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14507979 No.14507979 [Reply] [Original]

>I ain't giving up
>No matter how bad things are, or will get, I will not fall into the pit of pessimism, defeatism or cynicism.

/lit/, what are some books that can help support my beliefs?

>> No.14507986
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Yes, be a good wagie, and endure! I can recommend "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson.

>> No.14507992

Marcus Aurelius

>When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own – not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me.

>> No.14508053

The Bible tbqh desu.

>> No.14508074

Why would you be positive? There is absolutely nothing positive about this world. I have long ago given in and have become a shell of hatred.

>> No.14508084

go skinny dipping in a lake with your gf and try to remain miserable

>> No.14508086

Nobody cares what a midwit like you would think
>b-but there's nothing to be positive about!!!!!!
You're so fucking lazy you can't change what is making you frustrated with this world. How pathetic

>> No.14508093

Anything by Chesterton or C.S. Lewis would be a good start

>> No.14508107

Guys, I have completely understood morality. In all its beauty.

However, what makes it real? That is, apart from biological imperative?

>> No.14508115

The forms. Same way numbers are real, your mind and soul are a tool for interpreting it and spreading it into the universe.

>> No.14508119


>> No.14508148

So in the Neoplatonic sense of the independence of the ground of the world in the possibility manifested by necessity of the good, an exterior construct, also obviously imminent in and as nature?

Also math is real, just for the living.

>> No.14508152

I suggest you look at old people who have worked all their lives , endured and in the end they have nothing, their bodies are ready to die and some of them still work because they have to. Many of those guys done the same thing, told themselves they will not give up their entire lives. And they didnt, at 70yo they still dream of "making it"

>> No.14508161

>and in the end they have nothing
>at 70yo they still dream of "making it"

>> No.14508167

>However, what makes it real?
Inquisitiveness. Our freedom comes not from our ability to choose, but question ourselves and the world. Following the question mark will take you far.

>> No.14508185

Anon, the question of freedom isn't exactly relevant here but it does provide some valuable Heideggerian insights.

>> No.14508203


>> No.14508234

Your assumptions are highly subjective and at best reflect your own current feelings.

History has said otherwise. Do you think Frederick the Great died with the feeling of nothing?

>> No.14508290

For every Frederick the Great there are 10 million lowly men who wageslave their entire lives. Most people are insignificant and achieve nothing in their lives, you can tell yourself you wont give how many time you want but if you werent born lucky you wont make it.

>> No.14508322

>Not what we have But what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.
With all our own plot of land, we can do much.

>> No.14508507

>I'm the most powerful person in this empire. And so no one can hurt me
This is what he actually said to himself every morning

>> No.14508528

Hesse's Siddhartha