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1451057 No.1451057 [Reply] [Original]

Mr. Gutierrez said his friend had become obsessed with the meaning of dreams and their importance. He talked about reading Friedrich Nietzsche’s book “The Will To Power” and embraced ideas about the corrosive, destructive effects of nihilism — a belief in nothing. And every day, his friend said, Mr. Loughner would get up and write in his dream journal, recording the world he experienced in sleep and its possible meanings.

>> No.1451062

He was just crazy. There's no point in reading to deeply into it from a philosophical perspective.

>> No.1451065

lit are you gonna tease me if i say obama's speech made me tear up

i mean i feel bad for what that juggalo looking motherfucker did to that little kid

>> No.1451071
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It's a shame that a man this ill can said to have any sort of political stance.

The only political tragedy in the whole affair is that -despite his severe mental illness- he will be executed.

Fucking Americans, man.

>> No.1451077

The big lesson to take from this is that young white men with faked-up Facebook favorite books sections are scary as fuck and fat gay Mexicans are God's people, but I coulda told you that years ago

>> No.1451079

how about instead we ship him over to your country and let you deal with his crazy ass

>> No.1451084

>Mr. Gutierrez
>the trailer park guy who shot cans with him

>> No.1451088

Who are we talking about here? Could someone please fill me in?

>> No.1451089

Jared Lee Loughner, the guy who shot a bunch of people in Tucson. This is one of his friends talking about him.

>> No.1451091
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Why? Because America can't care for the mentally ill?

America is one of those rare countries which claim to be a democracy yet they let their absurd emotions and intuitions rule their votes, which leads to thing likes gun being able to be purchased instantly by anyone and people being executed for their mental illness.

>> No.1451094

It doesn't matter what happens to Loughner.

>> No.1451096

My God what if the terrorists discover this...

>> No.1451099

He'll be executed for attacking a senator and judge.
He'll be EUTHANIZED for his mental illness.

Learn the difference, it could save your life.

>> No.1451100


>> No.1451101

do people really care about what happens to this fuck now?

as in people don't want him to be executed?

what the shit?

>> No.1451104
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I am not religious, nor am I a very empathic or emotional person, but I believe in the value of human life.

Even if Jared Loughner wasn't mentally ill and was simply a psychopath, no good can come from his execution other than the repulsive refreshment of the bloody thirst of the deluded, hyper-emotional culture of the USA.

Keep him in a safe asylum, study his psychopathy, treat him with the respect all human beings deserve to be shown. Look what they did with Joseph Fritzel.

The fact that Jared Loughner has such a profound degree of diminished responsibility only expounds the matter.

>> No.1451111

i for one am not willing to pay for that fuck's food and board, but I guess you are right in some way. We could study him, but not in a humane way that you speak of.

the guy killed relatively innocent people, he deserves no mercy, no respect. whether he is mentally stable or capable or not is irrelevant. he is a crazy fuck and he killed people. there can be no good out of him living comfortably in an asylum somewhere. treat that fuck like an animal.

>> No.1451113

Not /lit/, reported.

>> No.1451118
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>treat that fuck like an animal

And what good would come of that?

You realise he is still a human?

Not matter how many names you may invent for him (monster, animal, fuck), he is still a living human person.

The fact that you deny a person is human because he has done evil things exposes the emotional ignorance of your claim.

Human beings are perfectly capable of evil.

>> No.1451125

so what? you're saying that anyone despite what they have done deserve the exact same treatment and standard of life? murderers, rapists, serial killers? all deserve to live comfortably?

this is horseshit and obviously our opinions differ enough that we won't change each others' perspective, but I'm just saying that letting someone who murdered a bunch of people live, eat and keep breathing is wrong.

kill him, he has no purpose in our society. he is the parasite.

i am out

>> No.1451130


also, nietzsche is just as affirmative as he is nihilistic

>> No.1451134

Who do you think is not the parasite in society?

Also, the justice and penal systems are not about enacting revenge, they're about rehabilitation. That's why someone can plead insanity.

>> No.1451149

so why are you much better than a fascist, then?

>> No.1451151


He never said he was better than a fascist ;)

>> No.1451156

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

>> No.1451181

>destructive effects of nihilism — a belief in nothing
But... that's not the definition of nihilism for Nietzsche...

>> No.1451193

The way they phrase it, you'd think they were trying to brand him as a nihilist instead of the exact opposite.

>> No.1451205

cop outs:
1. he's crazy
2. he's stupid
3. he's immoral
4. he didnt understand what he read

>> No.1451217

And he's extremely stupid and UGLY

>> No.1451219


How is immoral a copout?

>> No.1451221


And Nietzsche saw it as destructive as well.

>> No.1451224


Anyone who isn't biased with a sanctimonious complex can see that this man is seriously ill.

>> No.1451234

If this guy were brown and had been to a mosque twice in his life I wonder how willing people would be to write him off as simply cuckoo nutso

>> No.1451235

I doubt he read a single on of the books he said were his favorites. The "philosophy" that the his ramblings on youtube even remotely resemble is that time cube shit.

>> No.1451236

As far as I know the supreme court came out against the execution of the mentally ill.

But there are also broader questions regarding the actual nature of mental illness as a defense against anything when all mental illness is is a set of generalizations regarding aberrant behavior

>> No.1451241


This is true, also it is very rare for schizophrenics to read, due to the thought disrupting nature of their illness. (Especially when reading complex philosophical literature.)

>> No.1451246
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>> No.1451249

god save us from internet aspies

news flash to creepy white dorks with shaved heads, you scare the shit out of people in condition #1 too

>> No.1451251


maybe he doesn't know what he's doing.

>> No.1451256


>> No.1451257

The lack of eyebrows really doesn't help.

>> No.1451295


>> No.1451432

This needs to be on the front page at all times.

>> No.1451439

I have become so out of touch since my TV broke. I had to go look that dude up when I saw this thread. I need to make an effort to read more news or at least watch the daily show online or something... though I'm not sure I'm as fond of it now as once I was.

>> No.1451444


That's awesome.

>> No.1451445

You think the public wouldn't call for his blood in any other country? The natural response of most people is 'he should die'. I agree with them. It's an instinctive response to remove dangerous individuals from society.

Incidentally I think Julian Assange should be executed.

>> No.1451460

>Incidentally I think Julian Assange should be executed.

By whom and for what exactly?

>> No.1451463

I think Assange should be executed, but only because I dislike him and his smugness and his stupid haircut, not because he committed any crime.

To answer the question you haven't asked yet, yes I think people should be able to be executed on arbitrary grounds so long as I am the only person who gets to decide those grounds.

>> No.1451466

Wait, doesn't that argument just boil down to "the picture can be retouched to make him look slightly less crazy" so therefore it was digitally altered in the first place? I mean without actually having the 'original' picture what are you going off of? besides the opinion of an 'independant photo technician' which I assume this being the internet and all is just a title that comes with having a copy of Adobe photoshop on you computer.

>> No.1451469

>That is scary and provocative.

Well said.

>> No.1451474


>> No.1451492

By anybody for endangering the public and national infrastructure, as well as the relations between nation states.

The public does not have a right to know everything.

>> No.1451498

your compassion for the killer rather than for the victims puts the lie to your claim that you revere life.

if you revered life, you would demand that this mass murderer be punished to the fullest extent of the law for his crimes, which would be the death penalty.

you're 6 bodies short of where you should have started caring for the sanctity of life

>> No.1451527

What people "have a right to know" is decided by those who possessed power. Assange had a great deal of power in his time holding those leaks, and he wasn't afraid to use it. I would say that the legality of his actions is just as subjective as the notion of what people "have the right to know" about anything political.

>> No.1451528


revering life = employing death penalty how exactly?

the punishment does nothing, all punishment dressed up as 'justice' is just revenge, and revenge is always as bad as the thing which it claims to be justified in avenging

>> No.1451538
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How would punishing an ill man restore the lives of those people? They are dead, do you understand the concept?

No matter how much materialistic gratification you would gain from the torture of this man, you could not call it justice.

Instead of pointlessly executing him, we should learn what we can from this man and the circumstances surrounding the killings in order prevent any more deaths in this unfortunate episode and in the future.

>> No.1451541

the guy's useless and dangerous to society as whole. why should we keep him alive again? it's not so much a desire for vengeance that leads me to say this, what's been done has been done, and killing him won't change much about what he did. Killing him however, would liberate funds that would be much better spent elsewhere.

>inb4 sanctity of human life
what sanctity and why?

>> No.1451542

Legality isn't really ever subjective, there is some interpretation, but the law is the law its all codified and written down.

Ethics, they can be subjective.

>> No.1451548


>mfw Salinger's eyes look like Pynchon's eyes

Anyone else smell a conspiracy?

>> No.1451554

It's pretty much considered canon that they're the same person.

>> No.1451563
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>Killing him however, would liberate funds that would be much better spent elsewhere.

This is even more disturbing than someone who is deluded in a haze of emotion.

What is the monetary value of human life? How much would you be willing to pay to save the life of another?

>> No.1451564

>Killing him however, would liberate funds that would be much better spent elsewhere.

I love the hint of libertarianism in this argument, largely because the next logical step in the argument is to state that killing every hedge-fund manager in America and seizing their assets would liberate even more funds that would be better spent elsewhere. After all, the average--AVERAGE--salary of a hedge fund manager is 1 billion dollars per annum.

And seriously, wouldn't we be ridding society of more dangerous and sociopathic personalities--who have a more deleterious tangible real-world effect on a much larger percentage of the population than Jared Loughner ever could---if we did that? Seriously.

>> No.1451569


This is something I do not agree with.

However, I do sympathise with the point that psychopaths will always keep humanity from achieving a truly utopic society, but killing them can never be the answer.

>> No.1451571

Your pathos is sickening. The monetary value of anything can be computed, given proper market data. Why is "human life" an exception?

Note that I agree with your position re: capital punishment, but you are an irrepressible idiot.

>> No.1451572

pynchon's dead!

>> No.1451583

>psychopaths will always keep humanity from achieving a truly utopic society

Psychopaths don't shoulder any more blame than anyone else does, seeing as utopias CAN'T EXIST.

>> No.1451585


You people make me sick. Sanctity of life? Bullshit. If dealing with this man's mental illness really mattered to anyone, why was he running around unsupervised with access to a firearm in the first place?

As an American taxpayer, it pisses me off enough that I have to pay for his trial, and I'll be really irate if my hard-earned money goes to pay for his care and "rehabilitation".

Why does he need a trial in the first place? Multiple witnesses saw him shoot those people, so there's no doubt as to his guilt. As for his "illness", see my above comment.

He should have been put away in a mental hospital when his illness was first identified. On his family's dime, not mine.

Mental illness should never be a defense for murder.

>> No.1451588
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Because human life is too often reduced and exploited perhaps?

I can tell you have never lived in a totalitarian state.

>> No.1451596

Human life can never be "reduced." It can just be.

>> No.1451597


some people are worth more to humanity as a whole. For instance, Loughner is much more important than the senator

>> No.1451617
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I never said anything about the sanctity of life.

But you don't care do you? You see what you want to see.

You don't care about justice or the truth, you just care about your money and your enthusiastically vicious emotions.

Paranoid schizophrenia is a disease of the mind, it nullifies reasonable control over your body and forces you to believe dangerous things.

>He should have been put away in a mental hospital when his illness was first identified.

So you'll punish a man for the direct errors of his family?

I thought /lit/ was better than this.

>> No.1451622

I don't know what "justice" is, or what the "truth" is.

I DO know whether I have money in my pocket and food on my table.

Don't denigrate everyone who isn't a sheltered romantic like you.

>> No.1451624

Paranoid Schizophrenia was also ruled as a disqualifier for capital punishment in 1986's Ford v. Wainwright. You're arguing a moot point.

>> No.1451625
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Don't be infantile, you know I meant the reduction of human worth by society and the state leads to totalitarianism and atrocity.


This thread is brilliant evidence for your argument.

>> No.1451635

hey, I'm all with you on that, but pragmatically, this ain't really possible. you'd have to prove beyond any doubt that they have an adverse effect on society, and that'd be a clusterfuck while this case is actually much simpler. He killed humans, you don't kill humans in society.

>> No.1451640

>post hoc ergo propter hoc


>> No.1451656
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>I don't know what justice is

No sir, you do not.


>Since 1983, over 60 people with mental illness or retardation have been executed in the United States.

>It is conservatively estimated that 5-10% of death row inmates suffer from serious mental illness.

>Research has shown that nearly all Death Row inmates suffer from brain damage due to illness or trauma, while a vast number have also experienced histories of severe physical and/or sexual abuse.

>> No.1451661

>What is the monetary value of life.

Provisions, clothing and property taxes from birth to death. With enough data, it could easily be tabulated. Did you know that in order to raise a cow for slaughter, it has to consume enough green to feed over 10 people for 10 years?

There are gross inefficiencies all over America, and not all of them are morally defensible.

>> No.1451667

>What is the monetary value of human life? How much would you be willing to pay to save the life of another?
hey, my friend learned that in one of his class not too long ago: in Canada it's around 4M CDN

>> No.1451669
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No, you are measuring the value of the assets required to live, not the intrinsic value of life itself.


Oh yes, because people have changed now, right?

Nobody would commit genocide nowadays, right?

>> No.1451674

You liberal blowhards are all the same. Fail to refute the central philosophical argument, followed by pathos and self-aggrandizement.

>> No.1451676


Pick one, dolt.

>> No.1451678

>intrinsic value of life itself

That could be expressed in Joules per Cell, I suppose.

>> No.1451687
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>he think's i'm a liberal!

I don't want to argue with someone who is apathetic towards his own freedom and for the higher pleasures of life.

>> No.1451692


It's only genocide if their mental illness is hereditary (genetic).

>> No.1451696
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It can't be expressed because it's infinite.

>> No.1451697

If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, and it dodges logical questions like a duck...

>> No.1451700


>Arguing with a Tripfag called Bazarov
>Either doesn't get the reference or is a retard

>> No.1451702

Execution of the mentally retarded was ruled unlawful in 2002, and as for mental illness, the supreme court specifically requires that the person understand why they are being punished, there are a whole bunch of types of mental illness and not all of the should be a free pass for instance antisocial personality disorder, depression, bibliomania, etc. But cases of delusions and psychosis situations where the perpetrator loses touch with reality and doesn't understand their actions are however protected from capital punishment. A schizophrenic who wasn't lucid cannot be executed so sayeth the supreme court. There is still work to do in proving the extent of his mental illness, which most likely will be the bulk of the trial, and that will decide what happens.

>> No.1451703

human life or all life? do you differentiate between the life of a human being and the life of an octopus, say? (octopi being highly intelligent beings, for non-humans at least)

>> No.1451708

Jumping in on the discution. I think he should be executed.

I. Because its legal.
II. Because even if mental ilness was the cause of his actions, then in my opinion that makes him all the most dangerous. There are people with mental ilness that never hurt anyone, but in this particular case, this particular men did, in a clear act of premeditation. So I say he is just as guilty as a sane "person", even if his mental illness made him do it.

III. Because its cheaper to execute him than keep him in jail for life.

IV. Because it makes him an example to other people. Specially the Sane people, that if they ever do something like this, they will undoubtedly be executed if caught.

>> No.1451709
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Genocide is only an example of what can follow if society negates the value of life.

Other things include torture, the reduction of freedom for people who are considered less important and abuse capital punishment for quenching the blood thirst and reducing the consciousness of people like this man:

>> No.1451713

Only a non-living thing could objectively qualify life. Since we are biased, we have to assume our life has no purpose, or face an existence based on reflexive delusions.

This deification of a chemical process is dangerous thinking.

>> No.1451714


>IV. Because it makes him an example to other people. Specially the Sane people, that if they ever do something like this, they will undoubtedly be executed if caught.

>thinks execution as a deterrent works!

Thousands of years of judicial history would like a word with you

>> No.1451715

The bible says "thou shall not kill".
I have always wonder if that means that christians have to be vegeterian. After all god only fed his "chosen" people mana (bread) which aparently didnt taste all that good since they tried to change gods... thats when god got angry and released the snakes. lol.

The bible can actually be very entertaining.

>> No.1451717
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I believe in the value of life of all self conscious animals. Some elephants have a greater degree of cognition than some humans.

Have you ever seen an elephant die?

>> No.1451718

No its not infinite, take for instance the fact that people will sacrifice themselves for others,

1 x value of life <= 2,3, or 4... x value of life
but also that we will risk the lives of several people to save an individual, firefighters entering a burning building to find someone, or saving private ryan type stuff
1 x value of life >= 2,3, or 4... x value of life

Clearly the only way this works out is if the value of human life is precisely zero.

>> No.1451719


And for all those people going on about working out the market value of a human life, no you can't. Stop pretending to understand economics.

>> No.1451721

>apply a vague and subjective definition of "value of life"
>cite disregard of this value as a bogeyman for all human tragedies
>offer no justification or citation

I don't usually post on /lit/, but do people here actually take you seriously?

>> No.1451722

well yea it does.
and using green text doesnt make your post smarter

>> No.1451723

he won't be punished; he will be executed

what would you rather society do? give murderers cookies?

a murderer forfeits the value of his life when he takes another's. if he's homicidally insane, that is two reasons to execute him, not a reason to continue his existence.

>> No.1451729

There was no indication that he suffered any disqualify mental disorder after that, possibly he suffered from diminished capacity intellectually, but the execution of the retarded wasn't stopped until 2002. I really don't see your point?

>> No.1451731


You realise that firefighters intend to save lives, not sacrifice their own don't you?

People who have chosen to sacrifice their lives for another do so usually out of a strong emotional bond, I think it would take an extremely altruistic person to sacrifice his/her life for a stranger.

However, the argument is invalid because governments should never favour one person over another when it comes to justice.

>> No.1451732

>a being fabricates a distinction between "self-conscious" life and "non-self-conscious" life
>affords one group of organisms more illusory rights

Hmm, I wonder where he'll put HIS species...

>> No.1451736

Can we talk about methods of execution? A few months ago I think a guy was executed by firing squad in Texas.

But he was just a common criminal. I thought firing squads were for honourable executions like enemy prisoners of war. Hangings are better suited for common criminals.

>> No.1451738


Because there was no crime before we stopped dropping people for breaking the law, right?

>> No.1451739

the thing is that you have to define what lucid is.

If the shooter said in court. I shot the congresswoman because she was jewsish and the attendants because they had been poisened by her ideas. Then I doubt that the mental ilness defense will work.

On the other hand if he says he doesnt remember anything, or doesnt even understands whats going on in his trial (or if he can fake it) then chances are he wont be executed.

>> No.1451740

Firefighters intentions are irrelevant they know that they risk their lives.

Second isn't justice by its very nature the favoring of one person over another? The judge or the jury rule on behalf of the defendant or the society that was wronged or a plaintiff. Someone is being favored.

>> No.1451742
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Someone who isn't self conscious isn't conscious.

For example, a human body may be alive but the brain may be dead. In this instance, we let the body die.


Can't you see how illogical it is? How absurd it is? What harm could come from keeping him alive?

If we could humanely study him, we could prevent such things from happening in the future as well as upholding the respect for human life that he could not.

>> No.1451743

Uh, he was mentally ill and executed? That is the point. Pretty much as part of a political campaign.
What do you think it is, if not a punishment?

>> No.1451744

that's usually done in Utah; they can select firing squad because it sheds blood, and some of them believe that shed blood will provide some forgiveness for their sins.

>> No.1451746


Justice is reparation for transgression. Not quite as literally as an eye for an eye, but that's still all it really is, even today.

Being imprisoned for an arbitrary number of years gives closure to the wronged (in theory).

>> No.1451747

Well, no. But I still thing is good to make an example. And I insist, death penalty prevents certain murders. Not all murders. But premeditated murders. Not suicide murder, like this guy was probably thinking on. But if someone wants to kill a congresswoman (or a federal judge or 9 years old) he will know full well that if caught hell be executed. So I think it works as a deterrant.

>> No.1451748

>Humanely study?
What if he doesn't want to be studied? doesn't want to take pills? Would you force him? reduce him to a labrat? Let him die a human being at the very least. Death comes to all men, do not debase him and make him dance around for our edification first.

>> No.1451749

from your remarks, i must conclude that you are an admirer of Dr. Mengele, for treating human beings as lab mice was one of his favorite things to do.

you can't find evil in an autopsy

>> No.1451751

>Hasn't read Fouault's discipline and punish
How come we don't hang, draw and quarter people then?

>> No.1451752

being executed is being removed from society to keep society safe.

it is not a punishment; if anything, it is a threat. kill one of us, and we will kill you.

only, you have to carry out your threats, or they become weak and meaningless

>> No.1451753


Because we've learned to find it distasteful.

>> No.1451754

You missed the point entirely.

Your definitions of "consciousness" are mere constructions, and your placing "conscious life" on some sort of ethically-protected pedestal is offensive to all living matter in the universe.

>> No.1451756

Because imprisonment for life is much more damaging to individuals psyche than all the physical punishment in the world.

>> No.1451757


I can't believe I have to spell this out: The judgement should not be biased or favourable towards any party. One party will be punished, the other will be vindicated. The decision making isn't favourable to either so that the outcomes will be unbiased.


He will be interviewed by two independent psychiatrists, they will be able to tell if he is really ill or not.

However I do not think there is much weight to an argument that Jared Loughner was of sane mind.

>> No.1451760

i gather then that you do not believe in evil, only sane and insane. let's see if you hold onto that belief when your spouse is raped and killed in front of your eyes.

>> No.1451761
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>your placing "conscious life" on some sort of ethically-protected pedestal is offensive to all living matter in the universe.

>> No.1451762

>However I do not think there is much weight to an argument that Jared Loughner was of sane mind.

You haven't even examined him. You're entirely unwilling to consider any possibilities but the possibilities you want.

>> No.1451763

>intrinsic value

>no obligation to appease the public
Of course there is an obligation. You can believe in an absolute set of rules which the court follow if you like, but they will always be affected by public opinion.

Why help someone like that? He's completely fucked - and it's not just an illness. It's stupidity, a dangerous kind of stupidity.

>> No.1451767
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I have stated throughout this thread that I do not deny the existence of psychopathic individuals.

What I do disagree with is their execution, however thank you for trying to reduce this debate with a crude, supposedly emotional image.

The person who has been wronged will be biased through their emotions.

>> No.1451770

hell, I even think that the difference between the living and the non-living will be proven to be very slight at best once the matter of how life came to be will be elucidated. This is why I don't believe that sentience, or even life, can be construed to be intrinsically more valubable than the non-living. In the end, the one major difference between calcite and humans is how complex we are in comparison. You wouldn't construe Liszt or Alkan to be more valuable than Schubert or Schumann would you?

>> No.1451772

Of course I wouldn't, but I'm not a liberal romantic like Truman Capote either.

>> No.1451773

oh right. should have dropped the 'you' or something

>> No.1451774

Are they now? How come people have gone to great lengths to talk about the distinction between conscious and unconscious? While any line that may be drawn is arbitrary, it doesn't make consciousness any less real; you're essentially saying "We don't have enough information, so let's just not think about this.", and that's not an argument.

It's analogous to Mills' argument of sentience; the question is not "do they think", but "can they feel pain".

>> No.1451776


It seems pretty concrete to me, the youtube videos he made, the cannabis addiction, the reports of other students.


>but they will always be affected by public opinion.

But they shouldn't be, because that's not justice, that is revenge.

>Why help someone like that?

Because he is a human being, and the data gained through analysis and rehabilitation could be very significant.

Anyway, executing him isn't the only alternative to not helping him. His life wasn't in much danger until now.

>> No.1451778

>How come people have gone to great lengths to talk about the nature of the Holy Trinity?

I shouldn't have to point out why your post is illogical.

>> No.1451780

With clever people like you in the world, one wonders why we even NEED psychiatrists and other medical specialists!

Know of anyone else on Youtube who's insane?

>> No.1451788

>Friedrich Nietzsche’s book “The Will To Power”
>Friedrich's sister put that book together


>> No.1451793
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You missed the point entirely.

Your definitions of "gravity" are mere constructions, and your placing "gravitational force" on some sort of scientifically-protected pedestal is offensive to all matter in the universe.

>> No.1451802


Professionals don't have a monopoly on information, he is quite clearly suffering from a textbook case of schizophrenia.

Also, I'm quite shocked anyone who thinks the unconscious regret their unconsciousness can call anything illogical.

>> No.1451803

>cannabis addiction
Truman Capote confirmed for 12 year old, Mormon, or DEA agent.

>> No.1451806

>hard science
>soft science

Pick one, troll.

>> No.1451809

>textbook case
Not that you've read the textbook or anything.

Just stop trying. Your ideals were obsolete last century, too.

>> No.1451812
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People can become psychologically addicted to anything, and it helps a great deal when it's as psychologically stimulating as cannabis.

>> No.1451815

He was into Hitler. He accepets any Nazi like babble.

>> No.1451816

You slightly misconstrue Nietzsche's meaning when he discusses nihilism. While you are correct in defining nihilism, Nietzsche voices contempt for those that live for nothing, not those that believe in nothing.

>> No.1451819

I forgot to cite the post which I was commenting upon.


>> No.1451821
File: 77 KB, 781x619, fucktehpolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You liberal blowhards are all the same. Fail to refute the central philosophical argument, followed by pathos and self-aggrandizement.

>> No.1451825


this to:


>> No.1451829

THANK YOU FOR JOINING THIS THREAD! It is refreshing to see that some people actually read.

>> No.1451836

While the example above works well for anyone who understands basic science (the gravitational "force" may or may not be a force like strong/weak nuclear and electromagnetic), can you even tell me the distinction between hard and soft sciences that isn't completely arbitrary?

>> No.1451850

>textbook case
Why spend eight years in school and four years as a psychiatry resident if all you need is a textbook and WebMD to diagnose someone you've never met?

>> No.1451852
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Capote lost me here, with the nosense about the animal cognition of elephants.

Other than that, he's absolutely right

>> No.1451856



>> No.1451862

I believe he is referencing a short story by Orwell, where he recounts a time, having been positioned in India, when it was necessary to kill a rampaging elephant.

>> No.1451867

>complains about the phrase "textbook case"
>knowledge from wikipedia
Because those things are fine for spotting a horse, but sometimes it's a zebra. And only through a decade of training can someone spot a zebra that looks like a horse.

>> No.1451871

>misses the point
>smug about it

You dropped your trip, Truman.

>> No.1451876

1. No
2. U Mad?

>> No.1451879


Why the fuck would I?

He's right, anyway.

>> No.1451894

>Why the fuck would I?

Because your platitude-driven arguments have been skewered again and again (by me and by others), which must be distressing for anyone with self-awareness.

>> No.1451905
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Okay bro

>> No.1451908

I think you'll find that's you broski. No need to get butthurt about being in over your head. Projecting much?

>> No.1451931

I still haven't read The Will to Power, but I heard Nietzsche expresses himself more bluntly in it.

>> No.1451953

pitiful samefag

>> No.1451959

Nietzsche didn't really write the Will to Power, it was assembled by his sister from his notes

>> No.1451989
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>Mr. Loughner would get up and write in his dream journal, recording the world he experienced in sleep and its possible meanings.
>embraced ideas about the corrosive, destructive effects of nihilism

>mfw I do the same
Congressman Steve Palazzo, here I come!

>> No.1452010
File: 10 KB, 200x200, Steven_Palazzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me bro.

>> No.1452121

So /lit/ how does it feel that Loughner had a hot girlfriend that you would never have.

>> No.1452127

Indifferent. There are a vast multitude of hot girlfriends that we will never have.