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File: 180 KB, 1200x670, kilart-_-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14510855 No.14510855 [Reply] [Original]

To Whom Death Gives Obeisance
What do you think about plot armor?

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>> No.14510915

plot armor only makes sense in a comedy. what's an example of plot armor in a 'serious' story that doesn't ruin tension?

>> No.14510948

That pic looks like something Eric Vall would use as a cover.

>> No.14510977

You're giving him too much credit. The OP pic is way better.

>> No.14510991

Your question doesn't make sense because almost every story with significant stakes involves the protagonists succeeding in unlikely situations.

>> No.14511009
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>> No.14511056
File: 117 KB, 879x1403, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we have actual science fiction discussion going and lets just not talk about fantasy just this one thread

>> No.14511062

>>14511056 Not possible. Most of the posts are just random off-topic posts anyway.

>> No.14511083

is big
I mean

>> No.14511097

Any books based on this picture?

>> No.14511225


>> No.14511253


>> No.14511260

How would you guys rank the life stories in Hyperion?

>> No.14511262


>> No.14511270

that one with the daughter going backwards>the priest>the soldier>rest>>>>>>>>>>>the poet

>> No.14511282

I would not, I didnt read past chapter one, I am not sure what kind of person can read something like that (or even enjoy it)

>> No.14511306
File: 68 KB, 640x796, kugelhund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cruciform > Merlin's disease > whatever

I actually dropped the book after the merlin's disease chapter because it depressed me so much

>> No.14511320

Thoughts on Robin Hobb? I read the first two farseer books many years ago and liked them, thinking of picking them back up again.

>> No.14511330
File: 204 KB, 1268x1080, tarzan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /lit/'s opinion on Burroughs, I read Tarzan as a kid and loved it. I recently snagged the Barsoom series and am falling back in love with Pulp Sci-fi.

>> No.14511331

Third book is the weakest of the trilogy in my opinion because it's more meandering and bloated but without feeling like it's actually fleshing out the characters in any meaningful way. Still concludes the story in a way that feels appropriate. Continues heavily in the theme of Fitz suffering. Haven't read any of her other stuff.

>> No.14511348

>What's /lit/'s opinion on Burroughs,
Ask them >>>/lit/

>> No.14511370

You’re such a faggot

>> No.14511395

Maybe that was why I never finished it. I don't remember how much of that one I actually read though.

>> No.14511409

there is anime called overlord and I think manga and some japanese light novels that anime is based on.
I am not comparing manga to actual literature here, but I though I will mention it if you just want that feel

>> No.14511424

I read overlord and some other LNs, overlord was pretty good.

>> No.14511631
File: 177 KB, 467x440, penis_cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I read now I've finished the Black Company series

>> No.14511675


He writes the same book every time but it's a fun book so whatever. Except for the last Venus book, that one blew

>> No.14511989

>Author I like likes Ready player one
Never met your heroes

>> No.14512005

That's because anyone idealized is apotheosized and then when the one does idolize meets them they realize it was all lies and they were only a human after all, CRIES.

>> No.14512096

Best fantasy published in 2019?

>> No.14512133

Has anyone here read the traitors son series? If so any recommendations similar to it?

>> No.14512169

SAO progressive

>> No.14512192

>each book is a single floor
>just do 100 books lol

>> No.14512322

The lost fleet by Jack campbell if you’re into pulpy scifi space battles

>> No.14512329

>Port of Shadows if you haven't yet
>The Swordbearer
>The Tower of Fear

>> No.14512340

Port of Shadows. Then wait for A Pitiless Rain. Then read his other books that are not BC related. Starfishers trilogy, passage at arms, tower of fear, the swordbearer, darkwar, heirs of babylon.

>> No.14512401

farseer trilogy is ok, it's ruined by the following trilogies
I genuinely feel like Hobb hates Fitz

>> No.14512405

I have recently downloaded
>Mammoth Book of Time Travel SF
>Stations of the Tides
Not in the mood for Desolate Era and I'm slowly chipping away at Confessions of a Crap Artist. It is meaty.

>> No.14512428
File: 89 KB, 750x926, 1576769569605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The priests story was best, followed closely by the consul. Rest were all kind of okay with Martin's probably bringing me the closest to putting the book down for good.

>> No.14512447

Anything with WMAF couples?

>> No.14512455
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>> No.14512469


>> No.14512512

Sometimes I find myself confusing how many works I've read from an author with how much I liked the works of the author.

>> No.14512545

I dont recall any asian women but its been like 10+ years

>> No.14512566

The Fremen are Arabs and Arabs are Asians.

>> No.14512575

>Arabs are Asians
Like those muslim rape gangs in Rotherham and other- Excuse me, I meant asian grooming circles.

>> No.14512595

It's never explicitly said but I always imagined HwI Noree was asian. Seeing as how Leto was right about everything else, it makes sense he'd have yellow fever.

>> No.14512973
File: 31 KB, 333x499, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey this is my favorite sffg book we should all buy it
ok just kidding I'm the one who wrote it and I've only made like five sales, oh god someone help

>> No.14512999

Have you advertised it anywhere but here? It should be pretty clear that people in this general don't buy books.

>> No.14513001

I lost your link i wanted to check it out and maybe make fun of you last thread I saw it but forgot

>> No.14513015

make fun at your leisure
not really. where do I do this?

>> No.14513018

One of the main purpose of publishers these day is for marketing and advertising. If people don't you exist, then certainly they won't be buying your book.

>expecting money and sales


>> No.14513067

Reddit, twitter, facebook, literally any social media site that doesn't openly endorse piracy.

>> No.14513078

>Paksennarion recommended as knights'n'chivalry
>start Sheepfarmer's Daughter
>mercenary company is OK with women
>whatever I guess
>it's just modern boot camp
>time kept with "quarterglasses"
>medieval straw bed inspections
When does the chivalry start?

>> No.14513083

Science fiction is a subset of fantasy.

>> No.14513086

>plebs not liking retard poet and his raft toilet being bros with King Pseud

>> No.14513093

>doesn't openly endorse piracy.
To be honest I don't really mind if people pirate my book, especially if they leave reviews and promote it to their friends.

>> No.14513104

Eventually people are going to have to accept that for anything competes globally, let alone historically, only the top 1%, if that, of people pursuing that activity are going to have even the slightest impact and see the meagerest of returns on their investment of time and effort.

>> No.14513180
File: 6 KB, 200x193, exasperatedpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you might not be successful so don't bother doing anything or at least assume you're going to fail

>> No.14513192

No, it's "have realistic expectations".

>> No.14513504

I was looking at new sf books previews, not self-published, and came across this:
"Tell him you're masturbating. That always gets my dad to leave"
"almost a nihilism"
"had his share of crazy stories from 4chan"
talks with an /x/ chatbot
"Do you know pascal's wager?"
tell god to go fuck himself
"why does he get to feel better"
"probably base 64"

Well, that's certainly a take on contemporary science-fiction. Apparently it's an a god-like AI trying to amuse itself and the protagonist happens to get caught up in it schemes.
Not something I personally want to read. Sounds black mirror-ish, but also not something I'd enjoy at the same time.

>> No.14513579
File: 111 KB, 743x288, throne-of-glass-series-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he best series of the 2010s.

>> No.14513615

>still small shit res image
At least its not pixelated to hell this time. Keep fixing it faggot.

>> No.14513650

Consul > Scholar > Priest > Detective = Soldier > Poet

>> No.14513664

Black Leopard Red Wolf. Best in 2019 isn't saying much however.

>> No.14513667

A lot of times when people become disappointed in sequels it's only because they misunderstood what it was going to be about in the first book and then when it's clarified what it's going to be about they don't like it anymore.

>> No.14513750

>Dusty Ridgeman
Is this a pen name of Hideo Kojima?

>> No.14513772


>> No.14513777

I tried to come up with something that sounded halfway decent and didn't come up on google.

Man, I don't want to navigate to that link. That url looks like a sketchy warez site.

>> No.14513786

It's your book for download obviously. Probably a lot of other places as well.

>> No.14513795

It probably happens to literally every book. I'm not that concerned. I guess I could DMCA them if I really felt like it. Mainly I'm curious exactly who would give enough of a shit to put my book - which has only been out for a week - out for pirating.

>> No.14513800

I assume the guy puts up literally everything from Kindle Unlimited as soon as it comes out.

>> No.14513814

Recommend me loli books, lads

>> No.14513825

Welp, time to DMCA them and see what happens. Always been curious how easy this is. Don't really want people sending out shit in my name which very well could have malware attached to it.

>> No.14513873 [DELETED] 

DMCA this: https://files.catbox.moe/mjaats.epub

>> No.14513884

This is why you don't reveal yourself on 4chan.

>> No.14513891

Okay, I will.

It was already pirated by a literal bot beforehand, so no not really.

>> No.14513909

Dont dmca it, it will make you look like a fag, go to mobilism forum and that link and instead introduce yourself, thank the poster who uploaded your book for publicity and promoting and ask users to consider buying/paying for it if they enjoyed your book, be or at least try try to appaer genuine, do not seethe

>> No.14513916 [DELETED] 

DMCA this: http://www.libgen.is/fiction/63DED881A247E475489A235B7881B0E0

>> No.14513930

I'm not seething. I'm not even mad at all. I don't mind if people share my book, I've actually already said this in a few places. The problem is that I'm struggling to think of why someone would go through the effort to have a bot scrape this sort of thing, publish it, and *not* pack the pdf/epub/whatever full of malware. Where's the profit?


>> No.14513937

>major sff author comes to /sffg/
>immediately someone posts their entire bibliography for downloading
Is how it would would probably go

>> No.14513941 [DELETED] 


>> No.14513944

>Where's the profit?
Usually from the download links that give money for people seeing the ads on the download pages.

Aside from that, tons and tons of people do it entirely for free for a variety of reasons.

>> No.14513945

I don't really get the point of acting like that, though. Is it just to get attention? To try to make someone mad? Seems pretty sad desu.

>> No.14513956 [DELETED] 

>I don't really get the point of acting like that
It's free shit.

>> No.14513958

Do it for the lulz

>> No.14513960

I don't know what you are expecting.
Did you come to the 4chan for the first time ever for no reason other than to promote your book?

>> No.14513964

>I don't know what you are expecting.
Typically blue boards don't have too many people who act like this is 2000-era /b/.

>Did you come to the 4chan for the first time ever for no reason other than to promote your book?
No, I've been around for a long time, just not on /lit/.

>> No.14513972 [DELETED] 

>Typically blue boards don't have too many people who act like this is 2000-era /b/.
go back to r3ddit

>> No.14513974

Some simply do it so they increase their upload count so they can be high-up or top of the uploader ranks. You're on 4ch, you should be used to autism.

>> No.14513976

He has his reddit account linked on his personal website so that is certainly a valid option.

>> No.14513977


>> No.14514019
File: 301 KB, 1104x780, sims piracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue boards are rarely different in textual content and piracy has always been a thing. Lurk moar before posting.

>> No.14514021
File: 3.57 MB, 4000x7700, 1464250581358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The black jewels trilogy

>> No.14514036

The sticky itself endorses piracy

>> No.14514047

Some onion got himself hammered.

>> No.14514068

Currently reading the soldier of the mist. who would rape Io.. not like this boys.

>> No.14514118
File: 11 KB, 263x191, shregg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pirating from EA games
>pirating from some small time guy
Oh ok same exact thing.
>Lurk moar before posting.
I've been around since roughly 2006 and I've literally never really seen anyone reveling in pirating from some no-name indie creator type person. Tbh It's really no big deal - I was going to make the thing available for free download from my site at some point anyway - I just don't want retards to be able to throw malware into pdfs with my name on it, or distribute old review versions with typos. Now that I know how this works I guess I'll just have to move those plans up.

>> No.14514120

Pirating from some small-time guy is one thing, pirating from a redditor who shows up in /sffg/ is another thing, pirating from a redditor running his mouth about DMCAs is a duty

>> No.14514133

>running his mouth about DMCAs is a duty
Show me on the doll where the DMCA touched you. I will soothe your butthurt.

>> No.14514142

Are you ban evading?

>> No.14514155

Give Batoto back you scumsucking cop, that worthless unconstitutional law ruined the entire internet but I don't have the patience and you don't have the IQ for me to explain this to you. Also you have a problem with consistent register in prose, the narration shifts from formal to informal without a clutch and it's jarring, I'd recommend Zelazny for examples of how to mix them and make it work (Last Defender of Camelot is good). If you're already springing for a cover you can probably save up to pay an editor too.

>> No.14514159

Mangadex is better.

>> No.14514165

Mangatraders was best.

>> No.14514166

some rando uploaded an official scan and the whole site got DMCA'd.

>> No.14514167

why did bakker get dropped by his publisher?

>> No.14514169

>unironically sending DMCAs
Incredible. Kill yourself.

>> No.14514173

Actually, they were kind of a pain and had non-existent security. Madokami was far better when it was still actively getting uploads. Now with all the changes it's mostly a trickle.

>> No.14514183

Also, since we're being silly about this, I'll throw in #lurk as well.

>> No.14514184

I should have bothered Madokami for FTP access when I had the chance, I had the chance to do some good. Oh well.

>> No.14514191
File: 175 KB, 548x618, euphoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone a cop as an insult
>reeeeing about unconstitutional laws
>insult that actually directly references IQ
hahaha holy shit man I'm not the person you're sperging at but holy shit

>> No.14514201

Am I going to get memed on for talking about the First Law trilogy?

>> No.14514217

That's going to happen regardless.

>> No.14514218
File: 467 KB, 800x450, 1526499905784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14514242

You got memed on when you decided to read the First Law trilogy.

>> No.14514243

Too many erect phalluses made the feminist remember their cock lust, and made them uncomfortable. It was making them lose to cock, again.

>> No.14514245

>liking Zelazny
>referencing IQ
>unconstitutional law
What a fucking niggerjew.
And I actually even support piracy in all of its forms and hate DMCA's.

>> No.14514256

Probably one of those Vance lovers.

>> No.14514259

You know, I read sf to get away from the world, and I happened to pick up some Peter Watts, which is basically stephen king tier loaded with gratuitous child rape and graphic sadistic torture. I'm liking his Crysis novel so far but as for the rest of it, if I wanted to wallow in human cruelty I'd read the fucking news. Shame on you Peter.

>> No.14514281
File: 49 KB, 640x481, This is very good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up some Peter Watts, which is basically stephen king tier loaded with gratuitous child rape and graphic sadistic torture.
Tell me more fren. What books specifically...

>> No.14514296

Sop shitting up the thread

>> No.14514298

show me on the doll where stephen king touched you

>> No.14514307
File: 47 KB, 480x360, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i take the WoT pill /sffg/? is it fun?

>> No.14514313


>> No.14514319


>> No.14514336


>> No.14514339

Take the pill so you can join the big boys club.

>> No.14514340

really? not even as baby's first fantasy books?

>> No.14514349

probably better choices for that like asoiaf

>> No.14514383

read a lot of books in my teens but i lost the habit, started reading The Witcher because i was so frustrated with the show being so shit and now i am searching books with the same campiness of the first 2 Witcher books, what books do you suggest?

>> No.14514392

camp in what sense

>> No.14514406

witcher going in adventures with his bard friend to hunt monsters, making friends with said monster in some cases.

>> No.14514411

The Dying Earth has the same comfy adventure quality.
>inb4 the same autist tart screeching
It has been one of the favorite books of the general and it is one faggot who spergs out over it.

>> No.14514412

Are there any other western xianxia books than Cradle?

>> No.14514479


>> No.14514664

>off topic ea, sims, manga websites and digital millennium copyright act aren't shitting up the thread
>talk about someone who spams a book and author as much as they can
>Sop shitting up the thread

>> No.14514688

No it wasn't faggot. People just kept their mouth shut because they had better things to do (like reading), but because you fags have been screeching Vance in an echo so long, you feel the entire general agrees with you. I'm talking now because you talk as if you speak for the entire general when you suggest Vance. Silence does not mean agreement. There were other anons recently that said dying earth was shit.

>> No.14514700

Yes. The archives has one, but it's royal road I think.

>> No.14514731

Why is western styled art so terrible?

>> No.14514758

>they had better things to do
yeah, that's exactly what happens every time Sanderfag is mentioned

>> No.14514775

Are all self published authors 4Chan users?
Almost all the books I read recently had some sort of food porn/cooking in it. I remember there was that flavour anon here for years going on about the right combination. Just weird how all of a sudden almost everything has cooking in it.

>> No.14514784

We ignore the Sanderson anon. Unlike the vance posters, he mentions it in each and every single thread for at least 3 years. You can't reason with that level of autistic dedication. I think people tried to report him for spam a few years ago, people just don't give a shit now.

>> No.14514821

What are some great scary SciFi books?

>> No.14514825

is there a site like goodreads that is not plagued with w*m*n? it gets very annoying to read reviews and scroll through 1000 YAAAAAAAS or MUHSOGINY!!!!!1!111!!! comments

>> No.14514830

You never seen an anime? There's always some scene about cooking and close ups on their bento boxes. Kids love food. Even the Harry Potter books had detailed descriptions about sweets and the food banquets. It's common in media for children. Most of the self published authors aim for that market or have the mental age of children so ....

>> No.14514897

>or have the mental age of children so ....
So what books should we be reading, Mr Adult-kun?

>> No.14514921

Food porn is sometimes obligatory in the fantasy genre.

>> No.14515016

but thats the good thing about goodreads. ignore the yas quean slay books and read the my soggy knee books.
its pretty straightforward.

>> No.14515215

First begin with the Greeks

>> No.14515272

go back to /pol/
this isn't a philosophy board

>> No.14515374

Always read what they don't like, anon. W*men gave The Night Land bad reviews, I read it and loved it.

>> No.14515401
File: 112 KB, 475x401, 1527414504107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just read the night land reviews on good reads because of this post
jesus christ anon, that was supremely painful. why did you do this to me

>> No.14515420


>Old Man and the Sea 5 stars
Dare I say it.
Is Mommy based?

>> No.14515460

Was their problem that Naani got spanked and didn't get off on it?

>> No.14515490
File: 104 KB, 1134x756, 1514766683617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to share my pain.
Who the fuck even knows, man. Naani is a pretty "progressive" female character, for one written in 1908 or whatever. You'd think historical perspective might be something these people are aware of, but no. If it doesn't conform with early 21st century standards, which have been and always will be the correct standards by which everyone and everything will be judged for all time, it's bad, wrong, problematic, etc.

>> No.14515526

Wait the wonderland books were pedo books? All those other books have child sex? They were allowed to be published? Edgar Allan Poe was also a pedo?

>> No.14515533

isnt that pic from a glen cook book cover?

>> No.14515601
File: 437 KB, 720x879, 20200111_175856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got pic related from a charity shop

Anyone read it? Any good?

>> No.14515627

I used audiobooks, they have good voice actors

>> No.14515633

Is Malazan worth reading? I recently read The Name of the Wind and it was fucking awful, I need a palate cleanser

>> No.14515665

What do you want?
Muh big world and lots of magic and physically strong characters?

Want good prose, strong themes or anything slightly literary?
Don't bother.

>> No.14515675

terry goodkind is great, A+ worldbuilding and A+++++ hard magic system

>> No.14515778
File: 36 KB, 325x499, blood song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ary there anymmore books that focus only on one character that learns more and more about his powers. For example Blood Song and Name of the Wind.

>> No.14515795

Steven Erikson originally wanted to make a movie out of the story and his books read exactly like that, which means you never know who is who and you neber know what the characters are thinking, you just observe them. I read the first book and it was broing as fuck. I gave up in the middle of the second book.

>> No.14515819

broken empire trilogy

prince of fools trilogy

>> No.14515828


>> No.14515848

Are there any fantasy/scifi books that feature /ss/ prominently/semi-prominently? Or just a younger guy with an older woman in general?

>> No.14515865
File: 17 KB, 349x320, 1466665006178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our hero isn't just psychic--he's the most psychic, with knowledge and theories that no one else can ever hope to comprehend. The message isn't just from some other survivor, it's from the reborn soul of his dead girlfriend. Though it's supposed to literally be a love for the ages, the romance is as naive and idealized as a Taylor Swift song, full of grand words and gestures but completely lacking in any emotional depth or personal connection.

>It's the sort of romance that occurs automatically, without any participation from those involved--there is no connection, and their personalities (especially hers) are entirely superfluous to the relationship. The romance is really for him, to motivate him, to draw him out--it's your standard 'love interest as plot device'. The entire relationship is presented in terms of control and possession, until the 'hero' ends up creepier than all the faceless monsters.

>Here's a man who sees himself as far above others, in both body and mind, who constantly talks about his own amazing abilities (Hodgson was, himself, an early proponent of bodybuilding). Meanwhile, he is beset on all sides by a dark, incomprehensible world of faceless figures bent on destroying him. It is such a complete image of self-obsession, persecution complex, and profound entitlement. Hodgson's success in House on the Borderlands seems entirely to hinge on the fact that the protagonist was supposed to be a creepy, reclusive weirdo--'write what you know', I guess.

written by a man btw

>> No.14515905

>reading authors with the Terry somewhere in their name
There was one rule which someone gave me that I follow to this day, all Terrys are trash authors.

>> No.14515909

codex alera

>> No.14515926
File: 1.22 MB, 2500x1976, 1576858290383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alissa Nutting

>> No.14515959


>> No.14516053

are there any books that feature a protagonist between the ages of 24 and 27 (not any younger or older, I can't identify with someone too outside of my age range), good, thoughtful worldbuilding, a hard magic system with detailed rules (if the rules aren't put forward beforehand everything becomes a deus ex machina), multiple female love interests that are good characters in that they want to have sex with the MC but not "good" characters in that they have motivations outside of that, also preferably with some good political intrigue like GoT (my favorite series)

also, they need to be well written; not a kid's book like the hobbit but not pretentious like that new sun drivel you guys always recommend

>> No.14516065

The Cat in the Hat

>> No.14516124


>> No.14516131

>Wanting your magic to have hard rules that create rigid creative environments

>> No.14516133


>> No.14516144
File: 116 KB, 530x742, 1409785231405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>written by a man btw

>> No.14516173

>not creating the illusion of hard magic while working with soft magic

>> No.14516211
File: 91 KB, 588x573, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was one rule which someone gave me that I follow to this day, all Terrys are trash authors.
This is the most retarded thing I've seen on here, and that says a lot


>> No.14516313
File: 62 KB, 356x630, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Just read pic related and i'm now reading the same author's Daemon. I like the hard scifi approach of the author. Everything he writes could actually be happening (or maybe they have happened).

>> No.14516324

At least you're honest about your extreme and limitless shortcomings.

>> No.14516332

>reviewer compares him to Dan Brown
Ha ha ha ha wew

>> No.14516357

Amazon self published harem shit fits everything you want to a t.
Don't ask which because I don't read for the harem shit, I read for the stories. You will have to find your own.

>> No.14516360

I have read both and i don't think that they have the same audience. Dan brown can be read and possibly enjoyed by anyone (good or bad your call). Suarez is for hard core scifi fans.

>> No.14516364

Thoughts on Alistair Reynolds?

>> No.14516402

>wanting authors to use asspulls that insult and mock your intelligence
>wanting authors to do shit that goes against all the books they wrote before because they are lazy
>accepting asspulls from authors
Sanderson might write plainly, but there is a reason why he got so popular. People are fed up of the deus ex machina authors used to pull before. Years ago when Sanderson was giving his "rules of magic" on a panel, one of the authors said it was rubbish, they said if you gave fixed rules you can't asspull when you write yourself into a corner, Sanderson said the rules made the author work harder and keep a coherent story. Want to know what happen to that asspull author? Their books are not shilled anymore (that I see).

>> No.14516412
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>> No.14516425

I like a lot of his works.

>> No.14516428

Any nautical fantasy novels?

>> No.14516429

How much do you like BDSM?
The first three or so books in the series are legitimately good, after that it becomes either shit or fucking solid gold depending on your point of view.
I remember the tv show being pretty good too, no idea how it ended though.

>> No.14516432

You sound like a Terry. How does it feel to know that anything you write is automatically trash?
Are you spreading the cheeks so I can apply the butthurt cream?

>> No.14516443

>How much do you like BDSM?
A lot

>> No.14516447
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>> No.14516455

Then prepare yourself for the greatest fantasy series ever written by man.

>> No.14516456


>> No.14516461

The solution is to have more than one POV and no main protagonist

>> No.14516479

he's very comfortable dealing with deep time and space.
the complaints about Revelation Space are valid, lots of stuff happens offscreen, character development, death, major plot points. I still loved it.
his short stories mostly feel like alternate versions of RS, especially the merlin arc in Zima Blue.

>> No.14516502

I guess that's what it is, isn't it? Don't know why I didn't think of that. Anything else you know of?

>> No.14516531

Any fantasy books with a guy fucking a shortstack female?
I always had a fetish of thicc short girls getting stuffed by cock.
Any recommendations would be appreciated. Thnx frens.

>> No.14516534

The Scar by China Miéville

>> No.14516571
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>> No.14516581

You want anything where the author spends time on a boat?
I read a few years ago, would have to search deep for them.
There is the red seas book by scott lynch

>> No.14516611

There is Remnant by William D Arand, but that is a harem shit. Most fantasy books write the tall big breast elf maiden who turns into a degenerate at the first plunge of a cock.
You might want a book with dwarves. They are short, but if the author is an autist, he will give the females beards.

>> No.14516617

Is this book a good read? Blood Song as a name seems kinda gay but most books with gay names or covers end up being decent.

>> No.14516656

>You want anything where the author spends time on a boat?
Yeah, basically.
>There is the red seas book by scott lynch
Are either of the Locke Lamora sequels worth reading?

>> No.14516673

Adventurers go to brothels and have sex and then write reviews about good the sex was and get paid for it. Manga and anime available.

>> No.14516703

Yea. Blood song is great. It's the only book by the author, but it's a gripping and well told story. It's a shame he never published anything else.

>> No.14516725

Depends on how desperate you are for content. When I first read locke lamora I was shock. The crass constant cussing threw me for a loop. Never before was a book so lose with profanity. I know a lot of people who dropped it when it came out because of the profanity.

>> No.14516737

Thanks frens. Anything else?

>> No.14516752

Thanks for posting this. I found it very humorous.

>> No.14516776

There's also Liveship Traders and the Temeraire series.

>> No.14516793

This was 10+ years ago.
"Adult fantasy" wasn't a thing then. They had cussing, but the way lynch cussed, it made me feel shame for reading it. I could imagine my Christian mom seeing me read this. Now I'm a full degenerate, and read what I want. Bestiality with catgirls, fucking demon succubus, I read it all and don't blink an eye. I guess you can say that Scott Lynch made me a degenerate. It all started from that one crass book. I never felt shame in what I read afterwards.

>> No.14516916

any books like the Matrix? it was such a good movie but it didn't make an impact on literature. i've only read one short story in the universe, something by Neil Gaiman. no PKD doesn't count, i want superman flybys.

>> No.14516960

Litrpgs are the closest you would get.
Or books about living in the singularity.
Accelerando maybe?

>> No.14517002

yeah I enjoyed Accelerando. I suppose it does have to be post-singularity. I haven't read litrpg, what's matrix-y in that genre, and does it also have action in both the real and virtual worlds?

>> No.14517062

How very self-centered of you. What you know and didn't know is how the world was.

>> No.14517080

Awaken Online
Challenge online???
Both of those have shit happening in the real world and the servers. And the servers influence the real world to some extent.

>> No.14517089

What? You sure it's the right post you're responding to?

>> No.14517139

>adult fantasy basically didn't exist 10 years ago
No, it's just that you weren't reading it or know about it.

>> No.14517156

I tried to read it and it's just awful, I'm sorry

>> No.14517171

Blood Song is great, don't read the rest of the trilogy

>> No.14517180

I don't believe you :)

>> No.14517210

>last book in the trilogy flopped
>tons of shit reviews
Can I just read the first book and let it be standalone?

>> No.14517231
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Daily reminder that Philip Pullman is a cuck and if you like his books you are a cuck too

>> No.14517235

who and why is he a cuck

>> No.14517319

>The river Sphynx was named for the riddle-posing god that lived in the mountains at its base.
Opening line. I would drop it from reading just that.

>Flowing through the gaps in the columns, the water spilled away into whatever unseen mysteries lay beneath the airborne continent of Genesis
Shouldn't it run out of water then? Ah, right, MAGIC, that explains everything. Also, what a bad name. Same for "Affiliation". Is it because you're French?
Why and how did they get there and why not leave?

>Chateau Cascade
How about no.

>Shee had been the queen for as long as anyone could remember but retained the body of a fragile, waif-thin youth. Her peculiar violet hair cascaded down her back like the waters of her castle’s namesake.
The IMMORTAL LOLI rears its KAWAII head.

>did she periodically bathe in the blood of a hundred virgins as part of some obscene goëtic ritual to secure her perpetual youth for each coming century?

>The Cascadians

>whispered prayers to the God of Virtue

>"Kehehe… you killed them, Karzt. Karzt Coffington. COFFIN! You put them in COFFINS, just like your name! Kehehehehehe!”
What characterization.

>Don't get mad! I did you a favor! Now you know what it's really like to murder. You're a real killer now.”

>Intercontinental Conflict
Shouldn't that be Intra? There doesn't seem to be more a single continent.

>Imperium of Virtue

>My name is Hangman Taker, and I'm to lead you boys on this mission
What a name.

>unleashing Aksazyx

>Peril mountains.
Does it have Dangerous Peaks as well?

>GOD DAMN IT! NOW!” Karzt screamed.
>“Ooooookay,” Quentin said
Good thing you used ALL CAPS to let us know and what a quirky response, ha ha.

>Aftermath: Atrocity Denied
>my brain could be embedded in a cactus.
>Noh! I ehm HOHEEM, ahnd you vhill not be touch-eeng my weap-hon againh or you be loos-eeng head from shoulders.”
> “Happy wife, happy life.”
>the kobold stammered nonsensically. “What... I.... you.... fuck yoooou!”
>Acelia fixed him with an intense stare and several beams of rainbow-light shot out of her throne, directly into Jak's body. His entire body was paralyzed as he was lifted into the air in a crucifixion pose.
>Be Great! Don't Miscegenate!”

>> No.14517345


>> No.14517372

Probably because he wrote the atheists' version of Narnia.

>> No.14517386

wouldnt the whole trilogy be poorly reviewed then and not just the last book?

>> No.14517463

Not sure if you're joking but the reason is that he's 5 books deep. Nobody wants to learn about some new clown fucker once a story is that far in, assuming said clown is meant to replace characters that have been in the story prominently since the first few pages of book 1.

>> No.14517475

The first book was written as a movie script then edited into a book, the rest of the serie is really well written.

You're not handed direct explanation for things that happens, as you progress through books you'll get to understand even more what happened previously.

book 3 is one of the best book i've read.

>> No.14517481

Just watch some porn, dude. You seem to want to get off, but read something interesting.

>> No.14517501

What I was saying is that wanton profanity wasn't in any of the "Adult fantasy" I read.

>> No.14517515

What are you talking about trilogy? There was only one book by that author, blood song.

>> No.14517540

*not read

>> No.14517555

I want both. If you could recommend porn of shortstacks I would appreciate it. I already got all that sadpanda has to offer.

>> No.14517606

Picked up a copy of this. Really good, but leaves a lot of loose ends. Please actually write a sequel instead of just fucking off forever.

>> No.14517626

also has other books

>> No.14517663

English and Japanese? That isn't a tag for that so you must have to look at a lot. How do you know you found it all? What's your opinion on the differences between shortstack, oppai loli, and a short bbw?

>> No.14517674

Fuck E William Brown and his paywall.

>> No.14517689

Listen here faggot. The only book Anthony Ryan wrote was blood song. There is no trilogy, nor any other books.

>> No.14517703

Once they look developed and they have the stomach deformation tag I don't care.

>> No.14517716


>> No.14517751

Yes anon. You can.

>> No.14517758

>Really good, but leaves a lot of loose ends.
Thanks - and yes, it does. This is intentional, things will get tied together in the future.
>write a sequel instead of just fucking off forever.
First chapter of book two is already done. It's coming along, I promise.

>> No.14517766

So that's for all categories then. Western, CG, Image set, and etc?
Seems like there'd be a lot without stomach deformation.
I'm not going to link anything here though.

>> No.14517773

If something isn't "degenerate" it isn't worthwhile.

>> No.14517779

I enjoyed all her stuff and would recommend it. The tawny man books and the final trilogy can be hard because of the horrendous stuff Fitz goes through but it’s well written and ends well. Also don’t forget the Liveship traders books.

>> No.14517822
File: 11 KB, 220x293, 220px-The_Lifecycle_of_Software_Objects_-_bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Group Reading
> The Lifecycle of Software Objects - Ted Chiang (novella, ~150 pgs, ~30.9k words)
> https://mega.nz/#F!O1cFiKaS!hPf1KFnauX7PSaM5PJE3QA

The monthly-reading recommendation is not in the mega.nz

What do?

>> No.14517872

Lifecycle is part of Exhalation in the 'Previous' folder. also it's not monthly anymore, we finished discussing that already on discord. current reads are the 3 titles in top level of mega

>> No.14517876

The Scar

Omg what a great fucking book. It’s technically the second book in a trilogy but it reads well as a stand alone.

>> No.14517933


>> No.14517948

is this a meme I dont understand or are you a fucking dumb nigger faggot?

>> No.14517949

Thanks anon.

I don't get many opportunities to check /sffg very often, so I'm missing out on the current reads and discussions.

Are the current reads novels or short stories?

>> No.14517976

Short stories

>> No.14517982

Thank you for the compliment.

>> No.14518092

>Fuck E William Brown and his paywall.
whats he up to nowadays? i heard people been less than enthused since thrall had gander swapping in it.
is he going all in on his space loli stuff?

>> No.14518105

>gander swapping
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

>> No.14518136

blame android auto correct in clover.

>> No.14518176
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well, I think this might be the last sword of truth book I read, goodkind has gone too far this time
richard should not spend 90% of his time preaching about the evils of collectivism

>> No.14518201

No book should be 90% preaching in general.

>> No.14518224

well the other characters do very little preaching, if any at all, so it's not really 90% of the book, though it does feel that way at times

>> No.14518238

There's a little bit in Heretic's of Dune

>> No.14518264
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>Hodgson was, himself, an early proponent of bodybuilding
He only went into writing horror/fantasy because he couldn't make enough money running a gym. He got a medal for saving people's lives at sea but when he volunteered for WWI he refused to join the navy and died doing something ridiculously brave on the Western Front.

>> No.14518266

The Sultan of the Clouds

>> No.14518271


>> No.14518273

>People are fed up of the deus ex machina authors used to pull before
Like what?

>> No.14518286

That's assuming if I'm remembering correctly where the culture is that the older women take young boys for lovers. I could be misremembering.

>> No.14518299

Read older books and see. Some endings to older books really rustles your jimmies and got you questioning if they think you will accept this.

>> No.14518316


>> No.14518324

I have and I don't know what you're talking about. What are some examples?

>> No.14518359

one recent book/series is Lightbringer, people hate that in the 5th book a literal god shows up and helps the heroes.

>> No.14518413

I wasn't talking literal deus ex machina, but okay.

>> No.14518476
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I want some "deep", /lit/ but not edgy sffg, comfy adventures if possible

>> No.14518490

Probably should look into comedy fantasy/sci-fi then.

>> No.14518494

Station Eleven. character focused pre/post apocalypse

>> No.14518506

Book of the New Sun

>> No.14518517
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The Night Land

>> No.14518536

You know of some good ones?
Seems pretty comfy, tks anon
Seems good

>> No.14518548

>living through an apocalypse and post-apocalypse is comfy
>the earth dying and much else is comfy
Clearly I don't understand.

>> No.14518557


>> No.14518566

Idk anon, I have only read the sypnosis, but a troupe of performers traveling across the hellish land in search for art sounds pretty comfy to me. The opposite would be about a wage slave in a burgerpunk setting

>> No.14518571

stardew valley fanfiction is not the only way to get comfy

>> No.14518576
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pls respond

>> No.14518595

Unfair enough. I consider slice-of-life and comedy stuff to be mostly the only "comfy" sort. Which is almost always minimal conflict and usually is entirely peaceful. Playing Stardew was very comfy. I don't have any interest in it other than that though.

>> No.14518603

Wouldn't that just be horror? What do you mean by "scary"?

>> No.14518650


>> No.14518682


>> No.14518691

what is the BEST Brandon Sanderson book

>> No.14518698

A Memory of Light

>> No.14518705

That seems interesting as fuck. Should I read the original or the re-written one by James Stoddard?

>> No.14518720

The original

>> No.14518722

BotNS is comfy most of the time.

>> No.14518744

nani the fuck?!

>> No.14518812

Yeah, that entire statement is a mess in general.
What does
>/lit/ but not edgy sffg
even mean?

>> No.14518818

Read the original but also read James Stoddard's High House books

>> No.14518864

We had some good drama in this thread. At least it was a bit more lively as well.

>> No.14518878

Litrpg's are a cringy full on tell exposition hell.

>> No.14518908

Really? Those I've seen tend to be extremely heavy on dialogue. Hard sci-fi is what I'd call exposition hell.

>> No.14518958

Is that pawffee she is drinking?

>> No.14518977

Aaayyy lmao

>> No.14518995

Roadside picnic
Metro 2033
Hull zero three
Clive Barker

>> No.14519015

Then recommend something and help the anon, instead of replying to the person helping him.

>> No.14519052

Perfect State by Brandon Sanderson

>> No.14519097
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Any comfy cybperpunk reccs?

>> No.14519139

So Dune and BotNS were scifi but they took place in mostly less technological locations. Like, there's laserguns and spaceships but people wielded swords, knives, and rode on beasts.
What other scifi books are there like this? I realize I don't like leaning all the way towards fantasy or scifi and prefer a cool mixture.

>> No.14519141

horror yes.

>> No.14519156

It's called Science Fantasy.

>> No.14519159

Some parts of Heavy Metal

>> No.14519192

Planetary romance has some of that stuff too

>> No.14519351

May or may not be what you want, but here are some suggestions, all of them are short fiction:

Learning To Be Me - Greg Egan
The Brick in Room 207 - Jesse Betteridge
The Fluted Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi
The Body Pirate - Van Aaron Hughes
Suicide Watch - Susan Emshwiller
A Season of Broken Dolls - Kiernan, Caitlin R.

I remembered some fantasy ones, but that isn't wasn't what you asked for and some I couldn't quite remember in general, which is too bad.

>> No.14519445


>> No.14519446
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Can I get a recommendation on books heavily featuring witches, preferably as the main antagonists?
Not the modern neo-pagan/goth girl practicing spells out of some ancient book shit, I'm talking the old school ground infants into anti-wrinkle cream witches.

>> No.14519454

The emperor's soul

>> No.14519478

Monday starts on Saturday.
I guess witches were right. Using infants means we get their stem cells, that means we can have anti wrinkle cream.

>> No.14519525

Thank you both

>> No.14519539

>bunch of scifi with horror in it
>no good fantasy with horror

why live

>> No.14519585

The Barrow

>> No.14519610

>fag sex
no thanks

>> No.14519618

Sure there is, plenty of it.
It all depends on your taste though.

>> No.14519680

like any regular fantasy book but with horror. instead of some dragon or other standard trope, why not aliens or some parasite/life-form or biological threat in a standard fantasy setting. Or your standard fare horror like serial killer thriller but again fantasy setting.

>> No.14519704

You could try reading the The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror anthology series.

>> No.14519725

new thread in 30 mins

>> No.14519862

New Thread
New Thread