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14522384 No.14522384 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw your entire psychological belief system stems from a literal theatrical performance written by a half naked greek drunkard about a king who bangs his mom
>yfw you become an ideology in itself and your name becomes immortalized

>> No.14523262
File: 894 KB, 1920x1080, aqua_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a secret competition among /lit/izens where we have to make the most retarded post imaginable? Why wasn't I invited lads? You're making me feel like a teenager again.

>> No.14524182


>> No.14524203

what a bugman take

>> No.14524232
File: 38 KB, 480x521, 21543215642753835891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why I prefer The Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy. I don't want to bang my mom, what I crave is a meaning.

>> No.14524292

>stems from a literal theatrical performance written by a half naked greek drunkard about a king who bangs his mom
Forgot to take your meds again? How the fuck is that drama you mentioned related to the main thing in Freud's system - Id, Ego and Superego, you absolute retard?

>> No.14524387

>>yfw your entire psychological belief system stems from a literal theatrical performance written by a half naked greek drunkard about a king who bangs his mom

>It is worth asking firstly: is Freud ever really engaged in Anti-Oedipus? Is it not rather Lacan, who had already t r a n s fo r m e d t h e j u n g l e w i l d e r n e s s a t t h e h e a r t o f p s y c h o a nalysis into a structuralist parking-lot, before proceeding to analyse Guattari for seven years, who programmes the supposed anti-Freudianism of the book? Of course, Oedipus is peculiarly nauseating Viennese nursery pap, but where is Oedipus in Beyond the Pleasure Principle? A question which could be asked of the majority of Freud's texts. It is Lacan who insists on Oedipalizing the Fort-Da game, in the general process of Oedipalizing desire to its foundations; ripping all the energy, hydraulics, pathology, and shock out of Freud, and substituting lack, the pathos of identity, and Heideggerian pomposity, whilst deepening the role of the phallus, and trivializing desire into the cringing aspiration to be loved.
(Land, 'Making It with Death')

>> No.14524425


>> No.14524426

this OP. Ur retarded af.

>> No.14524511

Have you tried, uh... actually reading his work before taking about it? It may save you some embarassment down the line.

>> No.14524603

Whenever he’s brought up in normal conversation I deride him as a weirdo but I know he’s based really. The Oedipal thing is absolutely true for a good chunk of people