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14511464 No.14511464 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, which one is *really* sent by God?

>> No.14511468

Holy shit fucking kill yourself, you ant, you utter fucking ant. I despise people like you. I LOATHE YOU! Your entire post reads like some obese faggots precum (summoned by accident out of his own love for himself) dribbled onto a page and congealed into the trite I see before me. Fucking hell. GOOD GOD MAN! You vein little sycophant, you vile little sindwinding fart sampling supercilious little desk goblin fucking subhuman midwit fucker. I can literally imagine your room, superficially dressed up to try and impress people, your very ordered and intentional little desk layout, skewed to make you seem like some passionate yet laid back artistic youth, I can imagine you hunched over with your smug fucking face gasping and applauding yourself as your vile little goblin fuckhead brain spits these words out. Fuck you. Fucking CUNT. FUCKING LITTLE BITCH PSEUD FUCKER DONT YOU DARE POST HERE!

>> No.14511540

The Book of Mormon

>> No.14511551
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Utterly baffling that people still take the ramblings of inceloid, schizophrenic goatherders from the bronze age and antiquity seriously in 2020.

>> No.14511555

my diary desu

>> No.14511558

t. Muslim

>> No.14511568

>This is what Muslims actually believe.
I'm reading them both now. I'll tell you when I finish and find out.

>> No.14511572

Why not? People orient their lives around the most utterly pointless shit. Might as well be an old book

>> No.14511579

Not the one that plagerized the Bible. And itself.

>> No.14511585

the one that didn't twist and plagiarize the Tanakh

>> No.14511588

Based and not-completely-delusional-pilled.

>> No.14511595

Is it really so baffling? These religions for what they have worth have sustained countless millions throughout the centuries, through plagues and wars (granted, some of which they directly caused). They inspired some of the most aspirational and timeless art and architecture, weaving a whole life-world around its images and tenets. Through some kind of selection process these religions have risen above the rest and their very persistence speaks to their adaptive utility.

>> No.14511596

Lol, muslims actually believe that all copies of the bible have been fraudulent since the arrival of the Quran

>> No.14511606

we still believe it was sent by God when it was revealed.

>> No.14511725

The Bible is the true word of God.

>> No.14511731
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Does it not sound like mankind to fuck up something twice? The Torah and Injeel both got rewritten cus some fuckheads wanted power. God let them throw it over their shoulders so that He could punish them and perfect His religion. Islam.

All your favorite Prophets were Muslim (submitters to God). Some of them may have been black. Deal with it.

>> No.14511765

>God's word can be corrupted by man
what a pathetic failure of a God

>> No.14511811

The amount of cope in this post...
Muhammad literally came up with the Quran because he wanted power lmao, he provided zero evidence as to how the Torah or Gospels were corrupted/distorted/rewritten other than "Allah told me so, in secret, with no eyewitnesses". I doubt he could even tell the difference between the Torah and a phone book (given that he was illiterate). There's also absolutely no proof of an "Islamic" Torah or Injeel EVER existing.
As for all my favourite prophets being muslim, I agree, they were all muslims (in so far as they all submitted to God), but they certainly were not filthy Mohammedans.

>> No.14511820
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88:2.9.But it does represent real evolutionary progress to advance from the fetish fear of a savage chief's fingernail trimmings to the adoration of a superb collection of letters, laws, legends, allegories, myths, poems, and chronicles which, after all, reflect the winnowed moral wisdom of many centuries, at least up to the time and event of their being assembled as a "sacred book."

>> No.14511824

who hurt you

>> No.14511827

I think you responded to the wrong guy.

>> No.14511831

Just checked. Definitely responding to the right person.

>> No.14511834

yeah how could people still read that fucking retard named plato

>> No.14511837

I was just making sure
to answer the question: no one

>> No.14511841

t. believes everything materialist propagandists say

>> No.14511964
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Neither in the sense you mean. The divinity communicated in holy texts is fourth stage baudrillardian simulacra, with no meta-awareness or hyperreal semantics. Those books are not holier than any other, they are not inherently closer to God for their subject matter. Organized religions are LARPs and social tools, spiritual fast food for the monkey on the go.

>> No.14511975

I submit this shitpost for God's consideration.

>> No.14511982
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This one, anon. You know it deep down in your heart.

>> No.14511984



>> No.14511990
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The wisdom of god surpasseth all understanding.

>> No.14511999
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>> No.14512434

Dont @ me

>> No.14512436

90% of the Moral values are the same between them both anyway, there are some superficial theological/metaphysical and Traditional differences which only matter to Hylics

>> No.14512474
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We have surviving pre-Islamic gospels that refer to Christ as the son of man and son of God. They crayon was cobbled together and written by committee. Theres a reason it's a fucking mess.

>> No.14512483

The Quran is prettier checkmate infidels.

>> No.14512498

You need to boil the insanely complicated mysteries of scriptures and God into a dogma for plebs for faith to mean anything, that's the job of religion. It's all fine and good if you can become closer to God, and find a proper mode of being, but it's all worthless if you're surrounded by monkeys fucking.

>> No.14512502

>man was made by God
>man is corruptible

>The Bible was made by God
>The Bible...isn't corruptible?

Think about it.

>> No.14512510

He provided logical argumentation. He urged people to think about the traditions critically rather than take them at face value. He angered people because of this.

>> No.14512521

One is top down, imposed by new rulers often by violent overthrow. The other is bottom up, converting the slaves and common folk until the rulers have no choice but to convert

>> No.14512526

cop out answer to cover your azz

>> No.14512552

Why did he take 11 wives when shariah says 4? Why did everyone he angered also mysteriously separate their heads from their shoulders? What is the logic and evidence that the gospels were "corrupted" when all the surviving texts from the early church translate basically identically? What exactly does this corruption entail?

>> No.14512558

I agree if you concede the Quran and everything from man is corrupted as well

>> No.14512577

>Although mostly all men are corruptible, Jesus Christ or certain prophets may be totally not corruptible

>Although mostly all books are corruptible, the Quran may be totally not corruptible

Yes, everything from man is corrupted. But the claim that's being made is that the Quran isn't a book that comes from mortal men. It is said to come from God.

>> No.14512583

only because kings realized they could utilize them for their benefit

>> No.14512591

people read plato, they dont bend their knee to him like you abrahamic feet kissers

>> No.14512605

What do you mean by the shariah? Do you mean the hadiths? Those didn't come about until 300 years after the death of the Prophet.

He preached peacefully in Medina for 13 years and only went to war a short period of time.

The logic is that there cannot be a Triune God. We are all intrinsically confused about a God that is presented in 3 parts. It gives the impression that there are 3 gods. It's convoluted in a way that diverts from the traditional understanding of God from the Jewish people, as ONE God and ONE Personage of that God.

As for the evidence, all you have to do is ask a textual scholar for the original manuscripts of the gospels. Even the most religiously devout textual scholar will tell you...there are no "original manuscripts." Everything we know about the gospels come from copies of copies of copies of copies, and there are slight variations between all of these. Mostly, these variations are minimal grammatical and spelling errors. But in the aggregate, we can start seeing serious differences that does alter the text in meaningful ways.

>> No.14512828

>alter the text in meaningful ways.

Alter it from what? From the hypothesized Muslim ‘Injeel’? The gospel stands up to scrutiny a lot better than the Koran does.

>> No.14512843

The New Testament is the word of God.
Old Testament is only partially the word of God.
Quran is completely false and the word of Satan i.e Jibril
Quran is the best one though.

>> No.14512847

>What do you mean by the shariah? Do you mean the hadiths?

He meant why did Muhammad allow only 4 wives but take 11 for himself. Obviously he was a self-serving charlatan, a hypocrite, and a false prophet.

>> No.14512872
File: 57 KB, 640x426, mark of jibreel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Jibreel adept.

>> No.14512877

Because 11 & 4 = 114, the number of Surahs in the Holy Qur'an.

>> No.14513025

retard. He had 13 wives in total, and he didnt have them all at the same time. He only ever had 4 at any given time. You can marry more after one has passed away

>> No.14513059

this. still will remain monogamous though

>> No.14513316

>The gospel stands up to scrutiny a lot better than the Koran does.
Citation needed.
>The gospel
lmfao. which one?

>> No.14514515

>muh insanely complicated mysteries
This is cope to handwave nonsensical prescripts and moral axioms that have fallen out of fashion.

>> No.14514598

> God can't protect his Holy Books but he will this time!
> The Quran is co-eternal with God, but we have pure monotheism!
> Surahs about how Aisha didn't cheat on Muhammad and how God wanted Muhammad to marry his adopted son's wife are not opportunistic at all

>> No.14514613

"Some Orientalists have alleged that it has been touched up in order to bring the language to the standard of perfection set by the pre-Islamic poets. In that case we must suppose that these purists in their revision have paid no attention to the extremely primitive rhymes of the most recent Suras and above all that they have passed over slight faults of grammar and style which it would have been so easy to rectify. (Qoran 20, 66: inna followed by a nominative; 49, 9, dual subject of a plural verb.) In 2, 106; 4, 40-41, the predicate is singular in the first clause of the sentence, and in the plural in the second although relating to the same grammatical subject. In 27, 61; 35, 25, passim, Allah speaks in the third person; then, without transition, in the first. Thus in 2, 172, the celebrated philologist Al-Mubarrad read al-barr instead of
al-birr, in order to avoid this singular construction: ‘piety is he who...’ In spite of all this there is no occasion for surprise in the fact that the Qoran, especially the Medinese Suras with their more polished phrases, less interspersed with ellipses and anacolutha than the pre-Hijran ones, has served as the standard for fixing the rules of national grammar...

The editors of the ‘qirav’a mashhura’, or textus receptus, worked under the domination of a servile scrupulousness for tradition. Otherwise they would not have been able to resist the temptation to improve, by means of equivalents readily furnished by the lexicon, the poor rhymes terminating the verses. They would not have scattered broadcast through the collection, sometimes in the course of the same Sura, groups of verses which have a logical connection. They would have tried to delete or tone down the principal repetitions and tautologies which make its bulk unwieldy. Revision after the author's death would have modified the verses relating to Zainab (Qoran 33, 37), and brought into agreement the differing versions of the same prophetic legend. In the enumeration of the prophets it would have separated and distinguished between those of the Old and those of the New Testament, and such a re-editing would have brought consistency into the story of Abraham's relations with Ishmael and Isaac, which are completely dissimilar as related in the Mekkan or the Medinese Suras. In deciding what order to assign to the Suras a critical revision would at least have adopted some criticism less primitive than that of length. Above all, it would have cut out the most glaring anachronisms: the confusion between the two Marys (19, 22), between Haman, minister of King Ahasuerus, and the minister of Moses' Pharaoh (Qoran 28, 5-7, 38; 40, 38); the fusion into one of the legends of Gideon, Saul, David and Goliath (2, 250, etc.); the story of the Samaritan (sic)who is alleged to have made the Jews worship the golden calf (20, 87, etc.). The Qoranic Vulgate has respected all this, and left everything exactly as the editors found it."

>> No.14514618

Technically, Neither.

>> No.14514658
File: 83 KB, 868x960, 1572331786930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.14514965

The right one, in both senses of the word.