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14522174 No.14522174 [Reply] [Original]

describe this woman in your best prose

>> No.14522178

Le woman

>> No.14522181
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>> No.14522185

Gravity pulls

>> No.14522186
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>> No.14522190

Charls from MDE if he were a woman

>> No.14522196


>> No.14522208

She cute
I want to feel her tits through that uniform

>> No.14522222


>> No.14522235
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>>14522222 (checked)
have a rare one for those digits

>> No.14522420
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Natalia Poklonskaya

>Her grand beauty rivals Aphrodite,
>Her wisdom evokes Athena's vision.
>She is the Savior of Humanity,
>She speaks the truth... but will we listen?

- Feodorovna, 2020

>> No.14522551

bone structure

>> No.14522582

Beautiful. Everyone go home

>> No.14522684

A gracious and beautiful woman that exudes soothing mommy energy

>> No.14522712

She is a Judas, similar to informants in the Stalinist era. Why did they do it? Why did they sentence men to suffer starvation, daily beatings by the guards, 16 hour work days in -45c weather? They did it because they could gain something from it. They could furnish their apartment with a new set of drawers, gain an allowance for a car with a heated garage, enjoy a salary rise and most importantly gain the trust of the Party. Nothing else mattered as long as the party saw you as one of their own.

Why did Natalia sell her own people to the government of Putin? She was seeking to gain, what is loyalty compared to a sack of silver coins? She would have been another faceless bureaucrat, and yet she saw a chance to rise, and rise she did. All it took was selling our her own people, her mother country which birthed and raised her. So what if she was doing it for a murderer? Old women were bombed in their flats, their bodies would be found crumpled up surrounded by shattered glass. The young were all evacuated, only the men, these men who have killed and wished to kill again remained. Their hard faces, their dirty fingernails were so removed from her. She surely had nothing to do with any of it.

She wasn't a murder, she is simply a cog in the machine. She never killed anyone, she was a good and moral person, why should she feel shame for it? And yet, late at night, when her uniform was off she could sometimes feel uneasy. A few sleeping pills did the trick. When she saw the news about more killings and bombings in the East of her former country she felt shocked, it was better to ignore such news. It was all sensationalised nonsense anyway.

>> No.14522757


>> No.14522760
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Natalia is a Crimean first and foremost. Her allegiance lies with Crimea and therefore what ever is best for the people there is what she will work towards. She cares not for the geopolitical nonsense that the Ukraine and Russia are playing, with her home being the battleground.

Ask yourself - would you see your family, your mother and father, cousins and friends, murdered in the streets just as a show to say you want one flag flying over your head instead of another? You would probably say yes, but when it came time to point your barrel I think you would want to keep peace instead of be buried for someone else's ideals.

>> No.14522790

She looks so much like a friend of mine.

The CIA are fucking up the Ukraine with this civil war and Putin knows it. Taking back the Crimea saves them from the chaos of the fighting.
Now. What should Russia do in the face of an escalating conflict with Iran?
I wish it were as simple as dropping a nuke on DC to stop all their bloodletting

>> No.14522807
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>> No.14522810

She's part of the Russian federation and a traitor

>> No.14522825
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>> No.14522858

>Natalia is a Crimean first and foremost

Hardly, her allegiance is first and foremost to herself. She saw that she could gain by selling our her own soul, and this she did. She was born in East Ukraine, the battlefield. She is neither culturally Crimean, not is she tied to the place by blood.

>> No.14522869

didnt the inhabitants of crimea vote to be annexed? are you retarded?

>> No.14522882

He’s NSA

>> No.14522894

>send in the army to seize power stations, government buildings, schools, airports, military installations
>let us hold an unbiased referendum, let's not forget Putin somehow got 85% of the vote in the last election and this election has been observed as fair and no tampering took place and no country has denounced any of these elections at any point prior
>hmmm what a shock the people voted the way we wanted them to

Sounds like you're the retarded one anon

>> No.14522914

Nope, I'm English but have been to Russia numerous times and have travelled the place extensively. I never met a single person who voted for Putin in the four months I have spend there over the last two years. My girlfriend is from there, and I know her family well. Her mother is a major in the police, if anyone should support the government it's her and she has nothing good to say about Putin.

>> No.14522924

holy shit this retard actually believes /pol/ memes

>> No.14522932
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>> No.14522936

god damn, racemixer

>> No.14522953

so you can plagiarise it? no thanks

>> No.14522988

Alright. Me either really. I just have an earful of anti-Russian rhetoric from the media over here. The MIC longs for the Cold War so badly.
My friend, she’s quite leftist, doesn’t like him either, but she sees he’s pretty shrewd and only trying to keep the Americans from attacking.

I kid about being paranoid. Calm down.

Oh fuck. Hahaha

>> No.14523050

>but she sees he’s pretty shrewd and only trying to keep the Americans from attacking.

Yeah that's all bullshit, read Svetlana Alexievich. large parts of the ex-Soviet world still believe that life was better back then, and they yearn for the days when their country was a superpower. Many of the old, those who did not suffer substantially in those days want to go back to how things were. They will tell you that everyone hard work, they could rent a flat and be confident that they could start a family. These days Russia is plagued by economic uncertainty, and Moscow is a city for millionaires where the middle class are largely no longer welcome. This disparity in wealth did not exist in the Soviet Union.

A lot of the young also have nostalgic thoughts on how good the Soviet Union might have been, because they didn't experience it. Putin is doing nothing but playing to these people. He shows off Russians strength, even though there is no danger from the West. He plays the superpower which is in fact nothing but a regional power.

Something that is very important to remember is that even though Putin is disliked, there is an age old belief that Russia can only be ruled by an iron fist. Nearly everyone will agree that the only way Russian can be successful is if one man, the right man is at the helm.

>> No.14523073


>> No.14523111

>large parts of the ex-Soviet world still believe that life was better back then
As do her grandparents. I hope they get a sudden leftward shift after Putin

>> No.14523135

You really come off as very uninformed anon, do you seriously believe that the current Russian government is right wing? Jesus, you actually know nothing. This is a waste of time for me, sorry.

>> No.14523162

It is. By European standards rightwing. I’m talking about a far left swing to the way they were.

>> No.14523196
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>> No.14523206

russian women are the biggest gold diggers, she couldn't resist the oil money

>> No.14523210
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>> No.14523234
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she is so goddamn hot... look at those legs. jesus!

>> No.14523378


>> No.14523404

And I do know people who like putin, what does any of this prove?

>> No.14523423

>there is no danger from the West
the west wages war culturally, their culture is already ruining many easter countries, asia as well.

>> No.14523437

and Europe is awful

>> No.14523482
File: 136 KB, 1200x800, 8EFF6E8B-27C7-40E9-94BC-A2AA470A0ED7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Svetlana Alexievich
What book do I get, anon?

Yet doing better than “free market” Chicago school US, aren’t they?

>> No.14523500

i never said burgerland was good faggot

>> No.14523542

Hi, who are you?

>> No.14523583

Hohol mad

>> No.14523589

I can’t unsee it

>> No.14523630

doesnt look like him at all

>> No.14523688


>> No.14523722

susceptible khokhol schizo

>> No.14523730


>> No.14523775
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>> No.14523920
File: 1021 KB, 3153x3941, Natalia_Poklonskaya_2019_-_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she aged liked 20 years since back then. Must be a very stressful position

>> No.14523992
File: 255 KB, 980x963, 1576067171113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false. OP pic is from just a few days ago.

>> No.14524299

She is just a tool used by the Russian vermin to portray them as sympathetic.

>> No.14524480

the fuck is a 'crimean' you vatnik bootlicker? kill yourself

>> No.14524533
File: 960 KB, 1280x960, 0F79796A-041C-4354-9C4F-4D78FCFCB1AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone from Crimea. But it’s a metropolitan place.
Yes, of course she’s being used as a pretty tool for Kremlin security measures in the region. Better in their hands than CIA’s puppet government. Everything happening there is a result of US tampering and Moscow's reaction to it.

>> No.14525170
File: 107 KB, 1116x714, 1471646894619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she was in my hands

>> No.14525332

That scene was such a huge wasted opportunity...he should have been inhaling helium to give himself a baby voice