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/lit/ - Literature

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14518651 No.14518651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ i've fallen in love with my english professor
i need serious help
she obviously know my name and i try to be as attentive as possible in her class, as well as responsive (i answer almost every question in order to get her attention)
but i can't shake the impression that i annoy her or that she doesn't like me
i quote things for her in french and italian in order to impress her
i read about a book a week of victorian literature (her speciality) in order to prove my avowed love for her and to show her my interests are the same as hers
but alas, none of this helps
it's getting to the point where i feel like i should answering all the questions and interjecting funny quips in her class
and i feel so sad
i want to win her over because i love her so much
please tell me what to read that will help me win over my professor's heart
what books, nay what tomes shall i pluck from the shelf of life? nay the shelf of the universe?
in order the dome of her soul to possess....
i've written already over one hundred poems about her, should i give them to her?
any advice is welcome, thank you
the end goal is obviously to marry her in a christian wedding but i'm also happy to just have sex with her

>> No.14518668
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Same thing to me back in highschool. My teacher was a 20-something qt, and we would very often stay after class talking literature. She is 30 now, still cute and sweet. Have her number, but haven't talk to her in a long time.

>> No.14518679
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you should text her anon, just ask her how she is doing or something. not very often that students get their teacher's numbers. maybe you have a chance to hold her hand or something. did you ever tell her that you love/d her?

>> No.14518711
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I never told her, but she probably knew.
About texting her, I was planning to do that when I write something good and/or get published, but I don't think that will happen until at least 10 years more.

>> No.14518728
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i don't think you should wait that long personally, but i'm not one to judge since i too am afraid to confess my love to my professor and/or merely email her about anything, the reason being that i am afraid that i annoy her

but if you teacher gave you her number that meant she wanted you to contact her, probably not when you get published or something, but much sooner. she wanted to keep in contact with you the person, not you the writer!

>> No.14518754

Get over delusion that you love her. You don't love her. You love what you have imagined her to be from your limited interactions. The reality is that you don't even know her, and are delusional.

The only way you will ever get a chance with this girl is if you humanize her and approach it like she is only human - which is the reality. You have idealized her. This is a huge mistake.

I'm not saying deny your emotions, but you need to ask yourself why you're feeling this way. You already want to marry her, but haven't even taken her on a date yet. Is that normal? Something inside of you is craving love and it is manifesting itself in your infatuation. You need to go inward, OP. Chasing after this girl like you are doing is only going to result in heartbreak.

>> No.14518761

just rape her you fucking bitch ass pussy

>> No.14518774

yeah he should just rape her and get it out of his system already.

>> No.14518797
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thank you for your advice but sorry, you're wrong. i am in fact in love with her and i know a lot about her because i have read her facebook several times over and also make a secret instagram account and followed her private account so she doesn't know it's me but i can see all her posts anyways. i look at them often and have studied her comments and the photos she likes in order to better understand her tastes and sometimes i even subtly drop hints about her likes that she has never disclosed in class in order to give her the impression that her and i are soulmates (which is true). about humanizing her, i don't think it's appropriate to humanize angels.
sorry but i believe in consent and would only do something like what you suggested if it was my only hope (like in an apocalypse situation) of consummating our love before i die

>> No.14518822

well if you ain't gonna rape her, then just ask her out. that's my motto

>> No.14518827

Social media dose not represent the real them. You are desperate stalker is what you sound like. Get over her as well as yourself.

>> No.14518830
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should i wait till the end of the semester in case she says no?

>> No.14518833
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is she not married? Whats the age difference? if not just go and straight up tell her you like her and would like to get to know her better. 90% chance she will refuse but then you won't suffer anymore (only the awkwardness). Suffering is the anticipation of pain anon, actual pain is easy to tolerate.
I can relate as I had a crush on a professor before, but she's married and I couldn't break the teacher-student power dynamic even if I tried really hard. Still she's pretty much my ideal woman and I still think about her sometimes. Fuck now I want to pretend to run into her and intrigue her with my newly found aesthetic and charisma.

>> No.14518837
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I'm afraid to annoy her too, but maybe you're right.

>> No.14518839

Based anime poster.

>> No.14518852


>> No.14518870
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yes she is married but i don't think that matters because as far as i can tell her marriage is on the brink (i don't give them more then 2-3 months together). i'm planning on filling the emotional gap left by her divorce. also i've been slowly accelerating the demise of her marriage, for example once her husband left her a coffee with the secretary in the english department and when the secretary left to go to the bathroom, i took the coffee and drank it myself (imagine that i was her drinking it and thereby consoling the ache in my heart for her absence). no doubt this caused them some confusion and she probably accused him of being a liar or something. i have done other things too to cause them suffering so that i can bring her more joy. sometimes i think i'm being cruel and feel guilt (not a lot but still) but at the same time, my intentions are pure and i'm just pushing them in the direction they're going anyways (according to her social media). the joy she feels when she is with me will be worth the pain she feels now

but yes you should find your professor and try to win her heart as i'm doing. we're all gonna make it
thank you
if you do it soon post update here

>> No.14518882

you're fuckin insane man and i like it

>> No.14518922
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literature about stalking?
>but yes you should find your professor and try to win her heart as i'm doing. we're all gonna make it
the problem is the very things that attract me in her - her stubborness and convictions, is what makes it highly unlikely that I will ever have her.

>> No.14518945
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>also i've been slowly accelerating the demise of her marriage

>messing with the holy sacrament of matrimony
that's gonna be one extra scalding yikes from me dogg enjoy perdition i guess

>> No.14518976
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These are the people I share a board with

>> No.14519007
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Everything you've posted is cringe, stop posting fake stories.

>> No.14519009

Excellent bread OP, anyone who thinks this is real is a retard but I can't help but laugh. Well done.

>> No.14519054

I don't think I'll be texting her any soon, it would be weird if I texted her without any context just to know how she is, but I'll probably talk to her within this month.

>> No.14519064
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thank you
hmmmm but there is fun in the risk, i am willing to risk it all for love
cute apu but i don't appreciate your comments about me going to hell; in fact i think that if anything the gods approve of what i'm doing since the world seems to be filled with yellow bellied cowards and i actually have the conviction to pursue love at any costs
social media is an extension of one's person. via her social media i learned that she likes the show supernatural so i learned the melody to the carry on my wayward son (the show's end credits song) and i hummed it while walking into her class late. no doubt she associated her love for the show and the hours she has spent obsessing over it with my swanky gait as i walked in tall and proud. awhile after that i started wearing supernatural merch with the sleeves cut off to show off my biceps. anyways my point is that i'm self-curating in order to be more appealing to her and i don't think there is anything wrong with this in the same way that one might lift weights in order to be a better wrestler or something. im willing to do anything it takes to get her love and this is actually a manly act, you yellow bellied cowards wouldn't understand because you've never been in love

>> No.14519096

tbf, their marriage probably isn't even technically valid