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14518784 No.14518784 [Reply] [Original]

Here’s my main problem with the Bible and Christianity. Jesus literally says its not important to wash one’s hands before eating. Hygiene standards are the main reason bacterial and viral disease is so impotent in first world countries. Yeah yeah, you’ll say “OOOH but its a parable!!!”. Is facilitating some poetic device really a justification for such a blatant dismissal of such a crucial element of medical practice? Fuck no. So did the god of the universe say washing of hands isn’t important because he’s an idiot or because he’s an asshole? Either way, I would rather hope such a person was just another swami.

>> No.14518789

He's talking about ritual washing.

>> No.14518926

Ritual purity is in part a primitive, pre-scientific version of hygiene.

The purity laws in the Bible deal extensively with disease. Sure, they were comically wrong on most things, but hand washing is one piece of solid advice, and it's likely that when Jesus said defilement comes from what goes out of your mouth, not what goes in, he was talking about sickness.

>> No.14518928

He doesn’t say that. He says that the pharisees practice of hand-washing before eating is not important. He never speaks on the ritualistic quality of the practice as distinct from the broader hygenic practice.

>> No.14518942

See I’m OP and I’m not even saying this. I’m just saying if God comes here and fucks around like this, so his autobiography sounds less awkward then that’s a narcissistic God and we’re truly fucked.

>> No.14518955

I never wash my hands unless they're visibly soiled and I get sick less than anyone I know. I think you're just a germophobe.

>> No.14518961

That's because you never go outside.

>> No.14518991

Ritual purity is given through revelation by God.
Saying that it has a rational basis is really just making what is sacred into the profane.
Consider ritual purity to be the same as mixing threads, it's not about hygeine, it's not God telling the jews how to live it's God telling them what to do because He is God.
>Jesus said defilement comes from what goes out of your mouth, not what goes in, he was talking about sickness.

>> No.14519008

>it's not God telling the jews how to live
I meant telling jews how to live like a health teacher would be teaching children how to live healthily, he is obviously telling the jews how he wants them to live.

>> No.14519013
File: 2.97 MB, 480x366, A4240F77-53D9-4820-8669-EB5143752519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's God telling them what to do because He is God.

Oh, so he really is just a narcissistic alien 4D being fucking with us. How disturbing.

>> No.14519021

you don't get it and from the way you sound, you probably never will
in past ages you wouldn't need to because you would have a competent spiritual medium to "get it" for you in the form of a local priest or bishop. unfortunately this age has passed and now it's every man for himself in the spiritual arena, meaning you're free to come to your own conclusions about what things mean, regardless of how good you actually are at it (competency in this field is a very rare gift). even finding your own competent spiritual medium is now largely impossible, since the reformation now every tom dick and harry can pretend that whatever brings in the tithes and fills the pews is divinely ordained truth. you could go to the source, the catholics (or orthodox if that's your jam) and have them interpret it for you, and they'll at least be accurate in sense of capturing what was probably intended by the original passage, but ironically given the context of the one you mentioned in the OP, they're obsessed with rituals and tradition and so it's basically impossible for them to meaningfully interpret the modern spiritual landscape and associated phenomena. the modern church is either a subverted, co-opted shrine that worships hedonistic modernity or an antiquated fossil who worships their own past, and neither of them shed any light on the present and what it means to live in this era
anyway to get back to the subject at hand, i wouldn't bother trying to understand any of this stuff, you don't seem to have much aptitude for it

>> No.14519027

Where's the quote?

>> No.14519040

My kids do though

>> No.14519063

God is omnibenevolent and omniscient.
What do you know compared to God?
Luke 11:37-41

>> No.14519068

This level of cope

>> No.14519078
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 1575852982817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you know compared to God?

Germ theory, apparently

>> No.14519088

>God is omnibenevolent and omniscient.

He and his cronies say so but I’m no more convinced of that account then the one I would find about Trump on /pol/. Now you’re probably going to say rent free or something stupid like that because I spoke of the fucking POTUS.

>> No.14519125


Ok so this clearly doesn't say anything even remotely as retarded as the OP claims, so I don't even know what the fuck.

>> No.14519133

Really good post, fucking owned OP.

I pretty much agree with what that guy said, but I'll put an optimistic thread to it and say that it's not necessarily hopeless for you, but you'll need to approach Christianity with an entirely different mindset. Don't worry so much about the details, passages like that are mainly meant to further illustrate the importance of the law's essence rather than strict adherence for the sake of adherence

>> No.14519157

It's Matthew 15:15-20

>15 But Peter said to him, “Explain the parable to us.” 16 And he said, “Are you also still without understanding? 17 Do you not see that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the stomach, and so passes on? 18 But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a man. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness, slander. 20 These are what defile a man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”

>> No.14519175

Same thing, obviously he's talking about spiritual defilement, do people here legit have 85 IQ? Are you all Americans?

>> No.14519195

What does your last sentence mean anon

>> No.14519204

no he's being fucking based. I piss in public infant of every. Fuck who you think. Im clean. don't need to wash before every fling mena? not like he said don't wash after your hit. he was being fucking based. he didn't give A FUCK about what people thought. homeless emend

>> No.14519225

I wonder how many children and infants and elderly and disabled people DIED of cholera hepatitis aids tuberculosis because of this passage

>> No.14519259

I mean that much of Jesus' teachings are meant to counter the prevailing thought surrounding the relationship between God and human beings. For many groups, like the Pharisees in particular, there was an emphasis and obsession on the literal letter of the law rather than what the spirit of the law was really intended for.
A good example is when the Pharisees chastise Jesus for healing a person on the sabbath day, because no work is supposed to be done on the sabbath, but Jesus responds (paraphrase): "if one of your sheep fell into a ditch on the sabbath day, wouldn't you still pull it out?" The point is that an obsession with the details of various laws and rules isn't necessary, it's the spirit and the essence of those laws that matter

>> No.14519292

Anon this actually meant a lot to me
I really appreciate you writing this

>> No.14519308

The whole context matters. The pharisees try to call Jesus and the disciples out on not washing their hands and Jesus comes up with this crap. I mean, you’d think that they would have exemplary hygiene in the first place because they are with the God who created the immune system. But to any outside observer, he’s literally just saying you wont get sick if you don’t say mean things.

>> No.14519312

It's more Jesus being a cheeky cunt.
He did his thing, fucking tired and now he has to fuck with those Pharisees. So he be like, whatever, sat down, hungry as fuck and the Pharisees immediately started to bust his balls.
and then he be like "ahh sheeit, where my manners, you already see me with disgust and now I made another epic yikes moment in front of the prestigious Pharisees, me being dirty, well... FUCK YOU NIGGERS, YOURE DIRTY, MY HANDS CAN BE CLEANED, MY POOPER WILL GET RID OF THE STAINED FOOD BUT YOUR MOUTHS ARE FULL OF SHIT YOUR HEARTS ARE FULL OF SHIT YOU GUYS ARE UTTER SHIT AND SHIT WILL YOU REMAIN FOREVER THE ONLY WAY FOR YOU TO BE CLEAN IS TO GO FOR THE SMITH AND WESSON CLEANSING LMAOOOOO XDDDD LEAVE ME ALONE UNTIL JUDGEMENT DAY WHEN I GET TO STERILIZE YOU LITTLE TURDS. bloody hell guys, looking for even the most minute thing to fuck with me, that is RUDE."

>> No.14519331

What makes you think he made that distinction? The Torah conflates impurity with disease all the time, and many instances of Jesus' healing the sick involves casting out demons.

>> No.14519342

normally i am not one to quibble on these matters but i have serious concerns about the fidelity of your bible translation

>> No.14519344

Are you catholic or Protestant

>> No.14519360

Uh oh, one of the darkies got loose from the heavily trafficked boards again

>> No.14519365

rent free

>> No.14519367

Whatcha doin' there rabbi?
That's like asking if you're Christian or atheist.

>> No.14519371

Not a Christian, I wasn't raised with any religion so I'm just slowly reading the Bible and learning about Christianity for the time being

>> No.14519392

A mere Christianity, the based choice. Go to youtube ministry. Denominations are garbage nonsense. The only practicing preacher I can recommend is Tim Conway. But really you should be listening to stuff like Finalcall07 and Warningthepeople. Robert Lyte is usually roped in with them but he’s heavily deluded bu Rapture theology (yeah, there isn’t a literal rapture, in the endtimes you are severely tested. Jesus merely said intense faith would protect you).

>> No.14519402

Thanks anon, will look into this

>> No.14519410

Some days I shit right on my hands and don't wash them and then go to work

>> No.14519416

Are you reading any texts along side the Bible? You seem very knowledgeable
How is that like asking Christian or atheist anon
I’m new to this

>> No.14519419

Come on Pajeet, get it together.

>> No.14519426

You need to embrace the true faith, Orthodox

>> No.14519428

I actually work at a fast food restaurant; often times I just take a shit right into the fryer, form it into a patty, and slap it onto a burger for sale at a higher profit. Nobody has ever complained or gotten sick that I know of

>> No.14519432

I'm retail, I touch people's stuff all day

>> No.14519439

to translate you need to read the original text beforehand, didn't do either lol

i'm sorry for spoiling you high brow subforum fun on a forum of CRETINS.This is a house of fools not a house of knowledge, a true thinker wants to face a challenges, not seek comfort in being a big fish in a smaller pond. Your charade of being the wiseguy amongst 4channer will be you doom. I shall leave but so shall your mediocre intellect too, atrophying with each post.

>> No.14519442

im smoking so i wasnt able to press all the keys

>> No.14519448

are you actually a real person posting this argument??? are you really??

>> No.14519464

Yeah. Its really a great argument. I mean of course the image is insulting but I’m actually just raising the issue of the biggest critical flaw with the Bible which made it impossible for me to take Biblical literalism seriously. Glad I moved on because, quite frankly, Platonism is a lot more interesting than Abrahamism anyway.

>> No.14519469

I'll occasionally consult a wikipedia article here and there to get a summary of something, but what I've found is that in reading the Bible slowly and carefully, it's pretty remarkable that it reveals pretty much exactly what it means, I think it will really be a matter of just taking the leap to believe, which hasn't happened for me yet; I will definitely want to look into some supplementary texts at some point though
As for >>14519367, he's just shitposting by implying Protestantism isn't Christianity

>> No.14519471

If you were posting that ironically, I don’t know what kind of Christian you consider yourself, blaspheming the very person of Jesus like that.

>> No.14519484

Thanks again anon. I was afraid if it was the Bible I was going to take everything as too literal or be overly strict with its teachings but the passage you mentioned helps clear up lots of questions I’ve had

>> No.14519490

I cannot type on mobile
If I was going to read the bible*

>> No.14519500

Found the Burger King employee

>> No.14520113

I guess none, because only retarded reductionist post-materialist brainlets could interpret this as a call to eat with dirty hands.

>> No.14520131

It's because Jesus brought a covenant of grace, but the Pharisees were relying on a covenant of laws.

Read Galatians 3

>> No.14520154

t. Retard that doesn't understand the historical context

The Pharisees were obsessed with ritual washing. The Torah called for bathing if a person became ritually impure, but by the Second Temple Period the Pharisees began standardizing the washings; every Synagogue had a mikvah, and they began washing their feet and hands constantly, believing that this would cleanse them of any ritual impurity they may have somehow accumulated in day-to-day activities. The Pharisees in typical Jew fashion had made the rules autistically complicated, not because they had any knowledge of germ theory, because there is no evidence of that, but because they were afraid that if they didn't wash constantly they might become ritually impure under the Law without knowing it, and by being scrupulous they might be seen as extremely upright men under the Mosaic Law despite being corrupt and greedy Jews. Jesus explains their psychology, you should try reading more before questioning a whole religion on such a retarded point.

>> No.14520190

You're the one being reductionist by reducing sickness to germs, sweatie

>> No.14520212

The entire message of the NT is that living close to God is more important than even your life.