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14512977 No.14512977 [Reply] [Original]

How did he do it? How did one man make the comfiest stories ever? With so much lore and backstories, songs and languages.
There is nothing better than reading Tolkien's works in a calm evening at your countryside home.

>> No.14513981
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He stole from the Finns though.

People always think he had some genius imagination, while in reality Silmarillion, for example, is just basically a retelling of Kalevala with dwarves and virgin elves.

There has been even acadeic studies written on how much Tolkien stole from the Finns. Sad little man.

That's why he never wanted Silmarillion to be published himself (his son published it after his death) because he mentions that he felt ashamed how much he had stolen from the Finnish nation and their national epic.

Continue to enjoy tolkien and his comfy stories, but do not forget from where they originate (Finland)

>> No.14513986
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He did not even invent the languages, the Elvish languages, for example, are just basically finnish words with some letter changed

Old Fakey could not even invent original languages

Pic example is proof of Quenya basically just being Fininsh dialect

>> No.14513996
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The decorative gate of Moria aesthetics of Tolkien also were stolen from the Finnish traditional craftsmen decorations

The amount of stolen material from the Finnish nation is too huge to be counted here, basically almost nothing in Lotr & Silmarillion is original, all stolen from Finns


>> No.14513998
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>> No.14514016

Academic study:

In Tolkien's letters, he frequently acknowledges the Kalevala's influence, stating that Kalevala was 'the original germ of The Silmarillion.' and 'I feel ashamed how much I owe to the Kalevala[regarding his stories]'

>> No.14514025


kys yourself schizo

>> No.14514038
File: 604 KB, 2201x2213, 100_2466.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you deny the academic opinion of from where Tolkien's myths originate?

Researching J.R.R. Tolkien:
How Kalevala influenced his legendarium

J.R.R. Tolkien’s Land of Heroes–
Fëanor, a tragic hero of Middle-Earth in
comparison to Seppo Ilmarinen from the Kalevala
Bachelor’s thesis
Lilja Salmi

The list goes on and on.

Pic related is the first book Tolkien ever wrote: it is the story of Kullervo, character from Finnish national epic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullervo

Stay stupid, stay ignorant and most importanly: stay butthurt

>> No.14514053

He stole from the Finns.

>> No.14514062


take your meds man

>> No.14514065 [DELETED] 

I don't get it. Why should we car about Finns when he made it much better? IRL you steal something and make it better history doesnt care about the worst one

>> No.14514087

Then stop asking "how did he do it?" like OP

Tolkien was a plagiarist

>> No.14514091

Forget the world building and all that, let's give credit to Tolkien for being an apex story-teller. His prose reads buttery smooth and especially towards the middle of the third book in the Path of the Dead through the siege on Minas Tirith and then the march on Morannon, the language becomes especially heavy and even religious in its tone and style. It's such a marked contrast from the beginning of the book, yet according to the scenario, not at all misplaced or out of its element.

>> No.14514105

He stole from the Finnish nation and never gave the Finns any credit. Sad and unoriginal

LOTR caters to Children while Kalevala is for adults

>> No.14514135

>Made it much better.
What? He replaced beautiful epic poetry with tired prose and the legendary Finnish mythos with tired Central European fairytale tropes.

>> No.14514172

Fuck Tolkien

>> No.14514199

isn't most of just based on finish folklore?

>> No.14514230

Where is the stealing

>> No.14514591

Shut up faggot

>> No.14514913

>Where is the stealing

You cannot be serious.

It is not like you can copy-paste the whole bible and change one word and "Look mommy! I wrote Bible 2.0!"

It does not work that way you fucking retard

if over 99,9% of the content is stolen from another book it is not your work, it is at best a TRIBUTE

>> No.14515566

good bait

>> No.14515666

>99% stolen
>Finns disn't have orcs goblins Sauron, mount doom, sauruman, Maya etc
faggot that's like saying Howard copied le Morte de Arthur when writing the hour of the dragon simply because Conan realizes he as king is tied to his people
Stop being so gay

>> No.14515760
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The guy has no idea what he's talking about, and neither do others like him. For example, in both the Kalevala and in the Silmarillion there is the existence of singing contests between enemies. Instead of this being seen as an example of the Finnish influences of lotr, they consider it outright stealing.

If Howard took the Morte de Arthur as inspiration for a book and had a couple characters joust with each other, I suppose that would be stealing, too. Ridiculous.

>> No.14515770

why are anons getting triggered by based finnfag? could it be that he is right, after all?

>> No.14515861

have sex

>> No.14515872

I would but you didn't dilate

>> No.14515907

just put it in her (male) ass

>> No.14515933
File: 357 KB, 540x780, 1576006777884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen, pal. As a devout Christian, I believe such things are an affront to God. I would rather fuck an axe wound than betray Christ.