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/lit/ - Literature

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14514937 No.14514937 [Reply] [Original]

>fun fact about yourself
>current book

>> No.14514945


Was a skinhead for years.
The sorrows of young Werther

>> No.14514947

>i spent two years pretending to be asexual to find a gf in online asexual communities
>the portable jung

>> No.14514949

Mircea Eliade - The Sacred and the Profane

>> No.14514951
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>i'm unironically kissless virgin

>> No.14514959

used to play mtg at a professional level
gibbon's decline and fall of the roman empire

>> No.14514968

>loved the romantics until I accidentally ended up becoming Bukowski, the girls I loved, others fucked them
>Not So Wild a Dream

the book is easy a 10/10 though

>> No.14514981

I don't have a fun or interesting fact about myself

>> No.14515002
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>there's a bomb ticking inside my chest and cigarettes, alcohol, and anime are the only things keeping it from detonating
>the three musketeers

>> No.14515011

Nothing is fun about me

>> No.14515013

I once ejaculated while rubbing my dick against the back of my father.
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

>> No.14515022

>I once ejaculated while rubbing my dick against the back of my father.
damn, now THAT'S a FUN fact

>> No.14515026

that is not a fun fact

>> No.14515028

>My most erotic experience was cumming with no stimulation into a hospital pissbottle after a nurse helped pull my pants down so I could take a shit on the toiletchair
>between books, just finished American Psycho yesterday

based retard. How'd it work out?

>> No.14515031

never had a girlfriend
Against Nature - Huysmans

>> No.14515035

>killing women in video games gives me a boner, no interest in it outside of vidya though
>republic of plato

>> No.14515041

>I'm a romantic lover and I eat girl ass
>Virginia Woolf
That is a fact.

>> No.14515048

Did she notice you cumming or not? Are you paralyzed or some shit?

>> No.14515065

>dated a bi-curious lesbian once, never went further than kissing tho
>The Fall of Gondolin

>> No.14515066
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>I'm a ugly retarded faggot
>gravity's memebow

>> No.14515086

how ugly are you

>> No.14515089

i got somewhat close to one really sweet girl but it didn't amount to anything, which i'm glad about in retrospect seeing as she had basically no libido and i'm a borderline coomer

>> No.14515117

No but I had a quickly building erection while she pulled my pants down, which I very obviously covered with my hands and pulling my shirt down. She was walking out as I came, fuckin instacum soon as I stuck my dick in that pissbottle. I didn't even manage to take the shit I originally planned on because I was surprised to learn I was meant to shit in a silver bowl beneath the seat with a hole in it. So she might have thought me a pathetic coomer with a nurse fetish, the bottle was noticably cloudy too. Overall a good experience, would do it again. Not paralysed now, but my muscles were weak and shaky at the time after a poor reaction to new medication when I was 17. I was in the ICU and the rest of the patients were old people, so the cute nurses were probably thankful to have a cute patient like me.

Good job keeping your dignity coomer

>> No.14515118

>once walked through a tundercloud while working in moutains

>> No.14515133

>not getting gf is all about ugliness

>> No.14515134

how old were you

>> No.14515140
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I unintentionally met the Queen of England while I was tripping on magic mushrooms
The Spy and the Traitor

>> No.14515227

it was a guess, 10 years of inaction is interesting

>> No.14515235

>>once walked through a tundercloud while working in moutains
Tell us more

>> No.14515242
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Mihály Babits - The History of European Literature
It's an old book, but a classic of monograph writing in Hungary.
The way he writes so enthusiastically about world literature is great, and there is also the fact that you can trust the guy, because he read every single book he's writing about, in the original language no less! From the first time the muses were invoked to sing to when stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead.

>> No.14515252

Story time? Piggyback ride?

>> No.14515283

>ive opened for a couple of moderately big bands (200k+ likes/followed etc.)
>the epic of gilgamesh

>> No.14515285

I'm actually an iPhone
Morbus Kitahara

>> No.14515296

I don't like Coca-Cola
Florbela Espanca - Livro de Mágoas [Book of Sorrows]

>> No.14515322

I once slept with my fiancee's sister I'm a woman
The Ego and its Own

>> No.14515544

Fuck that sounds so metal.

>> No.14515550

notice how the guy kissing the grill is taller and has a better jawline then the one considering sudoku

>> No.14515572

neet for almost a decade, with no social interaction besides dealing with my paretns and occasional job interviews
Jung - Nietzsche's Zarathustra

>> No.14515586

I learned Japanese from playing hentai games
notes from underground

>> No.14515609

>I once took medicine that made me hear everything a half step lower (I have perfect pitch)
>Karamazov Brothers

>> No.14515616

I used to fondle women in tight packed clubs by resting my hand casually to my side and using my pinky rub their ass
The Cook by Harold Kressing

>> No.14515618

I like to sing anime intro songs when I take long walks in the woods
Nälkämäki by Kalle Päätalo

>> No.14515774

i had my first existential crisis at 7 years old
GAIVS JVLIVS CAESAR's commentaries on the Gallic wars

>> No.14515842

> My father doesn't acknowledge that he has a son. 3 years ago I made contact and remain close with my 25 years older half-sister, who I cherish dearly.
> The Insufferable Lightness of Being

>> No.14515853

>I used to fondle women in tight packed clubs by resting my hand casually to my side and using my pinky rub their ass
Holy based

>> No.14515857

Oh and I should have made it clearer, the son is me. I'm going to meet him in person in a couple of months and break his nose.

>> No.14515878

>4chan turned me into an unironic pedo (never acted on it, never will)
>Being and Time

>> No.14515886

> 20
> never done anal
> The Three Musketeers

>> No.14515889

still not over her
On liberty and other essays

>> No.14515904
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>I'm going to meet him in person in a couple of months and break his nose.
Don't lower your guard or the old man may punch you first.

>> No.14515920

- 26
- I'm an actual failure at life
- The Odyssey

>> No.14515921
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>When I served as a medic in the army(not US), the female medics were a bunch of annoying cunts and dodged work at every possibility without repercussions. Me and 2 other guys made a chore wheel of who has to cum/piss/put a little shit in their pasta sauce or whatever they were cooking. We did it for over a year without anyone finding out.
>Short stories by Chekhov

>> No.14515935

>Me and 2 other guys made a chore wheel of who has to cum/piss/put a little shit in their pasta sauce or whatever they were cooking.
Thanks bro. You did it for all of us.

>> No.14515973

Based datamining poster

>> No.14515974

>Either I'm being haunted, or I have schizophrenia and am experiencing sever audio hallucinations.
>Tropic of Cancer

>> No.14515981

>Fun fact
I want my life to be like a Clint Eastwood's main character, but it's becoming to look like 'A Confederacy of Dunces)
>Current read
'bout to finish "Freedom" by Franzen. Gonna start "Gift and Mistery"

>> No.14516008

I'm 24.
When I first got tax debt I went full libertarian. I told all my friends and family that taxation is theft, and when they disagreed I could only go, REEE!
Currently reading Siddartha

>> No.14516020

I guess pretty ugly. Not really sure. I'm a bad judge of those things.

>> No.14516061
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>Me and 2 other guys made a chore wheel of who has to cum/piss/put a little shit in their pasta sauce or whatever they were cooking

>> No.14516106



3/10, get out more

0/10 how fucking edgy, are you thirteen or what

9/10 can't wait to see you on the news


>> No.14516112
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I'm straight but I have no attraction towards breasts. I greatly prefer women who are completly flat chested desu. I also make survival kits as a hobby.
Submission by Houellebecq

>> No.14516151
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>My hair has a natural faint smell resembling vanilla that I really like. I put it in my mouth when nobody's watching.
>100 years of solitude

>> No.14516184

>ive been a neet for almost half a decade
>just finished capitalist realism, attempting to read fanged noumena but its too obscure for me.

>> No.14516275

What do you put in a kit? Sounds cool

>> No.14516288

i am the biggest liar on this world
the bible

>> No.14516291

> got my nipples pierced on a whim when my friend offered to do it free at her shop
> Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

>> No.14516298

>guy with pierced nipples

>> No.14516305

Because of #2, I don't believe you now

>> No.14516329

>I once barfed over three cuties in a Japanese karaoke club

>> No.14516362
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>Almost got arrested in Punta Cana, I gave the guards a 10 american bill to fuck off
>Les Misérables

>> No.14516372

Feels good man

>> No.14516485

Made my boss cry once
Forgiveness (Derrida)

>> No.14516509
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>I am a anglophile
>The complete fiction of HP Lovecraft

>> No.14516513

>as she had basically no libido and i'm a borderline coomer
Kek. She’s in the asexual community for a reason, you absolute dumbo.

>> No.14516517

> Writing no. 2
>Not greentexting about it

>> No.14516520

How? Did he forgive you?

>> No.14516532

>Be me
>Not greentexting
>Some pleb gets annoyed

>> No.14516539

>Using "pleb" like that
You must be new

>> No.14516540
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>> No.14516548

Was the day I quit my job. Went to him and explained him why he is an asshole.
I have never seen him again.

>> No.14516558

>I have no attraction towards breasts
I felt the same way before I lost my virginity.

>> No.14516575


I have a new desk
Little Women

>> No.14516578

I have a benign tremor, it makes it hard to do sit ups
the benedict option

>> No.14516594
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>fun fact about yourself
When I cook at home, I narrate what I'm doing like as if I'm hosting a cooking show.
>current book
Infantry Attacks by Erwin Rommel

>> No.14516597

>kissless virgin, not ugly but autistic, have turned down a few girls but regret it every time
>How to Change Your Mind
Any flirting tips from autists that aren't virgins? I'm a fucking giant and can tell women check me out occasionally but I have no idea how to flirt with them.

>> No.14516604

I have large canine teeth causing new acquaintances to call me a vampire
The Unknown God: Negative Theology in the Platonic Tradition

>> No.14516610

>Any flirting tips from autists
Pretend it's a game.

>> No.14516661

And what was his problem?

>> No.14516680

who says that chivalry is dead?

>> No.14516682

>I was born with one kidney
>Parades End

>> No.14516693

hot, can you describe it in prose
how have you and the sister maintained this precarious dance of sexual tension

>> No.14516709

>narrating your cooking
this is cute, ill gave a character do it. thanks anon
>infantry attacks
based, how is it

>> No.14516731

Fuck, get help my dude

>> No.14516734

It's kinda gay but it keeps me focused on timings and I think I have a fair amount of talent now because of it I think.

I'm reading the translated version, obviously, but it's surprisingly well written and captivating. Some of the descriptions are more technical than image-creating. But you feel like you're in the trench with him. He also has a knack for mentioning human loss as well as natural destruction as important parts of the war. It's almost like a novel and less like an actual memoir of his time there. It's really good. I want to read Achtung! Panzer next.

>> No.14516813

fucked up with final exams

>> No.14516829
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revealed the identity of the paa tal to a sixth density ciakar
lord of the rings

>> No.14516837

i keep posting this, its the best way to flirt. i used to ride the subway every day; i have done this countless times, had it done to me countless times, and on two occasions seen strangers, who were doing this, get off at the same stop (guy asks her to), having not spoken the entire trip (not easy during a packed rush hour train)

youre in a public setting and see a girl you don’t know.

1) glance at her from time to time. you want the chance to make eye contact. when you do, dont look away immediately; you need to signal that you “see” her. dont fucking stare or youll ruin it
a) if she immediately looks away, give it up. she either
i) finds you unattractive and doesnt want to signal that she wants your attention and/or look at you
ii) has something on her mind and doesn’t want to deal with other people
iii) wants to be left alone
b) if she meets your gaze for more than a second, she “sees” you and has noted you from among the crowd. this COULD be a signal. but you need to verify it:
2) make eye contact again. without being creepy, glance back at her from time to time. if you never make eye contact she is deliberately avoiding it — she might have spaced out staring in your direction the first time, and is thinking, “shit now this guy thinks im into him”
however, if you make eye contact again, hold it. you are unequivocally signaling you are interested in her.
depending on her personality, she’ll either
i) smile politely and immediately look away or turn her head — she is being nice and isn’t interested after all
ii) smile and look down or otherwise terminate contact without being dismissive: she is interested. play this game a few more times, but smile back each time. if she is interested it will be clear, she might even initiate the next eye contCt. one of you will break the ice by saying something stupid
ii) hold it, then look away before you do: she appreciates the attention but is timid (like most women). youre going to have to make the move, and it might be awkward for you.
iiii) start a staring contest: she wants you to approach her immediately and she wants you to fuck her (this has happened to me a few times. its pretty riveting)

the point is, eye contact is how we signal and all you need is to play the eyes game and smile to know if you should make a move to talk to her. it really is this simple

>> No.14516871

>I have an omelette named after me in a restaurant I used to work in in my hometown
>Anti-oedipus and Bleeding Edge
What's your band's name and how would you describe your music

>> No.14516921

succesfully in the midst of getting rid of a fetish
wounded by love by Elder Porphyrios

>> No.14516931

hp lovecraft was atheist nihilist not good

>> No.14516962


>> No.14516970


>> No.14517223

What kind of fetish?

>> No.14517236

>doing a lot of basejumping (jumping off cliffs with a parachute)
>Joseph and his brothers

>> No.14517344


>> No.14517413

Have you read it?

>> No.14517489

no, but i own it...
plus i wish i knew how to cook, it sounds fun

>> No.14517537

I'm just short of half way, you should really give it a try. It's excellent so far in my opinion.

Just start cooking, as bad as that advice sounds, you found your love of reading by just reading right? Same with cooking. Start with easy dishes like pasta and work your way to more technical dishes. Also, don't be afraid to buy things like meat thermometers and stuff that make cooking easier. Even professional chefs use them, it's a tool for accuracy and eventually you'll use it less but they are always useful.

>> No.14517567

i can't, i just hate being in the kitchen where someone might see me.

>> No.14517594

based book

>> No.14517603

Ok mr. Austist

>> No.14517617

>there's nothing fun about my life, I'm perpetually miserable with no friends, only ever had one sort of romantic friendship, once 4 years ago
>The Charter House of Parma

>> No.14517633
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>I won't be able to pay my rent this month
>Die Stadt (It cannot be stormed) by Ernst von Salomon

>> No.14517637

>fun fact
I have no friends or social life, but somehow managed to get married
Motorcycle Diaries

>> No.14517644

>I'm a sexsomniac
>Theodore Rex

>> No.14517651

bros, are there any good books about the lifestyle of serfs and medieval peasants?

>> No.14517718

Do it when no one is around.

>> No.14517757
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>> No.14517823
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>got memed into the worst dating relationship of my life, a tr*ns w*m*n, in my college years, t. lesbian, learned that male bodies are revolting and now my life is a waking nightmare since "she" wasn't good to me
>slowly working through zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, but i did finish a short shitty book called the minimalist vegan

Honestly now I need another book to read when I get tired of Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, might start reading about chess, but not sure yet.

>> No.14517835

>I suffer from serious mental illness.
>The Space Machine by Christopher Priest

>> No.14517836
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cringe manhater
based transhater

>> No.14517854

lol carpet muncher

>> No.14517871

I just talked to someone who is both a minimalist and a vegan, what in the heck

>> No.14517891

>i watch anime and listen to some metal but I will shit publicly on both because their communities piss me off.
>Meтpo 2035

>> No.14517894

>i fucked two women in one day (one being gf) in high school, and it’s been 4 years since I had sex
>the sun also rises

>> No.14517909

Mein Kampf is without doubt the first book I would try to save in case of a fire burning down my house.
A rebours — J.K. Huysmans

>> No.14517922

Nice book

>> No.14517939

>I hit the genetic jackpot and was diagnosed with both autism and severe social anxiety (on top of being butt-ugly)
>The Idiot

>> No.14517980

The Peasants by Reymont.

>> No.14518069

>in boarding school people would storm into my room at night while I was sleeping and hold me down, while twisting my nipples clockwise until they were blue
>Conrad: The Secret Agent

>> No.14518076

i feel like that doesn't really count because the gf sex is basically guaranteed. you can't really brag about fugging two girls in one day unless you met them both that day imo. though its degenerate either way

>> No.14518104

>I've had no friends since 2015 and I don't care to have any, anymore
>manual for IT

>> No.14518114

Also interested

>> No.14518120

post hairy muff

>> No.14518229

>i can sing in eight languages
>White Nights by dostojevski

>> No.14518363

>White Nights by dostojevski
Incel pride masterpiece

>> No.14518365
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>I killed two homeless men in the middle of the night for no reason

>> No.14518371

the tempest
I'm schizoaffective

>> No.14518390

That's the most counter intuitive thing I've ever heard.
>she had basically no libido
What the fuck did you expect?

>> No.14518404
File: 41 KB, 700x1042, surviving-the-horrors-of-greenland-what-no-one-else-is-willing-to-tell-you-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bendable shovel, knifes, hatchet, peanuts, matches, fabric, first aid stuff etc you know the usual. Just a hobby I do with my dad. I try to make them as compact as I can. Maybe sell a few if I can but honestly just fun going /out/ with them
I do have an attraction but just towards flat ones. I am a virgin but I did non penetrative stuff with a girl with big tiddies and I just find flat to be more aesthetic.

>> No.14518421

Used to slightly stalk a younger girl and take photos of her in secret. It wasn't really sexual I just thought she was so cute.
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.14518430

>killed two homeless men
ok fag

>> No.14518438
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>I regularly have rape and or necrophilia dreams

>> No.14518443

homeless women don't exist, anon. It wasn't a sexual thing anyway

>> No.14518444

Today one of my cougar fwbs told me that I have the largest cock she’s ever taken despite the fact I’m only 7”
Illuminatus! My dad gave it to me when I described the crying of lot49 to him

>> No.14518454

Why did you do it? How did you do it(like what weapon)? genuinely curious as I’ve contemplated doing it for fun in the past

>> No.14518510

living the dream

>> No.14518538

that book is so good and easy to read, did you pick up ghosts of my life?

>> No.14518546

>tfw one of the only wet dreams i had with actual insertion was with a zombie girl

>> No.14518553

this is true. Now that I think of I only see one homeless woman on a regular basis, and she looks like a malnorished crack addict. My thoughts are rarely sexual in nature, but I for one would rather murder someone pretty anyway. Now what's important is, did you kill them like Patrick Bateman tortures that homeless dude with the dog in American Psycho? Offer them help and then stab their eyes out?

>> No.14518577
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I'd like to preface this to stating that I was never a violent or "edgy" individual. I was a straitlaced, student council president guy at the time. I did a lot of volunteer work where I worked with homeless people. This was back in 2017, I was going through so inner psychological issues and I felt a very strong disgust and hatred for random people. My vision was pulsating and I kept ripping out my hair while hiding in my room. To alleviate this, at around 3-4am I took the train into London and brought pic related. Walked around with my hood up until I found a homeless guy (you recognize them by piles of clothing and garbage) sleeping behind one of those abandoned stores along the main roads and walked up to him sleeping. Stabbed it into his neck near the back in order to sever the spinal cord. He was some black old guy. He didn't wake up, some anons suggested that him not waking was a result of him being on drugs which makes sense. The second guy was some arab looking guy probably around 40. He was sleeping under a large bridge, he was sitting up so I thought he was awake at first so I tried to talk with him. He was actually asleep so I jabbed the knife under his jaw at an upward angle. He did open his eyes briefly, I wasn't sure if he made any noise since the water from under bridge was loud. I don't want to seem evil but the feeling was euphoric. Killing is wrong of course but the way it made me felt justifies it to me in this instance. There's no real risk in killing homeless people as long as you keep an eye out for cameras, even then it wouldn't matter, which is why i sometimes like to get it off my chest. I don't condone it but I can't help but recommend it if it's something you've never experienced.

>> No.14518579

kill a fucking porn director or abortion doctor if you're gonna kill someone you fucking shitskin

>> No.14518609

i recognize an alphabet soup nigger when i see one. are you fucking retarded? i would fucking report you to your manager if i knew how to contact him, come the fuck on man, at least use some subtlety for fuck sake.

don't respond to this CIA nigger if you're one of the guy who said he was thinking about it, but your IP is already being tracked anyway by now and so is mine. listen man, i'll kill you if i ever get y hands on you but come on stop being a bitch ass nigger and just come fight e and the other anon like a man for fuck sake. stop hiding behind this bullshit you pussy bitch. i bet i could take your scrawny glowing ass any day of the week lmaoooooo

>> No.14518620

Nice pasta faggot

>> No.14518626

I literally told this story once last march. Since when is it pasta or bait?

>> No.14518688

image doesn't show up in the archive CIA nigger, try harder next tie and maybe mr. schlomoberg will give you a raise. kek

>> No.14518708
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I bet you feel stupid now.

>> No.14518723
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str8 guy but I prefer to fuck traps over cis ladies
Storm of Steel

>> No.14518742

lo what i this supposed to prove? all you did was make fake timestamp with a different date. fucking kys nigger you can't even get 1 (one) insane autist to commit a mass shooting lmaoooooo. someone fire this retard already he' blowing your cover!!!

>> No.14518760

You better pray you don't become a homeless man in London or I swear to god. Watch out

>> No.14518764

you have actual paranoia, this is 99% chance of just being some anon making shit up

>> No.14518765

you can’t even see his face
Also the right one has shitty posture

>> No.14518775


>> No.14518783

Hello CIA, you can stop sending spiders to spy on me, I've finally trained my cat to kill them on sight.
Send Taylor Swift, then I'll tell where I've hidden the gold stolen from Alcatraz.

>> No.14518786

LOLOLOLOLOLOL get fucked CIA nigger. you can't even touch me! you don't have the balls or the jurisdiction! you're just a little cuck for the higher ups who thinks he's hot shit trying to get anons to kill homeless faggots!

>> No.14518799

what is your shampoo

>> No.14518803

How do people stay NEETS for this long?

>> No.14518804

vanilla extract

>> No.14518809

its weird how they're sitting on the part of the pool edge thats clearly not meant to be gone on because its tiny and there's no real path to get there. those chairs are just for decoration i bet

>> No.14518823

>alcoholic + coke addict
>Walden; Or, Life In The Woods

>> No.14518832

>dating a qt 16 year old

>> No.14518844

I prefer going out with pretty women and having meaningful conversations instead of fucking their brains out with no talk
Isaac asimov foundation and empire

>> No.14518856

Can someone translate this for me? He thinks Patrick Bateman is CIA bait?

>> No.14518865


>> No.14518873

I'm gonna tell her dad, he is going to beat the shit out of you

>> No.14518874

nice damage control nigger.
lol you're already fucked buddy.

>> No.14518879

>study biomedical science, specialised in genome modification, hoping to contribute to designer baby cause or further stem cell studies
>mythology by edith hamilton
the stories of Prometheus and Narcissus are my favourites, Zeus is a big gay boy and he sucks.

>> No.14518884
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was replying to

>> No.14518891

her dad doesn't mind actually, he's pretty cool guy

>> No.14518910

teach me your ways, senpai!

>> No.14518916

How old are you

>> No.14518935

I think it's clearly stated in my post

>> No.14518941

>>fun fact about yourself
>>current book

>> No.14519128

Yeah literally did not even pay attention also kys pedo

>> No.14519140

im a stem major but i fucking hate it
portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.14519236

stay jelly nigga

>> No.14519435

Lol this was me when I was 19 but I didn't hate STEM that much. What field are you studying? If it's any sort of engineering (esp computer science) then switch out of it.

>> No.14519473

>If it's any sort of engineering (esp computer science) then switch out of it.
Not him. But why?

>> No.14519482

>Jelly dating a literal child when in your late 20's
You are actually mentally ill. You cannot sincerely have anything in common with someone who is literally over a decade younger then you. Seek help or kys

>> No.14519489

I have a STEM PhD I will never use
The Napoleon of Notting Hill

>> No.14519492
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>im engaged to be married to a former twitch streamer. we've been dating for just under 4 years and been friends for longer. sex is nice, OP should get laid
>The Long Valley by Steinbeck

>> No.14519499

mother suicided when i was a mere lad
bhagavad gita

>> No.14519505

I have an almost 14 year old last.fm active account

>> No.14519551
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>I try to appear like a well educated but naive and pampered twink but actually I work in the trades (although a well paying one) and come from a grim poorfag background
>A Rebours

>> No.14519598

good choice >>14519499

>> No.14519612

I have a cyst on my right testicle
Augustines Confessions

>> No.14519638

>If it had occurred to me to spit on it I would have lost my virginity to cousin when I was little
>as I lay dying

>> No.14519662

I really give 0 fucks about an opinion of some random fuck on the internet, we have a good relationship and have a lot in common so go fuck yourself

>> No.14519676

same except for the twink part
>tfw abusive alcoholic hoarder parents

>> No.14519679

I have a small penis

>> No.14519688

>Once passed out drunk in snow on some private property in way below subzero temp

>> No.14519689

diagnosed Schizoaffective
Autobiography of a Yogi

>> No.14519699

Not him but also switched from engineering. It's a based profession but the schooling is more difficult than most other STEM degrees. There's also pressure to attain a PE, and if you fuck up badly you can kill people. It's not for everyone.

>> No.14519709

never thought I'd see someone reasing paramahansa yogananda. how're you enjoying the book?

>> No.14519718

>I was a drug dealer/user delinquent juvenile in HS

>> No.14519753

>fun fact about yourself
>people either tell narcissistic and/or depressing facts or trivial unfunny stuff that nobody cares about
brain/lit/s don't know what fun means, possibly aren't fun people irl too

>> No.14519761
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published novelist
Zakhar Berkut by Ivan Franko.

>> No.14519814


>I identify as incel. Although I frequently portray myself as the victim of a cruel, unsympathetic social dynamic on incel boards, my own self-loathing has compelled me to avoid sexual opportunities on many occasions. I like walking through torrential rains without an unbrella or coat.
>Putin’s Kleptocracy

>> No.14519848

It's long but I'm glad I'm reading it. I like how it tries to approach the secular world with scientific studies all while not cramming it down your throat.

I usually have a week of straight reading and then come back to it.

>> No.14519856 [DELETED] 

Sort of mixed of fil and chinese and therefore isolated from the others

>> No.14520178

>i still suck my thumb
>finished Madame Bovary, starting The Secret Garden

make sure you get yourself the COMPLETE book, though. i bought a collins book which turns out to be only book one; only noticed it when my ebook version is significantly longer. fucking book never mentioned anything about book two in the cover or back

that sounds fun anon

>white nights
my nigger

>> No.14520388

who helped you found out about the sexomnia

>> No.14520391

am a twin
Man in the High Castle

>> No.14520410

Is the other twin similar to you character wise?

>> No.14520420

Be safe Anon and don't smoke as much as I did at that age

>> No.14520439

Kind of but im a guy and shes a she

>> No.14520501
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worked on a bat farm for 2 years
moby dick

>> No.14520505

>I have a morons toe
>>Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

>> No.14520516

how do you find the musketeers breh

>> No.14520552

Criminally underrated. Guess people just don't want to acknowledge how prisoners of war were treated though.

>> No.14520592

how are the Karamazov?

>> No.14520638

>I'm a Duke who suffers from MDD
>Modernity and Cultural Decline: A Biobehavioral Perspective

>> No.14520658

By MDD I meant maladaptive daydreaming. Didn't realise it's an acronym for other disorders as well.

>> No.14520823

>Hit the genetic jackpot. 6"3' good jaw, hair etc. Huge dick. Somehow also autistic.
>The Hunger Artists

>> No.14520826
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>like taking long walks in the forest at night with no light
>pic related

>> No.14520992


>> No.14521028

No one is born with one kidney, your parents sold it when you were born and lied to you.

>> No.14521055

>There is a statue of my grandfather outside a sports stadium

>> No.14521056

>Snorted heroin and shot mudslimes in the jungle at age 8
>Nancy MC Williams: psychoanalytic diagnosis

>> No.14521125


>> No.14521213

I stopped hating my self last year
Wisdom of life

>> No.14521232

Why are you reading that book? Studies?

>> No.14521270

Curiosity mostly

>> No.14521285

Im asking that because it was my last read book.

>> No.14521332

Kind of hilarious how almost everyone here ignored the dude detailing his murder of two homeless men

>> No.14521334

I have never drunk any cola in my life.
The Story of Mayta

>> No.14521343

You never came across the /b/ motto, did you?

>> No.14521346

based, followers of Artemis are the hottest things ever and every story that mentions them is about how they avoid getting raped

>> No.14521351

I regret having masturbated with strange boys and this one girl online a lot.
Mythology E.H.

>> No.14521352
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>i like this girl but i always ghost her because i have the big stupid
>The Symposium

>> No.14521353


>> No.14521463

>have spent several semesters not having a conversation longer than 3 minutes.
>misc Dostoevsky novellas

>> No.14521483

I still have not learned how to tie my shoes
Moby Dick

>> No.14521524

I've been putting it off forever, is it as boring as I'm worried it is?

>> No.14521546

I'm not the anon you're asking, but I lost interest in whale fun facts when I had read 1/4 of the book

>> No.14521744

its comp sci. i would switch but idk what to do, im not good at anything else

>> No.14521831

maybe your whore mother lied to you or does not even know which john is your father.

>> No.14521835

My ex once tried to murder me

>> No.14521840
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>>I never look people in the eyes too long, I'm afraid they'll discover the truth about me
>>Hunger by Knut Hamsun

>> No.14521851

I made a female boss cry. I also got fired by HR.

>> No.14521856

what did you do?

>> No.14521861

I prefer small or flat chests. I find breasts attractive in an instinctual way, but I believe small/flat to be aesthetically superior and that is very important.
I have the most refined taste on earth desu.

>> No.14521866

Yes it. The author was probably retarded. I can't imagine anybody normal Who would write a (pretty smaller for it to be real) list of depictions of whales throughout History. That's a whole chapter.

Do yourself a favor and tick it off your list. You will avoid wasting a lot of your time.

>> No.14521873

Greentext on the second fact would be greatly appreciated

>> No.14521875

once i realized that everyone around me isn't even a real person life became much easier.

>> No.14521887
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>Im a furfag
>Moby Dick

>> No.14521897

Me too, anons. Glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.14521901
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>Once I knocked out my brother
>Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

>> No.14521902


>My ex tried to run me down with her car as I was walking home from school and came within inches of succeeding

>> No.14521913

>I unironically want to become the biggest director of the 21st century
>Kabale und Liebe by Friedrich Schiller

>> No.14521951

Consider reading Fitzhugh's Cannibals All! for a 19th century advocation of slavery and serfdom over wageslavery

>> No.14521967

What is the truth?

>> No.14521974

I raped her

>> No.14522021

very based, anon

>> No.14522047

there is nothing wrong with 16, in fact it's the best age.

>> No.14522064

can i have her number?

>> No.14522065

>What's your band's name and how would you describe your music
Band broke up, It was technical death metal though.

>> No.14522075

All I really did was berate her for be incompetent, rightfully.

>> No.14522091 [DELETED] 

>I have yet to meet a woman who I did not find repellant after learning about her
>Eugene Onegin

>> No.14522155

Name a band that has similar style and sound to yours

>> No.14522199

I think I have crippling avoidant personality disorder which is really affecting my life for the worse
Martin Eden by Jack London

>> No.14522213

>Navakavada Buddhist
>the Atthakavagga, translated by Pannobhasa Bhikhu

>> No.14522234

>freshly 18
>was molested at a young age and I don't struggle with sex anymore.
> Geology for dummies/Words of radiance.

>> No.14522244

How'd you become a Buddhist? I'm interested ever since I read Osamu Tezuka's manga about Buddha.

>> No.14522270

>I learned that a girl I'm friends with but have not seen since she went to college became a caricature of a shitlib whore, and now I'm both sad and disgusted. This is the third and closest one. (any books for this feel?)

>> No.14522646

Berlin? We should join forces

>> No.14523064

I'll be okay I just need to live in my head less and get off of this underwater basket weaving forum

>> No.14523237

i have no interesting facts that i want to share
lord of the rings

>> No.14523282

i saw a homeless woman in scotland who was absolutely beautiful. i couldn't believe my eyes.

>> No.14523301

porn director and abortion doctor? what shit choices. killing a homeless person is a selfish disgusting deed but when it comes down to murder thats probably the easiest way to get it done if you're curious. that or travel to a 3rd world country.

but if you're actually gonna kill someone for a moral deed kill a world leader or someone who destroys the environment. or literally any bad guy on a list of shit people who are free. like that navy seal Trump recently pardoned.

>> No.14523309

>I can transmute desires into reality if I get certain conditions correct
>The Life of Pi

>> No.14523326

>like that navy seal Trump recently pardoned.

>> No.14523374

the war criminal

>> No.14523425

what did he do?

>> No.14523439


>Having to part with the woman who I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with.
>Brothers K.

>> No.14523453

in my city lots of cute young people pretend to be homeless for money.

>> No.14523460

>The Life of Pi
very cringe

>> No.14523471

killed a couple sand niggers

>> No.14523496

god i wish that were me

>> No.14523622

>I once witheld from jacking off to get a wet dream. It took more than a month, not worth it.
>The madness of crowds

>> No.14523635

I was visiting family in Aberdeenshire (I'm from Canada) and my cousin suggested we take some shrooms and walk in the forest near Balmoral. We take some, wander around for a while, make a picnic. About mid-trip just after the peak, we see someone riding a huge horse in a field and stop and marvel at the size of the horse, and it saunters over to us and we notice the person riding it is flanked by a couple people. When the person gets to us we realize who it is and kinda freak out as we both don't know what the protocol is (do we bow or kneel?) but she says hello to us and we say its a beautiful horse and get to pet it. She doesn't get off and trots on. We were just standing there in awe. It was really nice

>> No.14523653

Stuttgart, mein Bruder. We'll meet at the top.

>> No.14523757

Why don’t you like it? I’m 3/4 done so I can’t back out now. It’s alright, I wish I would’ve read it when I was 13/14 because I disagree with alot of the ideas in the book.

>> No.14523767

>100 years of solitude

All is excused.

>> No.14523834

How many hentai games did that take and could you describe the process?

>> No.14523860
File: 129 KB, 250x418, 1502118904932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me, my brother and my cousin once showed our dicks to this 20 year old guy from up the road when we were pre-pubescents, and he showed us his dick. I remember this distinctly despite being like 7 or 8 and the incident not making any impression on my innocent mind only because I recall being weirded out by his pubes, because I didn't know what those were. My brother and I only came to visit my cousin and we didn't live on that road, so he and the 20 year old guy were together alone a lot of the time playing pokemon and shit; I wonder sometimes what they might have gotten up to or rather what the older guy might have gotten up to with my cousin, and also where he is now since he moved out of his grandparents for unknown reasons years later. When I think about it there really have been a lot of times in early life that I have avoided being outright molested.
>Oswald Mosley's autobiography

>> No.14523971

>I could have had sex with my older cousin when I was 8-something years old, if I knew what it was and how to do it. She would often tease me, flash her tits and vagina, ask to see my penis when adults weren't looking. When we were playing alone we would get very physical and get under the blanket; sometimes play mom and dad. I would get instinctive jealous of her when another boy came to play with us in those stupid birthday parties. I will still have sexuals dreams about her sometimes, but in out child forms. She's not even that attractive nowadays. Let me tell you, Freud and his successors were into something. Not that mommy gf bs, at least not for me, but children are far more sexual than we are ready to admit even to this day.

>> No.14524006

yeah well you got sexy loli cousin I got fat pedarast faggot up the street

fuck you flexing on me nigger

>> No.14524007

Yeah if you are like 20 it's not as weird but when you are nearly 30 it's disgusting

>> No.14524024

Lmao I didn't mean it like that. I was just getting it out since I can't talk about this with anyone irl.

>> No.14524060

Maybe it’s because her body is in her prime for making children at that age???? Also a woman’s interests will become yours over time. So yes, we’d have alot in common.

>> No.14524110

>I sat here for 20 minutes thinking of something interesting about me
>Leviathan Wakes
Also anyone have thoughts/read The Fifth Science (yes, Exurb1a's book)

>> No.14524119

And still you failed.

>> No.14524121

We 20 year olds need to team up and start a business!

>> No.14524181

>the girls i loved, others fucked
how poetic, also tragic

>> No.14524186

This reads like someone who has never been with a women in his life. Get out of your parents basement.

>> No.14524221

Ad hominem

>> No.14524245

>I have a lot of "joke" fetishes that my friends make fun of me over (piss/femdom/mommy kinks etc). They dont realise i enjoy being teased about them more than any of them. The attention is pleasing.
>Bhagavad Gita

>> No.14524255
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>> No.14524256

"waaa adhominem waaa its invalid because of muh falicies" fuck off and shut up this isnt your university undergrad debate class

>> No.14524334

Allass, pår Yorick! Aj nju himm, Horatio; ah fellou ov innfinit jest, of måst eksellänt fänsy; hi häff bårn mi ånn hiss bääk ah fausand tajms; änd nau, hau abhårred inn maj imajination itt iss! Mai gorsj rajsess ätt itt. Heer höng doos lipps datt aj hähv kissd aj nöu nott hau oft. Wheer bi your jaibs nau? Joor gämbolls? Joor sångs? Joor fläshes ov märriment, vhät wöör wånt too sett dhe täjbell onn ah rår?

>> No.14524354

based schizopost

>> No.14524391


>> No.14524404

Tell me true anon. Hunger, is it good? I'm writing a piece on consumption and it's on my reading list.

>> No.14524434

Ok jealous fag

>> No.14524437

Where do you live generally? I want to karaoke with the Japs.

>> No.14524442
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>> No.14524459

Good for you anon

>> No.14524492

ok roastie

>> No.14524507

So this is what peak coomer performance looks like >>14515117

>> No.14524519

Ok /lit/ describe this event in your finest prose

>> No.14524535

He went on the internet and lied. It was not even a good lie. The end.

>> No.14524574

>how to stay incel: The complete dating guide
>chapter 1: Eye contact autism

>> No.14524786

This is my fetish

>> No.14524847

>Left engineering school to go into healthcare instead. Constantly compare myself to historical figures even though I am mediocre. Live at home with parents.
>The C Programming Language, Wealth of Nations

>> No.14524977

>Constantly compare myself to historical figures even though I am mediocre
The most similar Napoleon and I ever were is when he's at his absolute lowest, when he's an angsty teen in Paris writing about being lonely in the crowd and wanting to kill himself. In the biography I read the author made fun of him for this

>> No.14525297
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>> No.14525321

Stop being such a pseud

>> No.14525428

> Recently Invited to an orgy being a virgin
> The trial

>> No.14525448

I wasn’t wrong

>> No.14525539

I don't even know or care about what you're arguing about but saying Ad hominem like that is the most embarrassingly pretentious things you could have done

>> No.14525635


>> No.14525650

The thing people don't understand about ad hominem is that it is a LOGICAL fallacy. It is thus invalid when used in logic but not in rhetoric.