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/lit/ - Literature

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14520651 No.14520651 [Reply] [Original]

What are some worthwhile Australian literature?

>> No.14520679

Power Without Glory by Frank Hardy
The author was a communist, but the book makes the commies look like retarded fuckups

>> No.14520690
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Aboriginal Australians Richard Broome

>> No.14520692
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Tommorrow when the War Began

>> No.14520696

John Marsden is for schoolchildren. At least try a bit harder with Tim Winton.

>> No.14520707

I enjoyed Breath by Tim Winton. It's not James Joyce or your other autistic favourite, but it's pretty kino

>> No.14520740

Patrick white, so they say.

>> No.14520742

Oh lucky country by Rosa Cappiello. Written as a novel length soliloquy about being a wog in 1970s Sydney. Incredibly based. She wrote it for an Australian audience but most of it is in Neapolitan and only sometimes Italian when the books trying for clarity. There are translations but they don’t hold a fucking candle to the original. If you read Italian, read that book. If any European came over here with any self respect, Australia beat it out of them (but really anyone on this fucking rock has had their self respect stolen from them, it’s a fucking bin fire of a country). I love it, though

>> No.14521013

Banjo Patterson or Kenneth Slessor for poetry.

Banjo for accessible stuff (Anything), Slessor for more abstract and academic work ("Five Bells" or "Five Visions of Captain Cook").

>> No.14521023

>This is peak Australian literature
>Young adult shit and the ausfag equivalent of Eat Pray Love tier waffle

>> No.14521096

I remember dropping those books hard after reading a number of them and remembering nothing aside from the scenes where characters died. They went on an on about how horrible it was that they weren't 'Hollywood action heroes', all while constantly one upping the ambiguously Muslim enemy with tactics that should have left them shot and beheaded and having big 'sequences' which they mostly escape from.

I remember enjoying them somewhat at the time when I started, but in hindsight they held no worth and were basically the equivalent of an ongoing anime/soap.

>> No.14522216

Matthiew Reilly writes the most fun low-brow action novels out there and I'll defend him to death, dude is genuine and I enjoy how fully self aware he is.

Also obviously Bryce Courtenay; Potato trilogy, Jessica, etc.

>> No.14522309
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On The Beach.

>> No.14523128
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Henry Lawson

>> No.14524289

Greg Egan

>> No.14524357

This, along with Banjo Patterson and Dorothy MacKellar

>> No.14524586

greg egan is an australian author who writes hard sci fi, i enjoy his work.

>> No.14524591