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/lit/ - Literature

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14508368 No.14508368 [Reply] [Original]

Apologies folks.

It will be next Friday. The blame is mine. On mature recollection and a second reading of the editor's message to me, a dialectal misunderstanding caused me to believe it would be today.

Alas, we must all wait.

>> No.14508386

Why do you waste so much time on this shite?

>> No.14508393

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.14508398

I shall tell you why.

Your female progenitor does not satisfy my sexual desires to a sufficient extent.

>> No.14508415


>> No.14508430

go forth and multiply, my man

>> No.14508441


>> No.14508459
File: 71 KB, 612x717, 6F8D8852-D30D-4AFE-8890-5163C4D6DFF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHHHHHHHHH I've been waiting withr my $20 Amazon card for more then a MONTHH

>> No.14508657

You are lost welcome.

I apologise, good anon, and share your pain. Take solace in its coming next Friday.


Verily, I shall, sir! Good day to you.

>> No.14508665

"most welcome.

>> No.14508809


>> No.14509048

Could you tell me the e-mail we can contact you at? I've got a question about an essay I'm writing but don't know if the topic is adequate for the magazine (nothing edgy, it's just not American-focused).

>> No.14509193


>> No.14509203

doing god's work lads
keep it up

>> No.14509209

also is the new website up yet?

>> No.14510375

Hey pal. Is this P? Printers said last Friday that it takes "about a week" but with business days, etc., that could put us into next week.
You have no idea how much joy comes from working on something you care about and seeing it through. This is something we care about.
Sooon...posted the product with the wrong ISBN (it required an ISSN for a serial), so had to delete and get an exemption. Should be up tonight (and hardcopies in my hand in a few days).

No, I'm thinking that once I start shipping hard copies, I'll be able to establish something basic and then improve it going forward.

>> No.14510389

Were we supposed to preorder these or will they be on amazon or what

>> No.14510400

There will be an amazon link soon. If something hits a snag with that, you can email litquarterly@gmail.com and I will ship one to you.

>> No.14510452

Yes, K, my good man! This thread is a continuation of a brief one yesterday, where an anon asked the progress of the Quarterly. This thread was an update, a response on account of my confusion. I hope you are doing well!

>> No.14510454

Can someone explain to me what this is? It looks cool

>> No.14510528

Some guys put together a quarterly magazine with submissions from /lit/. The first one had some cool stuff, but more importantly, came with a sense of belonging.
It's ok bby

>> No.14510569

Gonna be gud. Hypetrain has left the station!

>> No.14510615

Hey man, doing well! And you weren't wrong...I was expecting it to be finished by today but the printers messaged me this morning about a couple changes needed so I know they haven't printed them yet. Hopefully early next week.
Correct. As well, a motivation to finish one's writing projects to their completion, with feedback and editing!

>> No.14510694

Looking forward to reading this. I'm nowhere near a good enough writer to submit anything, but I've spent enough time here to know some of you guys have real talent.

>> No.14510733

Do you know around when the deadline will be for volume 3?

>> No.14511431

Sorry, you missed it.

>> No.14511475

Yes! Doing some amazing work OP.

>> No.14511530

Good to hear. I hope you do not mind me informing (poorly) the other anons. Keep up the stellar work.

The praise goes to K, the anon who started this. I am just a messanger.

>> No.14511690

Kind words anon. Thanks. I am sure you will cultivate your standard.

>> No.14511760

No, you're fine. 31st of January for Spring edition. If you miss the deadline, there is most likely to be a summer edition too.
Not at all. I don't want people who are interested to miss out. Actually, I've been tied up with stuff since going back to work and am glad someone made an update thread.
Keep writing and don't hesitate to submit just for some feedback/guidance.

>> No.14511890

So is it still going up tonight?

>> No.14511938

I thought they were dead.

>> No.14512207

test...we may have to go to am.azon.CA


>> No.14512215

Link doesn't work

>> No.14512219

Should I buy this because i'm impatient even though i'm from the U.S.

>> No.14512228

take out the . in amazon

It would support a good cause. But keep in mind they won't be shipped out until next week because the printers aren't finished yet. Just testing the amazon link.

>> No.14512246

Feels bloody good to see my name on the cover

>> No.14512280

Well done!

>> No.14512397

Why's it listed as winter 2020 when the cover reads winter 2019? Also will it be listed on us amazon too, or is this the only way to purchase?

>> No.14512490

The image I used is the file of an earlier version of the cover, which was fixed after the fact. I've now swapped it out for a photo of a proof copy I got.

>> No.14512538

I hate spam on the board, but you should really put up a new thread now that it's available for order. Let everyone know how to submit for the spring edition and the expectations, etc. I think you've sparked a lot of interest with this (certainly mine). I definitely appreciate the effort you've already put into this.

>> No.14512563

I mean, then I should wait till next week to order so it doesen't take long to ship or would it really be the same time in total?

>> No.14512649

Are you not shipping to the US this time? It says it can't ship to my address.

>> No.14512650

I think I'll make a new thread once the books are in my hand. I think this type thread is a good way to slowly figure stuff out and then when the bell rings, we've sorted out the impediments...
It'll be the same time anyway. Once I pick up the books, I'll start shipping out to the orders I've received the same day. Then I have to work for a day and a half and then when I get back, I'll send out the next batch. I'm new to this process so actually wouldn't mind if you ordered one as a test to see if it actually notifies me and stuff. Do you mind?

>> No.14512710

Really? Let me see if it will let me adjust it. I want to be able to ship it anywhere.
If I don't sort it out, you can always request via email.

>> No.14512719

wow is this all poetry? is there just one essay and fiction piece in the volume? surprised.

>> No.14512722

Doing so right now

>> No.14512726

nvm im U.S.

>> No.14512736

No, it's a mix of everything. Fiction, poetry, and one other essay. Those two are just the featured works.
Could you try from US in 15 mins. I just updated my seller market blah blah blah. Another guy just said US isn't working...

>> No.14512744

ohh, that makes sense.
excited to read :)

>> No.14512811

How do I get the 1st issue?

>> No.14512831

I don't have any hard copies left, but can I interest you in a PDF of almost the exist version we printed? If so, email litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14512844

is this the second one or a reprinting of the first one?

>> No.14512852

This is the second one: Winter edition. First one was Fall 2019 edition.

>> No.14512867

where can i get it?

>> No.14512869

Sorry, it's still not working. Mind if I email you?

>> No.14512920

I'll be making a proper thread early next week once I have the books in my hands. It will be amazon. If you're outside the US and Canada, you can email litquarterly@gmail.com
Go for it.

>> No.14513008

I appear to have received a US order so I think it's working.
**NOTICE: I don't have the books yet, so if you decide to order before the new thread, please be patient for the order to be shipped**

>> No.14513631

Seeing my name on the cover is very awesome. Hope people like my work.

>> No.14513694

Cover design looks excellent

>> No.14513741

you say test, but is it fine to buy from that link?

>> No.14514033



>> No.14514544


>> No.14514594
File: 195 KB, 1927x1011, 7tkqvlx56tg31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question: is the amazon edition digital, or an actual hard copy? if its not a hard copy, do i have to email you again to get one?

>> No.14514667

Hard copy

>> No.14514756

is there going to be a short supply again? should i email you so i can make sure i get one?

>> No.14514781

why are you printing independently, and not using the Amazon print-on-demand printers?

>> No.14515114

A friend of mine designed it. I'll pass on the compliment!
Yes, you can order from there but keep in mind that I don't have the books yet so it won't ship for a few days (even though amazon says I have to ship by the 14th). I may have to fake it and say it's shipped just to keep them from reprimanding the account. So please be patient and don't report that it doesn't ship right away.
I ordered 180 and want to keep about four for myself.
I originally signed up for that with the printers but the timeline got messed up and I had to provide my own ISSN right around Christmas time, so I said forget it, I'll ship them myself. For future editions, I'm going to try simplify the process.

>> No.14515166

so if i buy it from that amazon link, am i guaranteed to get one?

>> No.14515204

The contributors all get a copy, yes?

>> No.14515211

Yes...the amazon link monitors the inventory.
Yes. Just email me with your mailing info.

>> No.14515213


>> No.14515256

ok i bought one, but a thought popped into my head as i did so; do you make sure people can't buy two? i know a lot of peopel were butthurt about not getting the first edition, so i can imagine sme cunts will try to buy multiple and resell it at a higher price after they sell out.

>> No.14515281

I trust that most people will buy only one or two. There is one contributor that is going to give some to friends and acquaintances on his campus so I'm earmarking a handful for him.

If we run out and there's still demand, I'll do another run.

>> No.14515297

what's the word count limit for submissions? would roughly 5000 be too much?

>> No.14515310

>Yes, you can order from there but keep in mind that I don't have the books yet so it won't ship for a few days (even though amazon says I have to ship by the 14th). I may have to fake it and say it's shipped just to keep them from reprimanding the account. So please be patient and don't report that it doesn't ship right away.
understood, sir. Thanks.

>> No.14515327

Sorry, but I'm a late-comer to this. I have a few questions:

1.) What's with the wolves? Is it ironic, like wolf t-shirts?

2.) Is the content mostly stupid 4chan stuff, like TAR was?

3.) Is the first issue available?

>> No.14515357

1. Second edition cover is different—check the Amazon link. Personally I think the first edition cover is pretty cool.

2. First edition had some good stuff, but of course not pure exceptionality—about what you'd expect from young aspiring writers. One entry explicitly refers to 4chan, but the other stuff is non-related fiction/poetry. Expect the topics to be slated towards /lit/-interests though.

3. Email the main guy at litquarterly@gmail.com and he'll send you a pdf.

>> No.14515368

>Second edition cover is different

But, it's of a wolf. Hence the question.

Thanks for the other answers.

>> No.14515421

5000 words is acceptable, depending on content. Each of the first two editions had one short story over 5000 words.
The first edition was completely arbitrary. My friend submitted a handful of original designs and I really liked that one. For the second one, I thought keeping the wolf theme for the follow-up would be cool, but it's fairly arbitrary.

Gonna have a simplified design going forward in order to make the title and info consistent for each edition, with a new cover art in the middle.
Good answers, thank-you.

>> No.14515509

Will there be a free pdf for this edition as well?

>> No.14515521

Yes, but not for a few weeks. I'm hoping to establish a simple website in that time where the file will be available for download.

>> No.14515547

It seems very strange that two "arbitrary" designs in a row feature a wolf. If you're not planning on having a wolf on the cover every time, it shows really poor judgment and planning, no offense.

You can probably try and salvage the poor decisions by making it into a pattern--like a thematically similar cover every two issues. 1 & 2 a wolf, 3 & 4 a jellyfish, 5 & 6 a bull. Something like that. Just a suggestion. "Arbitrary" choices for the cover indicate arbitrary choices for the content within. It's just not a good way to go about it.

>> No.14515655

Relax you autist, covers just need to look nice

>> No.14515664

Need any help?

>> No.14516733

i need help immediately

>> No.14517046

You will receive an email in due time.

>> No.14517070

How do I get onto the lit quarterly.

>> No.14517104

just be yourself

>> No.14517335

you have to be jewish.

>> No.14517423

You need spunk, kid.

>> No.14517434

any idea when the amazon link will drop?

>> No.14517502


Just have sex.

>> No.14517504

about 19 hours and 15 minutes ago

>> No.14517526
File: 215 KB, 992x445, la-literatura-que-vomita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should be proud. It's like we built a little ark for the words and they get preserved a bit longer maybe.

>> No.14517577




Thank you, OP. You're doing the good lord's work.

>> No.14517903

What's this about waiting for an Amazon link? Is
not actually the real seller?

>> No.14518050

>covers just need to look nice


>> No.14519616

bumping for my own convenience

>> No.14519776

Its real but the books aren't in my hand yet. Go ahead and order but ir won't be shipped until next week

>> No.14520079

The first wolf was arbitrary. The second one was an evolution from the first.
write something, revise it, sleep on it, revise it again, then send it in and we will review. short fiction, essay, poetry, or letter to the editor

>> No.14520144

Yeah, I might need some assistance. I've been recommended a couple decent hosting sites called bluehost and the other is name.com. Something simple and inexpensive so that I can display the current cover with links to downloadable files for all past issues.

>> No.14520200

Just send it to the email?

>> No.14520209

Yeah. MS Word file is ideal, but text in the body of the email is acceptable too.

>> No.14520390

could just make a Tumblr blog with a private domain name attached to it. tumblr is a good platform for blogs, hosts a lot of indie project home pages like that. people could even submit stuff, reblog or w/e
might be just enough for where the Lit Quarterly is at this stage. no need to mess with web hosting eiter, just buy a domain and link it.

>> No.14520577

This works for non-US/Cananda orders?
And thanks OP, thus whole thing is awsome.

>> No.14520621

Seconding this question; will you be shipping internationally?

>> No.14520715


Yea, seconding this, Im not a burgerite

>> No.14520743

This is my first time learning about this; this is a great development!
Where can I buy back issues from Australia?
Is there a subscription model?
I'm honestly excited about this, what a great effort
Do you need any help?
I had thoughts of setting up my own blog/website awhile back so i gathered up some resources:
>web hosting: https://www.siteground.com/
>wp page puilder: https://elementor.com/
>advertising: https://www.google.com/adsense/start/
>emails and newsletters: https://www.mailpoet.com/

>> No.14520784

bump bump bump it urrp

>> No.14521895

The Internet is awash with blogs! This paper format is far better and valuable. It takes true time and dedication. It has value.

>> No.14522247

Not sure yet. If you use the American link: https://www.amazon.com/Lit-Quarterly-Winter-2020/dp/1773541811/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=lit+quarterly&qid=1578847817&sr=8-1
Will it allow you to order? If not, email me with name and mailing address and I'll get one to you. Would appreciate $14CAD via paypal.me/litquarterly if possible.
There are currently no back issues available in
hard copy. When things settle down, I might do another run of the first edition but we'll see. If amazon won't let you order it from outside the US and Canada, you'll have to email me to request one.

>> No.14523415


You might look at IngramSpark which prints on demand and lets libraries, bookstores, and Australians order it.

>> No.14523438


P.S. if anons in college go to their library and ask for this nicely, they are very likely to order it and shelve it for you even if it's just on Amazon. "I'm writing a paper and wanted to cite it."

>> No.14524195

The current printing company I use also has a distribution plan for purchase that uses a third company to print on demand, distribute via amazon and a couple other book stores, and can do electronic copies too. May do it for next time based on how this edition goes.