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14522150 No.14522150 [Reply] [Original]

Books which would help me stop being consoomer?

>> No.14522162

Something on proper pronunciation, so that you can transition to a consumer from a consoomer.

>> No.14522187

watch the fight club. Buy it on blueray.

>> No.14522220

Just stop consuming dogshit made for the lowest common denominator. How difficult is that? How hard is it to just not partake in garbage?

>> No.14522246

I love Star Wars and video games.

>> No.14522259

The Bible, unironically.

>> No.14522268

Can you provide quotes from Bible against consumerism?

>> No.14522312

Luke 9:25
For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?

>> No.14522343

It does not matter. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

>> No.14522422

The leap in logic is astounding... It's like they never watched the series...

>> No.14522433
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>> No.14522471

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14522481

You can only say this if you reject any and all popular media. That includes your precious free jazz, experimental pop, and contemporary, mainstream artsy horror flicks.

>> No.14522484
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When Jesus btfos those heebs out of the temple lol

>> No.14522491

What is not popular media though?

>> No.14522565

Since World War II, all culture has become popular culture. Anyone claiming otherwise is just LARPing as the kind of artist that can't really exist in this world. Just avoid the popular media from the period when recoring technology created new paradigms of consumption (Jazz, Hollywood flicks, etc.), and you should be good.

>> No.14522576

Minimalism, Stoicism, Buddhism, Orthodox Jew/Christian

They all preach simplicity.

>> No.14522587

Stylish Consumerism
This is pretty much a product sold to businessmen at this point
Product sold to hippies and their descendants
>Orthodox Jew/Christian
Not friendly to outsiders.

>> No.14522588

lol wut.

>> No.14522598

All of these can be consumerized and sold to you as goods. "Stoicism" and "buddhism" in their modern forms especially.

>> No.14522606

>if ideas have bad actors the entire idea is bad.

>> No.14522610

>Not friendly to outsiders.
That's a positive sign if anything.

>> No.14522616

You cannot serve two masters

>> No.14522718

If you were born into sure. If you're looking to escape the nihilism of consumerist life, then no.
If your ideas are so easily commodifiable, their capacity to resist consumerism was questionable to begin with or, as in the case of minimalism, non-existent.

>> No.14522755
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>> No.14522768
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How has this not been posted yet? I’m always the first one to post it.

>> No.14522776

People: We should buy less stuff, attempt self-suffiency, and a minimal lifestyle.
Buzzfeed 2 years later: 45 Minimalist products to declutter your life.

Capitalism as you know is exceedingly adept at consumerizing everything. If something hasn't been consumerized it simply means it hasn't yet reached public consciousness. I don't think self-ghettoization is a good strategy for resisting.

But okay, what are you advocating?

>> No.14522876

These goddamn post-modern social warriors putting women in movies what has become of this disgusting world please just take me back to the good old times when there were only men in movies.
I’d swear that Twitter doesn’t allow people above 100 IQ to post because this shit is not fuckin normal

>> No.14522886

I can do whatever the fuck I want

>> No.14522902

Religion, as in a set of explicitly anti-material, thus anti-capital, ideals, is the only good strategy of resisting. Not any religion, of course, but the one done right. Progressive liberalism tried to be such a religion but failed and got assimilated into the globohomo of global capitalism. Such is life.

>> No.14522968

The attempts to center the "oppressed" the subject of of western life does more harm to society than anything members of those groups have ever experienced.

>> No.14522971
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Anything can be coopted by capital.

>> No.14523000

Or just support self published artists lol

>> No.14523004

He's going to say next that it isn't the right religion. that there is some ideal other, on the tip of the tongue endlessly hinted at but not explicitly define.

>> No.14523031

Well, "No True Scotsman" is always about results at the expense of principle: the true religion is the one that resists assimilation, and has no particular attribute but resisting assimilation, so we can only know it when we see it.

>> No.14523035

Church, as a social institute, can be coopted. Faith, as a connection to the spiritual of the singular individual, cannot, as long as the individual himself is not willing to forfeit it.

>> No.14523052

I don’t know much about Stoicism and Buddhism but Christianity have never claimed to be perfect desu
I don’t live in America though so I don’t know much about mega-churches. But I haven’t seen them in other countries so..

>> No.14523067

Ok Adorno haha

>> No.14523109

Incidentally, this idea of faith independent from church is a liberal progressive thing.

>> No.14523138

From observing leftists you can easily tell getting rid of all ''repression'' ''shaming'' and ''arbitrary'' traditions does not at all result in a world of unique, empowered, and happy individuals. On the contrary, leftists are a homogenised mass of therapeutic subjects and consumers, minimal selves unmoored from any meaningful tradition or sense of continuity with the past, utterly dependent on mass media and institutions and thus unable to criticise the system, ceaselessly talking about their ''mental illness'' and tormented by a crushing sense of shame and guilt which they futilely try to expiate through consumption of ''woke''consumer products.

Anything that has to do with pre contemporary literary and philosophic traditions is seen with suspicion (at best) by the leftist, while the products of the culture industry are elevated to a salvific status.

>> No.14523150

It's a a LARP much like pretending that Steve Reich, Ornette Coleman, or Xiu Xiu are meaningful alternatives to whatever is played on the radio. Or that Goddard is to Hollywood or whatever. Unless what is created forcefully opposed to popular systems of aesthetics, distribution, and consumption, it is a waste. That's not to say one isn't better or preferable to the other but that it isn't a real escape.

>> No.14523159

Protestant thing (which is more or less the same thing, but still)

>> No.14523232

Modern progressivism, the wave birthed on the 60s and whose creation myth is the life and death of MLK is inherently materialistic. The "great crimes" that the integrationists stopped was the barring of negroes from swimming pools, diners, clubs, materially nice spaces built by whites. Lack of access to education is just code for "making less money" than whites, since the whole purpose of the American education system is to open doors in corporate institutions. The entire progressive narrative is built off of material jealousy and nothing more.

>> No.14523242

The transparent admittance that movies are now just a stand in for progressive propaganda

>> No.14523274
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The ''oppressed'' subject functions as an Other-who-can-still-believe (in liberal democratic institutions and the possibility of consumer enjoyment). In any case, this ''oppressed'' Other has even less reason to believe than you do.

I'd will go as far as venturing that the real Other, the law giving god and father figure of the left, takes in any case the shape of the 'good' normative subject, a heterosexual bourgeoisie white male abstraction, who flawlessly checks his privilege and diligently consumes all the ''diverse'' tv shows and books before heading of to work at top universities, the security agencies of the state, hollywood and major tech corporations.

>> No.14523329

Racism, Sexism, homophobia and ableism operate in a subconscious and structural basis and can only be combated collectively and through institutions. independent art and the counterculture innevitably end up replicating and even exaggerating the prejudices and imbalances of the wider society. I think it is time to stop looking at things in terms of dubious dichotomies like mainstream and underground, corporate and authentic, and understand culture has an important ethical and moral role to play in our society, specially at a time when marginalised groups are under attack by the far right.

>> No.14523382

>independent art and the counterculture innevitably end up replicating and even exaggerating the prejudices and imbalances of the wider society
Yeah that's why I support independent art

>> No.14523399

Stop reading twitter and watching youtube, for one.

>> No.14523436

That's assuming that the kind of individual emancipation is our concern. It isn't mine.

>> No.14523476

As Jonathan Bowden said, there are only two things that can't be commoditized: religious fundamentalism, and far right ideology.

>> No.14523507

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.14523510

The alt-right griftosphere and and Evangelical, faith-oriented media prove otherwise.

The thing it actually can't commodify is terrorism.

>> No.14523548

The only thing stopping the commodification of terrorism is the failure of false flag tactics.

>> No.14523556

I disagree. Theres a time and a place for shitty filler time wasting media. As long as your concious of how it's a waste, don't get obsessed over it, and limit your consumption. Theres no problem with zonking out to the latest mind numbing tedious open world video game from time to time. You dont have to disavow it from your life entirely. That just seems arbitrary.

>> No.14523573

t. Adorno

>> No.14523604

terrorism(and counterterrorism) are literally a multi-trillion dollar business. The strategy of tension driven production of terrorism is one of the key functions of the modern state. This blurring of the distinction between state and 'counter state' actors is evident from even a casual look at most 'terrorist' incidents.

>> No.14523649

le enlightened centrist. what's so wrong about caring about the plight of marginalised people? it is not a question of ideology but one of empathy and basic human decency.

>> No.14523681

second Adorno -- read Minima Moralia

>> No.14523743

Cool story I heard at an Orthodox Monastery: In the early 1900s, a monk/elder had recurring dreams of terror, and claimed he was encountering the devil in them. He drew a picture of the devil: a box with a screen and 2 prongs coming out of it.

(I should be better at writing for the amount of time I spend reading)

>> No.14523835

turn off the pc and go for a run dude, god damn

>> No.14523848

Yeah, I realized that my point was dumb almost immediately after posting it. My point about the commodifocation of far-right politics still stands.

>> No.14523895

Stop consuming books and PRODUCE WRITINGS what should I consume to stop consuming looking ass

>> No.14523932

You have no idea what a leftist is.

>> No.14524004

No you don't.

>> No.14524009

This is true, of course, but the only good way to get terrorism on demand is with a false flag. The current international order is a good way of producing a decently steady stream of terrorism, but I feel like "commodification" involves a bit more control over production than anyone really has at the moment.

>> No.14524039

Y'all niggas need Umberto Eco.

>> No.14524070

I mean actually existing leftists, not the pure orthodox marxist vanguard that exists solely in your imagination. In practice most marxists are exactly as i describe them.

>> No.14524100

Nope. You are confusing the left with its nemesis -- 'woke' capitalism.

>> No.14524104

>I should be better at sex for the amount of time I spend masturbating

>> No.14524399

>A quote from a dude who's basically the definition of a left-wing male feminist simp means "damn do I ever hate those whores and niggers"
No surprise the poster is a furry

>> No.14524440

Get back to me when the trve left actually does anything to oppose it. Until the the difference between the two is rhetorical at best.

>> No.14524458

>it is not a question of ideology but one of empathy and basic human decency.

>my highly ideological slogans aren't matters of ideology because I said so
You're as transparent as anyone can be. Do you repeat them to yourself in the mirror each morning?

>> No.14524474

The left is defined by its opposition to capitalism. In contrast, most rightwingers embrace it and thus all the social consequences it brings.

>> No.14524488

Uncle Ted

>> No.14524520

>...for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
You can't serve two master because you will not want to serve two masters.

>> No.14524539

>The left is defined by its opposition to capitalism.
No it isn't. The left is defined by it's desires for a more egalitarian society. This often takes the form of anti-capitalism, but it doesn't necessitate it. A left liberal in America has more in common with an anarchist or communist than they do with a right liberal at this point, and it's why they allow anarchists and communists to riot with impunity. This is a very common take on politics, but it's so reductive that it makes any understanding of politics as they are occurring now incoherent. I shouldn't have to say it because you provide a tacit acknowledgement of it through your choice of words:
>In contrast, MOST rightwingers embrace it and thus all the social consequences it brings.
By even stating that some on the right are opposed to capitalism, you're implying that the left-right dichotomy cannot be about opposition to capitalism alone.
I think (>>14524070) described you pretty well. Yours is a politics of recognized delusion.

>> No.14524570

>Thread derails into arguments about "the left" and "the right" again.
You know, by making everything into simplified strawmen, you're making it real easy for marketing AI to predict your preferences. Try to accept that other people don't consist of defining characteristics like "left wing" or "right wing", but instead are complex entities. You'd think users of a board like /lit/ would be above this, god damn.

As for your question, OP, actually reading any piece of literature would help, since reading is intellectual investment. Specifically about your question, I'd recommend Debords "Society of the Spectacle" or Lefebvres "Critique of Everyday Life". Or Manns "Der Zauberberg" if you're more into fiction.

>> No.14524635

You sound like a clueless American.

>> No.14524774

The base principle of your political understanding was contradictory to the point of being incompatible with any political reality. If you're going to be a retard at least try to be consistent while you're doing it.

>> No.14524865

I've been reading a lot of philosophy (actual philosophy, like epistemology, logic, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, not bullshit like HIV positive 20th century French intellectuals). I stopped being an atheist after studying and doing philosophy for a decade or so and stopped being an ontological materialist sciencefag.

>> No.14524900

why the fuck do they look like this
i've seen the open-mouth-smile photos and i can't even open my jaw that fucking wide if i were trying. how the fuck are their eyes bulging, why are they all balding and flabby and have pube-beards? WHY

>> No.14524920

>Stylish Consumerism

>not consuming things is the same as consuming them
i guess atheism is also a religion, yeah?

>> No.14524929

>minimalsim just means "not consuming things."
Don't be so naive. And atheism is definitly a religion.

>> No.14524946

you're retarded m8.
say i need a pair of shoes, which i fucking do so i can go outside and hold a job. i can buy one decent pair of shoes (minimalism), or i can buy a new pair every week until i have a hundred (consoomerism.) buying zero shoes is not an option for non-NEETs.

holy fuck you're an autist. I bet you read kant.

>> No.14525000

You can make shoes out of old junk.

>> No.14525009

Yes, you're doing stylish consumerism done to trick decently smart young people into believing they've found an escape.

>> No.14525031

read the situationists

>> No.14525045

show me your junk shoes, then, m8. i guarantee you have like ten+ pairs of normal consoomer shoes laying around the place. now shut up you larping faggot.

>> No.14525110

I'm not a minimalist. I just said what you should do as a minimalist.
I have 4 pairs of shoes: one for summer, one for winter, one for gym and one of galoshes. They are practically junk from a variety store except the galoshes which are good for winter ice fishing in -40° Celsius cost about 40 euros I think the others were 10-20 euros ("good quality" shoes are 60-120 euros, I bought 80 euro winter shoes once, not worth it, so I went back to the cheapest possible shoes).

>> No.14525145

nice asspain. i didn't read, you fucking edgy zoomer pseud

>> No.14525163

Nice projecting.

>> No.14525175

>having slightly more movies starring or written by oppressed people

Yeah, the latter is definitely the greater moral evil here

>> No.14525238

Absolutely, and it's not even close. The ideals held about the value of human life when opposing the former and supporting the latter are pure narcissistic evil.

If we want to get into my personal feelings on the matter. I do believe that within the US white individuals found to have internalized leftism in anyway should be given as slaves to the blacks as a form of reparations and to encourage social health.

>> No.14525352

>the ideals held about the value of human life when opposing the former and supporting the latter are pure narcissistic evil
could you expand upon this please? I'm struggling to comprehend how slavery isn't worse than this

>I do believe that within the US white individuals found to have internalized leftism in anyway should be given as slaves to the blacks
mmhmmm, smacks of projection. Wouldn't you be happier on a different site, perhaps one a little more BLACKED

My personal feeling on the matter is that we as a society are doomed to collapse if we truly think spending money on one movie over another is going to bring about any kind of change. Its why any awards show is obnoxious backpatting nonsense nowadays. But, this has always been the problem of the liberal elite out of touch from the plight of actual working people. There's not much we can do about libs, they're just gonna keep on libbing. We can create safe spaces like /pol/ to air greivances but the ship has sailed on any sort of mass political action. That fact makes all of this culture war bullshit and whatever edgy sentiment you're expressing seem so meaningless. I'd rather read quality literature, shitpost, work on humbling myself before the Lord and not have to see people sperg out about how lady Ghostbusters is literally the holocaust

>> No.14525743

I never had serious consumer tendencies but at one point I caught myself constantly buying history books and wool jackets?(can't really explain this one) So I shifted that habit onto other, better things. Now I go through lists of artists on wikipedia and download paintings I like, I have a folder of 16,000 pictures at this point. I don't really know what I plan on doing with it but my logic is that I have a collection of visual media I exclusively enjoy that can entertain me if the internet is down. I also like to cast the folder to the tv when Im high or drunk and just look at the paintings for a couple hours with some calming music. I do this after work sometimes too, helps me wind down. Now I don't buy anything anymore
My advice would be to shift your consumer mind to consume something of better value that isn't destructive to yourself or the world

>> No.14526298

That's a brainlet attempt at an example, organized religion was one of the very first hustles not a product of modern capitalism

>> No.14526605

desu i usually find this worse than popular media
i hate the market dynamics of modern internet content creation. they lead to a much worse kind of pandering mediocrity than mass media does in aggregate. wait a decade and the good films will filter to the top, but youtube will always be 99% shit.

>> No.14526652

There is an inevitable degradative process that occurs to all bodies of thought: first the body of thought arises, then its opponents conjure up a caricature in order to discredit it, and finally, in one of this obscene universe’s most hilarious ironies, some people not only believe but start advocating the caricature. This famously happened to witchcraft: Christians made up stories about witches worshipping Satan and having blood-drenched black masses, and then some strange people who heard these lies actually started doing those things for real.

Who are the real witches then? Are the people who cavort around a pentagram slitting a lamb’s throat fake witches? Or are they just a different kind of witch? Is witch a term with multiple meanings now? Who decides who a “real” witch is? Such is the problem with “leftists”.

>> No.14527273

>say i need a pair of shoes, which i fucking do so i can go outside and hold a job. i can buy one decent pair of shoes (minimalism), or i can buy a new pair every week until i have a hundred (consoomerism.)
This isn't as simple as you think
What shoes do you buy? Do you do a lot of research to make sure you get a good value shoe? Or do you just buy the first shoes that are available?
A self appointed shoe connoisseur who buys 2 shoes every 5 years is almost certainly more of a consoomer than someone who buys a pair of shoes every 6 months because they keep buying the same shit $15 pair from the local shoe shop. They might be shopping less smartly, they might be spending more money, they may be consuming more resources and so on - but their mindset isn't that of a consoomer. Shoes are just a tool and they take the path of least resistance to obtain that tool. In meme terms: They consume product, but they don't get excited for the next product.

>> No.14527290

Just get rid of all your physical media other than what means a lot to you and start a digital library.

>> No.14527340

By reading books you are inherently consuming. The exception is if you wrote the book you are reading. The only way to avoid being a consumer is to literally read and watch and listen to nothing, to isolate yourself from mankind and create your own art. Obviously this is extreme and not many of us are particularly willing to take up such an isolated existence.

I will say that Thus Spoke Zarathustra has a bit in there about the voracious swine-like consumption that leads men to eat poison, which articulates my own personal distaste for consumerism. It's not so much that you consume mainstream media, it's that you allow yourself to be manipulated into thinking how the creators want you to think.

Also Manufacturing Consent helped me somewhat with identifying media bias.

>> No.14527700

t. satan

>> No.14527720

You sound like a contrarian dickhead

>> No.14527721

Heebs are a race bred and branded by capital.

>> No.14528014


You don't need books
It's obvious
The only way to stop consuming is to die

>> No.14528063
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>haHHAHAha you cannot define thus you cannot denounce me aaa!!1!1!1!!

>> No.14528108

sell me on your book c. j.

>> No.14528181
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this book is great for helping find your habits you want to change but be prepared to put in the work its a lifelong process

>> No.14528216

>a handful of people ruining their lives to be activists
Damn what an industry

>> No.14528221

No, you don't

>> No.14528228

Epic comeback

>> No.14528607

>free jazz, experimental pop, and contemporary, mainstream artsy horror flicks
so i don't have to give up anything? ok

>> No.14528614

>organized religion was one of the very first hustles
very based

>> No.14528920

Homer and the Bible.

>> No.14528927

Is anime dogshit. Asking for a friend

>> No.14528938

This is the first time I feel personally offended by a 4chan post

>> No.14528965

Unironically based


>> No.14528966

If you want an example of individual faith being wrapped up in a package and sold as a commodity, look at the new age spiritualism industry.

Capital is sentient and totalizing. It exists to replicate itself and does so by consuming and commodifying any and all aspects of the human experience.

>> No.14529138

any non fiction book

>> No.14529545

Woah, this book is a serious redpill, I don't think /lit/ is ready yet.

>> No.14529548

Some of them have profited, and the rest are trying to do the same.

>> No.14529636


Literal brainlet take.

>> No.14529652


Aren't there a million screenshots of bugmen claiming that marvel capeshit is the modern version of an epic or a religious myth?

>> No.14529673

Meditation is the ultimate bluepill fag

>> No.14529674

>r. Avant-teen
What's next, you're going to tell me that the suburban tantrums of your friend's hardcore band are really making the system tremble?