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14518123 No.14518123 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better the Prose or Verse translation?

>> No.14518198

It didn't rhyme.
So there shouldn't be a difference.

>> No.14518204

>what is metre
Poems are not only about rhymes.

>> No.14518217

Rhyme and meter are both lost in translation

>> No.14518225

Prose if you want to understand what's going on better.

Verse, which will always be water downed to the original, provided the translator did it well, that is not rhymed.

>> No.14518226

True but you said that "it didn't rhyme" as if that was relevant. Translated poetry that rhymes tends to be forced and unfaithful.

>> No.14518231

Just get the Arthur Golding translation, OP. That's the best version in English, even Shakespeare and Milton liked it. Forget about the recent ones, especially (((Mandelbaum's))).

>> No.14518272

Did Milton like it better than the original Latin text?

>> No.14518395

That's garbage, stop recommending it. Anglo rhyming that changes what was said into secularized nature worship.

>> No.14518401

Name a more aesthetic version, then, faggot.

>> No.14518406

learn latin nigger

>> No.14518437

tu primus, paedico

>> No.14518583

What's "paedico" supposed to mean?

>> No.14518585

he doesn't know, literally google translated an insult lmao

>> No.14518646

"paedico" (derived from paedicare) translates to "I desecrate/violate/dishonor". I makes no sense, kek. If you want to insult someone to be a retard, use "asinus" (engl.: donkey).

>> No.14519121
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>Forget about the recent ones, especially (((Mandelbaum's))).
But I like the Everyman edition.

>> No.14519129

Opinions on raeburn?

>> No.14519135

it's only physically pleasant.

>> No.14519220

The best prose translation is the one by Mary M Innes (even if it was a translation by a woman.) As for verse, pick your poison. I heard Mandelbaum and Humphries were good, but I wouldn't know.

>> No.14519222

>In nova fert animus mútátás dícere fórmás
>corpora; dí, coeptís (nam vós mútástis et illa),
>adspíráte meís prímáque ab orígine mundí
>ad mea perpetuum dédúcite tempora carmen.
>Ante mare et terrás et quod tegit omnia caelum
>únus erat tótó nátúrae vultus in orbe
>quem díxére chaos: rudis indígestaque mólés
>nec quicquam nisi pondus iners congestaque eódem
>nón bene júnctárum discordia sémina rérum.
>núllus adhúc mundó praebébat lúmina Títán,
>nec nova créscendó reparábat cornua Phoebé,
>nec circumfúsó pendébat in áere tellús
>ponderibus líbráta suís, nec bracchia longó
>margine terrárum porréxerat Amphitríté;
>utque erat et tellús illíc et pontus et áér,
>síc erat ínstabilis tellús, innábilis unda,
>lúcis egéns áér; núllí sua fórma manébat,
>obstábatque aliís aliud, quia corpore in únó
>frígida pugnábant calidís, úmentia siccís,
>mollia cum dúrís, sine pondere, habentia pondus.
Just read the Latin. You already know most of the words in this if you are literate in English. It's only a short hop towards realizing how the grammar works and thence to full understanding.

>> No.14519400

Mandelbaum is dank. But in retrospect, I wish I'd read it in iambic pentameter

>> No.14519404

what a shit translation lmao
Mandelbaum's sucks, as does his Comedia.

>> No.14520955
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That's the point.
You read versed prose and normal prose literally the same way, one just happens to not use the whole page. That's why there's prose translations, it doesn't matter.

>> No.14520957

i will learn latin then read this great work

>> No.14521642

bump for interest

>> No.14521678
File: 35 KB, 640x427, Thorvaldsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metamorphoses translated by Arthur Golding.


Universally held to be the best translation, though in Elizabethan dialect, this gives it greater poetic ability in the golden age of English literature, read and used by Shakespeare and considered the most beautiful book in the language by Ezra Pound. Most modern translations build of it anyway, but it is still the best.

>> No.14521685

>reading the prose translation

Just read the verse translation by Oxford world classics, you utter mong.

>> No.14521686

>You already know most of the words in this if you are literate in English.
I know none of these words.

>> No.14521705
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Rolfe Humphries does have the best Annotated Edition, the Norton Critical Edition was unfortunately not up to snuff.

>> No.14521745


>> No.14521777
