutely nothing outside of the popular entertainment and academia.

>> No.14523854
File: 1.13 MB, 1035x1280, Venus_Rising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently read his book "Beauty", and really liked it. Here's a wonderful paragraph from the book:

> Works of art are forbidden to moralize, only because moralizing destroys their true moral value, which lies in the ability to open our eyes to others, and to discipline our sympathies towards life as it is. Art is not morally neutral, but has its own way of making and justifying moral claims. [...] Many of the aesthetic faults incurred by art are moral faults -- sentimentality, insincerity, self-righteousness, moralizing itself.

I do think that he was /ourguy/

>> No.14523856

Post them, superficial troll.

It's such a pity that a thread on the death of Roger Scruton has come to this. I feel like I am among teenagers whenever I post here. I've been posting less frequently, and will probably stop completely in but a few months more. This board has been ruined by people who wish to talk about literature without ever having done the necessary reading, people who quote French literary critics who wrote on Boccaccio or Flaubert, but who have never read Boccaccio, nor Flaubert - and who, in fact, are completely unable to do so, because, after all, they can't read neither Italian, nor French.

It's all so miserable.

>> No.14523863

>None of them ever claimed he was the greatest of all time
This is just factually wrong you lying retard.

>praising Wagner was part of their culture
Ahh of course, they just sent private letters praising Wagner because of the culture. I'm sure it was so controversial to call Wagner an anti-semite, or bad wasn't it? And nothing like animated bird movies to really keep the name "musical genius" fresh in peoples m8inds.

Not as if you, a mere student, is wrong.

>> No.14523869

It is both grandiose and vulgar in its attempts at soliciting emotion. Wagner is like a romantic with none of the pedigree, none of the soul, just simple egomania and lack of skill.

>> No.14523870

>The trends he started died out.
such as?

>> No.14523873

You're right in a way. Strauss remarked to Stefan Zweig a sentiment to the effect of "Wagner was so good nobody has even tried to write good music since, there's no point".

>> No.14523880

>This board has been ruined by people who wish to talk about literature
He said, while posting in a non-literature thread about Scruton.

>> No.14523885

>The trends he started died out

You can't be serious.
Who was Bruckner? Who was Mahler?

>> No.14523892

Just comb it over then

>> No.14523899

>Wagner's influence has waned with the years, and diminished to absolutely nothing outside of the popular entertainment and academia.
That's the same with literally every musical genius, including Bach.

You seem to think more value lay in the effect of the artist than the art itself. "it isn't relevant" newsflash no good musician is today, not to mention the other arts.

>> No.14523903

So the Mahler's stretching of the orchestra to ridiculous thousand members is the only influence that Wagner made? Seems about right.

>> No.14523908


>> No.14523916

Back to Scruton guys, I wanna talk about him. I read his stuff on religion in a graduate course on philosophy of religion, I thought it was rather lame. He seems to suggest that we should go back to traditional religion, and as much as I enjoy Christian writers, and as much as I can use traditional religion in my own life, I still think that the religious landscape will change drastically in the future. I understand that he is a Conservative because he wants to conserve what worked well in the past, but from what I read he has really nothing new to offer, all I see is 'muh aesthetics', but I don't think that aesthetics will satisfy people's spiritual needs.

Also he called his little farm 'Scrutopia', I watched a documentary on him, he seems so full of himself, I would definitely say that he was not our guy...

>> No.14523918

>Wagner is like a romantic with none of the pedigree, none of the soul
>none oft he soul

I've never been touched by music, in my entire life, as profoundly as when I first heard the songbird in Siegfried. Never.

Maybe you should learn how differentiate between what you like and what is objectively rich, varied, important, and original in art and in the history of art. There's nothing wrong in disliking Wagner's music, but saying the things you have said about him show quite clearly that you have, at best, an extremely biased - and, at worst, a very shallow and uninformed - understanding of post-19th century music.

>> No.14523921

It's not our job to educate you on His influence. Go read some books about it. Roger Scruton wrote several on just this subject.

>> No.14523928

you're so fuckin stupid it's unbelievable you disgusting cunt, leave this board and never come back

>> No.14523931

Retards in this thread being trolled extremely hard rn by a modified copypasta


nevertheless, w*Gner is the soundwave equivalent of sauekraut, but thats not something a germ*N can escape
all germ*Ns are mudbath Bogs and suffer from autism

>> No.14523939

He's been posting bait anon just ignore

>> No.14523941

you're an ugly cunt is what you are

>> No.14523942

Why would I read drivel? I'm sorry, but the only popularity of Scruton stems from... television. You yourself have probably found out about him from youtube! This is a joke, which I shall not take part in.

>> No.14523944

Great bait. He got 5 replies in 10 seconds

>> No.14523948

Well, those were also Scruton's actual views, he was nuts.

>> No.14523954

I think that pretty much discredits any intellectual worth Wagner ever had - his audience is a bunch of brainlets.

>> No.14523959
File: 549 KB, 1266x1600, 53490D12-E84F-45B6-A85E-3C4CF97EC942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m in good company

>> No.14523962


>Back to Scruton guys
Agreed, just a troll.

>> No.14523981

this, but unironically

>> No.14523989

There are actually people out there who don't think Wagner is great, though. Can't miss an opportunity to correct them. Glad to know you agreed with me all along.

>> No.14524003

nah you're fucking stupid to boot as well HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA disgusting whore

>> No.14524005

Why would you vote for a billionaire?

But you used to say you were a fan of Hitchens.

>> No.14524011

I think it discredits this board more than Wagner

>> No.14524012

How can you be a conservative and be against "modernity" lmao. Only thing conservatives can preserve, unless they are luddites, is modernity itself. Conservative is part of modernity and always has been. Shut the fuck up you fucking losers.

>> No.14524014

fucking hell I can smell your smelly cunt all the way here what the fuck are you doing? did your dad molest you as a kid, you know, slip his little weiner in your ass when mommy fell asleep? very sad

>> No.14524019

Not him I think you're kinda dumb but I also think you're pretty

>> No.14524020

Roger Scruton? More like Roger Scrotum!

Thanks I'm here all night, try the fish

>> No.14524027

>Scruton's ""philosophy"": ugly = bad, modern = bad

Goes to show how you simply do not read books.

How can one summarize with such words the aesthetics of a thinker whose main, and most lasting, influence was none other than T.S. Eliot?

>> No.14524035
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He was a brainlet with a stick up his bottom. His only worthwhile contribution is being a red flag for detecting brainlets and actual pseuds who call others pseuds. At least his conversation with Terry Eagleton was comfy, so maybe there's that.

>> No.14524037

You mean what leftists always do?

>> No.14524043

>who endorses Stalinism shouldn't be read.

i mean he caused more human suffering than almost anyone ever

>> No.14524052

your mom is a human toilet, a receptacle for my feces after dining at some shady indian restaurant

>> No.14524061

that's a good question. you get everything from the elites, but won't stop bitching and crying.

>> No.14524062

He used to be my tutor at university. Acted bored and condescending in tutorials which always seemed to degenerate into him talking about his ex lovers or whiskey.

>> No.14524076

Extremely based

Any ex-lovers anecdotes?

>> No.14524079

Zizek endorsing Stalinism is at best ironic. At worst it ruins Stalin's reputation further.

>> No.14524080

Holy based

>> No.14524089
File: 490 KB, 449x401, girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one pasta baited more than half of the thread

>> No.14524092
File: 59 KB, 300x276, Camel_cigarettes_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Conservatism starts from a sentiment that all mature people can readily share: the sentiment that the smooth flavor of Camel™ cigarettes is easily destroyed, but not easily created.

>> No.14524101

Decent bait

>> No.14524117
File: 53 KB, 957x621, crime and punishment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14524124


>> No.14524130

I smoke the yellows when the sun is up, and blues during the night. They're the best out of any brands that I've tried, sweet and without bad flavors.

>> No.14524180
File: 309 KB, 952x754, roger-scruton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whatever our religion and our private convictions, we are the collective inheritors of things both excellent and rare, and the selling of excellent tobacco, for us, ought to have one overriding goal, which is to hold fast to those things, in order to pass them on to our children.

>> No.14524208

Wagner had religion of art, where's religion of tobacco?

>> No.14524230
File: 216 KB, 505x1428, 1552056172545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cinema. Either way, it's a lie that tobacco is harmful.

>> No.14524274
File: 19 KB, 267x397, Images-stories-Photos-roger_scruton_16_70dpi_photographer_by_pete_helme-267x397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cigarettes exalt the human heart, by removing it from the market-place, making it sacred and unexchangeable. Under the jurisdiction of tobacco our deeper feelings are sacralized, so as to become raw material for the flavorful life: the life lived in Silk Cut™.

>> No.14524283


>> No.14524297

Actually, the act of smoking can be a very contemplative and almost transcendental experience, where you rise above the world and its troubles.

>> No.14524315

I like that this has the balls to literally equate correlation and causation at the end there, based.

>> No.14524343

Cancer bro.

>> No.14524344

top kek

A career literally built on cancer

>> No.14524359

low test detected.

>> No.14524363


>> No.14524365

Smoker detected

>> No.14524380

Why is it, that a death of a person (no matter who they are, famous, or ignoble) beings me such satisfaction? In the past I would give into the peer pressure and try to mourn, but now I feel bliss at the thought of them being erased from the world.

>> No.14524402

low lifespan detected

>> No.14524421

Your parents were blood relatives

>> No.14524422

>to discipline our sympathies towards life as it is

>> No.14524441

take it easy big fella. what term do you propose instead? reactionary? in his own terms he was a conservative and against the modern cosmovision (not modern art though)

>> No.14524446

What a quintessentially american insult.

>> No.14524465

I'm saying that conservatism is an integral part of modernity as it literally just wants to "conserve" selective parts of modernity or conserve something that never even existed in the first place.

>> No.14524530

not true at all. conservatists want to conserve precisely the high ideals that existed before modernity. as huizinga says: during the enlightenment, modernity, there was still an ideal, knowledge, but after that it degenerated to pure instincts. it's the conservation of ideals, not simply values. problem is that most 'conservatists' confuse the ideals with a high culture that is a modern and bourgeois product, yes.

>> No.14524532

woman enraged

coward detected

>> No.14524537

nowadays bunch of "classical liberal" degenerates and merchants started calling themselves conservative and have overwhelmed actual conservatives, this is why the fella is confused with the term.

>> No.14524541

>Grasping at straws
>Grasping at those smooth menthol lights

>> No.14524559

oh ye the right term is conservatives, not conservatists. lapse of memory

>> No.14524561

hello newfag

>> No.14524596

Fellow classical composer here

I fully agree. Wagner is a cocksucking braindead moron. Bach and his peers were the last musicians. Beethoven is a bit tasteless but kind of cute.

I can jam Ravel for a minute though

>> No.14524604

>Just as I suspected, pure autism. Go listen to another thousand hours of his unending musical diarrhea; counterpoint, instead of disgracing yourself in this thread.

Bach is the ultimate brainlet filter. If you cannot emotionally connect with Bach, you haven't matured your ear yet.

>> No.14524606

First Bloom now Scruton. Is there anyone possible of taking their positions or is Western art truly dead?

>> No.14524612


t. me

>> No.14524616


>> No.14524620

>Wagner's influence in changing the course of music in the 19th century, the revolutionary way in which he transformed opera and his constant pushes towards what would later become atonalism have been recognized and praised by music historians, musicologists and nearly all the composers who followed him.
Stopped reading here

Worst opinion on this website. Wagner was the last gasp of western classical music, and Schopenhauer was it's perverted frankenstein zombie.

Anyone who unironically admires Wagner is an absolute brainlet

>> No.14524621

They run this country so they know what is best.

>> No.14524627

maestro of words here. the best composer is couperin

>> No.14524632

Homosexuals are infected with worms even during life.

>> No.14524633

All the "right wing intellectuals" have been slowly disappearing. Bloom, Peterson, now Scruton. I don't think there's anybody with a PhD left, just internet celebs!

>> No.14524647
File: 332 KB, 1366x1176, rBP_r.scruton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never read him, but from this it's safe to say he was.

>> No.14524655

Got any compositions you want to share? I'm looking for somebody with similar musical interests.

>> No.14524658

Redditors should be lobotomized.

>> No.14524671

Go back there

>> No.14524680

In an ideal world, people would be tested for leftist attributes as children, and those found with them would be subject to intensive conditioning to fix them. Those incapable of being cured would just be lobotomized and trained to do manual labor for the rest of their lives.

>> No.14524688
File: 325 KB, 588x954, La creatura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit jannies are somehow even worse than regular jannies. You just know that guy clings to every crumb of power he can get.

>> No.14524696


>> No.14524701

>maestro of words here. the best composer is couperin
Couperin was basically a pop artist of his day but its charming af

Too lazy to upload the piece into an anonymous sound file or whatever, one of my compositions was performed by a maestro last summer though

I have a published composition book but most are sweet and contemporary sounding. I have been studying baroque and counterpoint to get more influence from something more sophisticated

>> No.14524706
File: 33 KB, 330x500, 51D5uwwIgKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and redpilled

>> No.14524708

Jordan Peterson's dead?

>> No.14524709

I only go to keep tabs on the "intellectual" subs. It's good to understand what those I most despise are thinking.

>> No.14524716

Yeah, I just do everything digital. At this point I forgot how to read scores, and rely wholly on the MIDI file notation. It's time for a new method of composing, suitable for 2020.

>> No.14524725

As good as dead: addicted to benzos.

>> No.14524730

tory shill

>> No.14524739
File: 100 KB, 564x1268, Iranian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to reddit for 'intellectual' subs when they're all dogshit circlejerks
The only thing reddit is good for is porn. Anything else is like staring in a supernova made of pure onions. The big titty subs are good, though, but as soon as you stray away from that into a more 'regular' sub you'll be confronted with the most obnoxious smug subhumans on the internet.

>> No.14524751

The only good reddit subforum is r/teslore

>> No.14524753

That sub uses a playful authority to reinforce its ideology. It makes it seem fun to never meaningfully engage with anything that disagrees with their presuppositions.
some of the moderators are anarchists too, which just goes to remind you that every last anarchist is a violent authoritarian who becomes aroused at the thought of suppressing someone or something.

>> No.14524758
File: 86 KB, 430x441, 1536572709936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tory bad

>> No.14524767

>playful authority
that janny in question is an obnoxious tryhard and chapotard with a power trip. There's nothing playful about it. He's like a Stasi officer, except more rat-like.
And yes, Mussolini was right about anarchists.

>> No.14524768

>The only thing reddit is good for is erototoxic brain-rotting stimuli.
You are a redditor at heart. NGMI

>> No.14524775
File: 6 KB, 231x218, WHOOOOOAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14524796

Whatever you say m*dernist

>> No.14524819

>>Grasping at those smooth menthol lights

>> No.14524821

The whole sub structured so that moderation is done in a playful manner. It's more creepy than anything else.

>> No.14524829

nice attempt at bait.

>> No.14524844

You're probably bullshitting but if you aren't that sounds like a lot of fun

>> No.14524857
File: 21 KB, 299x448, meme coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how all the pro-tobacco posts on /pol/, /lit/ and /sci/ went way way down the past several months and are completely gone now that Scruton is dead.

>> No.14524867

massively overrated

>> No.14524887

Sure thing, buddy - keep telling yourself that. After all, an attack on Wagner is an attack on you directly, because Wagner made you "feel" something, and to call that into question would call into question the very essence of your being... It is clear that not only you've never been an artist, you should also never try to become one, as to be successful you would need to actually accept criticism. If you dismiss negative opinions as mere bait, are fundamentally unable to grow as a person, you would be lost in that calling.

>> No.14524897

You vastly overestimate how much people care about Scruton (i.e. they don't, not even a little bit) you saw what you wanted to see.

>> No.14524912

I assume she means Peter.

>> No.14524917

Are you stupid? I was suggesting that HE was behind these posts, not a following of his. Moron.

>> No.14524941
File: 124 KB, 974x538, C34935F3-1520-41A8-8D31-E4C850066E4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But either one. Neither them or Screwiton speak to the mood of the board. I’d say it was always Bloom.

>> No.14524948

Yeah, I somehow doubt Scruton actually posted on 4chan. Are you sure that you're not the one who's moronic?

>> No.14524949

Scruton was a genuine tradcon, not a "liberal from 20 years back" cuckservative like Milo or Charlie Kirk.

>> No.14524989


>> No.14525001

Many famous people have posted here before. They just aren't stupid enough to say "ME ME ME".

>> No.14525004

Better than Bach and Wagner.
Anyone have his metallica quotes?

>> No.14525005

Great post.

>> No.14525010

A 75 year old is not going to post on 4chan.

>> No.14525013

William Shatner is 80 and he admitted he posts on /tv/

>> No.14525019

Just because metal has access to certain moods and emotions doesn't make it even in the same league as classical, and those emotions are always the most accessible ones to the modern public.
People are really not equipped to listen to a Bach cantata and make something out of it, but whenever they hear the third movement of the Moonlight Sonata they'll just go ''wow, that's the death metal of the 1800s'' only because the only thing they understand about that piece is the fury, frustration and fast-tempo.

>> No.14525047
File: 382 KB, 310x315, 1577617095423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scruton would spend his time shilling for tobacco in the last year of his life
I hope you have a near death experience.

>> No.14525049

I was just joking anon, although I don't think classical is the be-all-end-all.

>> No.14525054

If he didn't believe tobacco caused his illness, then it makes sense that he would shill for it.

>> No.14525067

It's the only art in music, everything else is simple plebian entertainment.

>> No.14525078

tobacco doesn't cause cancer in the first place. the act of suddenly quitting it does.

>> No.14525085

It's had a symbiotic relationship with folk music for its entire existence. The decline of folk traditions as real musical forces brought about a serious decline in in the quality of art music, which no longer exists in any real sense either.

>> No.14525119


>> No.14525135

>music in major

>> No.14525154

They're all very old.

The ones who are truly erudite are Vargas Llosa and George Steiner, but both are very old. And Llosa writes mostly fiction and his nonfiction usually focuses too much on politics, while Steiner isn't really a 'public' intellectual, but more of a secluded, grand-style close reader.

As for conservatives specifically, well... There is one very fine journalist and writer, Theodore Dalrymple, as well as the young Douglas Murray.

But we don't have anyone truly like Scruton or Bloom. They combined the intelligence and erudition of Llosa / Steiner with the combativeness and public energy of someone like Douglas Murray.

>> No.14525161

Richard Wolff talked about Leftypol at an economics lecture on YT.

>> No.14525191

He didn't go on it or know about them he only shouted them out for something like promoting something or donating money can't remember.

>> No.14525461

>Why would you vote for a billionaire?
Why wouldn't you? They made their businesses rich. They'll make the country rich.

>> No.14525472

I agree. Was going to post a short note on this.

>> No.14525653


>> No.14525678


Sticky this.

>> No.14525695
File: 65 KB, 600x450, 1559613972449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like Rigor Scrotum


>> No.14525715

is it true that he was a luddite? because in that case he must've been pretty based

>> No.14525749


>> No.14525803

Was a good man. Brilliant mind. If you're happy about his death (particularly if you're a homosexual), then remember that in 100 years he'll be remembered, he's immortal and you might else well not exist.

>> No.14526134

>butterfly repping Bloom
First based thing you've ever done. Don't ruin it by replying with faggotry now.

>> No.14526181


>m-muh Wagner!! how could say he’s a bad composer?!

Stop listening to firetruck-core, retards. Wagner is nothing but bombastic “Dungeons and Dragons”-tier trash.

>> No.14526198

why listen to wagner when theres verdi desu

>> No.14526214
File: 464 KB, 1200x800, 1571999668610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all falling apart bros...

>> No.14526476


>> No.14526574

He means is that the metaphysical nature of art reminds us that there are more and better things out there than the material world

>> No.14526816

I doubt he will be remembered, just as Carlyle is not remembered today. He irritates the sensibilities of many moderns and will do so with increased intensity as time goes on and our countries swell with masses of deracinated domamine slaves

>> No.14526821

RIP, there are not many sensitive aesthetes or clear-headed thinkers like him around anymore

>> No.14527125

An anti communist ideologue who wrote fascist screeds against China and the Communist Party of China and worked to overthrow socialist Czechoslovakia. Good riddance to the British Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.14527137
File: 67 KB, 458x610, christandmadonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not. His debate vs Jordan Peterson was an embarrassment. /ourguy/ is Jesus Christ.

>> No.14527178

>The trends he started died out.
Literally all modern incidental music owes to Wagner, which is the majority of any classical music the modern pleb will ever hear, so in that sense he remains one of if not the most important composer ever.

>> No.14527184

Fuck off tripfag.

>> No.14527228

Writers did too, such as Beaudelaire and Proust, even Nietzsche couldn't refrain from wetting himself at percival's overture despite trying his hardest to hate it

>> No.14527283

>some white guy remembered in 100 years
I don't think so but whatever :)

>> No.14527436

I somehow could never get into wagner, now I know why. It's not just the length of his compositions, it's the arrogance without the backing of virtuosity. Self-aggrandizing, while the self is nothing but a buffoon - no wonder he appeals to so many /lit/ pseuds.

>> No.14527499

Only a western pinko buzerant would think 80s Czechoslovakia needed an outside push to discard commies and that resident commies themselves weren't utterly cynical about the whole project.

>> No.14527505

you are still ruled by ""former"" commies

>> No.14527520

As far as I'm aware he never once said anything interesting or original.

>> No.14527569



>> No.14527668

When I was just getting into right wing literature I gave him a chance but his writing seemed so boring and pointless. Just nostalgic sentiments and crooning about modernity. It’s like the worst parts of conservatism intellectualized

Seemed cool though

>> No.14527673

Trying to write a proper fugue is a wonderful experience if a little fiddly.

>> No.14527675

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.14527762

Check Your Privilege
Once you have a basic grasp on the system of privilege, the next step is one simple self-realization: you are privileged. Chances are, your reading that has made you feel defensive. While it’s a perfectly natural, and common, reaction, don’t let it get in your way of actually thinking about what the statement means. What you need to realize is that we all have privilege to some degree: white privilege, male privilege, heterosexual privilege, etc. The hardest thing is to do is to get over your instinct to fight and say, “But I’m not like that!” If you can do it, you’ve completed the first step towards being pro-equality in reality rather than simply saying and believing that you are

>> No.14527825

is this the actual marta the martian twitter person?

>> No.14528435

>Carlyle is not remembered today

>> No.14528439

Verdi said Wagner was a genius and levels above himself.

>> No.14528455

>Writers did too
Sure but it's still open to some diversity of thought in regards to Wagner, in contrast to music.

>even Nietzsche couldn't refrain from wetting himself at percival's overture despite trying his hardest to hate it
Wasn't he literally suffering some sort of stroke?

>> No.14528457

>Decrying fascism while trying to protect 20th century state communism
Now this is just silly.

>> No.14528466

>Oh yes, because this is a good thing. Atonalism is a mere curiosity
This attitude is everything wrong with music today. Whatever institution you attended should be shut down.

>> No.14528559

Only by larpers on an anonymous bug eating forumn

>> No.14529192

Anyone has a copy of his BBC documentary? I want to save it just in case youtube takes the shitty version on the site down

>> No.14529195

Most Czechoslovaks supported their socialist government
Czechia and Slovakia today are reactionary NATO puppets which exist to provide cheap labour and pornography to the USA

>> No.14529206

Fascism and communism were and are mortal enemies and totally opposed. Fascism and liberalism are the ideologies twins of bourgeois society.

>> No.14529324

Everyone I have met who reads classics, new about Carlyle.

>> No.14529336

If you think that a composer's job is to invent ever new harmonies, I have bad news for you: classical music has ended a long time ago. There is no new harmony under the sun.
This misconception is peddled by hacks like Bernstein, and only breeds bad composers.

>> No.14530072

Carlyle was adored by Borges. Everyone in Latin America who enjoys reading has heard about Carlyle, as well as about Thomas de Quincey.

>> No.14530505

Well Carlyle is perhaps even less relevant in the US and UK despite being the preeminent writer of his time. Not an uncommon trajectory of popularity for conservative thinkers, the ravages of time will doubt less provide similar comforts to Scrutons lasting impact

>> No.14530716

Last time czechs discarded foreign occupation without outside push being the main force was in medieval.


>> No.14530971

This please