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14521787 No.14521787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Porn featuring violence against women is also extremely popular among women. It is far more popular among women than men. I hate saying that because misogynists seem to love this fact. Fantasy life isn't always politically correct.The rate at which women watch violent porn is roughly the same in every part of the world. It isn’t correlated with how women are treated.


Are there any books on why women are turned on by the idea of men acting violently towards them in a sexual context?

I don't know how to feel about the fact that women are literally turned on by the idea of a dominant, assertive man spitting on them, choking them, slapping them, and violently degrading them as a means of attaining sexual pleasure. Is this even ok?

>> No.14521854

It means it's a suppressed urge for women. There is a reason older societies placed women in between men and children in terms of responsibility and aptitude. Western society was shit tested by feminism and failed. That's why women are unhappy, they are not being dominated by men they feel are stronger and better than they are.

>> No.14521862

Incest porn is also huge thing among men & women, but I don't people actually want to have sex with their siblings or parents.

>> No.14521878

That's not the point. Realistically women are experiencing and looking for men who will allow them to experience being violently degraded.

If women were intellectual enough to feel attracted to ascetics, hermits, monks, and other peace-loving men there would be no wars, as brainless alpha chads would have to be more peace-loving and humble in order to find a mate. Wars exist because women want to be pissed on by warmongers.

>> No.14521894

>don't want to have sex with siblings
wrong and cringe

>> No.14521898

I would gladly fuck my mom if she asked for it in a non-creepy way.

>> No.14521900

>don't people actually want to have sex with their siblings or parents
why? what's wrong with it?

>> No.14521909

The women who watch violent porn aren't usually turned on by it, they're mostly feminists watching to be disgusted by it and further rationalize the decision to go WGTOW.

>> No.14521916


>> No.14521919

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.14521942

Yes, really. There’s no evidence that the women searching for/watching this stuff are actually getting off to it, is there? They’re searching it and watching it for an entirely different reason. There are entire subreddits of women with thousands of subscribers who call themselves “pink-pilled” and spend their time searching for and posting instances of male violence against women.

>> No.14521971

Because it's pounded into their heada 24/7. Stockholm syndrome basically.


>> No.14521981

Almost all women like rough sex. And all men have sexually violent tendancies. The key is letting loose but pulling back before you go to far, she'll like you and you'll like sex more. Don't be fucking stupid about it, if you can't read social cues or she can be trusted to give clear signals, watch yourself.

>> No.14521986

But what if you like cuddling sex and just rubbing her tummy

>> No.14521987

Every girl I know who openly talked about porn likes shit like Max hardcore and Rocco and that James deen guy. I'm old though, maybe zoomer girls are different (I doubt it)

>> No.14521993

Then you should find a chubby boyfriend because she is going to dump you

>> No.14522005
File: 92 KB, 1200x800, nancy-friday-380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was basically nancy friday's whole career

>> No.14522012

Why? I thought women like belly rubs

I can be ticklish too, but never hit her or choke

>> No.14522015

The only people I’ve ever known who were obsessed with serial killer true crime books were women, and of course most of these dudes are killing women in horrible ways. Now that I think about it that’s the only examples of female Aspergery obsession I’ve seen with women, knowing every little detail about a topic and constantly searching for new material about it. I don’t think they fantasize about being serial killed and in fact they sometimes think they can solve the case, which I think has happened a time or two IRL , with an amateur obsessive connecting the dots them giving evidence to the real cops. I guess flinging with danger and horror gives people the thrill they need and gives them an illusion of control over their daily lives.

>> No.14522019

I barely even know any girls who like porn. It’s much more of a male thing to use porn/be sexually stimulated visually. Girls tend to use fantasy and imagination when they masturbate, and they’re also partial to erotic fiction (hence why 50 Shades was so popular, because it certainly wasn’t thanks to the quality of the prose itself)

>> No.14522036

that's funny, i wouldn't touch my mother with a bargepole

>> No.14522043

This book smells like bullshit. One can't draw hard and fast conclusions based off google searches alone. For example, the part about women using google to find out if their husband is gay at a higher rate than they google whether their husband is depressed or an alcoholic; it doesn't take a google search to determine the latter two. There are also no statistics that can accurately determine the number of women who watch porn, because like he said, people lie when asked directly. One could assume that it's mostly the women who watch porn who are more likely to be into bdsm/sexually violent porn because most porn is sexually violent to some degree.
That's only the women who you know who openly talk about porn- about as anecdotal as you can get. This article is just clickbait, and the book sounds like the literary equivalent of clickbait written by some hack "researcher."

>> No.14522133

>about as anecdotal as you can get.
About porn sure, but IRL, with the hotels I've been with, if you are rough they call YOU for booty calls. I'm old though, maybe it has changed. I was a dirtbag and so we're the women so the sample is biased. I only share this because in my personal life it was a revelation and helped a lot. I had been restraining myself and only when I slipped and went "too far" were they calling me up at 2AM afterwards

>> No.14522135

women* autocorrect

>> No.14522152

My theory, developed at great length elsewhere, is that women are genetically pre-disposed to masochism because it is evolutionarily advantageous to them. Think about it, what's one of the worst things a man could experience, psychologically? It would be to be penetrated sexually by another man (esp. without his consent), or being forced to perform some other sexual act (e.g., a handjob or blowjob) to another man despite not wanting to. This humiliation can destroy a man's entire life, and yet women commonly (according to various studies) desire to be treated this way. Why? Because to be physically penetrated by another person, especially someone who is not as aesthetically pleasing as women tend to be (on average), is in theory not a very desirable thing to experience. However, in order to become pregnant it's a necessary course of action, meaning women are evolutionary predisposed to desiring this experience which, as mentioned, would be disastrous for men on a psychological level. The fact women tend to experience higher rates of self-loathing, low self-esteem, and a desire to be submissive are all connected to this primary neurobiological tendency to want to be physically penetrated. In other worse, low self-esteem and masochism (the desire to experience pain, and humiliation) is advantageous to women as it undermines the ego defence that men have when it comes to being degraded, especially on a sexual level (i.e., a man can bear being unfairly criticised by a manager at his workplace, but would probably kill himself if that same manager forced him to fellate him).

>> No.14522175

>search for X on google = you are most scandalous iteration of consumer of X

this is such shit. I hear the name Tess Holiday for the first time, go to google to confirm her existence, then get marked as fatophile by some geek in silicon valley? use your head OP

>> No.14522197

It's about searches on actual porn websites.

Do you really think 50 Shades of Grey was a bestseller because of some kind of fluke?

>> No.14522207

Women can't negotiate with desire. Their desire is a product of natural selection, having survived the raping the alpha chads gave them after they killed all the hermit monkmen who used to make up her tribe

>> No.14522209
File: 416 KB, 960x718, nwVvAsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, viewing porn for "research purposes". Like when Alex Jones was found to have tranny porn on one of his tabs, and replied that it was for research purposes. Sure buddy.

>> No.14522231

1) much of the 'incest'porn is step family themed
2) the people in the videos are people you don't know, not your own family, most people watching it probably just think the actors are attractive and skip straight to the fucking, ie they don't care what the theme of the film is

>> No.14522252

Maggie Nelson has a monologue on this in 'The Argonauts'

>> No.14522256

Yeah right. We could like, get data from the website, how many of the people mute the audio truck during the mommy mommy mommy parts. I bet the player data would tell, that people turn it louder YOU DUMB SHIT!

>> No.14522263

This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.14522273

It's step-sibling. In other words, a forced co-ed living situation since zoomers are too alienated and socially autistic to arrange sex with a stranger for themselves and would prefer to outsource that part to fantasy

>> No.14522297
File: 752 KB, 1659x3000, 1555525090622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women and bourgeois like to have 2 lives: in public they try to pass as pure and compassionate to be good secular humanists
in private they are mega whores going to orgies each week.

>> No.14522315

Do you have actual, credible studies to back up any of that, or is it just your nonsensical midwit incel ruminstions?

>> No.14522326

>can you get the labcoat man to do my thinking for me i dont want to engage with people intellectually

>> No.14522336

This is why private, female-only schools are the best way to raise women. You essentially raise them in an environment where they see first hand, on a daily basis, how disgusting and retarded most women are and treat men as an alien, mysterious, erotic force that they will one day be allowed to have sex with. Private school girls are some of the most refined, intelligent (i.e. good at passing exams and passing as intellectually curious) and loyal women out there, but they are far more likely to be very sexually deviant both because they can apply their intelligence and imaginative capacity to sex (something blacks and low IQ women can't - which is why you rarely see "dirty talk" from male talent in pornographic movies if they are black) and also because they have been raised to be reserved, pure, repressive, modest and so on. There is nothing as erotically satisfying than having sex with a privately educated girl who is grateful to you for allowing her to be a whore in private. I say that as a virgin.

>> No.14522351

AGP trannies*

>> No.14522357

They're only titled as "step-mom" and "step-sister" because actual incest porn is a no-no on porn sites. I occasionally watch those sorts of videos, and I've rarely heard actors use those words. It seems they are becoming more and more popular, because they are always popping up on the front page of porn sites, and yes I clear my cookies and trackers regularly, so I know they aren't based on my viewing history.

>> No.14522359
File: 56 KB, 373x599, Victim - Breker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a reaction to to the weak men of today, the effeminisation of men in modernity. It isn't a natural desire women have, but the power hierarchy is intrinsic, and this is an exaggeration of that character.

It's also just that sexual deviancy develops when sexual deviancy is allowed, or often now, encouraged.

>> No.14522369

>occasionally watch those sorts of videos

>> No.14522374

okay boomer.

>> No.14522394

>I say that as a virgin
Seems about right. How many private school girls have you ever interacted with? All of the private school girls I met were the complete opposite of what you just described. In fact, they had reputations for being way more promiscuous party-girl types than public school girls. As for the lack of dirty talk from black guys in porn, it's fucking porn. Porn is targeted at men, most men don't want to hear anythint from the male actors in porn. Fuck off back to /pol/.

>> No.14522396

It's also because a high divorce rate and the notion that the "family" is no longer a nuclear, genetically related unit but a result of random lifestyle choices by one's primary caregiver has led to the normalisation of living in close quarters to step-siblings, step-parents etc who are not related to you (and therefore aren't subject to the same kind of in-built aversion to the idea of having sex with them) and who wouldn't be breaking the law if you had sex with them. Obviously barely any step-siblings or whatever actually have sex, but the fact your mother tells you she has found a new bvll one day and the next day you find yourself sharing a bunk with a cute step-sister is going to produce some confusing and frustrating thoughts in the mind of the average nerdie mommy's boy incel teenager.

>> No.14522415

>developed in great length elsewhere
>according to various studies
Those are your words, I'm only curious to see what studies you were referring to.

>> No.14522450

Just remember this fact every time you even think about taking a woman seriously. Treat her like the child she is and you'll both be satisfied.

>> No.14522477 [DELETED] 

First of all, I have been acquainted with at least several privately educated girls / women, and their public behaviour (i.e., around me) is very polite, intellectually stimulating, modest, and suggestive of a kind of spiritual purity that can only come from devotion to traditional ideals of femininity or whatever. However, in private I know (both from viewing their Instagram and other means) that they are obsessed with sex in a way that only an intelligent person can be, but tend to form stable relationships nonetheless and therefore become a whore to the guy they are dating rather than simply having sex with whoever and thereby undermining the very notion of purity and modesty they outwardly wish to retain. In contrast, the state schooled girls with whom I have been acquainted have been far more likely to discuss sex around (and even with) me in a sort of casual, flippant manner while in private they tend to be bored, unfulfilled, and don't really enjoy what sex they do have with the equally bored, unfulfilled lad they end up dating. There is no intensity in their relationship or mindset, no repression to be overcome, no taboo to be broken, no public image to be degraded, no wildness to be unleashed - simply because their behaviour in public tends to be less restricted, subdued, modest and so on.

As to your second point, the reason black male talent in pornographic movies tend not to talk dirty or engage in much psychologically erotic pornography beyond the basic thrill of being sexually penetrated by a brutish beast is that they aren't associated with the kind of intelligence and repression necessary to generate taboo thoughts and to be aware of what is and what is not considered to be transgressive, "wrong", etc. To be gangbanged by a group of well-hung Africans satisfies a woman's desires only on a physical level, but I'm afraid a white or Jewish man would be needed to satisfy her on a psychological level. It's just how it works, sorry. I don't make the rules.

>> No.14522506

Good literature thread. Good job mods

>> No.14522525

Porn is disgusting. Women like being held down and tossed around. It's easy to find this out in real life. Go outside

>> No.14522575

I don’t know about that. My girlfriend is very into all that stuff in the bedroom. She’s also the only woman I’ve thoroughly discussed sex with.

>> No.14522591

>Women like being held down and tossed around

Literally the thesis under consideration in this thread.

>> No.14522607

Somewhat agree with the first part, but you couldn't be more wrong regarding the racial stuff. Racial fetishism is way more nuanced than that; it's probably one of the most psychological fetishes there is. Black men on average are no larger (overall and when it comes to dick size) or more aggressive than white men. It is a fetish precisely because interacial sex is taboo, and it's rooted in longstanding stereotypes regarding black men like the ones you described above. If your only exposure to interacial sex and relationships is from porn and other shit you see in the interent (which I'm assuming it is), then I can see why you would think that.

>> No.14522611

Degradation and power are at the heart of porn. The reason black men are so prevalent is that they maximize degradation. Black men are thought of as low class, low intelligence, and basically as close to a beast as a human can get. So not only is the woman degraded maximally, so is the porn viewers thoughts of the black man himself.

A lot of people want to uphold their respect in life while humoring the desire of their own destruction. Men crave this too, just not as much as women.

>> No.14522618

Why don't women get off at the thought of being gangbanged by Koreans or Peruvians then?

>> No.14522625

Not an argument faggot

>> No.14522630


>> No.14522635

>Black men on average are no larger (overall and when it comes to dick size) or more aggressive than white men.
Any evidence that supports this?

>> No.14522637

Black men may be thought of as the literal shadow of male erotic desire, the embodiment of lust, sadism, domination and unrestrained libidinal urges. It's a way of outsourcing one's sexual urges while remaining loyal to the idea that you yourself are quite moral, civilized and so on.

>> No.14522639

Basically this >>14522611 like I said, it's because of the unique stereotypes surrounding black men in western countries.

>> No.14522650

And why do those stereotypes exist? Purely due to some chance cultural bias?

>> No.14522668

Stalin was a Chad confirmed

>> No.14522680

t. successful mkultra subject
ok boomer

>> No.14522733

No, there is some basis in reality to it. Black men commit more crime, are typically lower class, less intelligent, etc. Then there is also the western history with black slaves further driving it.

This type of fetishism seems more prevalent among richer men or those with a higher self appraisal.

>> No.14522745

Imagine projecting any aspect of yourself onto clueless subhominids incapable of doing anything for themselves

>> No.14522782

I would never argue that desiring your own degradation or of others was a healthy thing. I'm not going to get bent out of shape about it because the vast majority don't act on it as it is fantasy.

Im just explaining the appeal of the bizarre. People are complex. Even Tiger Woods apparently said he would like to come home and find his wife being screwed by two white baseball players.

>> No.14522879

>something blacks and low IQ women can't - which is why you rarely see "dirty talk" from male talent in pornographic movies if they are black
No, this is because the black talent is required by convention to play the role of the barbarian - which is an archetype without subjectivity, so the actor is not allowed to express his own through vocalization

>> No.14522893

Just read history. It's a biological adaptation for survival. Check out The Trojan Women by Euripidies for the narrative feeling of enslaved women. Also get into it and spank yourbsexual partner. Tie her up. Blindfold her. It's fun.

>> No.14522905

I like Jung's arguement that we look as blacks as our own shadown and bad side which is why even children find them frightening. Darkness and primitivism has always been scary.

>> No.14522917

The Chinese have the same fixation with the Tibetans and the Japanese, I imagine the point is to foster resentment towards the oppressed, and so strengthen the will to oppress - maybe there is a connection to modern racialists
In this sense the state would really have reason to normalise interracial pornography

>> No.14522937

>da white man be holdin us down!!1!

Why does it remain that case that black male talent do not engage in psychological eroticism, e.g. dirty whispering talk, even though much of pornography is made by small studies and guys who are both producers and actors?

>> No.14523010

Imagine how much of a brainlet midwit you have to be to try and intellectualize pornography. It's another man fucking a woman you want to fuck. It's only design is to demoralize and dehumanize all people involved. Notice almost no black women in porn. Notice all the Jewish pornographers. It's their racial instinct to destroy and invert all positive traits. Any man watching porn will value Asian and white women as lesser and black women are more. This will promote race mixing which is a Talmudic prophecy every single Jewish boy confirmed knows and recites, it's connected to rebuilding the temple and the coming of messiah. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it if you actively engage in causing it. Since women are the main target of advertisers you only see white women black men and black women white men in commercials. Movies are not a loss leader yet so races are only mixed in weird avant garde European cinema that costs nothing to make. Watch 10 movies randomly across the past 100 years and notice the advance of progress.

>> No.14523223

Not most interracial (BMWF) pornography, which is mostly made by big studios
>da white man be holdin us down!!1!

>> No.14523311

>Any man watching porn will value Asian and white women as lesser and black women are more
I never saw this. Anyone I know prefers white, latina or asian women (mostly white).

>> No.14523320

People have an innate desire to bread with those related to them but not too related. Human society spent most of its history clan based, where people mostly mixed with their own clan members, like a 6th cousin or something.

>> No.14523352

The part with "according to various studies" is about women being turned on my rape. Are you really so uninformed and mentally deficient that you need a source for that claim?

>> No.14523377

How many of these people are marrying and having kids? Why would the people you associate with be a good representative sample of thr country?

>> No.14523386

No, it's evolutionary psychology you retarded ape.

>> No.14523462

That only became a thing in the mainstream in the last few years and it's pushed on goyim by jews.

>> No.14523668
File: 1.19 MB, 1242x1002, 1577392683626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, if women watch violent porn and men watch incest porn but neither of them considers actually fulfilling those wishes, what's wrong with non-practicioning pedophiles? :^)

>> No.14523698

these nibbas not ready to argue about this

>> No.14523706

unironically nothing.