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14521361 No.14521361 [Reply] [Original]

I am often hazy and can't think properly.
Will writing down my thoughts fix this?
Will it help with more structured thinking?
How do I approach this, how do I write them down?
I don't know what to write

>> No.14521390

Two quotes that kind of answer this:

>I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I say.

>Writing is a concentrated form of thinking. I don’t know what I think about certain subjects, even today, until I sit down and try to write about them.

>> No.14521392

Get good sleep
Eat no carbs (especially inflammatory shit like bread or pasta)
Fast sometimes
Lift weights
Don't watch porn
Speak to people
Enjoy nature
Have a clear mind

>> No.14521398

Oh, and don't do drugs or consume alcohol

>> No.14521412
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Started lifting weights and stopped fapping I also sleep good most of the time
>Eat no carbs (especially inflammatory shit like bread or pasta)

>Fast sometimes
I'm not overweight or anything
>Speak to people
>Enjoy nature
Depression can't bring myself to go outside most of the time
>Have a clear mind
That's why I'm asking
How do I go about writing the thoughts and feels down

>> No.14521455

>How do I go about writing the thoughts and feels down
There is no secret. Just open Word and start writing down whatever goes through your mind. Look at famous diaries for inspiration. Look at Kafka's diaries.

>> No.14521460

how do i know whether i think properly?

>> No.14521542

You can't really know, because you only have your own mind and not much to compare it with. If want to write a diary, the focus usually is on expressing honestly what you feel and think. Whether you think properly is not that important for a diary.