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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 300x168, quentin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14514707 No.14514707 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think of this young chap? i genuinenly can't distinguish when it is or isn't ironic


>> No.14514717

i think he's real cute and I want to write something real provocative in the future like that GQ article he read, so he'll say that he will fuck me in the ass

>> No.14514826

I will continue to downvote and report every video he uploads with both my accounts until he makes a video on Alexander Pope

>> No.14514840

it fucking sucks

>> No.14515037

>Delueze is poo in loo
Jesus, how'd a nitwit like you get so tasteful.

>> No.14515051
File: 9 KB, 260x219, 1578407688327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typically offers 1 (one) incisive critique in each video, selecting from an interesting array of niche literature, but obscures his lack of depth with hit-or-miss inanities.

>> No.14515070

He always is because he has nothing worthwhile to say

>> No.14515079 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x2284, SAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey faggot, stop shilling your stupid fucking jewtube channel here. this dumbass site needs an /ecelebs/ containment board.

>> No.14515142

You should be reporting him anyway. Anti-semites, misogynists, transphobes and racists have no place on the internet even if its just "dude im just pretending! can't you see im behind a wall of irony therefore making it not count"

>> No.14515149

Bitch you need to get the fuck out here asap

>> No.14515154


>> No.14515168


at least he's not homophobic

>> No.14516822

I thought it was Pope Alexander

>> No.14516831

You're cringe

>> No.14516849


>> No.14516855

Here's an idea for a Tinder bio- Consensual rape? Discuss.

>> No.14517056

>Typically offers 1 (one) incisive critique in each video
link 5 videos with 5 of these "incisive" critiques please

>> No.14517075

Agreed, he shouldn't be able to use youtube as a platform of hate

>> No.14517108

you're not as funny or attractive as you think quentin, stop spamming your shit here

>> No.14517322


>> No.14517441


Yeah I know.
Please stop making these threads,
Ps. /Lit/ is worse than my channel, which is saying something

>> No.14517442

is this not just no-shame-theatre with the shame boundary meeting today's standard of something to be ashamed of?

>> No.14517445

Yes, anti-semitism is associated with fascism

>> No.14517454


>> No.14517455

i sing your songs under the shower, my favourite is The Sort of Michael

>> No.14517465

Mentally ill dickhead who is mildly funny and is headed for a bad future investing his time in this YouTube channel instead of something more productive

>> No.14517497


>> No.14517511


>> No.14517522

Hi Qt
Please wear a Hawaiian shirt for me in your next video, the feds really fucking hate them.
Daddy Bear

>> No.14517572

>all these mad basedboy responses
Reddit reeks.

>> No.14517609


>> No.14517821

>caters to /lit/s cliche humour style and asks nothing in return
>/lit/ pays him back by reporting him
for shame

>> No.14517844

ok retard

>> No.14517907

>You should be reporting him anyway.
Just did, I'm sick of seeing this cunt.

>> No.14517931

quentin is balding, could never watch a balding mans youtube channel desu hahahah

>> No.14517942

>taking 4chan humor outside of 4chan
this should never be rewarded

>> No.14518117


>> No.14518199

Nice fucking catch.

>> No.14518221

isn't he a 25 year old NEET

>> No.14518493

Funny but I just hope he's not LARPing as O9A too much

>> No.14518495

This person (they) is right you know

>> No.14518524

/lit/ is too easy to bait. Look at the replies. Pathetic. These days it's easier to bait the hateful right wingers than the oversensitive libs.

>> No.14518528

He's a Jew.

>> No.14518563

How do you know?

I suspected this, his friends look jewish in his videos. How do you know?

>> No.14518568

I wasn't baiting. I seriously don't like when people try to hide their bigotry behind irony and think its ok. The amount of /pol/cels defending him just prove that actual neo-nazis like his channel.

>> No.14518572

Maybe because you are baiting on 4chan you stupid faggot? Try baiting on a leftist site to hook leftists, duh

>> No.14518578

He is an initiate of the O9A playing an "insight role"

They play as transgressive ideologues to challenge themselves or whatever

>> No.14518591


>> No.14518602

Is he the same Q anon that those Boomers on /pol/ gossip about?

>> No.14518605


>> No.14518611

Yes its him trust the plan

For real though he is a talented musician, his latest was good despite the nonce talk


>> No.14518615

>live in rawdon
>have SEEN this guy in horsforth (like a mile away)

>> No.14518632

Stay away, I get bad vibes, I'm in Leeds too and have decided to ignore if I see him, research David Myatt 09A, Jimmy Savile, Lilith etc, lots of stormfaggots get honey trapped by being retards embroiling themselves in such non(c)sense


>> No.14518635

Sophists from the UK/Ireland have an unfair advantage against the Commonwealth countries and the United States because we are too stupid to identify funposting and/or sophistry if it appears in a relatively novel format

>> No.14518641

based leedsbro

>> No.14518644

Baskin Robbins

>> No.14518654

Are you implying he's part of some pedo satan cult? If so, don't you have an obligation to stop him?

>> No.14518657

Why does Leeds have so many political radicals? Especially right wingers?

>> No.14518664

When you say honeytrapped, do you mean that UKanons actually get in legal trouble for associating with people like this guy?

>> No.14518671

No I don't think he is, I think he's a good lad, the 09A stuff is like a decentralised cell structure network, he likely has just read a bit of their literature (Don't read it's very subversive and layered)

>> No.14518675

Leeds is teeming with pseuds. I have some skater dude friend who is connected to the """"underground""" culture here and even though him and his friends are anarchists, I've met multiple unironic neonazis and such going to parties and drug dens with him. I think its the adolescent pseudery mixed with the northern poverty in places like harehills and such, so you have wide discontent and a basic level intelligence to enter into political reading and get aligned with extremist ideas

>> No.14518681


>> No.14518687

he destroyed nick land, basically implied his ateleology was an edgy teleology, not an easy thing to do.

>> No.14518704


>> No.14518715
File: 38 KB, 200x267, david_myatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Founder was a spook who formed neo-nazi paramilitary groups as controlled opposition and to wreak chaos in the event of a soviet invasion, called Operation Gladio.

National Action, Atomwaffen etc they are all products of Myatt (He was also involved with Al-Quaeda and rumoured to be involved in the founding of ISIS)


Absolute madlad desu. Its a rabbit hole i've done posts about it before.

>> No.14518732

Fellow Leeds resident here, did not expect so many of us in one thread, on one board, even on 4chan itself.

>> No.14518738

Yeah seems weird to me too. Where you from?

>> No.14518741


>> No.14518745

Should we start a guenon cult lads?

>> No.14518748

He is on the walking trails like every day. Also Leeds meetup when

>> No.14518751

kek. Cool to see people near me though.

>> No.14518752

@ 2am no less

>> No.14518755


based and redpilled

>> No.14518756

there's at least 3 of us in here which is crazy to me

>> No.14518757

>implying any of us sleep at regular times

>> No.14518758

I will fly to leeds and bugger you all

>> No.14518762

My bed time is like 5am usually

>> No.14518766


totally going to write a short story about this right now. watch me make a billion dollars

>> No.14518771

you're going to be writing a memoir after I bugger you

>> No.14518772

I’m the guy who does all the ufo graffiti ama

>> No.14518781

Someone is spray painting bible verses in rawdon. Fucking based

>> No.14518782

Do you think Q has magically manipulated the youtube algorithm to lure us locals into his clutches?

>> No.14518787

ive browsed /lit/ for years, I dare say if all of us have been that is quite spooky. I only heard of quentin through here

>> No.14518793

That’s unironically me. Wait a sec I can prove it

>> No.14518795


i'm behind 7 proxies + tor

>> No.14518796

no fucking way

>> No.14518800

When you say ufo graffiti do you mean the alien head tag?

>> No.14518807

Learned about him from here. Not sure what you mean by youtube algorithms

>> No.14518825

still waiting faggot

>> No.14518851

gib proof

>> No.14518899
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, A6600A90-E7AF-4C2E-A77E-D19EFDB57C29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. Don’t have all the ones I did at bus stops tho

>> No.14518903

Haven’t even seen this one... but lmao. Genuinely surreal

>> No.14518912


>> No.14518915

I’ll keep doing them now I know people see it. Well lads it’s been nice. Goodnight!

>> No.14518923

>there are MULTIPLE schizo lit posters in leeds

>> No.14518929

goodnight, one you did is at a bus stop I use to get to uni and people have talked about it, so your "art" is known

>> No.14518930

yeah but he's also exploiting their gay sensibility sucking them dry of cash sending them dick pics

>> No.14518932

Which stop?

>> No.14518940

The one near horsforth rugby club that leads to headingley

>> No.14518944

american audiences are gullible af

>> No.14518947

Ah yes. John 8:32

>> No.14518950

you mad bastard...

>> No.14518966

What the hell is O9A?

>> No.14518972

c-can we meet there

>> No.14518985

can all you leedsfags please help Q produce some fucking decent content

>> No.14518986

he's like a real life james bond

>> No.14518987

Leedsbros we should use future quentin threads to start a Leeds /lit/ society. Graffiti schizo is welcome

>> No.14518997
File: 92 KB, 777x652, coolzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q. Put me in your next video!

>> No.14519002

I'm a brainlet and I don't read books though lol

>> No.14519003

I heard now it is the feds who are crawling with ONA operatives.

>> No.14519006

Everyone here is bro

>> No.14519014

british sam hyde.

>> No.14519016

wouldn't that be based

>> No.14519020


>> No.14519042
File: 951 KB, 4032x3024, 90082321-9B36-4CFE-AC45-D275A4552ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: anon I found your bustop in my archives. I’ve done 15 of these so far around horsforth rawdon and tinshill

>> No.14519047


>> No.14519051

>39 posters
Fuck off Q your accent is retarded

>> No.14519057

This is 100% Q.

>> No.14519070


>> No.14519072

I have actually seen a stencil in Leeds that said something like

The Great Awakening

I assumed it was boomer-posting, but maybe that was Q?

>> No.14519073

this is beautiful
this is the best booktuber on youtube

>> No.14519076

is this thread like that comment chain on land's blog where myatt was talking to himself in-character as like 5 different people

>> No.14519085

Where abouts? Seems like it might just be him

>> No.14519087

Can’t speak for others but I’m not samefagging

>> No.14519100

Headingley Lane

I hope not, he'd probably be more literate, link to that?

>> No.14519106


>> No.14519108
File: 90 KB, 500x492, Let's see who anon really is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14519112

Im the guy doing the bible graffiti, im genuinely not Q. It started because in my teens I thought doing a perimeter around the whole of my town would bless it and protect it, and from then on I wanted to do the same to surrounding areas. I’m genuinely happy there are fellow /lit/ users who noticed. I think it’s the providence of God.

>> No.14519116

That's cool dude, keep it up

>> No.14519120

I will. Thank you!

>> No.14519132


>> No.14519181

based and christpilled

>> No.14519200

Weird stuff, most of it is over my head. It was definitely the same writing style over and over.

Worrying to think he's on the chans manipulating people.

Moral of the story stay away from all that shit and don't even read about it.

I hope Q gets himself out of it if he is an "auto-initiate". He can start by changing his sigil avatar.

>> No.14519254

ngl, he's pretty cute. nice face, relatively fit. would suck his penor. no homo tho.
his videos and style are a little too out there for me though. i watch a couple and all im left with are
>umm, okay? had a couple chuckles i guess.
also i dig his fashion style

>> No.14519261

bang on, fella

>> No.14519294

He's be all around pretty solid if he wasn't 5'4"

>> No.14519316

he's a manlet?

>> No.14519321

imagine how badly this guy copes

>> No.14519329


>> No.14519352

This is cringy even for /lit/. At least he is good looking

>> No.14519359

quentin scobie

adress newlay lane 3??

>> No.14519378

jesus fucking christ that video is so cringe. I had to stop watching after 10 seconds.

>> No.14519480


>> No.14519494

>48 poster
>141 Replies
Don't you think you're laying it on a bit thick, Q?

>> No.14519507

He openly mocks himself about it. Whenever he stands beside someone in public like in the first video they tower over him

>> No.14519510

Its ironic

Whats wrong with 50 people posting 2.8 times each

>> No.14519516

American's wouldn't get it. Don't try to wrap your mind around it

>> No.14519586

Irony isn't excused from being cringe, Q. Stop posting.

>> No.14519605

>q samefags pretending to be 4 people from leeds and spraypaints and posts pictures of it and pretends to be other people reacting to it and then pretends to be a guy researching into his Satan cult

>> No.14519630

Because he can.

>> No.14519636

What would God say though. Besides Quentin is athiest

>> No.14519677
File: 24 KB, 400x400, ECE764BF-33EA-4A76-8679-686AD0F832B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14519684

to keep the thread bumped idiot

the kids a balding loser

>> No.14519691

He doesn’t look balding

>> No.14519700

You are, Q.

>> No.14519708

His sister?

>> No.14519719

this thread is creepy

>> No.14519721

Q abandoned god and it shows in his videos

>> No.14519726

Big forehead not balding

>> No.14519731

Evil fucking thread, Q. Stop it.

>> No.14519743

the hairs thinning. dont worry quentin you've got the bone structure needed to pull off balding. just keep a bottle oil handy and slap some of that on your head so it doesn't get dried out from the frost lmao. loser

>> No.14519760

This is surreal. I can't believe someone from /lit/ has been doing these

>> No.14519762

shutup quentin

>> No.14519773
File: 161 KB, 1080x720, 0005078721_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His bandmate writes most of the episodes. Q is just the figurehead/showman

>> No.14519781

Implying you’ve seen them

>> No.14519789

His girlfriend Gabby

>> No.14519796

Q, is you ever set foot on the continent, I'm going to squeeze your little twink ass.

>> No.14519797

She's in the Hegel video during his trip to California

>> No.14519801

Yeah hes far more active with the community. Q barely even visits the discord

>> No.14519809
File: 946 KB, 851x495, Gabby666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also has been writing material for him since the early days

>> No.14519824

she also comes up with the ideas for at least half of the vids

>> No.14519833
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, Leeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Leeds /lit/ community going to get together? We should invite Q and his crew.

>> No.14519838

What does that A with the thing around it mean

>> No.14519841

>Alpha and Omega
I too played Fallout

>> No.14519842

What song is he playing at the beginning of this?

>> No.14519847

Christian anarchism I think. A is for anarchy, omega references that alpha and omega quote meaning also god.

>> No.14519849

He writes all the music

>> No.14519857

quentin mate, this isnt healthy

>> No.14519861

Invite the bible schizo

>> No.14519863
File: 17 KB, 288x288, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q has his own logo that he stencils around Leeds.

>> No.14519868

Q gets up around this time for his morning jog. He wouldn't have time to shitpost on ./lit/ Its probably Gab or the other half of Servo de Spock

>> No.14519873

Leeds resident, never seen this
I’ve seen
>ufo alien everywhere
>”talk more”
>the bible guy
These are the only ones I see everywhere

>> No.14519875

Implying you didn't make them. Cute, Q.

>> No.14519878

>mistaking jokes for his personal beliefs
he sometimes literally tells you his personal thoughts and they are not that of a bigot

>> No.14519883

Q's too busy shitposting on lit

>> No.14519887

For the last time I’m an atheist. I wouldn’t tag that shit

>> No.14519890

Q isn't an atheist. He literally believes Cathedrals are the only valuable human structure ala the Linkola video. This is entry level Q lore

>> No.14519892


>> No.14519895

There was a crucifix above a door in one of the videos. He was definitely raised Christian

>> No.14519908

He's Irish

>> No.14519910

When we making the Leeds discord>>14519895

>> No.14519911


>> No.14519916

*didnt mean to reply

>> No.14519917


>> No.14519938
File: 219 KB, 827x953, F8547668-59FE-4FE6-9E16-47EAED7FCB95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in Leeds!

>> No.14519940
File: 263 KB, 1200x800, D9_14_778_1200IMAGIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys watch him on Twitch if he started streaming?

>> No.14519944

Do you mean »me»?

>> No.14519949 [DELETED] 

If he goes on twitch I should debate Destiny

>> No.14519950 [DELETED] 

Its like 6am in Leeds. Im just a fan

>> No.14519956

If he goes on twitch he should debate Destiny

>> No.14519965
File: 137 KB, 900x600, river-aire-sunset-leeds-england-chris-hepburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ahh, Leeds.. Home

>> No.14520041

He's from York not Leeds

>> No.14520062

Doesn't really matter. Look at the comments he gets on his videos like when he had his girlfriend in the video, they are unironically misogynistic.

>> No.14520120

Do you think he is actually gay? Sounds like he uses all that gay talk as a defense mechanism

>> No.14520132


I'm vomiting

>> No.14520141
File: 58 KB, 539x960, 37114420_1920575387993893_3609833399977508864_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know that the Book Club has female writers and have collaborated with African-Englishmen right?

>> No.14520146

This was 2013 anon, we was only 19. Gotta start somewhere

>> No.14520158

You had to be there to understand. Leeds had a strange arts culture at the turn of the 2010s

>> No.14520164

Can you stop trying to dig up old videos. He's not the same person anymore

>> No.14520170


found his sister

>> No.14520176

That's his wife

>> No.14520189

Impressed by the Leedsfags in this thread. Truly based.

>> No.14520191

He's pretty cool.

>> No.14520205

This makes me like him more because I know he's actually a human now.

>> No.14520208

Leedsfags > Bostoncels

>> No.14520217

The delivery was a campy but on my third watch I'm starting to realize how genius it is.

>> No.14520224
File: 418 KB, 642x444, weebq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moon runes yukata
What a weeb

>> No.14520240


>> No.14520305

Has he seen this?

>> No.14520314

He smokes weed on the weekends

>> No.14520330
File: 37 KB, 772x434, 83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast and books

>> No.14520401

Why is he such an edgy satanist?

>> No.14520411

>Its ironic
But why? It's not even funny.

You need some Australian humour.

>> No.14520413

>Australian humour
Dad’s google history

>> No.14520415

Like that stupid Bruno movie? no thanks

>> No.14520416

How do I delete 4chan comments?

>> No.14520424

>I think

>> No.14520437
File: 326 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-St_Maria_Sehnde_Gottesdienst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't. He does it all as a joke. Dude even goes to church on Sundays. He is probably at morning service right now. Just imagine him all dressed up in his thrift store blazer kneeling at the pews right at this very moment

>> No.14520440
File: 20 KB, 739x415, Laughing Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell me this is the same person.

>> No.14520442

Why do you care

>> No.14520443

Waste of time. Abraham's God IS NOT REAL.

>> No.14520448

I am a Christian now

>> No.14520459

Nah m8, you just didn't have a father.

That's American.

>> No.14520478

>He isn't. He does it all as a joke.
I don't believe that, but even if he does, he doesn't seem to "get it".

Age or toil, he'll hopefully get it one day. And if you have to ask, you don't get it.

>> No.14520482

Because it's cringe, and provides some ironic stimuli.

>> No.14520492

Be there or not, my father imbued me with enough pride and labour to know not to do this at any age.

>> No.14520496

I didn't want to know about Leeds, and this gay post ironic rightwing arthoe doomer underground.

But now I do.

>> No.14520515

Its not ironic, its a detached examination

>> No.14520521
File: 1.04 MB, 1728x2304, 1530663380523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's losing his marbles. Im afraid he's going down the Sam Hyde route.

>> No.14520531

>its a detached examination
Oh you poor fool.

These currents among the right at best offer a unique stimuli for boredom and, synonymously, some level of subjective development in introspection (by that aesthetic). But really this is just a way of saying it's because we have nothing else to do.

I occasionally enjoy my time with them out of boredom, but I always return to the true the good and the beautiful. They really are not important.

>> No.14520532

Where did this "Quentin is an athiest/Satanist" meme come from. He got married straight out of secondary school in the church to his sweetheart.

>> No.14520533

>Poo in loo
>Insufferable Jewish faggot pseud
It sounds so awkward when spoken aloud.

>> No.14520538

t. Indian Jew

>> No.14520540

How do you know so much about him?

>> No.14520541

This thread is pretty good.
Wish more stuff like this was postef

>> No.14520564


>> No.14520574


>> No.14520609

Who here Leeds /Nightwalk/?

>> No.14520659

I will bugger you

>> No.14520670
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>> No.14520678
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>> No.14520682
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>> No.14520798


>> No.14520818

Make more music please Q

>> No.14520858

What's wrong with misogyny?

>> No.14520869

Join it.

>> No.14520905

>the discord
Literally worse than /b/. Nothing but fucking retards.
Book review vids are pretty entertaining to me.

>> No.14521107

>scrap all equations

>> No.14521297

eyup lads can we actually do a leeds meet up bell me

>> No.14521319

you're not real

>> No.14521382

Don't be silly.

>> No.14521620

I'm Australian.

Maybe when I travel to Britain, but as I said, the postmodern aesthetic I enjoy and actively take part in, but mostly out of a need of different stimulation. The only thing I believe is the Good in itself.

>> No.14521867

Exactly how many leedschads are in here?

>> No.14521906

Just one. His name is your name, Q.

>> No.14521914
File: 218 KB, 750x796, 97624810-AEA6-4E2C-88D7-733BB8CE097E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14521927

Literally just saw this scene on YouTube after my exgirlfriend mentioned she was watching this movie wow what a synchronicity I miss her

>> No.14521930
File: 78 KB, 750x282, E17578DB-569D-4D4C-BA9E-F3962FEA2A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14521935
File: 55 KB, 750x285, 9B8F7AC9-2CBD-4042-9E4C-DA703A190F63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14521941
File: 78 KB, 750x305, DB278B1A-D3D4-4FCA-BD27-995B59C9E68D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14522102

Do you think he listens to slowthai?

>> No.14522139

Its a joke

>> No.14522191

Does anyone care to distill all this hullabaloo into a coherent summary? I do not care to exert my brain on processing what sordid Saxons say, especially after last night's revelry.

>> No.14522214

A boring zoomer who spams himself on lit because he's too stupid to realise 20 extra people clicking on his trash won't boost the analytics. Only talent is in appearing topless and zooming in on his face while making a face. Flirts with alt-lite ideas because he doesn't read and lives in some dreary uk backwater with no foreigners for miles. The type of shit you'd expect 13 yr old boy to do if he was suffering sexual abuse.

>> No.14522254
File: 549 KB, 640x1136, E5C4F9BF-1869-4F2E-BB61-87A8F45F875D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14522299


>No foreigners for miles

>> No.14522664

yo this thread is bananas

>> No.14522752

Schizophrenia: the thread

>> No.14522792

No it isn't, Q.

>> No.14522976

Crazy thread

>> No.14523044

Go to 3:24 for Quentin In School rapping in a bathroom

>> No.14523058


comfy thread

>> No.14523068

who /headingley/ here

>> No.14523074


yo could we actually meet up i'm lonely

>> No.14523097

The fuck are you guys talking about

>> No.14523365

Horsforth here bro

>> No.14523383

This but unironically

>> No.14523396

Do you guys actually think he reads?

>> No.14523406
File: 144 KB, 1220x850, FreightandLeisure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those river boats piss me off.

>> No.14523424

His "friends" are mostly just Gabbys. Tom and the guy in your picture are pretty much the only ones he hangs out with

>> No.14523432

>implying subscribing to a channel means you support them

>> No.14523445
File: 110 KB, 800x450, Leeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread desu. Leeds seems like a chill place. Hope that meetup happens with Q

>> No.14523517






>> No.14524605

Oirish Chica

>> No.14524834

hang yourself

>> No.14524872
File: 145 KB, 2048x1152, yike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending hate speech to the point that you resort to telling people to kill themselves

>> No.14524895
File: 2 KB, 89x125, 1577895725426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should be reporting him anyway. Anti-semites, misogynists, transphobes and racists have no place on the internet even if its just "dude im just pretending! can't you see im behind a wall of irony therefore making it not count"

>> No.14524907
File: 218 KB, 1036x579, C__Data_Users_Richard_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1274493956133.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
